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So I was right when I thought that your name had something to do with biscuits. XD Hey, at least it's creative though. Look at how creative my username is. =P
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Y'know, if this whole speed run list gets revised and stuff to include more weapons and ammo, I might just make an FAQ of this to stick up on GameFAQs. What d'ya say? n_n -------- ---DARK SIDE--- 1. Exit the door and run straight to the elevator. Go down it and go through the door. You should see a missile launcher at the other end of the room. Grab that if you need it (plus two atomic health power ups behind the map thing). 2. When the path splits, take the left path and watch out for the enemy ambush on both sides. You want to go on the path labeled "Alpha Transport" Go in and activate the car. (You'll have a spare moment or two to run back to the other room and grab the items I stated in Step 1 before the car gets there.) When the car arrives, clear it out, and ride the car to the other side. 3. Follow the path and you'll end up in a big white rocky area. Run through as fast as you can, 'cause there will be an earthquake! Go in the door and take the left path. 4. You'll run across a ton of enemies here. Luckily, they're all of the weak sort. Hop on the conveyor belt where the shrinker/expander is and follow that inside. Watch out for the squish pillars in there. At the end you'll fall into a toxic depository. Hold the jump button as you fall because you don't really need to submerge unless you need pipe bombs. 5. Turn right a little and you'll see a shaft and an elevator. Use your jetpack to fly up the shaft. On this area is the yellow keycard! Take it. And now comes the tricky part. BIG ambush time. You'll have tons of slimes, aliens with chain guns, whatever you left behind before AND the mega-quick Alien Beast. Battle your way back to the Alpha Transport car and go back to the main hallway area where you got the missile launcher. 6. Watch out for the newly-appeared Assault Captain here, and make your way to the Beta Transport as quick as you can. Call the car over and head in, and go to the other side. 7. Basically follow the path and clear out the enemies until you get to the door. Go into the next room and around the desk. Hit the switch and go into the door. Then go into that hallway and press the switch, and a big, rocky, circular room will be in front of you. (Note: If you really wanna do something for entertainment, position yourself beside the switch and press the activation button. You'll save a babe through the wall!) 8. In this room, watch out for all the sentry droids that come out of the hole in the center of the room. However, that's where you want to go. Fly up there with the jetpack and you'll arrive at a control room. Press the nearby switch and go right back down. 9. You've deactivated a forcefield on a somewhat hard-to-notice place in the circular room, but there's a little path with a hole in the wall. Go over there cautiously, there's a Battlelord and two Assault Captains in there. Once those are cleared out, blast a hole at the end of the path and follow it. 10. You'll arrive in a room with a strange black stone in the middle of the room. Go around behind it and touch it. You'll teleport to this very weird green area. Path split time! Depending if you're doing a Secret Level Run or not. 11A. When you go through the teleporter, turn left and you'll see a crack in the wall. Blow it open, jump in, and there's the secret Nukem button! Hit it to go to the secret level! 11B. Go straight and follow the path. Watch out for more Alien Beasts and you'll get to a pool of water. Submerge and you'll find the Nukem button. Hit it! ---LUNATIC FRINGE--- 1. Turn around, take out your pistol, and shoot the two buttons on your platform. Run around the level and shoot the other two buttons to open the core. 2. On the map side of the level (where you should be), you'll be right where you want to be. Be sure to have some firepower ready, 'cause there's Battlelords in the core! Take the one out on the platform at your height without going into the core, then when you finish, enter the core via the map area. Turn right and there's a switch immediately on your right. Press it. 3. Run back to the other side of the map and you'll see that there's a panel opened up in the middle. There's also a small path with shrinker shots coming out of it. Get hit and run through the little area, and hit the Nukem button. ---DREADNOUGHT--- Super shortcut time! =D 1. Swim out of the tunnel and immediately jump onto the land. Get on land and switch to your jetpack. 2. You'll see a circular vent cover high on the wall, but it's too high to jump to. Shoot it anyway and use the jetpack to fly up into it. Drop into the hole and be done with the level! ---OVERLORD--- Boss battle time. Clear out all the slime eggs as fast as humanly possible. You're gonna need a lot of space. When you're ready, hit the switch to open the door to get the Overlord out. You'll want to circle around it and hit it with every high-powered thing you can hit it with until it's dead. Watch out for its missiles, it'll shoot a buttload of them relentlessly with really stopping. Missiles are fatal. =D ---RAW MEAT--- 1. Run and jump off the ledge as far as you can, then follow the path into the Sushi restaurant. Go into the middle blue curtain on the left and stand on the table, which will go down. Hit the switch in there and exit. 2. When you exit the middle room, go left, then turn right and go straight ahead to where the green stuff is. Go in that room, and watch out for the Octobrains. 