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If you want the extra SMA4 content, all you need is a save file with everything unlocked.
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BrunoVisnadi wrote:
I copied everything that was in the .zip and put on a folder in the desktop.
Do not copy, just extract the contents directly to the folder you want.
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Hmm, maybe it's because the directory had an older version before. I'd rather bear that than deleting the config and starting fresh. I don't want to reconfigure everything again :P
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Nothing major, but I noticed a few updates ago the option to hide the mouse cursor while in full screen was added, but it still doesn't quite work like it should. Now I don't know if this is something that's impossible to fix completely, but whenever I take a screenshot or save/load a state, the cursor appears on the screen for a second or so. I don't know if it's related to having messages/captions popping up in the screen, because when I perform other actions that don't show any messages (such as rewinding), the mouse cursor does not appear.
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RagnorokX wrote:
I really don't have permission to download anything major, and Norton was my default. So fuck off.
So you can't download jack, but you can say fuck? What kind of norton-installing parents do you have that allow you to have that fetid mouth?
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LMAO! Norton? People still use that memory-hog program?
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Hehe, I see. I kinda understand now that I googled it. I didn't know they were standard concepts.
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Alrighty, once the newer versions rolls out, I'll check it out.
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Zeromus, I noticed you (or someone else?) added some deinterlacing option to the PSX options (weave, bob, bob offset). Thanks for that, but could you tell me what the difference is between them? I noticed that weave is kind of like default. Bob and boboffset makes it look better, but what's the difference between those two?
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This is something that has been happening for a while with the cheat dialog, but I hadn't bothered to report it because it's not a big deal, even though it is annoying. I've only tried the PSX core/cheats, and I always use MainRAM, 2 Byte, Hex. But I assume it would happen regardless of what core or type you use. Let me see how can I explain it... -Open the cheat dialogue -Add any cheat -Click/highlight the cheat, modify its value to whatever you want and hit edit (or even add) -Click on the same cheat again and you'll see the value being changed to 0000 without your consent. Like I said, no big deal, but it makes it extremely annoying when you're testing cheats and the value keeps changing to zero :P
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zeromus wrote:
Yes, that's the point. Reconfigure everything until you find out what broke. If this upsets you then make a goddamn backup.
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Damn it. Will I have to reconfigure everything again?
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zeromus wrote:
X2, Vs., Iron & Blood, Criticom, and lots others.
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zeromus wrote:
OK, then either your system is haunted, or you're the luckiest guy in the world who keeps picking only the half dozen games which are haunted in bizhawk.
Probably the latter. I try a lot of games, games people wouldn't even dare to touch.
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Just tried it again, just to be extra sure. I picked an RPG, started a new game, went to a save point and saved. I closed the emu, and the .saveram was not created. If I manually flush, then it is created just fine. If that's how it's going to be in the future (manual), then there's no point in getting used to automatic flushing :P
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zeromus wrote:
You understand clobber correctly. I already mentioned an option and explained that I don't like it. This option is confusing and it hasn't been well received in the past when other emulators have tried it. Most people aren't aware of the issue at all and won't use the option. But if theyre forced to manually save, more people will have an inducement to learn whats going on and take charge of something which they really need to be in charge of.
Well you can make the option work like you stated by default, but leave an option for it to happen automatically if one so chooses (like in my case, or older people that have used other emus before). But if you're completely against it, then I can get used to it.
If I do force users to flush saveram manually, I will probably still add a system to automatically dump a backup saveram every time the emulator exits (except for you, since it apparently never happens for you)
There is already an option to back up RAM (Customize -> Advanced). And it does work for me. What wasn't working was the emulator creating the .saveram in the first place. But I guess that was because I wasn't flushing (ermm...). But when I manually flush, it works just fine. But it definitely doesn't flush automatically for me when I close the emu.
How are you "closing" the emulator, anyway? It positively is ordinarily flushing the saveram when it exits. Maybe some codepath doesnt flush the saveram. Closing the text console window doesn't, and theres almost nothing we can do about that, so don't close the emulator that way. Closing the text console window is about like killing the process.
I just hit the X on the top-right. Or I press Alt+F4. But I don't have that text console thing. I believe I disabled/enabled some option where only the actual game window opens, and not another separate instance.
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zeromus wrote:
Bizhawk flushes when the program is closed or when you do it manually through the file menu. I'm thinking about trying to press for automatic savefile flushing to be removed entirely. The whole concept is problematical. Flushing continually means that whenever you loadstate, your saveram is also clobbered. Some people expect this. Some people don't, and theyre baffled and surprised by it.
I did see that "Flush saveram" option, but I always assumed it was a bad thing? I mean, flushing sounds like you're getting rid of the save altogether? Let me see if I understand what you're saying by "clobbered". Basically, I make a save state on point 1, then I make a memory card save on point 2, for some reason I load the save state back to point 1 and the memory card save will be wiped out (or reverted back to whatever it was when you made the save)? To me that sounds completely logical, but I understand why some people would be confused by it. How about keeping both as an option?
The only way to resolve that is to make flushing a manual step, or make it an option. I prefer the former, because it's just like any other program, right? Edit your document, save your changes. I think it was _mistake_ for emulators to do it any other way. We've got used to it, but it's a bad idea.
Make it an option sounds better since people can pick and choose. However, it's your choice as to how you want to implement it. I'm all for having options though.
