Posts for Priam

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Gentlemen and ladies, I would like to submit this thing which I haven't seen exhibited on the site, and which most definitely is a game glitch. The stage starts at 3:38, and the payoff is at 5:17. I don't know the precise process here, but there's something with the bubbles and the Yoshi falling in that pit. There's at least one other example of this trick being done by these guys on this user's channel, so I suppose it's not very difficult, but the effect is distinctive and amusing. It's not really my place to make a request, but if this glitch were explored and understood and exhibited in later runs, I would just be super jazzed. On for this run, I dig it a lot. I've seen a lot of tricks and glitches in SMW since I started watching videos here, and there were still a good number of jawdrops to be had. I applaud!
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The "PERFECT" notification seems to take a really long time, too. Can you perhaps manipulate things so you eat a non-combo'd jab to the face every now and again? That would actually be kind of amusing in and of itself--where's he going to get hit now? Also, super at the end of every round is actually counter to what I feel is the intended purpose; it does a lot of damage without risk, but it doesn't do it *quickly,* but it does get very, exceedingly, ridiculously boring faster than anything else. I agree on the Randoms thing too. And the strikers. There's fun to be had with a run! This run doesn't have it though.
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This is a pretty good run for the Vault. But I feel like it really ought to be a Pacifist run. Voting meh.
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Voting no because you made a skeleton commit suicide at the end of the "Stage 07" area. Seriously, though, this was great. The final boss fight was particularly memorable, because of all the candles potentially in the way, throttling your options considerably. Voting yes.
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I was only half paying attention through this, and the big errors only started to become undeniable at W7-1. This is seriously like a very rough WIP. Got potential, but you certainly don't show it the whole way through. Keep at it!
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For a SNES game, this had the strongest NES design sensibilities I've ever seen, at least visually speaking. This game is....not good. There are so many enemies, and so few things you can do with them. Inevitably, the run becomes boring, and I don't think there's much that can be done about that given the game choice. That out of the way, I have some questions about the run. In the first Mission, you jump--a lot--in places that seem like odd choices for jumping. The hanging-pole-traversing sections spring to mind. Is it really faster to keep jumping and having your x-velocity constantly reset than traversing it "normally?" I also saw a couple parts in the sewer-pipes section of the second Mission that looked like there was some loss due to lack of precision; some of the parts where you were on the water's surface but the biggest question mark was where the pipes rose up and to the left, and you took the fork that went down and left; looked like the jump could have been better executed for gain. Maybe I missed something there. The first boss was odd too; you seem to be able to fire even while on the ground (at least as Danny Glover, maybe Mel Gibson can't do it as well?), and it looked like that might have helped make the boss die faster. Again, I can't be sure without testing, but it looked like another place where jumping was unnecessary and possibly detrimental. Still might be wrong on this one too. Even if these things are justified, I don't think this run lives up to the site's creed of creating interesting, striking, or spectacular videos of gameplay. I started yawning while fast-forwarding. That's a No vote from me.
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Voting no. Almost no combos, not even proper two-in-ones. With a difficulty level this high, there's no reason to refrain from comboing so you can instead luck-manipulate another s.HK. Also, you know you actually gain meter during the SUV fight, yes? It's not displayed, but as a Gouki player I promise you it's there. This could be really awesome. But currently, it's not.
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I agree with the myriad others. This wasn't a pacifist run as much as it was a "don't kill enemies, I guess, if it's convenient, whatever" run. Voting no, because in its wishywashiness, it fails to accomplish anything in particular very well. Also the line about "uses sub weapons as primary" has me confused. It would be pretty neat to see a movie, pacifist or otherwise, that refrained altogether from using the sword! Someone should do that. Not it.
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I had the same question as deuxhero (well, at least the first question), but then stage 3-2 happened. Question answered! This was an excellent game choice for TASing, even if it really ought to have been called "Buzz OR Waldog," and it was run well, quite pleasant to watch. Yes vote.
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There was some kind of controversy? Hooray, I guess! I watched the run, and it straddles the entertainment/boringness line so effectively that I find I must abstain from voting. I did enjoy, however, that the toss-up challenge game that gave me and my sister the absolute most trouble ever is the fastest choice for a TAS.
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I wish I had more to say than "Meh." But that really sums it up for me.
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I am sad! And possibly inept somehow. Can't seem to get that commentary lua script to function at all in FCEUX 2.1.5. If I try it a second time after it tells me "no" once, then it actually crashes the program. Suggestions?
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I wholeheartedly agree with Cardboard.