3. Go to the open window, and leap out as far as you can toward the right wall. When you submerge, you should grab the access card automatically. Get out of the water and fly back up through the window, which when you turn around, will be on your left. 4. Go around the walls and on your left will be a white door which will lead to a small cash register room. On your left will be a small white compartment. Open it up to get the blue keycard. 5 Turn around and leave via the green room, and right after you'll see the blue keycard door. Use the keycard and go through it. 6. Go around a couple of corners to the right and you'll find a double-door to a kitchen area. Go inside. Go straight ahead and turn right, going down the stairs. Use the red keycard here and go up the ramp. 7. When you go up the ramp, the side of a building will explode and a couple of enemies will attack. Go through the newly-opened space to the bottom, and hit the Nukem button. ---BANK ROLL--- 1. Hop off the platform, avoid landing in the dumpster, and follow the street to the end. When you see a garage door thing in a building, turn on your jetpack and fly up to around the corner area, and there will be an open window. Go inside. 2. Hit the button under the desk and get the blue keycard. Leave the way you came and go inside the blue keycard door. 3. When you go inside, turn right, then go around the corner. Jump through the window to avoid the laser tripbombs that appear, and press the button behind the desk to your left and go in the door. 4. Behind the desk, hit all three switches, turn right, and go into the newly-made door on your right. Follow the path until you get to the circle room. 5. Go through the door on the right by shooting the switch with the pistol. Walk across the catwalk, activate the switch, and go in the next room. Use your jetpack to fly across the room, grab the keycard, hit the switch on the other side, and fly out of the room. 6. Leave and go back the same way you came in. Watch out for the newly-spawned monsters. Go over to the safe door once you've exited and use the red keycard on the door. 7. Here you're going to find a buttload of enemies, including two Battlelords. You'll want to make the canisters explode, and fight off what you can for the tough enemies. A wall will get blown open on your right. Go in and march straight ahead, and you'll see the Nukem button! Hit that baby and leave the level! ---FLOOD ZONE--- This would be a "Super Shortcut!" level if the Invincibility cheat is allowed. I'll list it anyway, because I just love this shortcut. I'll also list how to quickly defeat it without using the shortcut. n_n Shortcut Route 1. Run to the end of the cliff path and jump off, landing as close to the building as you jump. Go underwater! 2. Go forward and swim to the bottom. You'll see what is a grey door on a white building that's huge. Looks like you can't get through it, right? Wrong! Go up to the bottom-right corner of this door and hold forward so that you're shaking. Turn on Invincibility momentarily, then Press the left-strafe button and *SQUISH!*, you'll be in! Turn off invincibility. 3. Turn around and hit the switch on the right side of the door. It will open. Immediately swim over to the Alley Cat Lounge sign and collect the red keycard once it goes up. Use your jetpack underwater and fly out. 4. Fly up to the rooftop and deactivate your jetpack. Use the red keycard on the door and go inside, but watch out for Alien Beasts and other baddies. Go into the sewer area, and turn right. Fall down the hole and land in the water. Don't try to land on any land because if you do, you'll die when you land. Instead, turn left and hold the jump button so you don't submerge, then just hit the Nukem button. Non-Invincibility Way 1. Run to the end of the cliff path and jump off, landing as close to the building as you jump. Hold the jump button as well so you don't submerge. Follow the waterway to the Alley Cat Lounge sign, but don't go over to it. Instead, there's a small opening on the left corner of this area. Go into that. You'll find a submerged building with sub-machine guns on the corner. 2. When you see this corner, activate your jetpack and fly up. You'll see the blue keycard. Get it and get back into the water, but stay right next to the building. 3. Submerge and turn around and you'll see the blue keycard door. Go in. 4. Be wary of the Octobrains and the slimes in here. Quickly go over to the shotgun shells on the left and go through the semi-transparant wall and follow the arrow upwards. (Note: The next few steps really suck. There's a lot of going up and down for long periods of time which leads to no entertainment value. There's also no quick shortcuts to get out of it.) 5. Swim all the way to the top and you'll end up at an apartment-type place. Go down the ramp area and jump into the pool that it comes to. Turn left and follow the short path and go in the shaft. Go all the way down, grab the keycard, and go all the way back up again. Follow the path out and surface. 6. Fly up to the ramp you came in, and leave the same way you came, going down the shaft and out the blue keycard door. 7. Follow the path after you exit to the dead end underwater. You'll see an open window area that's underwater that has a shotgun inside. Go in and there's a yellow keycard door! Enter it with the keycard. 