Posts for MrGrunz

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Synx wrote:
Slowking wrote:
Synx wrote:
What is the differences between that and a TAS-route? I guess a TAS would skip the guy who stops u from going to the deku tree?
Yeah skipping Mido is basically the only difference at this point. There is actually not that much to redo from the previous TAS, but I don't think Grunz wants to, at the moment, and everybody else would have to start from scratch. So yeah...
What is Grunz up to atm? I always imagine him being busy as the lead programmer of microsoft or something
Yeah, that comes pretty close to what I do when I don't feel like TASing. Bloob and I are working on the run at the moment. As we are trying to do a real frame war, the progress is rather slow.
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r0bd0g wrote:
I gave jbop the impossible challenge of using that OoB to warp to Bongo. Good luck, jbop :p.
Speaking about that: What happens if you void Wrong Warp in the Fire Temple Boss Room? EDIT: I checked myself and theoretically it warps you to Lake Hylia, if I'm not totically mistaken. Kind of pointless.
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Slowking wrote:
MrGrunz wrote:
I was talking about any% like most people here. Those Gohma physics are quite weird, especially the most recent clip through the stone wall/block. That OoB thing might really only be possible using Gohma. You have to watch a video of it, then you will see.
Yeah but I was talking about 100% as can be clearly seen in the post you quoten. ;p Even if only Ghoma can push you oob, maybe you could kill her with a chu at the same time...
Bombchus can't hurt Gohma and you have to stun here before anyway. Give it up, my friend :P
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Slowking wrote:
MrGrunz wrote:
You misunderstood. You need Gohma to push you OoB, so this is completely useless.
100% has chus. I would be surprised if a push from ghoma worked but not a push from an explosion. Otherwise you could let a chu run around, to kill ghoma right after she pushed you.
I was talking about any% like most people here. Those Gohma physics are quite weird, especially the most recent clip through the stone wall/block. That OoB thing might really only be possible using Gohma. You have to watch a video of it, then you will see.
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Slowking wrote:
A tas could ofcourse do that. Can you do this clip as child, is the question on my mind. I Kind oft doubt it. If you could you use a bolder to hit you. They hit people trying it with a bomb in That Palace quite a few times.
I'm not sure, that this works. IIRC hanging of ledges "resets" the Z button, so you can't keep your angle locked.
Slowking wrote:
r0bd0g wrote:
GaS was able to get OoB by doing this clip and getting pushed by Gohma at the same time... I'm not sure it's possible to kill her and also do it though, and also I worry that gohma wouldn't finish dieing in time, if that's an issue.
Does jumping into the void after Ghoma is defeated get rid of the stone slab? If so that should be usefull for 100%.
You misunderstood. You need Gohma to push you OoB, so this is completely useless.
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Patashu wrote:
Link to video The Urn. I think this makes every single OOT category faster?
how did he get into that position in the first place?
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Alright, you guys are insane. I will start working on a new run this week.
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I don't have much time to TAS at the moment, but seems like GlitchesAndStuff really wants to force me to do a new run :/ Gohma Room Escape is definitely faster, it should be possible to save a lot of time over G&S's attempt. 2-3-1 Skip still can't be used, due to the door being closed once you leave the boss room. It would be faster by 2-3 seconds, if we could use it, though.
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sonicpacker wrote:
Pheenoh wrote:
MrGrunz wrote:
Is there some secret sub 5 TAS in the making, that noone is allowed to know about until it is submitted, so you can blow all our heads completely away? Yeah, that has to be the reason why nobody is answering my question, I'm sure.
Or maybe those working on it are too lazy to post?
Or one is working on it. <_<
but snark's most recent run still improveable using the bowser dance and maybe some other stuff?
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Is there some secret sub 5 TAS in the making, that noone is allowed to know about until it is submitted, so you can blow all our heads completely away? Yeah, that has to be the reason why nobody is answering my question, I'm sure.
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We discussed this moat door thing many times already. Can someone simply answer the question I asked about the (upcoming) 0 Star TAS, please?
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Wasn't there a new 0 Star TAS supposed to come around within the last months? If I remember correctly, the bowser 1 battle could be improved, just like BitFS. Snark uploaded a few (pretty sure, it's a few) improved 0 Star TASes on his channel, in which he (and some others) massively improved BitS and also BitFS. Not 100% sure, if BitFS included the improvements found by the people from here. Neither did it include the improved Bowser Battle, which confused me the most. So did Snark already include all the new strategies without me realizing it or is there still room for further improvement? If so, are we going to see a new run within the next time?
