Posts for Rad_Hazard

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Joined: 6/21/2006
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Make sure to enable the multitap before loading the movie. It played fine for me. I can give it a go Gorash. I'm not sure how many critical hits I'll be able to get, if any, but I'll play around with it. The video so far looks great. I really like the moving off the side of the stairs to run earlier move.
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Posts: 35
I did try that. The buttons would not light up if I went the short way for some reason. If it did work, you bet I would have included it. Maybe if you were to leave and immediately re-enter that same room with the lights it would work, I didn't test that.
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Joined: 6/21/2006
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Thanks guys. Yes, I agree that it is more of a walkthrough, (tool assisted walkthrough? hehe =) 2 characters performing the weapon glitch. I did have this in mind when making my run. In fact, if you see me killing monsters for no reason, I had it in my head that I would try the weapon glitch with 2 characters at once. I eventually gave up on that idea though. I'm sure that it is possible though, even with only 2 controllers active. Should be easy enough to test. I would be interested in helping with future runs, glitched or not. Obvious from the movie, I'm not that great at it, but would be willing to help test stuff if needed.
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Joined: 6/21/2006
Posts: 35
I have completed a Secret of Mana run using the weapon glitch. The link below should take you right to the download part of my file front page.;7959957;;/fileinfo.html I used Snes9X v1.43+ v10 and the Secret of Mana (U)[!].smc ROM to make the movie. I was able to watch the whole movie with no problems or desyncs. My run clocks in at 2 hours and 45 minutes. I will be the first to say that I know this run is not optimized at all. However, this being my first complete TAS of any game, and a long RPG at that, I think it turned out quite well. You may notice the relatively low rerecord count. The truth is, I was more concerned with actually getting through the game rather than shaving off frames for the fastest possible time. Each room or area becomes a maze of its own when it comes to navigating around walls and obstacles and I did not want to spend hours just figuring out the fastest way from one door to another, merely getting there and continuing on. That being said, I did try to be as speedy as possible. I'll point out a few things about the run as well as some other things I noticed while making it. The weapon glitch worked very well with killing bosses quickly. There is only 1 boss that I was not able to kill with the weapon glitch. I became fed up trying to find a way to hit Spring Beak, the boss before you get Sylphid's magic, with the spear. No matter where I tried, I could never land a hit on it. Yet, the AI controlled girl managed to get a weapon strike in while I was spamming it with Gnome magic. I am positive that it can be hit by the spear. I just got too annoyed while trying and decided to redo the section after killing the 3 blue hedgehogs. I bought 4 Faerie Walnuts, hoping it would be enough to kill the thing with 0 magic at that point. Luckily it was. Every boss afterwards gets hit with at least 1 the super spear of death! I spent the majority of the rerecord count on the boss fights. Learning how to manipulate each one to my favor was quite fun. I eventually figured out a nice tactic against bosses that liked to cast magic on the guy and ruin my weapon charge, more than likely killing him. Since using the glitch requires 2 players, I would often place either the sprite or girl near the boss so that when it picked a target for the spell I knew was coming, it would target one of them, not the guy charging for the weapon strike. It worked rather well. As the run progressed, I noticed that the maximum damage done by the glitch was slowly dropping. I guess this has to do with the boss's armor rating or something, I don't know. Regardless, it was doing less damage and that meant I would need to land more hits in order to kill the boss. Only too late did I realize a nice trick. If you cast moon energy on the guy while the he is holding the spear and the weapon glitch is charging, the next hit will ALWAYS result in a 999 critical hit. This is most evident fighting the Mana Beast, when I first realized what was happening. You need to cast it before each hit though. This may be due to my extremely low magic level though. It may last longer with a higher magic level. I think the amount of time that could be saved in my run is enormous. 30 minutes, probably more. Probably a lot more. I hope it can serve as a guide for someone who is much better at TAS'ing than I. Any feedback would be awesome. I hope you enjoy it!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/21/2006
Posts: 35
I have owned and beaten both Austalian PAL and US NTSC versions of SoM. I remember the exploding corpse glitch on both carts. Moving on to a new area as a monster dies was the easiest way to get this to happen. Starting a conversation at the right time obviously gets it done as well but this happens a lot less frequently cause there are not as many areas with monsters and a person to speak to in the same area. I wish I could remember an exact instance where I got it to happen but I cannot. Seeing it happen to the warewolves reminded me about the whole thing. I think it does look cool but if you have to waste frames waiting for the right time then I would say just move on.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/21/2006
Posts: 35
Yeah, I downloaded the new one and it works fine. Very nice work Gorash! Controlling 3 characters looks much better than letting the AI get stuck everywhere. The extra damage is awesome too. At Spikey Tiger, I found that if I was controlling all 3, if you press down and run as soon as you can after going down the few stairs, it is possible to avoid being hit by his initial drop in with everyone. If all 3 reach the 2 square checkered area at the bottom of the fighting area they will not have to recharge for a full attack. Hope this helps.
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Joined: 6/21/2006
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I guess that would mean you would have to enable multitap input from the beginning right? I have tested. I made a .smv with multitap enabled and took out the first boss. I play it back with multitap enabled and it works fine. If I disable the multitap feature and then try to play it back, it desyncs. This is the same thing that is happening to the runs that have not had the multitap enabled from the beginning as every one I test desyncs if I enable multitap before viewing. So, it would seem that having 3 player support active from the very beginning of the attempt is required. Time to start from the beginning again?
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Yes, I think things will go much smoother with this version. I've read the whole topic and there are quite a lot of interesting things that have been brought up. I think I will just play around with the game for a while and help out where it can. I doubt I will ever be good enough to do a serious attempt. Good luck if you are!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/21/2006
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Thanks! Snes9x from this site works perfectly with the movies. I guess I was using the official one. Now I get to watch everyone's attempts so far, yay! I will just try harder on spikey. I will keep an eye on the desync thing. I will try to notice a pattern of it happening. Your 5:15 run was still great. Yes, room for improvement, but I havn't seen anyone else do any better.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/21/2006
Posts: 35
I was wondering if you guys might be able to help me out. I have been playing around with this game as it is one of my favorites. My first problem is that none of the videos (.smv) files I have tried to look at work properly. They all get stuck in the first area where you pull the sword. Every time I try, the 'hero' gets stuck on the cuttable grass and never initates the 'The town is this way, I need something to cut through' speach. I just can't figure out what I am not doing properly. Do you have to watch at a certain speed? I hope not. Is pressing tab to turbo through the into a bad thing for desyncing? I have watched from power on all the way to the problem point at 'normal' speed and it still does it. Perhaps some other setting I am not aware of? I have several ROMs and neither Seiken's or Gorash's videos will play properly on any version. I have made my own crappy attempt at a TAS of this game. I can not get past the spikey tiger in the witche's castle. I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around how to beat this thing. I killed it once, saved the movie and played it back and things didn't happen the same way. This also happened on tropicalo, it took me many tries to get things to happen the same way on every play-back. Once I learned how to avoid the pumpkin bombs it seemed to work well. SoM is my favorite snes game. Seiken's speed run at SDA is awesome and I can't wait to see any improvments. I played it a lot and really want to make my own TAS. I know I could just level up a bit and whoop ol' spikey but beating him quick would be much better. Thanks in advance for any insight on the movie playback problem.