8. Follow the stairs down and activate the switch on the right to open the door. Immediately swim over to the Alley Cat Lounge sign and collect the red keycard once it goes up. Use your jetpack underwater and fly out. 9. Fly up to the rooftop and deactivate your jetpack. Use the red keycard on the door and go inside, but watch out for Alien Beasts and other baddies. Go into the sewer area, and turn right. Fall down the hole and land in the water. Don't try to land on any land because if you do, you'll die when you land. Instead, turn left and hold the jump button so you don't submerge, then just hit the Nukem button. ---L.A. RUMBLE--- Super Shortcut #4! =D 1. Exit the sewer and go out into the outside area. Go around the round building on your right a little bit. 2. Activate your jetpack and fly up high to the open window at the top. Go inside. 3. Grab the red keycard off the shelf after going around the thin wall, clearing out the baddies, and going inside a little ways. Go back over to the desk and hit the switch underneath it to open up a passageway in the wall on the right. Go inside. 4. Use the red keycard on the door and open the shelf. Go through the teleporter, and hit the Nukem button! ---MOVIE SET--- Super Shortcut #5! That is...if you're not doing an all-levels run. This is also my favorite shortcut in the game. =D 1A. Immediately turn around and run through to the vending machine area. However, instead of getting the blue keycard, go over to that small opening in the door instead. Crouch down, and while crouching, hold forward and jump. You'll go right under the opening! Go down the stairs and hit the nukem button. It's as easy as that! However, if you're going to go to Area 51, you have a lot more work ahead of you, soldier! 1B. Immediately turn around and run through to the vending machine area. Grab the blue keycard by the phone and run back to the starting point. Turn left, and open the blue keycard door. 2. Immediately upon entering, go straight ahead and go into the "Quiet on the set" door in front of you. Turn left and go into the set area. Kill the enemies in there and grab the yellow keycard. 3. Go back into the room you entered with the blue keycard. Hop up to the yellow keycard door and go in. 4. You'll be in a room with a spaceship set! Go into the spaceship itself and get on the chair on the right to get the red keycard. Exit immediately. 5. Go back into the room you got the yellow keycard in, but instead of going over to that part of the set you go the yellow keycard at, go to the door in front of you and use the red keycard. Go inside and on your right is a switch. Press it, turn around, and exit through the first door on your left. 6. Watch out now, there's a bunch of tough aliens out there to hand your head to you. Turn left and run around the whole building until you get to Stage 17C. Go inside and take care of the enemies there as best you need to. 7. There's a bloody handprint on the right side, which looks like some purple liquid control screen. Press it and an opening will open up on the right side of you, about the size of a vent. Crawl through the cave until you see the end. 8. You'll have your work cut out for you. There's alien beasts in this room, and in the next room once you open the door, as well as a lot of other baddies. Kill or avoid them, whichever needs to be done. Just get to the secret Nukem button in the next room. ---AREA 51--- 1. Exit out of the tunnel and go over to the building straight ahead. There's a fan on the building under your feet. Shoot it and hop in. 2. Turn right and press the switch. Grab the blue keycard that's in front of the computer monitors straight ahead. You'll activate an ambush! Take the left exit and go through the teleporter. 3. Turn right after you exit the cave area and go around the building to the front door. Go inside and run through until you get to the elevator shaft. Press the middle switch and the elevator shaft will open. Make your way down, and unless you use your jetpack, damage or death is inevitable. 4. At the bottom of the shaft, jump up and fly up to the pillar with switches on it. Deactivate both and go into door #1. 5. Be extra ready to fight off a ton of Alien Beasts here at all times. Activate the switch and jump on top of the pillar when it lowers. The little wall blocking the keycard will lower and you can get the red keycard. You'll then get ambushed by two more Alien Beasts. Pressing the button to re-rise the guard in the small, cramped area won't do you any good protecting yourself from them. Kill them and go out with your keycard. 6. Go through door #2 and go through the exit on the left. Go out into the spaceship area for more Alien Beast fun! Take care of them and go to the left corner at the other end of the room to find the red keycard door. Use the keycard and go inside, using the teleporter. 7. Take care of the enemies inside and grab the yellow keycard. Escape by hitting the switch on the right side of you, going over to the window, and jumping out. Land on the spaceship, then jump up to the ramp with the bridge and use the yellow keycard on the elevator. 8. When you get to the bottom, there's a Battlelord that's not going to let you press switches! You'll have to kill it. Then with the switch puzzle, you'll have to hit the switches in this manner: LEFT SIDE: XXOX RIGHT SIDE: OOXX Hit the multi-switch once to get the left side to appear, then once again to get the right side to appear, then a third time to get the switches activated on both sides of the room. Press the switches to make the Nukem button appear! Hit that and exit the level! ----- The rest of the stages will come either later today, or sometime tomorrow.
