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Is actually anyone encoding the video? Swordless told me he gave the m64 to Aktan a few days ago and according to Swordless Aktan would do a HD encode of the run. As I didn't get any updates since then and no one encoder came to this topic claiming the encode I have the feeling nobody is encoding anything at the moment :/ The video on youtube was encoded by myself because I finally wanted to submit the run. I've actually finished the TAS almost 2 weeks before submitting. As I'm still hoping for an awesome encode (in the best case HD quality), I'm keeping my youtube video of the run unlisted. The sound is pretty bad and at some time at the end of the run you can actually hear me clicking on my PC for almost a minute. The youtube people have been waiting even longer for the run now so a good encode is very important to me within the next few days.
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the thing is 20 minutes is a little bit misleading. 16 of those 20 minutes are only cutscenes.
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I made some screenshots, they are not that good imo but maybe you like a few of them:
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abeshi timed wrong. look at the video, the last input is at 48:20, but as he cut out the intro the time is more like 51:30 or something
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sadly, there are some huge problems with zelda's birthday. you can't TAS it because Mupen keeps crashing after the intro. This can't be avoided as far as I know. On the Zelda IRC we investigated Zelda's Birthday a lot 2 years ago, this run was the result:
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it seems that this mupen+ guy is the same kind of a lazy ass like this guy doing that MM TAS :/ bloob, would you mind telling me the improvements for the any% TAS? I'd really like to know them.
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2:28, what an awesome time :D glad I could help you guys with this a bit. the run itself looks really clean, so how could I not vote yes?
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hmm, so how does the glitched route look like now? I thought of something like this: - first level - Macro Zone level 1 death glitch - Use Pipe Glitch to finish Pumpkin Zone level 1 - Re-enter level 1, get mushroom, pipe glitch - End screen glitch the question now is, whether it is possible to finish pumpkin zone level 1 with pipe glitch so the game treats it like a finished level, thus letting you leave the level via pause+select. for some reason it always differed to me if I remember correctly. sometimes it was a finished level, sometimes I could only go to level 2 without level 1 being treated like a finished level. same thing for macro zone level 1. but here I remember, that it was possible to finish the level via the normal exit. it's to the right of the shortcut exit in the Out of Bounds area, I think. I'm pretty sure, normally the game always treated level 1 as a finished level then.
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I watched the new TAS and I have to say awesome job andymac and especially you MUGG ;) always wanted to see this game broken like this. but isn't there a quicker route? couldn't you finish level 1 in macro zone with the pipe glitch activated by dieing in the beginning? then quickly finish the level 1 in pumpkin zone? I can imagine this to be quicker. or is there something I'm missing?
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I'd say we also have to differentiate between using the inputs of a run in progress and finished run ;)
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nice to see you understanding me, tub. but you said noone was arguing about the route and tricks being copied. I meant to do that in every post of mine. it's actually the only real reason, why I am annoyed. abeshi just took the route I created and the tricks and strategies I found and made a quick TAS out of it. of course, there's nothing wrong about it, everybody is allowed to TAS whatever they want when they want. but now to say it a last single time. you guys are not supposed to agree with me on that- it's just again how I am feeling. the only reason I've been searching tricks and strategies, creating routes and finally TASed the game was to see me submit a TAS, that shows everything new I have found for the first time in a full game TAS and to see you guys being impressed by it. I did not work on that to see people now being impressed by his TAS. no reason to understand me, but that's how it is. sounds childish, it may is, but ok. and tub, you said uploading WIPs didn't really help for my TAS being completely new in the end. I know this, my subscribers wanted to see something after the long wait, so they got something. and yes, there are a few minor things that will make my run better. about input trick discovery thing: if input wasn't copyrighted in some way, I could just download the m64 of someones TAS, change nothing and call it my work. trick discoveries are something like knownledge everybody has to be able to have access to. input is material, something like a picture I painted. you can't take my picture and call it yours. bad example, but best I could come up with^^
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Sonikkustar wrote:
Grunz, Seriously. Stop being such an insensitinve racist prick. You just assumed that just because he finished this TAS, he would automatically submit it here. I also understand that he hexed a lot of your WIP to use in his run. However, you shouldnt act so childish and complain about it in every post you make. I cant believe you even call him a troll after he posted his apology. That was just plain rude.
