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So is this run going to become basically a zip a thon like the current run, but with the added bonus of having to sit through the special stages to get there, and instead of seeing the tile sets for each stage scroll by with the levels music, we get to enjoy the Super Sonic music? Not understanding why this was restarted to not include Tails. I would have thought thats the last thing that people would have a problem with being too similar with considering where we are now. I would have thought the point of doing the special stages would be to see Super/Hyper play through the levels. Something which the current any% Sonic run does not. Still these might just be the ramablings of an anti zip (or whatever the correct term is.) fanboy.
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marzojr wrote:
  • I am thinking that getting those two emeralds in Hidrocity 2 just isn't worth the time it takes; after all, there are two giant rings practically on the way in Marble Garden 1.
Suggestions? Comments?
Going out of your way to get the first big ring in Hydocity 2 did seem a tad slugish when it came to getting back on track, having to jump on those spinning platforms due to loosing your momentum... Not that I am remotly qualified to say if was ultimatly slower or not. If it means anything I am pretty sure the last attempt at making a 100%run here, unlocked Super Sonic in Marble Garden 1.
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DDRKhat wrote:
Here was my route. If anyone cares
Mind posting your wip?
ZeXr0 wrote:
The goal of the movie could be, Get Super Sonic as soon as possible Finish the game as soon as possible (after getting super Sonic)
With that thinking it might just be better to use the in game sound test code to start in Emerald Hill Act 1 with all emeralds.
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The workings of Emeralds RNG (Random Number Generator) were found and posted here. Catching shinies will be in there somewhere if you look I bet.
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FuzZerd wrote:
same special stage multiple times in order to get max score.
I have no idea how it only just occured to me that you could 'fail' a Special Stage to abuse it for points. Still, I would not repeat Special Stages, as it is the same as hitting all those badniks on Green Hill 3, then jumping down a pit and repeating the process. But I just had in mind doing basically what your doing now but in the Special Stage. Point collection vs Speed Bonus management then complete the level, by hitting the signpost/emerald rather than loosing a life/hitting a goal sphere. No idea if it be worth actually doing it though. Bouncing around the Special Stage grabbing all the rings sounds impressive to me on paper... no idea in practice however. And I do not see the need to go back edit them in... You will probably be getting 50+ rings in every stage right? You could still be done by Labyrinth Zone act 3? Anyway curious how the rest of this turns out. Looking forward to the next wip.
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No Special Stages? Wont be able to get every point in the game without them...
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AngerFist wrote:
I am going to work on this game. Before I do, please tell me if there are any tricks to be known...
No idea how 'basic' you mean, so just incase... When using the pistol if you duck when firing you have a faster firing rate. When in the Standard Metal Slug when ducking you throw bombs rather than firing the cannon. You get some invincible frames when jumping out of (and into?) a slug. Might not be the case with the cammel though. Becoming fat, ("uh oh, Big!") has no downsides. In fact its a good thing as your weapon power increases. (No idea by what factor though.) ... What goals do you have in mind for your run?
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How useful/easy to make, would 3 'quick and dirty' test runs of the first level/ten seconds of the first level, be to pick the best rule set?
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mmbossman wrote:
Any links to those movies..? This guy has pretty much every type of run, for all(?) of the 2D Slug games.
Post subject: Re: The Simpsons
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alden wrote:
playaround, with all 4 characters at once.
A big yes please from another kid who wasted far too much money on this. Usually on my own though, so no idea what the combo attacks were like. Ah memories.... ...why the hell did Moe have a bar under a graveyard?
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Acheron86 wrote:
it feels to me like SM64 TASing has already seen most of its brokenness. It's hard to believe there's much less to do.
I would have thought that any other 'big' find must just be effectivly a 'press this to win the game' button. In that the next 'big' any% TAS of SM64 wont really be a TAS of the game at all. Just, 'intro' 'glitch' 'credits.' And I can not see that grabbing the attention as of many people that your standard run would.
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MissileWaster wrote:
roosevelt would be DK, drakkel and sovietwaffle (studio) would switch off who plays diddy since they wouldn't stop arguing about it, rock tumbler would be lanky, cherrydoom would be tiny, and i would be chunky.
