Posts for Paused

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Tub wrote:
(I haven't played THPS3 in a while, have I missed something? Additional pickups, skater-specific goals, ...?)
After a quick look at GameFAQs I believe there is a secret level unlocked upon your 3rd gold medal called downhill which features no goals but has 10 stat points to be picked up.
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emu wrote:
As previously stated, a 100% run is unfavourable, as it should include also all gaps (plus the ones from the bonus levels)
Probs a silly question. Why would that be a bad thing? Anyway, meh vote for same reasons mentioned, and agreed a 100% run (Whatever that may be.) would be favorable. It was really quick though.
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Phil wrote:
Paused: Do you mean 100% as all items collected or 100% as finding secrets and such?
Like I say, do not know the game like the back of my hand, so take what I say with a grain of salt... Short/Vague answer: I meant what was ever most practical and most entertaining. IMO that is All items. (i.e All Sub items, Heart pieces and Upgrades.) Long/Waffle filled Answer: I think all Heart Containers is a given. All upgrades too. The only sub item up for discussion seems to be the letter/potion. I believe they should be collected too, IMO they are no less important than the bottles in OoT, and you would never say they were not needed in 100%. Map/Compasses are debatable, and I have no strong feelings either way. All bushes burnt/Secrets found, is in my mind not needed. (Probs for the same reasons everyone else has said...) Max money, whilst I can see where you are coming from if you say yes, is pointless in my mind. The need to go backwards after killing Ganon (Or was it Gannon in this one?) to pick up one Rupee just seems silly. Its kinda like the speed vs entertainment debate, but boiled down to its basic principals. One is quantitative, one qualitative. Is all you want from 100% all the code values hidden in the game to be maxed so it is an unarguable fact that everything in the game is complete? But when it comes down to it, due to the fact 100% are my favorite, I would be happy with either. It just seems more likely that this will be done if the more pratical one is the option picked. Wow... did nt expect this discussion from my humble suggestion.
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No idea if this is even close to a good idea, due to not really knowing the game that well, but if you really want to do a Zelda run... Could you do a 100% run? You know, all heart containers, best weapon, all sub items? (And whatever else I have missed.) Do not think I have seen one for this game, here or anywhere else, so you do not have to be worried with direct competition if that is one thing putting you off. (Though course... still has to be good.) There might be a good reason for that though, like I say, I do not know the game as well as others.
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You should have seen comicalflops first TAS. Sure it was great in the end, but he restarted the game from mid way through (ish) about 9 times. His TAS skills are due more to dedication, than pure talent. Thats the point, TAS take gaming skills out of the equation. (Not sure if it sounds like I am but just in case... This is not a Bash against comicalflop in anyway.)
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You really have nothing to apologize for.
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Because things went so well the last time this type of SM64 run was given a no explanation. Anyway, will probs vote yes if I watch it for it being faster than a run that was purely based on speed.
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Desync for me. You start the stage, light dash forward, light dash backwards and get hit by the first enemy.
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Epic. Though if this can be done, forget 0 stars, 0 keys is the dream.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
It will get quite boring after a while. I don't remember, but you don't have to collect every single character banana, right?
You need at least 75 for each Kong on every level for the banana medals. Plus enough for each boss course.
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I can watch one run at a time by watching a single run done as fast as possible. Course we only have the Wario 4 run for that. So why do you, "the Master" not just do 3 runs, one for each Wario game that we do not have a video for yet?
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torchyDJS wrote:
Finally I got a account working on this site.
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mr_roberts_z wrote:
That's the only level I can think of that really needs a prerequisite star.
I will say again, in Bomb bomb Battlefield that Koopa Troopa with a blue coin in its corpse, does not appear in stars 1 and 2. I.e until you have beaten Koppa the Quick.
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Chamale wrote:
Your post advocates both beating the game and not beating the game. WTF?
I do not see how, but sorry, did not mean to confuse. What I was saying is that I agree with you that the game should be beaten. It would be a poor end to grab the last coin in Bowser in the Sky and then just leave Mario standing there doing nothing. That said I think it should start from an already completed file to help the run keep its focus.
mwl wrote:
Paused wrote:
If possible, I agree, and I still think getting the special Triple Jump off Yoshi, whilst not necessary would be good additional quirk to this run.
