Posts for NESAtlas

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It was more of a quick band-aid fix rather than a true emulation of the effects since (I believe) most of the older systems don't even have the ability to adjust opacity levels. If you really want to recreate it faithfully, then you'll have to play with the RGB values most likely. It takes a lot more time to figure out, but it's definitely possible. EDIT: Here's a video where I heavily modified RGB values on the map to try and emulate the lighting changes. I'm happy with how it came out :) Link to video
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Spikestuff wrote:
Well I attempted a map with Adobe. I have no idea how to replicate the fade in... because bomberman fades from dark. This is the TAS which was used. Obviously I didn't go for High Quality because it was a mini test. Link to video
Looks great! To get the fade-in effect, you should create a solid white layer underneath the map, then simply adjust the map layer's opacity from 0% -> 100% in time with the video.
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No no no, you guys have it all wrong... this is how you do a Resident Evil supercut: Link to video
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This might not have been published, but it works great for an atlas video: Link to video
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Great job guys! It was awesome watching this unveiled live.
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Sega Atlas: Stage 1 Area 1 Link to video
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I enjoyed making this one: Link to video
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I used the first level atlas-style: Link to video
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I couldn't ignore this game much longer... NES Atlas: Snake Rattle N Roll (Aglar's Speed Run) Link to video It also pushed the limits of my encoding knowledge (pretty slim) and forced me to learn VirtualDub. This video was uploaded at 2160p (point-scaled from 1080p), x264vfw lossless, YV24, 2.87GB.
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This is what I kept watching during those long walks:
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I use After Effects so even if I had camera positions I couldn't do anything with it unless I changed programs. Others have implemented automated tools with LUA though and have gotten pretty good results: Here's partyboy1a's example: Link to video Here's samothethief's example: Link to video
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I used a section of Aglar's TAS for this: Link to video
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This was picked up by Destructoid.
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Ilari wrote:
AndyDick wrote:
Okay, I think I finally have a preferable solution to handling YouTube's sub-par encoding issues. I came across CamStudio's lossless codec while preparing to create a time-lapse of processing an atlas video and the results were quite nice.
Are you claiming that by uploading videos compressed using Camstudio Lossless Codec, you got better quality from Youtube than with lossless h.264 (x264) of the same resolution?
Well first of all I don't understand the intricacies of codecs and how to use them properly so don't take my word for it, but yes I did see better results of using CamStudio's lossless codec compared with inefficiently using x264. I say inefficiently as I'm almost certain I was using it in a sloppy manner by taking raw exported footage from After Effects and putting it through Any Video Converter with x264 on default settings. The end result was glitchy, flickering footage on YouTube as well as YouTube doubling the complete runtime. I also think the colorspace was wrong, but perhaps I had it incorrect before then to begin with. Either way, I'm a codec n00b and the camstudio solution was push-button easy with acceptable results.
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Bisqwit wrote:
AndyDick wrote:
Whoa! I had no idea that Snake Rattle & Roll makes so neat a global map. I want to see the whole thing :-)
Definitely the perfect game for an atlas video ;) --- Okay, I think I finally have a preferable solution to handling YouTube's sub-par encoding issues. I came across CamStudio's lossless codec while preparing to create a time-lapse of processing an atlas video and the results were quite nice. The only downside is a much larger filesize, but I can live with this as long as it looks nice in the end. So here's two examples of encoding a 2160p video using camstudio's lossless codec: NES Atlas: Making of (Time-Lapse) Runtime: 4 min 45 secs Filesize: 2.33 GB Link to video NES Atlas: Fester's Quest (Demo) Runtime: 2 min 58 secs Filesize: 1.5 GB Link to video Good thing I have access to a fast internet connection at work. These took around 5 hours combined to upload.
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I've been back at it the last few days as I'm preparing to finally put together a tutorial video as well. At the same time, I'm also trying to get the quality that YouTube re-encodes to be as high as possible which puts me in this kind of workflow: 1. Export Atlas Video from After Effects (Uncompressed, scaled to 2160p) 2. Encode export in Any Video Converter (H.264, 8,000 bitrate, AAC, 2160p) 3. Upload .MP4 to YouTube This does appear to enhance the resolution from YouTube playback. Here's some comparisons between the original upload (DivX, 1080p) with a remastered version (H.264, 2160p). Here's 480p: Here's a 720p comparison: And finally 1080p at fullscreen: Pros: Enhanced resolution Cons: Artifacts more present Colorspace incorrect? Glitchy visuals (watch this between 1:15 and 1:25 for example) Obviously I can't control how YouTube re-encodes uploads, but I'm hoping to at least stop the glaring glitches while hopefully maintaining the sharper resolution. I've got more testing to do like doubling the bitrate or trying 60fps, but I'm not so sure about which options to use for H.264 with Any Video Converter. I'm thinking this is where I'm doing something wrong as each new "remastered" video I upload with this workflow causes YouTube to double the total runtime (it plays through once fine, then starts over with no sound). When I get out of work I will post the default H.264 options being used: [EDIT] level_idc=13:nocabac:no8x8dct:ref=2:me=umh:bframes=0:subq=6:trellis=0:weightp=0 I must be doing something wrong so if anybody has any suggestions and wants to give me a hand please chime in!
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mklip2001 wrote:
Nice job with making an Atlas video of this game! However, the "Insane Edition" thing isn't really that interesting with this one. The problem is that the looping video part doesn't have any of the small triangle ramps, so the biker's not getting "insane" speeds that this run is more known for.
Ahh yes, my main goal was to get the actual looping transition to be as subtle as possible (my preferred style of "Insane Edition") and not necessarily to show off the TAS. With that said, I suppose I should have kept this posted under the atlas thread rather than bumping this one.
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NES Atlas + Insane Edition = This Link to video
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I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. Here's three more atlas videos: Link to video Link to video Link to video
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Thanks! And my PC troubles are now over as I've just finished building a new one. I've also found a complete backup of my work-in-progress files as well! It's been a good week :)
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NrgSpoon wrote:
It's been pretty much a year, but have you ever felt like making more of these again? I started thinking about how I'd love to see one made for Snake Rattle n Roll.
Yes! I've just been having PC troubles for the past few months. It started with my hard drive dying which took a few atlas projects along with it: Deja Vu Snake Rattle N' Roll Excitebike (all tracks concurrent like my Lolo video) Desert Strike (Genesis) Metal Storm (with Parallax BG) Most of those were close to completion as well *sniff*. I have made various backups of my projects, but I still do not know if any of those above were saved. So now I'm trying to get my PC running again. I'm on my 2nd replacement hard drive and just learned today the issue is likely elsewhere. I suspect the power supply or motherboard since trying to install Win7 fails while trying to copy OS files to hard disk (I brought the HD to work today and it appears fine). The 1st replacement HD worked for 2 weeks, then my PC failed to boot to OS. It's been pretty frustrating to say the least. Any troubleshooting ideas are welcome!
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Lex wrote:
This is great except for the 4:3 parts being stretched to 16:9!
Yeah I kept going back and forth on that one... it looks okay during the turrent shooting scenes, but not so much for the trash compactor, etc. Some of the atlas scenes aren't 1:1 either actually. If I had extra space horizontally and/or vertically than I stretched to fit. Mainly because of YouTube compression... which you already know about ;) Still want to download a good-quality version? I'll upload one for you tonight if you do.
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To celebrate my 1-year anniversary I've used Aglar's entire speed run: Link to video
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