You realise that I will now have the mental image in my head of your lps consisting of a group of chimps huddled around a computer. Though it will be odd seeing Cherrydoom as a blonde, and drakkel and sovietwaffle sharring a body between them. The rest of you work perfectly though.
Derakon wrote:
I believe his point on costs was that you were posting something on a forum that is free (TASVideos), the implication being he recognized you from the only particularly well-known non-free forum.
Yeah. Easier to say hi on here than trust myself with a credit card.
MissileWaster wrote:
so whenever an emulator comes out that plays this game well enough for us to do it, yeah, we might lp it.
Rockin. Well in that case keep up the 'wishfull thinking' everyone!
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Raiscan wrote:
so i herd u liek derailin threadz
So on a unrelated note...
MissileWaster wrote:
...Words on a free to join forum...
So it has to have been brought up before, but, you guys have to LP this at some point. I mean it has a monkey wearing a jetpack, whilst firing machine guns, sometimes in a desert like region. It is totaly refreshing unique material for you! Not to mention the whole picking up water mellon slices to restore health thing. And the name 'DK' sounds far too much like 'CJ' for it to be a fluke. Its fate I tell you!
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The 'Licker' is a Drain Deimos, just to help clear up any possible confusion.
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Sir VG wrote:
I don't know how interested people are in this, but I thought I'd create a True Area 53 run for Sonic Advance 2. Youtube Video:
Nice. Only Super Battle left for the Advance games is for the first game now.
eternaljwh wrote:
I still want to see a 100%, though
Yes please. Any (By which I mean 'all' really) 3 Advance games could be good. Though Adv1 would probably have to have the added condition of not abusing the spin dash glitch as you suggest. And Adv3 might be better if it were done from a savestate for extra variety from the standard run, in regards of characters.
eternaljwh wrote:
For the game(s), I was considering a TAS that wouldn't be based only on speed, but on smooth flowing motion, as spindash-through-walls gets old.
Only relevant for Advance 1 IMO (And Sonic1 and Sonic3+Knux for non GBA). I loved Advance 2, and to a lesser extent 3, as the speed was made abusing Sonics moves rather than abusing poorly constructed levels with walls that you can just zip through. But, yes I really agree... I f i wanted to watch a wall go past, I would put a hole in my monitor and spin around on my chair a bit.
Post subject: Re: Golden Axe 1, 2 and 3
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Mukki wrote: one or two player. Opinions are very welcome.
For me, I am alot more likely to watch a run with 2+ players (The more the merrier.) than just one player alone, regardless of any changes, or lack there of. Just flat out more entertaining in my opinion. In most cases anyway. This goes double for games like Golden Axe 1 of which I have seen a number of one player runs already. I doubt I will watch single player run of the first game again, but I will definitely watch a 2 player one, probably multiple times. So I say; 2 player all of em.
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Hay BioSpark. I love you. I'll give numbers when I have watched and am sober. That said... BioSpark. I love you.
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theenglishman wrote:
Since when have you deserved a vacation, missy?
You know come to think of it wasn't Peach 'on holiday' in Super Mario World, Super Mario Sunshine and (kinda) Mario and Luigi: Partners in Crime too? Some one needs to cut up her passport.
Apo123 wrote:
You never know, it could be true! The only question is, what does she gain from it?
Quality time with her boytoy Bowser.