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This game makes my eyes want to commit seppuku to cleanse the dishonor inflicted upon them. Why in the world would anyone make jumping such a frequent occurrence and yet so visually aberrant? I could only stand up until the 3:30 mark, and from what I saw it looked pretty well optimized (aside from the aforementioned wall-running-into, which I assume is an enforced delay after landing), but it also looks like it's really trivial to TAS. Maybe I just missed a part somewhere, but the rerecord count being under a thousand is both unsurprising and seems perhaps a little high, even. I don't think this belongs here, then, for two reasons: that it isn't anything that interesting visually, and that the game is too basic to allow for any real precision-based showmanship. Voting No.
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rog wrote:
I'd strongly recommend playing it in dolphin if possible. The wii really doesn't do it justice, in 480p.
Alas! My computer would do it far less justice, I'm afraid. Anyway, I just finished Momohime's initial part, some 40 minutes ago. Now that I've also seen the run, I'd like to affirm my Yes vote. The Act 7 and 8 bosses were pretty exceptional; I'm impressed with how well things came together for the final boss in particular. This game and this run are pretty and show off very well, and I think that's pretty much what this site is all about. Still, I think it might be interesting to see runs of this that go through and get the proper blade for the alternate path. More opportunities to show off, possibly; or maybe just a long string of leveling? Hm! Maybe not so good after all!
Experienced Forum User
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The Final Fantasy TASes have a lot of boring running too. Anyway, you had to go and submit this when I was working up the capital to get a Wii and this game! The schedule has been moved forward, it seems, so I've been watching this in fragments as I play. So far I'm pretty impressed with how few times you had to break Act 3 boss's weapon; I got the impression that after a while he just got sick of being combo'd and stopped being hittable until he could hit the ground and draw anew. That shows me, I guess! I like the run, the parts that I've seen. I'd vote Yes except that, well, haven't seen the whole thing. I guess 37.5% of a yes vote, accounting for how much I've watched.
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edited: Wait, I said a thing that was dumb. Rewatching the video. re-edit: Okay. So the thing I said before was dumb, but the sentiment was correct: this playthrough is fast, but it is not optimized by any stretch. Several of the bossfights can be improved, there's some odd choices in a couple of levels, and I feel a general lack in the sort of reckless aplomb that comes with the deterministic "safety" in TASing. Playing it safe only makes you slower! Failing to retract my earlier No vote.
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If you are having trouble finding this rom in your directory, I've found mine was catalogued under "Marvel's X-Men (U).nes". And now, having watched the movie, I have to say this earns a no vote from me. The run wasn't too interesting without being able to properly tell what's going on, and ends on a gray screen that I have some trouble believing is the "you won" ending, and not some glitched out bit of input inviability concurrent with looping bgm. With gems like "Nightwalker," the submission text was more entertaining than the movie.
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This was great. Daimon getting robbed of his throw assists, what appeared to be a Kula infinite...and there was time for May Lee's Hero super AND a couple mid-round taunts! And you made it look like Vanessa has a kick button! (spoiler: She doesn't.) I'm pretty sure it's not optimized, but all the same I think it definitely counts as a superplay, and I'm voting yes.
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Does mtvf1's encode have a location the rest of us can poke at? I can hardly wait to see what you've done to this classic.
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Wow. This game got wrecked before, but now it's even more wreckeder. I might have to watch this again after I dig up the documentation on how half of these things are permitted to happen that victimize this game. edit: Oh no! No Tips & Tricks page for this madness? How can this be?!
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Voting no because all the missed shots look sloppy. All joking aside, this was really, really good. Wasn't expecting the bug-surfing in that first sojourn through the Egg Facility! Also, is getting the Blade optional? Not that it would necessarily be faster without it... Voting Yes regardless. Awesome.
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sgrunt wrote:
Besides the visual glitching, is there anything that notably differentiates this from, say, watching the most recent SMB1 run at 4x speed? I don't think so.
Sure there is. The gravity is affecting Mario at normal speed in the Superfast hack, which allows for different placement of jumps. Also the game seems to be trying to communicate its desires for suicide in this version.
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How much faster is sliding than running? I ask this partly because you only start sliding partway through the run (when, as I recall, it's not an earned ability), and partly because--given that this is the second submission towards this game where I can identify improvements readily by watching the thing at full speed--I'm not convinced you can answer it. I'd love to be shown to be incorrect, mind! As it stands, unless I see some pretty detailed notes about why you weren't running, or why you made so much use of the frogs when flying would be faster, or the rationale behind your choice of vehicle in the early forced-scroll area, I can't in good conscience vote anything but No on this.
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I wonder why this wasn't played on the (U) rom? Anyway, it also seems to sync on the (J)[x] rom. Looks pretty good, too. I presume that flying and bird-walking are at the same speed? It seemed bird-walking also went at a pretty good clip but I'm not able to say whether one is faster than the other. This also seems like the sort of game that wouldn't be improved by changing the difficulties. Some of the boss battles are tedious enough already. All in all this run seems to fit very well with the others on the site. Voting yes.