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Holy shit, this is surely getting out of hand out of a sudden xD
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WiiUltimate wrote:
Thanks, guys! You're words Truly mean alot to me! I have Already spent some Time researching ocarina of time and I came across a good TAS for Reference by Guanobowl. What kind of Tools and Hardware do I need to start TASing though? Thanks in Advance.
As an experienced OoT TASer I can only tell you: DON'T TAKE GUANOBOWL'S RUN FOR REFERENCE! EVER! Guano's run is not only completely outdated, he also does a lot of things (movement wise) that are very slow compared to the newer tactics. Using his run as a refernce you would assume many things as optimal, that are actually completely bad. Taking Swordless Link's MST run or my any% run would be a much better idea. Edit: How can anybody even consider Guano's run as a refernce? It's hard to even find it on this website, because it is so old and has been improved so many times. Smells more and more like a troll.
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yeah, pretty sure he used save stats. He doesn't even mash his sword, he only uses it right before ganon appears and that's the way he does it all the time. He is either the luckiest guy on earth or yeah, he used stats.
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The Bottom of the Well section of the 100% TAS done by Sam, MrGrunz, MTA, Fox and Lilkcough1: Bloob said, he is also going to join soon.
Post subject: Re: Debate: allowed or not?
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SmashManiac wrote:
- Pressing Up+Down or Left+Right on controllers that don't normally allow it
Maybe I am completely wrong, but I'll simply throw this thought out: Let's say a game runs with 60 input frames per second and 30 visual frames per second. That means you have 2 frames of input for each visual frame. Wouldn't it be possible on a real console to hold right on frame 1 and left on frame 2 with light speed reflexes to make the game register this as pressing left-right at the same time? I only TAS the N64 Zelda games and as far as I can tell such a logic would not work for either of them, the game would simply use the input given for frame 2. But couldn't this work for some games out there? Just wondering.
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The Any% TAS finally got published:
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Fixed the download link. Sry for that.
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The Any% run is ready to be published. Everything left we need is a decent screenshot. The run is pretty short and doesn't provide much footage for awesome screenshots, so I'm not really sure on which one would be a good representation for the it. I made a folder with 10 different screenshots and it would be cool to receive some feedback, which one you like best:!cpMhTaAC!OHWNwxxYzjI0QJSVDbIx5mIXonokPEehRdOBZ07rdeQ I decided to post this here, because I'm pretty sure more people attention to this thread and not the 3,5 months old submission thread.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
Meshidaru wrote:
The bitches who voted "no" could argue to explain their choice... Oh wait, they're cowards and haters.
I voted no after reading this post.
You broke my heart.
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I've onkly read the first post of this topic, so sorry if I repeat something that has been mentioned already. I haven't been able to run AoE 2 HD on my PC due to be playing on a computer with Windows XP 32-bit like many others, but this problem seems to be fixed now, because suddenly I start the game. I guess this should apply to all people that had the same problem as well. From what I've heard the game crashes during some campaigns, but maybe that has been fixed by now. It also lagged quite a lot when I played on my friend's pc online. They were also dumb enough to remove the LAN-function. Alltogether, I'm quite disappointed about the game, because I was expecting a lot more from the online multiplayer function. It is still too early to want your money back, though, because I'm positive that they are going to fix many problems within the next days.
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Alba wrote:
MrGrunz wrote:
Compilation video of Task 7 of the TAS Competition: Lots of good submissions this time, the OoT TAS community is getting a bit bigger! We are also going to start the 100% run soon. We haven't decided whether to get Map/Compass/Boss Keys yet. They add a lot of extra work to this already insane project, which is a huge downside.
I might participate in the next task. How often do you post tasks on ZSR?
Not too often. There probably won't be a new task for now, but I will ask some people if they want another one and if there's enough itnerest I could host yet another one for now. @Slowking Finally get your lazy ass to the IRC, we want to plan the route. We actually have a decent beginning, that you will probably love ;)
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Compilation video of Task 7 of the TAS Competition: Lots of good submissions this time, the OoT TAS community is getting a bit bigger! We are also going to start the 100% run soon. We haven't decided whether to get Map/Compass/Boss Keys yet. They add a lot of extra work to this already insane project, which is a huge downside.
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So does this include all the new improvements? Didn't see Bowser dancing.