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From someone who has only properly read the OP and skimmed the rest, (due to 50% laziness, and 50% assumption the majority of this topic will be flame wars...) when did the new forum begin and the old forum die? Because I thought I had been here, (lurking at least,) quite a time but now it seems I have not. (Timeattacks?) ...and I am guessing you are not talking about when the 'index' became 2 columns rather than the old single column..? As for opinion on the whole thing... I prefer TASvideos as apposed to NESVi... I mean, "Timeattacks." (I say that right?) It is more accurate. We live in an age where YouTube is king. And as the intelligence of the average YouTube'r is... from my experience, very low... but there are thousands of them. They need the basics spelled out for them. A TAS that is not clearly labeled as such could be/will be seen as a non assisted runner trying to cheat. The mass of 1 star votes and thumbs down the runner will receive will not only deter the average joe, but pottential decent non tool runners and TAS'ers too. I would also assume that a decrease in popularity in SDA (which I can more than understand at the moment) would hurt increase in new expansion here. Two side of the same coin I guess. Tl;dr= a name change is irrelevant if it helps growth. (Pride is not just an argument in 'pride movies'? And on the new voting system. I am not a fan. It used to be did I enjoy the movie? Simple. Now a quantitative answer is needed. I no longer feel qualified to answer. As a very casual viewer I feel like I need a diploma to justify voting. I know next to nothing about creating TAS's. That alone means I should not vote on tech quality. Thinking about it, it should not effect my entertainment vote... yet it does. I like Sonic Runs. There fast and fun. I dislike Monopoly. its... a board game. I vote yes to Sonic. No to Monopoly. Did I enjoy Sonic 1? Yes. Sonic 2? Yes. Sonic 3? Yes. Which Sonic did I enjoy more?! Which Did you enjoy less?! By how many percent did you prefer 1 to 3?! ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET!! (IN A NUMERICAL FORM ABOVE X% OR ELSE YOU ARE WRONG!!!) Now that I am typing, this is not the friendliest of communities to outsiders. As for why I did not mention this in the thread about voting changes... It was a descussion about what I saw about the very foundations of the site. AKA... The term, not the popular person... aka debatably the most important part of the site.... I vote one a month at most. What would I now what was best for the site? (ie, I didn't vote in that topic for the very reason I do not vote for movies anymore.) Tl;dr The New voting system. I do not like it but I am an average Joe, who cares what I think. (Personally I not sure if that is a a good or bad thing) And as for old versus new in general... I prefer old (yet apparently it is not so old.) Both Timeattacks, I mean TAS videos, I mean NESvideos, and SDA (Though alot more SDA... though that is irrelevant to this topic.) seem to have lost the charm that appealed to me when I was younger. Whether that is due to the fact that I am no longer a 16 year old boy coming home from school, a change in site direction, or a change in administration.... I do not know. What I do know is that I no longer really care when it comes down to it. I am sure I will check the news/new additions to the site(s) till I/they die. But I am no longer interested in the community. (That being said I was alot more intrested in SDA than TASvideos, originally. And what I see as a major negative in administration change there, has unfortunately rubbed of on speedruning in general, Tool assisted included. Sorry bout' that,)
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Would much rather see a 100% run rather than see Crash fall in to a pit every few minutes. Still, looking forward to however this ends up.
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About half a bloody year ago, Inzult wrote:
Also here's a commentary.
Damn. I remember thinking when this was first published that I would wait for the commentary you were making. This is the first I have seen that you had finished it. Many thanks for the bump.
Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy VII
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antd wrote:
use Cait Sith's Game Over Limit break?
God, no. (Unless you using it in a random battle to get levels.) I personally end up stopping watching any FF6 run, run come World of Ruin, thanks to Setzer.
antd wrote:
2.stop random battles?
Yes, but course, only when skipping battles saves time v.s. gaining levels for Boss battle/whatever.
antd wrote:
3. Do you think I should use the W-item glitch
Yes. As someone who only has the experience as playing though 2 or 3 times with no attempt at speed what so ever... Going out of your way to pick that up would save time? I would presume I am alone in this, but I would also enjoy some optional Bosses/Battles beaten. As well as the obvious Weapons (I am a PAL gamer, did NTSC get them?) being beaten, there are also the Turks battles (Gongaga, Gelinkia, Midgar) Midgar Zolum ((sp?) and also I guess he counts.) Lost Number, Godo and ...I think that is it. Godo alone suggests a bonus separate video, but I think those poor encounters deserve to beaten along the way, one way or another.
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^^^ Thankyou.
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GreenaLink wrote:
Now I need to find a way of manipulating it...
Does that mean your actually running this, or are you just laying more ground work?
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Soulrivers wrote:
I'm not so sure VBA can emulate linking. :/ I personally can not give you any more info, as all I know about the subject comes from watching that and few replies I got here when I got my hopes up the first time. Hopefully patience will be rewarded though... still really want to see this one day.
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