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I sometimes think I'm too cynical, because I make posts like this more than I make substantial posts, but... Does it matter? Some poll on some site isn't going to change your opinion of the game. I don't know what drives us to ask questions like, "What's your favorite Zelda?" rather than appreciating each game for itself.
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That Michael Fried, always getting folks into trouble. What a character. I kid, I kid. He's alllllright.
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Has anyone played this game? I think doing a time attack would be easy for it, unless you collect all of the red rubies, which are scattered throughout the levels.
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All your base are belong to us. Twas actually a fun game until the emulator glitched up on me.
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There was a thread a while back where we posted ideas. That's probably where Arc got the idea from. I was the one who suggested Astyanax. Is that spelling correct? I have the actual game, but I don't remember it too well, and haven't played it in a long time. I just thought it would be a good idea, because the game is seemingly non-linear (because of balacing resources and switching weapons) and action-packed, because of lots of baddies. Killing the guys takes time, but getting an item from them may save time later. I haven't planned for this game at all. It'd be cool to watch, I think.
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I think we're becoming more popular. We've atrracted common folk.
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I just wanted to post that "killed your family and pillaged your village," thing. Haha. That should be the title of the website. NES Videos - Pillaging Your Village Since 2003
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Guys, before pointing out to him the FAQ and requesting his post be deleted.... Here's what I don't get. Why do you come and sign up with this forum? It's not like we're forcing you to watch these videos. I never understood why, on the internet, people find forums of things they don't like and post on those forums how they don't like them. Isn't that a waste of everyone's time? The only thing I can think of is maybe you're affected some way by the videos, as if they're ruining your livelihood. If you're some TG guy, we've had threads like this before. Maybe try reading those. If you're not, I don't see why you would care to even voice your opinion? Are you doing us a favor? Maybe we'll see the light and go outside. Thank you! God bless you! The fact of the matter is this isn't cool. And you know what else? Real life speed gaming isn't cool either. Practicing Mario 1 over and over and over and over again after you've already mastered it just so you can shave off a few seconds is very VERY dorky. Go post on TG how they're not cool. Lemme go further. Video games aren't cool. Well, except for the sport ones, or the ones with chicks with big breasts. Write a letter to Nintendo how they're uncoolifying the kiddies. Still though, some people get some kick out of making and watching these videos which apparently killed your family and pillaged your village. Cool or uncool, you come off as a giant prick. Ramzi
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I didn't mention Super Metroid because I don't know that game well enough. I only mentioned the games I know. I figured it would be obvious enough, and be brought up by someone else. TMNT4 would be great. It would need two players, though, for the fastest time. Another two player game would be Contra 3(?). Ramzi
Post subject: SNES Games
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It seems that a SNES rerecording emulator will be perfected and released soon enough. So why not start planning early? What SNES games would you like to see timeattacks be made of? Here's what I'm thinking of right now. Super Mario World -- A video already exists of this, but it's much slower than the world record. I know of a lot of optimizations to make in this game. Doing the things that are too risky to do in a real life play would make this video entertaining. A Link to the Past -- Obviously. Planning has already begun for this game. Like the other Zelda games, the fastest path will make all of the difference. Ms. Pacman -- I know this doesn't seem like a likely candidate for a good timeattack, but it is! Getting a perfect score is easy with an emulator, but a timeattack would be difficult. Unlike the original Pacman, the ghosts movements are random, and the levels change. Also, there are different modes of this game like mini, huge, arcade, and strange. Strange has levels that aren't symetrical. Obviously mini would be the fastest, but the others would be cool to see also. Balancing a high score with speed will be another challenge, like getting a coins in a Mario video. Lemmings -- This game was so much fun for me as a kid. Some of the later levels are super difficult. That's all I can think of for now. Ramzi
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I should have known this would happen. Haha, it was fun solving the first quest, regularly. I have no interest in doing the second quest, first quest swordless, and second quest swordless. They would be fun to watch though. A few years ago Scott Conrad VanderWoude posted legitimate runs of doing the first and second quest swordless. They're some four hours, I think. Based upon my experience with the regular first quest, I doubt that he nailed the "perfect" path, but maybe watching his videos might help you. TSA wants us to solve Zelda 3. I think that I may participate in that. I've played that game more than any of the other Zeldas. SNES re-recording emulators should be out soon, so why not start planning now? I was also thinking yesterday about a chat convo a while back. In Zelda 4 (the non-DX version) there was a screen warping glitch. I think that would be amazing to watch. If I remember, you could beat that game swordless too, because of the glitch. GameBoy re-recording emulators, anyone? These swordless quests seem very complicated to me. Granted, I haven't even spent a minute considering them. I have the idea that they are complicated, because they probably most certainly require entering levels for the item, and leaving before beating the level. Once I know the rules, and the musts (must get the wand early,) it probably won't be so complicated. Right now I'm too busy with school, and still fatigued from the effort of the last planning. A game that doesn't give you so much freedom is a little more alluring to me right now.
