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Post subject: Request: Ms. Pac-Man
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(5:00 in the morning, didn't go to bed. Pardon any incoherence.) I believe a run for this game can be interesting and fun to watch. What seperates this Pac-Man game from the rest (that I've played) is: - different ghost difficulties - different level patterns - pac boosters The ghost difficulty basically is how quickly they move. I imagine an entertaining video will have really fast ghosts on the Crazy setting. The different level patterns include mini, big, strange, and arcade. Mini is quite small. Big is quite large. Strange is... strange; it is sometimes asymmetrical. Arcade is retro. Pac boosters are merely an option that allows you to go faster. You can select that it's always on, or if you want to toggle it. A speed run of this game would be two-players on mini, starting on level 7. I think this would be boring. What would be fun, is getting the highest score possible. This means starting on level 1, eating all four ghosts for every power pellet you eat, and getting every fruit in the level. (And dying intentionally to get some fruit over and over again.) I haven't looked into it yet, but to get the high score you'd either play on Strange or on Big. Big has more pellets, but Strange has some weird fruit that give big points. In the time waiting for new fruit to appear, the daring Ms. Pac-Man can dazzle us with her near-death encounters with the ghosts. Imagine following one, or sneaking in between two, with only a pixel to spare. Playing this game in real life, I've never gotten over 200,000 points. I was thinking about how this variable was saved. 200,000 is greater than an unsigned integer, but 20,000 isn't. Perhaps they just used an unsigned integer and printed out an extra zero, (since you can't change the one's place in the game anyway.) If this is the case, then the points counter would reset at around 650,000. (If that score is even achievable, I haven't calculated it.) Anyway, there's my thoughts for this game. I really think it'd be a fun game to watch. I'll do the math later and find out the best way to play to get the highest score. Would anyone be interested in making this run?
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I just realized I've been playing the beta version. If you click the link that says Tontie ver. 0, you'll see a link that says Tontie ver. 1. If you click the ver. 1 link, you get a game with lasers and stuff. I guess the extra features are kinda cool, but it appears so much easier now. I'd like to see someone beat the beta version.
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How did you guys learn to do this? Is there a methodology or do you just look at it for a long time? And for computer solvers, is there a methodology or is it brute force?
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Too tired to do a write-up.
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Boco wrote:
But why the obsession with linking a person to a body or image?
I don't know. But it still seems more natural than an obsession with beating video games as fast as possible.
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Just throwing in my two cents, for what they're worth. If I had to choose between a run that used it and a run that didn't, I would go with the run that didn't. It seems fake to me. However, watching a totally glitched run can be amusing. So I'm going to go with: accept both movies.
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Everytime I play Mario 2 now, I try jumping across large pits by jumping on birds with Luigi. It usually doesn't work, and I feel bad.
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Hmm... Time to organize my thoughts. In the videos released for Twilight Princess, I think Link looks more Japanese, in terms of phyical appearance, when he is a sheperd. When he is in his classical green tunic, the change is not noticable. Maybe when ZHQ2 goes back up I'll find some screenshots to compare and contrast. Zelda 1 didn't really have detailed graphics or plot... I think the lacking allowed us as players to fill in whatever was missing with our own schemas and imaginations. Zelda 2, 3, and 5 though... absolutely give me a Medieval feel. Swords, shields, arrows. Occassional scorcery. And the towns (and townspeople)! Link, in these games, reminds me of characters like Frodo or Robin Hood. I started to "fall out" of the series from Majora's Mask. Transformations and Tingles weren't my style. It seems that every Zelda game since Majora's Mask is adding more and more from Japanese culture. In terms of goals, characters, animations, etc. Don't ask me to support this thesis. I haven't really played the games after Majora's Mask. I've only seen screenshots and art. Maybe I'm completely off base. The change appears to follow a trend; namely, the rise in popularity of Japanese culture in the states. For example, if you looked at some American TV shows from the late 80's/early 90's, you'll see shows like Ducktales and Tiny Toons. Nowadays, if you watch Saturday morning TV shows -- now correct me if I'm wrong because I have not waking up early on a Saturday in years -- you'll see more anime. Yu-Gi-Oh, and the like. It doesn't surprise me that Nintendo, a Japanese company, would release a game, Zelda, with a white hero. Well, if Nintendo is Japanese, and the game creators are Japanese, how come the hero isn't also? They had to market the game to an American audience. And the American audience was not comfortable with Japanese heroes. I've never compiled a list or anything, but how many games were developed with white heroes as opposed to black or Asian in the 2D era? Men to women? In recent years, has the number of games with non-white main characters in the US increased? If so, I suggest the reason for this is: game developers do not need to create only white game characters to market in America because Japanese culture is now popular in America. Just for clarity, I'm only making an observation. I'm not trying to alienate anyone or be racist. But whenver race is discussed there is always some tension in the air. Hopefully no one misconstrued what I said as being racist. Personally, I would prefer a Medieval atmosphere, but that's just me. I was asking to see if anyone else noticed this change. Thoughts?
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This is the best thread ever. Welcome to the boards.
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I was just about to make this thread. Does anyone else see Link becoming more and more Japanified? Not that there's a problem with that...