I disagree. Obtaining the "enhanced triple jump" takes long enough to detract from the run's primary goal. As far as I know, that triple jump does not "save," and you have to reobtain it from Yoshi every time you load a file.
Fair enough. To be honest do not know a whole lot about it. Once I got the 120 stars back in the day did not really play it again. Just thought as this is something of an extra to the 120 star run that it could be neat. But if the 'enhanced' jump really is not so enhanced then, yeah do not bother. Forgot about the time to tally up the extra lives also.
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Chamale wrote:
I think the run should beat the game. That's the plan for a few other 100% runs (I.E. Pokémon Blue catch 'em all)
Why would it not? Not going to get every coin on Bowser 3 and then just jump off the edge is he?
mwl wrote:
I'd suggest just starting from a 120-star file and submitting the finished run as a concept demo. Then there'd be no need to collect "extra" stars just for the sake of beating the game.
If possible, I agree, and I still think getting the special Triple Jump off Yoshi, whilst not necessary would be good additional quirk to this run.
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Is the all coin run still being considered? Just I was thinking how it could be done. Have it as a concept demo. Helpful as it will help the run get accepted I believe, for a start. This being due to the fact it is somewhat of an odd goal for this game, and that we already have 2 runs (3 with CCC-less) in with the 'normal' N64 runs. More importantly Concept demos can start from a save file, (SRAM is it?). Of course there are clear benefits to this. It would help the run keep its focus. All stages, and all acts are open. This would mean you would not need to get side tracked getting stars to access other areas of the castle, nor complete earlier acts in stages to achive optimal coin conditions, getting the Koopa tropper to appear in BBB and have the ship raised for the Red coins in JRB come to mind. You can simply go into the stage, get the coins and move on, which is what the run is about. Less backtracking, for picking up coins in stages that require the caps. Minor I guess as you would be going in the cap stages anyway, but whatever. The best part is I would have thought is that Yoshi would be on the roof. 99 1-ups will not be used of course, but he gives you an enhanced triple jump does he not? Seems to me to be the only opertunity we have to be able to see this enhanced triple jump used in a TAS. That and we can race the Fat super Penguin. Also whilst I am here, loved the run Rikku.
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AQwertyZ wrote:
I'm assuming he'd be getting 2 stars per level, plus board bowser's sub because it's necessary to fight bowser 2, totaling 31 stars. He would be able to obtain more than 15 stars before needing to go upstairs.
If I recall correctly some Stars are going to have to be collected in levels before Hi-Coin scores can be achived. For example in Stage one does the Koopa Troopa only appear when you select acts 3-6 at the level entry? (ie after beating Koopa the Quick.) Also for what its is worth would love to see this run in whatever form it eventually comes out as.
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Chef Stef wrote:
...whether to use the black and white version for screen warps, etc.
It would be beter to do on the colour version due to the bonus dungeon would it not? Might not really feel 100% if you used a version which did not even have everything in it.
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Also if they are good games or not can be questioned... But the majority of 3D Sonics are on Gamecube and they would probably make fine TAS's.
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And not to be redundant but...
Tompa wrote:
Could that be a 100% run possible? =P
Can't blame a guy for trying.
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Are we talking deaths as in restarts at checkpoints for restock of bombs etc, or Falcos 'death'?
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I got a desync in the second level. Earl gets bitten by the the 3rd poodle and then the two of them walk into the wall alot... Though enjoyed what I saw. Just a few comments. At SDA there was some talk of finishing the Hyper Funk Zones, that on rails mini game. Gives infinite Super Jars when completed apparently. Not sure if you can pick up enough supers on the way to make an endless supply nescessary. Also, should you not be playing with 6 buttons rather than 3? That way you can use Panic Buttons and Funk Vaccums with out needing to go into the pause menu. Anyway loves that your using the duo. Planning on picking up Lamonts favorite things later?
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Might be a good idea to produce a small unoptomised Wip of the hard reset glitch Chamale.
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comicalflop wrote:
So I'm going to have to redo yet again (though not from the beginning), but here is my progress up until I realized my blunder.
I like it. Hope you relealse a good chunk of the game in wips before you move on to your next project or three...
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Super Mario Advance has those Red coins that can be collected (Ace coins are they called?) which can be seen to bring something new. Yoshi eggs too, but you have to start from a save game for them IIRC.