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I did. I mentioned the human record, I said "emulator" twice, and "rerecording" once.
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It has 163 downloads. Makes me wonder who those 163 people are. I can't find this talked about anywhere. For some reason, I assumed Zelda sites and forums would love this video. I quickly typed up and submitted this story to Slashdot. Chances are it won't get accepted, although speed run stories have been posted before. If it does make it, expect your server to get Slashdotted.
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That. Was. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Great job, Sleepz!
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That LttP video was TSA. He was a real guy. It's impressive non-the-less. For some reason, fighting isn't as amazing to me as knowing the fastest route. And that's what I tried to help solve with Zelda 1: the fastest route. One reason why I chose not to be the one to make the video is because I knew someone would be able to fight faster, and if I made a mistake somewhere, I wouldn't want to redo the entire movie. I'm going to side with Sleepz on this one. If anyone thinks they can fight better than him, and beat his time by a few seconds, go for it. I wouldn't care about it, though, if those are the only changes. This game isn't like Mario 2, where a few seconds are a really big deal. The game is over 26 minutes. I'm going to cut some slack.
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I'm not going to have the time to watch and give pointers on the fighting. Michael's your man for that one. I'm going to sit back and wait patiently like everybody else. God speed. If you want me I'm in IRC.
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I thought about that. And then I caught on fire. I am not an expert on the second quest. I think the experience with this, though, would help in making a second quest vid. I don't think it's that desireable. Are there even second quest attempts at TG? A swordless 1st and 2nd quest also need to be done. There already is a swordless 2nd quest, but after all this "fastest route" stuff, I am very doubtful that it's the fastest... and I know nothing about the 2nd quest. Let's stick to this for now.
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It's fun watching you guys bounce around. I'm at the ZHQ forum, I see that Michael's on. I bounce back, I see he's posted here. I also notice Sleepz is on. I refresh, and Sleepz posts. lol. We should all just idle in the chat. Since we're in the same place at the same time so much, we might as well check if we're on at the same time in the chat.
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Sleepz wrote:
That would get you your sub-7. I dont know how easy or hard it is to collect 80 rupees on route through 6 dungeons, but if you did, you can easily get a total time of under 27:30.
As Michael mentioned earlier, you forgot that he gets the magical key in level 8. This is a detour over 50 seconds. Getting a sub-27, once thought impossible and CA-RAZY, is now accomplished. New goal, sub-26. :-P It'll never happen. I think we're looking at a video somewhere around 26:40.
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Getting 80 rupees seems a little impractical. Watch the Japanese guy's video to see what I mean. I watched it at 500%. Level 3: 6 Level 4: 33 Level 2: 20 Level 1: 0 Level 6: 20 Level 8: 0 Level 5: Not many. Okay, those are sketchy. (VERY SKETCHY!) I looked at the rupees dropped, not picked up. Note level 6 is in there. Level 4 has the rupee room, and the snakes in level 2 give you tons of cash. Say you get 50 between those 2 levels, you need 30 more in 3, 1, 8, and 5. From what I've seen, darknuts not only are hard as hell, but they're cheap bastards too. If you can pick up scraps (1 rupees,) as you go, maybe, maybe you can pull off getting 80. Also, maybe if you're lucky baddies on the overworld will give some too. Don't read from here: ------------------------------------------------------- Here's a stupid idea. Probably best you don't waste time reading it. If you are going to go for 80 rupees, why not getting the boomerang. (For what it's worth, on real life runs, the boomerang and the bomb upgrades are a must.) I think the boomerang may save time collecting rupees on the screen. Someone check if it can pick up the awards given after completing certain rooms. Three moblins with the first sword for the boomerang in level 1... Aside from rupees, There is 1 bat room in level 6, where you must kill them to open a door. It has 8 bats. If you can kill the three moblins with 1 cleverly placed bomb, why not? My concern is how long it takes for the start screen to go up and down. You'd have to do it twice, once to switch to it, and once to switch back. It'd be a nice little thing to watch, a boomerang wiping out a buncha bats, but it's probably not practical.
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sdkess7 wrote:
"I think I may be one of the few on these boards who don't think video games are life." Not finishing your homework and lying in bed thinking about optimal Zelda paths... Soon you'll be one of us ;)
Hahahahaaha. Touche. I'll be the first one to admit I'm a dork. It's not a bad thing. Like, um, look at Weezer... What I meant was, it seems to me that more people who are involved with dorky things, like video games, or Linux, or stuff like that, tend to be antisocial. I'm not really sure why. I'm sorry if I came off hostile in my first post. It wasn't my intention. And I actually don't think that was the intention of you, or feitclub either. These things kinda put a spin on themselves. Generally, I think we agree on these things. Perhaps word choice and other things are missinterpretted. Both sides understand the work, skill, and effort of the other side. Also, it should be noted, though, that one person doesn't represent the bunch. That is to say, there will always be a troublemaker, and we shouldn't let them split us into factions like this.
