Posts for Plush

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Eszik wrote:
I think you're talking about any% ABC, while Synx thought you were talking about pure any%.
Yeah, maybe.
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Synx wrote:
Plush wrote:
... I will ask him if we wants to make an any% run, but you guys must REALLY want it, otherwise it would be (A LOT OF) effort wasted.
I for one would really like to see a new any% run. The no A-press stuff is fun, but any% is what intrigues me the most. Good luck beating the current WR if you decide to go for it.
What do you mean by "beating the current WR"? You mean how many times you press A? There's already an any% run ABC?
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lol che cazzo fai ho un sacco di TAS pausate e non ho voglia di fare un cazzo :(
I know dat feel Prova a cercare un altro gioco da cui farti venire l'ispirazione (Detto da uno che fa TAS praticamente di Super Mario 64 fisso)
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Anybody knows how many frames were saved here compared to BitS from the 5:00:36 run? Asking mainly Nahoc or somebody from the 0 Star Team. EDIT: I forgot to tell that I'm working on something that will take lotsa time. Are you guys sure the American version is faster for 120 stars? EDIT 2: I see you guys were talking about ABC Super Mario 64. I support pannenkoek2012 very often, and I managed to think about some strats which ended up being a success. I will ask him if we wants to make an any% run, but you guys must REALLY want it, otherwise it would be (A LOT OF) effort wasted.
Post subject: [Italian] Ciao!
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Ciaoooo :D Snark122 è incredibile. k Alaktorn tocca a te *Facepalm*
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Patashu wrote:
Plush's concerns seem legitimate to me.
Thank you sir, it means a lot to me. Also it's not a big deal if you don't fix these "issues". After 1 year of Mupen I can continue using it no problem. EDIT: However, I understand the fact that Bizhawk is a definately more accurate emulator than Mupen64. What I suggest is (And I will do it for my TASes) to make the TASes with Mupen64 and then convert them to .bkm.
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TASeditor wrote:
Plush wrote:
- Frame Advancing is not as responsive as Mupen64 0.5. -For some reason you decided to remove the TAS Input Plugin 0.6, which was flawless. In Biz when you make a savestate, for a brief time you can't move the analog stick. -The lazy turbo option is now useless because of lag frames -You can't hear the sounds by going frame per frame.
- Every second frame is a lag frame. You can skip lag frames: Config -> Costumize -> Advanced -> Skip non input frames - It needs time to save the savestate, in this period of time you can't do any inputs. - It's not because of lag frame, it's because your pc is slow - Config -> Sound -> Mute on Frame Advance Learn to have a look at the Settings first before you say anyting that isn't true
-I like how it doesn't answer what I'm saying. I just said that the frame advancing is not as reactive as Mupen's. In Mupen I could mash the Frame Advance key and the emulator reacted immediately. Also you CAN move the analog stick while making a savestate, in Biz it just stops for a while. And I don't undertand why you're explaining me how to skip lag frames. (I already knew) -In Mupen it clearly takes less time. -No, it's not a matter of PC. It's just that for a lot of games (Like Super Mario 64) There's a lag frame every frame, so it would be like just holding A. -Sorry about that, I didn't notice that option. Also gotta love your superior attitude <3
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I'm not sure if this can be called a great improvement. Sure, it has some really useful option that the old 2005 Emulator didn't have (For example RAM Watching and Hex Editor). Some negative aspects I can't really afford are that (listed by importance): - Frame Advancing is not as responsive as Mupen64 0.5. -For some reason you decided to remove the TAS Input Plugin 0.6, which was flawless. In Biz when you make a savestate, for a brief time you can't move the analog stick. -The lazy turbo option is now useless because of lag frames -You can't hear the sounds by going frame per frame. They may be little problems, but overall I can't really TAS with Bizhawk. I'll probably stay with Mupen64 0.5 until Biz will eventually fix these "problems".
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adelikat wrote:
Config -> Customize -> Advanced - "Frame advance button skips non-input frames"
Thank you sir.
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Hi, this is my first post in here. I just want to start by saying that I'm italian so sorry if I make english mistakes often. So, my first simple question is: I switched from Mupen64 0.5 rerecording v8 to Bizhawk, and I noticed that when I go frame per frame lag frames remain. I think there's a way to skip lag frames, but I can't find an option to do so anywhere. I hope I have fun here. (I TAS from one year but I only registered now =P) EDIT: Wrong section. This should be in "Bizhawk". Sorry about that :/ MOD EDIT: Fixed, if you know ahead of time it is the wrong subforums, then post in the correct forum!
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