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I apologize for the double post, but now I'm having issues with that cam hack vba, I thought I knew about. I'm unable to play back either the ultra-spindash or non-ultraspindash files on it when the cam hack is active. Triggering the camhack command while the input file is being played stops the movie file and seems to switch to rerecored mode. And using the command then loading the file, doesn't work? Either I get an error... or nothing happens.
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Paused wrote:
I'm correct in saying the script for the cam hack isn't available to just download anywhere right?
Aktan wrote:
It's a special VBA build. Should be available somewhere.
I had thought that myself, as the run with the 'ultraspindash' does indeed have a special vba variant for it. Might be user error on my end but this run doesn't even play on that emulator. Re-reding the thread made me think it wasn't as simple as I hoped with what you suggested either. That emulator is here for reference; Edit; What a great new page... edited in quotes for context for what I'm going on about.
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I'm correct in saying the script for the cam hack isn't available to just download anywhere right?
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Great to see progress after your route differences teasers! I had assumed you'd let the adults die during the lollipop boss to set up 'perril status for Petty, but you got a heal and had to set it up else where. Are levels already that un-needed that you can skip that bosses exp? May have already posted this, but can't be said often enough how bonkers the damage out put can be from Tool Assisted fire/ice Flowers. A very basic question standard gameplay feature that I didn't pick up on my casual playthrough years ago, but may have noticed in that video... when you have all 4 bros's and use a fire/ice flower, do Adults target ground enemies and Babies hit the aerial targets?
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Whilst this is at the top of the forum, another (what I believe is) new quirk has been discovered recently. Pony units can use the rest of their movement after a round of combat when initiated on certain tiles. Link to video
Turns out that tiles like lava pits or tiles were walls were allows the unit to move again, with only the movement they had left. Certainly unintended, but neat and likely possible to take advantage of for LTCs.
From Dayni on Serenes forest.
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Ah! Great to hear from you dashjump, and especially with that news. Glad that the project is still going strong; my bad for assuming the worst on it. Clearly you've spoiled me on your timetables with your past submissions! Nice to hear you're aiming for the best you can make it too. Please don't make my pestering compromise on that at all! Easy to wait as long as it takes if that's the reason. But regardless, super to hear updates are on the way; regardless if they will be WIPs or just updates. Obviously this isn't Super Mario 64 but I know a bunch of people outside the TAS community are looking forward to the result. And as you mention Kirby I cant recall if he actually checks the TAS forums as standard; but we always natter on your stuff when we see each other on twitch; so I'll say hi for ya! Though that reminds me; have you seen that video kirby did of all teams running through SH2? A (minor) glitch in the K/S and A/S runs (anyone/sonic really) of a enter walls glitch. Doesn't seem super useful, but just thought it was worth mentioning.
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Just posting this here for future reference. A wip from dashjump of an update of his '100%' run consisting of the start of the game till the end of all 3 acts of the first zone. Link to video Saves over 5 seconds of ingame time over the current published run iirc my math correctly. Hope I'm not stepping on his toes posting this. But his usual pace is producing a high quality hour long TAS and only taking a weekend or two, so as it's been a few months I'm assuming this is on indefinite hiatus. Wouldn't want this being lost to time. (Hope all is well with you Dashjump!)
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Great news to hear. I look forward to seeing your progress on the run Evil_3D. (and of course yours WST, if you get involved with it!)
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Not saying it's "correct" necessarily, but the only, so-called, 100% run done ends at the Chapter Clear screen for Chapter 6. ie, going back and doing all of the Slamer Guy Kingdom.
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I personally would adore a encode with weathertons commentary if hes willing.
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Hope you don't mind me asking how you're getting on Gecko?
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marzojr wrote:
Re: holographic projectors: they are too much of a detour in many levels, which is why I a not going for them (yet). If I can't get enough time stones, I may change my mind about it.
Yeah that's fair. Obviously I'm of the opinion that 'yet' should come to pass, but I get it's hardly a black and white question. Support you either way; and looking forward to it!
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Possibly a silly question, as I'm not super familiar with the level layouts, but, as cool as Yoshis air long jump is, are there many places it would be useful in 150star? Regardless, the number of tricks you are finding, and the frequency of them too is crazy. Keep up the good work man.
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Oh damn, missed this thread had been updated. Bit bummed the Metal Sonic hologram (even if it just a objective with no real consequence) wasn't also grabbed in that Good Future/Time stone run; But both videos looked great so I'll live. Nice to see the Time Travel gimmick is getting is getting a bit more use in any% too; I never thought it'd ever have a use there.
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Red Dragons? Thought they were only in the Volcano, and Freya and Amarant stopped all of those with 'added effect' normal attacks rather than anything from Vivi?