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Oh Jesus. Another fastest? We're going to need to redefine "fastest." TSA told me his route last night. It's slower than ours, and for his privacy I'm not going to tell you guys. But in the conversation he revealed other interesting things. He said he doesn't even use the sword in level 6. He completes it entirely with bombs. Because of this, I don't think that the sword makes too much of a difference in this level. So you could use my bracelet route, if the new routes aren't faster. (Presuming time saved by white sword is < extra screen.) He also made me feel stupid by reminding me that there's a ladder on the screen with the heart container above level 2. For some reason I never saw it there. I always counted an extra screen detour to walk right from the screen, to use those stairs. I hope I'm the only one who made this foolish mistake. He said you could hit Ganon without having to move if you do it fast enough. I don't remember the vids, if you guys did this or not. Check to see if it works when you're finally there. Also, the white sword vs. magical in level 9 came up. I mentioned like-likes, and he said you didn't have to fight them. I watched Michael's vid, and he did it correctly. But this Japanese guy fought all those like-likes! That's retarded. He through me off because I just assumed he would have taken the shortest level routes.
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Check this out: Michael's post created today. He posted his bracelet route, which is slower than the others we've come up with. Has he just been not checking this forum, or what?
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I think I may be one of the few on these boards who don't think video games are life. So as not to start a flame war about this, you know what I mean. I probably take them a lot less seriously than you guys. I find them a hobby. While there are some informed people about these emulator runs, a lot are ignorant. Not necessarily TG. Every message board with the topic about the SMB3 in 11 minutes vid has that one smart ass who can explain it. "It's not real. He cheated." It's suprising how many people believe it's legit, and how many people who know it's not legit that call it cheating. I had a hard time explaining to someone (someone from TG, mind you) that these videos *could happen.* He insisted that they were video editted, and things in the game were impossible. This simply is not the case. I don't really mind the misconceptions, though. After all, these emulator runs are a relatively new thing. I think people get upset when the goals are confused. I haven't seen anyone claim they are skilled gamers for making the video. No one has made a perfect video and tried to pass it off as real, to get some title. The goal is to make an entertaining movie. I've learned a lot from these movies. Tricks that I could do! (Like jumping over the ceiling in Mario 2.) For games that I've played for over 10 years, it's a great thrill to see another, better way of playing them. We recently refined the Zelda 1 route, that with perfect fighting will come to sub-28 minutes. Using this route, the world records could be shattered, easily, by the good players. In the TG boards though, they boasted how us cheaters will never know all the secrets they do. What's the point of that kind of thing? Why not share the information? sdkess, did you watch the Ronin video of SMW before doing your WR run? Did it inspire you, or show you something you didn't know? Will you share how you shaved off 30 seconds? Would you be upset if I told? A rerecording device is being worked on for the SNES. If a lot of people didn't think that this was cheating, as they do, they wouldn't be so against it. There's no denying that a lot of TG game experts hate us for making videos that show all the secrets. I agree with you 100% that what we do is cheating... if we tried to say that we are playing the game. But we're not. We're just saying, "Check out this kickass movie of the game." We wouldn't mind so much if we were called researchers, or something. We're making, often times, excellent strategy guides. Really, the whole thing is stupid. I can't believe that this is really an argument. It's so trivial. But in honesty, we didn't start it. Those whose prides are hurt because they can't do it as fast, or those who say, "I wish I thought of that," mind. So it's easier to discredit the videos than compliment the hard work that was put into them. People who get offended by emulators need to go outside. I feel dorky enough just posting in this thread, let alone this board. Maybe if more hardcore gamers were better adapted socially, video games wouldn't have the stigma that they do. Please, my request to everybody is to stop whining and arguing, because it's all very, very stupid. // Watching a perfect Pac-Man game would be // boring as hell. Props to the human that did // it though.
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So I didn't finish my homework... It would be faster to Up+A after Level 4 to go to Level 1, and get the bait from the bush near level 2 on the way to 8. You have to walk vertical screens, which are shorter than horizontal ones. Also, you only need to hit pause to switch to the candle once, because you need to burn the bush for 8 anyway. I was lieing in bed trying to think of a faster route, and couldn't. And I think this is pretty sweet. The video is going to be somewhere in minute 27. The last verified world record is like 36 minutes, and TSA claims to have done it in 33. Our route is clearly better. If they use it, they could easily beat those records. It shouldn't take them 5 minutes of extra fighting just because they're imperfect. What I like is they boasted that us cheaters would never know the game as well us they do. They're the masters at it. The "masters" couldn't come up with the fastest route. We'll publish the video, and then they'll rush to get the new title. I don't like how secretive they are. We, though, we worked together as a team. Cooperatively, we got things done. Maybe they could have also if they weren't such glory-hogs, never sharing any of their tricks. In a way, they're not deserving of seeing this. Maybe it'll inspire them to share information. It's going to be an amazing video when it's done. I'm giving it the go-ahead to start making it now, but it would be considerate to wait for Michael's opinion also, since he always comes back with something better that we missed. 'Till then, good work guys. It was a blast working with you.
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