I never called abeshi a troll. it's always the same, people manage to get the worst out of my posts possible :/ the troll was for phallosvogel, who even wrote "troll mode out" in his post. other than that, I gave serious criticismn. I said, the run is pretty well done with a few improvements left to be made. I also said, that I'd be happy about abeshi's run if I didn't work on my own one. I was in no way racist. all I did was explaining, why I am not really happy about the run. that's all, I explained my point of view, that I just saw an badly optimized version of my run and that the viewer without too much Majora's Mask experience doesn't realize a huge difference. thus all my work feels like a huge waste of time now. another thing I said is, that abeshi profits more of my work on the route, tricks etc. now than I do myself. this is debatable, but you know, all the work was done to pay off when I submit the TAS, now it won't really pay off anymore. I never assumed he'd submit it here, neither I would block a submission no matter what. all I said is, that he used my inputs without asking for permission and giving credit anywhere. that's not ok, he even apologized for that. neither did I ever say anything racist against abeshi. all my posts apart from the first one where about the run and how it effects my work now. get your facts right, sonikkustar. I know I'm german, but that doesn't make me racist. I hope this did have no effect on to your post about me ;)
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ok, tub. next time you post a m64 of a TAS you are working on, I'll just download it and go on with it without telling you. then 3 months later I'll upload the TAS and don't tell anybody, that I used your inputs. if I had finished my run already, it would have been a completely different story. and no, trick discoveries is in no way comperable with input. and something else. maybe you can understand then, why I'm not happy about that TAS. I've been working on this TAS for 1,5 years. all my research was done for it. All that work on discovering the routes, strategies, tricks etc. can be seen in the end in this TAS and was supposed to pay off at this moment: The Moment I finish the TAS and let everybody see it now abeshi arrives, reads all my routes, watches all my trick and strategies videos, downloads my TAS and quickly puts a new TAS together. this way he gets this "pay off moment". the only reason why the MM TAS was supposed to be that enjoyable to watch was the fact, that we could see so much new stuff there. because of this fact I kept searching and searching every day to make it better and better. I doubt many people put so much work into one single game. and now abeshi's TAS has this awesomeness factor of having all those insane tricks for the first time in a full game TAS and my TAS is just going to be a more optimized version of something we've all seen many times already. if I wouldn't be working on the TAS myself, I'd be happy to have someone like abeshi finally do it, but this way it is a punch into my face. it's like everything was a huge waste of time. you guys won't understand any way, so I'll just stop right here ;) Edit: Since yesterday I'm working like a moron on the run again. Expect it to be finished until february.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
Question: How was he able to hex your input in, if it is on another version and a game formerly stated unhexable because of the desynchs and luck manipulation? /trollout
trolls who have no idea about the stuff they are trolling are by far the best ones. as long as there is no text somewhere, small areas can always be hexed. you can't hex a long part. he hexed in some small sections ;)
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
422,000 rerecords and a simple but obvious oversight like that is still in?
hmm, not sure if this is the true rerecord count? did you actually invent that count for your joke or did you read that somewhere? abeshi is good at hex editing, as you can see by looking at the way he hexed some stuff in. the optimization level is pretty low (he probably TASed this using a controller), so I'm sure he also edited the rerecord count to make it look better than it actually is. some people can be tricked with something like that, we all know this. one thing bothering me is: whenever he hexed some stuff in from that old m64 I posted in this thread he always always changed something useless, that doesn't affect links movement. for example taking the "Shield-button R" out, where I pressed it for 3 frames out of fun. this actually seems to me like he tried to hide the hexing :/ maybe I'm completely wrong here, but that's the way it looks to me.
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we are on topic and we are not even bitching.