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It would be a main strategy to employ for sure. As Kumquat pointed out earlier (5 years earlier!) Deep Impact, (aka Knux's ground Power) is a super powerful attack with a tiny skill point requirement, which should probably be one of the abilities picked up from the 2 Knux fights at the end of Sonics story. It could be used for quick kills, to give you time to fill your Ichikoro during respawns using Knux's heal, which I imagine would be the other skill to pick up here. (Knuxs heal being the less of the 3 that boost Ichikoro at a speed higher than base, others being Creams and Ultimate.) Without knowing how 'rare' skills unlock, and without looking at skill point allocation routing; as well as Knuxs ground power and heal, you'd prolly want Sonic/Tails run and jump at some point early on just to get to the enemies quicker. As well as an Attack boost card to make Deep Impact its 1hko. Picking up Gamma style that lets Emerl explode upon death would possibly save time also when playing against him to get gauge. It would probably be his most reliable sauce of assistance when hes an AI controlled ally too.
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A quick demonstration of what would be the main strategy used in fights as Emerl in a run with speed as a primary goal. Starting at about 30 seconds in. Link to video Emerls basic Air Shot Special move does not drain the Ichikoro gauge if you interrupt the move by landing before the actual 'shot' bit. It is also not classed as a Shot/power/mine move for whatever reason, so the opponents will not be able to innately block it. While this is obviously not a basic Emerl, all relevant skills are as if it's a new game (with the exception of the Sonic Air action double jump thing.) Being a basic move, the Air Shot Special that is the key to the quick kills, is available from Emerls very first fight. The first 30 seconds is not relevant to any speed strats; this input file is just from another Battle project I was working on. I decided to edit to show this off after the game gifted me a full bar from Knux hitting me from two Ground Power attacks. Not optimised in the slightest.
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Not really sure why this wasn't posted here the first time; but this was re uploaded today after some copyright issues. An Egg Shuttle run by 'supersonic917' on Youtube, in 38:50.75 (according to in game time.) Link to video Happy (belated) Birthday Sonic!
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I know very little about the game, so this may be a stupid thought; but considering you have strat without mini games; worth switching difficulty from easy to hard? I assume it's basically irrelevant at this point, but from a casual viewer stand point, nothing kills my hype than seeing 'easy' on the tally screen. If it effects something I'm not aware of, then yeah, whatever. Just thought it might be worth considering if it isn't.
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Looking good! I have not had chance to do a proper compare as I'm busy/lazy, but very interested to see what you can squeeze out of this as I was shocked at how well mukki improved Adva2. Already some surprises such as that bonkers routing in SP2 at about 22seconds that looks like it can't be faster, but I'm pretty sure you know what you're doing. And taking a re look after you pointed it out that wall clip in SP1 is great too.
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
or deal any damage before time runs out, the fight immediately ends and you have to try again.
This certainly is not accurate in the last version I played at least. I know I both hit several times and K.O.'d Rouge in that fight. Exiting that fight via the menu at any time is treated as a 'win' and the story progresses though. As for any effects transferred to challenge mode from that fight, I can not say.
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Finally have had the chance to fully watch this. Fantastic work Dashjump. Has been a joy to see you pop up running a game thought to be pretty well pushed somewhere near it limits, and just smash the previous times through, for the most part, optimisations alone. And again, doing so at such a rapid pace. I realise as you have said elsewhere that a re-do the 100% run is not on the cards at the moment (and who can blame you, you've done alot of Advance 3 for the last few months.) But I do hope at some point in the future you consider coming back to it, purely looking at the jumps in quality of the submissions demonstrating how much more you know of the game. But regardless, best of luck on your next project what ever it ends up being, and if it is TAS related at all I look forward to following it. Thanks again for the great runs!
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Ah right, thought that may have been what you meant. Interesting glitch regardless. Wonder if it, or similar type of things, work with other battles with unusual win/loss conditions in the story. The fights that progress with the story even if you lose or just quit out for example. Or that fight vs Rouge at the end of Amys story that has a loss condition of using any (non combo skill) special attack.
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It only worked using Knux in challenge mode? How odd.
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Dashjump wrote:
The TK boss has pretty dumb RNG.../quote] Yeah, I figured that was the idea. Guess I'm just getting unlucky with my RNG then; but thanks for the breakdown, much appreciated.
Dashjump wrote:
Anyway, here are the timings of the new WIP:
Damn, you're on fire! Improvements on every (non Boss) stage I was hopeful for... but not to that extent!
CatBagSpam wrote:
For C+T on CT3 (ha ha...) dumb umbrella :(
I mean it's a moot point as you unlock Cream there... but, would C+T be better for collecting Chao? Not alot of Boosting in the Hundro. Suggesting a Cream/Tails team... I have to have had too much to drink...
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