The PSX core does work a little differently with saveram than the other cores. Unless the game actually modifies save ram, nothing will get flushed. So you won't get a saveram file until a game actually saves something. If you've been testing a game that doesnt save, or testing it before the point where it saves, then you may never see saveram go out to the disk. Please confirm whether this is the case.
Yes, I tried Wild Arms and over 10 other games, and I wasn't able to save to SaveRAM. I mean, the save was made, and as long as the emu was open I could reset and the save would be there. But if I closed the emu, no SaveRAM was created. BUT, I had never ever used the Flush saveram option. I just tried it and now the emu did create the .SaveRAM file and the save I made was there after closing/opening the emu. I know you said you prefer if that process is done manually, but personally I would rather have it work like other cores/emulators, in which the .SaveRAM is created automatically as soon as you make a memory card save. As for not wiping memory card saves when you Load State, I've found that's more trouble than what it's worth. I've played plenty of games/emus where RAM saves are independent of Save States and sometimes I've wanted to go back to a previous RAM Save, but I couldn't because Loading a State wouldn't revert back to the previous one. But again, if both options could be implemented then everyone would be happy-er.
I rewrote the framebuffer screenshot option. Doing it right was about 1000x more work and 2x better.
Awesome. I understand it's useless to you, so thanks for taking the time to do that.
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zeromus wrote:
ReyVGM wrote:
J2) PSX Gamepad option is not working.
Man, I screwed up the gamepad config dialog massively. I just fixed it... but we're gonna need to push out another version pretty quick for this.
:P :P
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feos wrote:
Your #1 works in the latest release for me.
Ah, crap, I see now. I was looking for "save state (Used)" and wasn't looking at "save state (empty)" :P By the way, I see the framebuffer screenshot option you made is intact in this new release. Zeromus said something about removing it (or maybe he just rewrote it?). Whatever the case is, I'm glad it's there.
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I have a couple of questions. 2) I have a question about the PSX SaveRAM before I turn it into a bug report. I haven't really paid much attention to SaveRAM because I always use save states. I can get .mcr save files from other sites, rename it to SaveRAM and bizhaw will recognize it without any issues whatsoever. However, if I try saving the game like I would on a real PSX, then the save is never created. I've tried starting a game without any SaveRAM present, and making a save, and the emu does not create the file. Not even after closing the emu. I also tried loading a SaveRAM with a save file already in it (gotten from gamefaqs or something), saving a game, and the same thing happens. As soon as I close the emu, the save is gone. I don't know if maybe there's an option I haven't turned on or something? And yes, I've checked the SaveRAM directory to see if the file is being created, but nothing appears. So is this a bug? Shouldn't the emu create the .SaveRAM as soon as you save a game like on a real PSX? Or at least create the file after the emu is closed? (First option is better though, in case there's a crash.) -------- SOLVED 1) I made this request some time ago:
When in windowed mode, it's easy to see when a save state is being used because the status bar on the bottom shows you. But when in full screen mode, there's no way to tell if the save slot you selected is used or not. So, if possible, I request for the messages to say something like "Slot 1 Selected (Used)" or "Slot 1 Selected (Full)" when picking a save slot.
Zeromus replied with "fixed" and closed the issue. But on the latest Bizhawk released, I don't see it? It could possibly be he didn't add it, or maybe it's something I have to turn on? Could someone point me in the right direction?
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Just tried the new Bizhawk. Have a couple of bug reports: 1) I was testing the ability to take multiple screenshots at the same second, and I got this error if I press the key too fast. I changed between OpenGl and directx and same thing happened. Just in case it matters, I'm using Win7 64bit, i5, Geforce GT 640 2) PSX Gamepad option is not working. At the PSX controller/memory card settings options, if I select "Gamepad" from the P1 controller options, the controls won't work in the game. I can bind keys to it just fine, but in game, it won't work. If I switch to Dual Shock, it works fine though. However, I can't use anything other than "Gamepad" or else all my previous save states won't work. "Gamepad" option worked fine on the previous version. I tried binding the keys to the keyboard and it still doesn't work as long as "Gamepad" is selected. Also, if I select "Dual Analog", the entry resets to "Nothing" when I reboot the emu.
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Added. Icon is just fine.
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I have a couple of suggestions/requests for the cheat dialog. 1) As someone that makes a lot of cheats, this causes me minor annoyances. You know how an active cheat is highlighted in light-blue? Well, when you click on a cheat to select it to either turn it off or edit it, it gets dark-blue. Problem is, you can't tell if that cheat is on or off when that happens. If you only have a couple of cheats on the list, that is fine, but not when you have dozens or hundreds. It gets chaotic sometimes when you're RAM searching and you need to add hundreds of results to see which is the one that works. Would it possible to implement a checkmark or something next to the cheat-name signaling that cheat is enabled? Sort of like the VBA cheat dialog: 2) Also, would it be possible to make the cheat dialog remember the last "Domain / Size / Display As" option I selected? Personally I only use 1-2 Byte, and Hex and I constantly have to pick them every time I open the emulator. --- And a final thing, I've encountered this glitch. I can't quite recreate it, but it happens often. Sometimes if I close the emu with the cheat dialog open, next time I open the emu, the cheat dialog starts like this: Doesn't happen all the time, but it happens.
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If it was a path problem, then just enter the path options and make sure you manually select the folder that plugin is at.
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Thanks for being so diligent, but I've never needed to use lua before and as much as I want to be able to use those specialized Gameshark codes, it's not worth all this trouble I'm giving you guys.
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