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synx, I was annoyed about the other statement you did:
and Grunz: sorry, but it seems to me that you are just jelaous that he managed to finish such a high-quality run.
this sounds to me like that: "this guy kicks your ass all day, he did the best TAS ever, you could never beat" the thing is, did you ever think why I'm taking so long to finish the run? Maybe it is because I'm putting my heart into it every day to get the finest out of the game possible. and then you come here telling me, that I could never beat a TAS, that seems to be done with a controller in some places. that sounded a bit harsh to me, you know ;) other than that, Abeshi downloaded an old m64 I posted here, that made it until woodfall, I think. He used this m64 to hex in a lot parts without asking me for permission. he hexed in: - the beginning of GB - whole South Bay section - the first FFWW - the beginning of Ikana Canyon Abeshi has to do the FFWW twice. the first time he used my inputs. if you watch both of them side by side, you'll even realize how the first one has clean movements and angles while the second one seems to be pretty chaotic. the difference is remarkable ;) don't take the stuff I said too seriously, synx. I was in rage when I wrote that and your post made that just a million times worse ;)
These words are the soundest ones so far. Come on, people, see the situation better. There's no law that says someone is prohibited to TAS a game that's being worked on. I really don't see what's the problem with him uploading his run to nicovideo. He showed no intention of submitting the movie to the site so far and he's already being accused of stealing input (without an emulator movie to prove afaik) and being called a thief who can't optimize a movie.
if you read my criticismn about the TAS, you'll realize I'm not hating the movie at all. I actually like it. there are many improvements left to be made, but the author did a nice job. only thing pissing me off are those people not realizing the improvements. not realizing those improvements is the one side, but telling me then that I'm just jealous because I couldn't do such a run is the other one. and that's what synx did.
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you know my WIP on youtube saves a minute of that TAS? you are just too dumb to see the obvious improvements that are obviously there. I can post a comparison video, I'm quicker everywhere and he even uses my inputs and some places. he hexed my stuff in without asking me!
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so let's give some serious criticismn: apart from the goth strategy, which is really cool, the TAS pretty much uses all the strategies I posted on my youtube channel. thus he doesn't do much routing over the whole run. there is one route improvement, though, which saves 10 seconds. he uses the strategies of the WIP I posted and the ones shown in my most recent videos. he executes them pretty well, but still loosing time all around due to minor optimizing making him loose like 1 minute over the whole run, which isn't too much actually. there are lots of strategies I kept secret, especially the ones of Pirate's Fortress, where my WIP is something around half a minute quicker than him. GBT was well done, I think like a second can be saved, but not more. He turned out being able to come up with his own bomb saving strategies here and there, so he figured out how to save 1 bomb when climbing Stone Tower, a strategy I haven't published yet. I'm actually going to do it a bit different any way saving a second. STT was done pretty well, too. the swimming should have been replaced with a Jumpslash Water Slide (Abeshi did not figure out how to dive when doing a Super Swim), which is pretty much the only improvement. A death warp out of STT could have been done instead of warping, which can save 2-3 seconds. Alltogether, the run is not that bad at all. It can be improved by 3 minutes, though, by doing some simple optimizing and using better strategies all over the place.
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<_< those god damn japanese. don't even think about telling that guy to submit it here. I should be able to save 5 minutes of that, although he has text advantage oh man, I'm out going on with the TAS, maybe the kind of motivation I needed
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yeah, lots of dumb school stuff to do other than that, this shit keeps desynching and desynching, last week the m64 killed itself out of no real reason. I promise to finish it, but please allow me to take as much time as I need, ok?
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buuh ya, my favorite GB game finally TASed. awesome job, already loved your 100% run ;)
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this is by the far the best gaming related thing I've ever seen. those strategies, they almost blew my mind. everything is so damn amazing, nothing is normal, so creative. gratz for finally finishing this monster of a TAS ;)
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no, we won't have light arrows on B. if we were still in 2006 we would, but fortunately, those times are over :P
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