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It's funny that I went to play minesweeper, but decided not to, right before coming to this board. My reason for deciding not to: there's 5 minutes left in class. If I don't end on a win on expert, I feel off. Minesweeper has become an addiction for me. I play for hours in a row sometimes. I think it's a pretty silly game if you think about it. Imagine if the bombs were shown to you, and you had to put the numbers. It's just a counting game. I think I may delete it to save some precious hours of my life. Still, cool clone though. What's your fastest expert time on the Windows version? Mine is like 135 or something. I'm not at home right now so I can't check.
Post subject: Game Quality and Nostalgia
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I had a thought today, as I drove past my old house and felt nostalgia. I played video games as a kid. The Mario's. And they were fun. And I still play them today. So when a new game comes out, that I might not like, I might say, "Classic video games were just better." I might try to justify my statement somehow, like, "They had to focus on gameplay because they graphics weren't great enough." Now I'm thinking, maybe if a kid grew up playing Mario Sunshine, he would like it in the same way I like Mario 3. Do you think we measure how good a classic game is based upon (more or less) objective criteria, or do you think a large part of how we rate a classic game is based upon our emotions and memories?
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It's kind of sad that I've encounterred these types on more than one occassion...
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zomg shmorky omgomgomg
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I don't have much to contribute, but just wanted to say that I think it was a great idea and you did a great job.
Post subject: Re: How is this for news
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Bisqwit wrote:
Now, why should I care?
Why should anyone care about anything ever?
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It didn't work for me, either.
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Sleepz wrote:
Other places it should be tested on is Ganon, L9 entrance, Gohma, Old man, etc. It should also be tested on the different rom versions as well. Ramzi, I don't think the candle boosting would be worth it. The few extra pushes don't seem to make up for the time switching items and loosing the sword beam for fights. Plus with 6 HC (if you get 6) you can only use it 11 times at most. Only 5 times if you up+A. Interesting thought though.
I'm going to go ahead and start making the save states for the L9 entrance and Gohma. Which old man do you have in mind? The master sword one? I'll put all of them into a .zip file that I can send you (or anyone else who is interested) when I have some contact info. I am not going to give up on the candle boost idea yet. I understand why it is theoretically a bad idea, as I mentioned in the original post. (The pausing/switching, the loss of sword beam.) But there are times when you're already missing health, so you wouldn't be losing the sword beam. And the pausing/switching won't be a problem unless you are switching very frequently. What we would need to do is calculate how many screens we need to travel with the candle boost to make up for the time of 2 pause switches. What about travelling the overworld? You're right about the health limitations though. Keep in mind that you can still kill an enemy with the sword. Maybe you can get convenient heart pick-ups along the way... Just pitching ideas.
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I have a save state right before Ganon with a red potion. I don't have anywhere to upload it to, though. :-( I also don't know how to use FCEU to slow the game down enough to test the glitch myself. I can E-Mail the save state if I have an E-Mail address...
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No, TSA told me that he thinks the trick only worked in Zelda Classic. I did NOT try it because I did not have a save state immediately before Ganon's room. I never heard about this glitch until this thread, and if it works, I would really like to know WHY it works. I don't see how the potion can have any relation to killing Ganon. If it does work, though, we should try to find other places where the red potion does crazy stuff. Right now, I'm imagining using the red potion at the very start of level 9, so you could get passed the old man, and beat the game without collecting the triforce.
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It's been months since I considered the route for this game. How is this one superior than the last one? I mean, where do you expect to save 1 minute? And what do you think of my candle idea?
Post subject: Zelda 1 Improvement
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God, I never thought I'd start this thread again. It hit me... Inspired by rocket jumping, how come we don't use the candle to propel Link forwards? I tested it a little bit, and it seems to be beneficial. Link blinks after being harmed and cannot be harmed until he stops blinking. That blinking takes too long to have multiple hits. So a blue candle will suffice. I haven't tested it, but I think Link can be hit more than once with the candle, but I doubt the detour in Level 7 for the red candle would be worth it. It's 3 in the morning guys. Also, there is the aspect of losing the sword beam. And there's the time it takes to pause and switch to the candle. But for periods of extended walking, particularly on the overworld, I can see this cutting off some real time. But then again it's 3 in the morning. Ideas? Suggestions? Donations?
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Boco: The Uncertainty Principle and derminism should not be too confused with each other. While the Uncertainity Principle (and Chaos) prevent us from theoretically predicting the future, this does not mean that the universe is not deterministic. And, if somehow, someone, did have all the values of everything in the universe, without affecting the system, he could predict the future. The scientific argument against determinism is quantum randomness. The movement of sub-atomic particles appears to be probabalistic, according to our current theories. If the probability of movement is 50/50, then its movement is completely random. The idea of a random universe is contrary to determinism. Most quantum physicists today believe that the nature of the universe is probabilistic. However, some minorty of them believe in other interpretations of quantum mechanics that are still deterministic. Even if the world is probabilistic at the sub-atomic level, the world is still deterministic on the macroscopic level. This is how engineers can build stuff, and pool players can play pool. One question may be how order comes out of chaos. As humans, we're physical, and part of the physical universe. We're subject to the universe's causal laws. Therefore, we lack free will, and have fates. (One may argue that humans have non-physical souls which give us free will. Even if that is the case, you can't deny that your behavior is subject to your psychological state. Imagine having eaten little, and slept little. It's not surprising that you will be cranky. Are you choosing to be cranky, or do you really have no choice in the matter?) Why don't you believe in determinism?
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