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So I've been hard at work geeking out at Duke Nukem 64 instead of doing my homework. You think I should be putting my time into what everyone else is doing (Like Mario 64), but no. I've never been one to follow the norms. XD I'm going to finish off the rest of the space levels in the next couple of posts. I meant to do a couple more levels earlier but I had to go out for a while. ---WARP FACTOR--- 1. Another level with wait time at the beginning. Immediately activate the elevator and wait for it to get to the top. Once there, leave and open the door in front of you. Turn left and go down the elevator there. There will be an explosion. 2. Crawl under the door and go straight ahead, but be careful not to fall into the holes on the right. Grab the blue keycard and head on out of there. 3. Go straight across the room to the elevator there and go down. There's a couple of enemies and some laser tripbombs. There's two things you can do here. Either use an Explosive Shotgun Shell to blow the bombs up, or you can wait and let one of the enemies blow themselves up after they see you and you go back up the elevator (if you either have no explosive weapons or you can't afford to use them). Either way, progress to the middle of the room and turn right, using your blue keycard to access the elevator. 4. Go up, turn right, and follow the path. Watch out for the exploding sentry drones at the end. Get into the "space car" thing and go over to the other side. Follow the path there to the middle of that room. 5. Clear out what you can and you'll come across a keycard being guarded, with a little area where there's three switches. Hit the middle one only and grab the keycard. 6. Go all the way back to where you came from, right back to the elevator you used to activate the blue keycard. Go down that, turn right, and continue going forward. 7. Use the yellow access card on the big door. Go up and go around to the left a short ways until you see an "Authorized Personnel" door. Go inside that. (NOTE: There's a missile launcher in the door ahead of you when you first enter the big circle room. A quick and easy grab for a powerful weapon!) 8. Turn right around and go back down the escalator thing. Go down the small ramp and go into the door. Watch out for Assault Captains here. Close the door behind you if need-be. 9. In front of you, there's circular, rotating walls. Wait for an opening and run through into the circular elevator and go down. 10. Turn to the right a bit and hit the Nukem button. ---FUSION STATION--- Before I start, this is one of the "Super Shortcut!" levels I've been discussing earlier. You'll see why. You'll want a full jetpack and some good weapons, though. n_n 1. Exit the area by flipping the switch on the right. Follow the path until you get to a small room with a switch on the door. 2. In this room, only get close enough to hit the switch. Activate the jetpack (this is essential so those homing droids don't spawn) and kill the trooper in front of you. Exit the room. 3. Turn left and fly all the way up to the high platform. There's a couple of Atomic Health powerups on the ledge on the way up, which I highly recommend grabbing if there's going to be a lot of damage taken. Once you reach the ledge, deactivate your jetpack. 4. From here on out, you're going to be attacked by a buttload of Assault Captains and their missiles in a fairly small room. That's why you pack the firepower before this level. Once you've cleared out what you need to, go to the end of the room, go behind the circular pillar and touch it from the back. It will rise to reveal another Assault Captain and the Nukem button. Kill the Captain if need be and hit the button! ---OCCUPIED TERRITORY--- 1. Turn left and press the nearby button. Turn again back toward the opening spot and jump over the eggs. Immediately run through the closing door on the left. 2. Dash through the door and straight ahead up the ramp into the big door. Go through that, then the next door. 3. Go around the circular room to your left, where all the green stuff is. There's a passageway, go in that, and up the ramp and through the conveyor belt. 4. There's a whole host of nasties here. Clear out what you can, grab the Red Keycard, and make like a banana and split. 5. Exit to the left and use the red keycard on the right side of the big ramp. Go inside the door that opens up, and I hope you have enough firepower... 6. On the "Come Get Some" difficulty, there's a maximum of THREE Battlelord clones in here. Either get the blue keycard and get right the hell out, or take what you can out. Either way, they take a hell of a beating. 7. Right in front of you is a blue keycard door. Open it and go in. 8. This part's confusing. Enter the door, and when you see a wall of long pillars, activate the jetpack, go up, and immediately turn around at the same time. You should see a control area space. Fly into that and turn the jetpack off. 9. Once inside, hit the switch on your right, but be extra careful, now you've got a couple MORE Battlelord clones to contend with. Fight them off. 10. Cross the platform and hit the switch on your right. Go in, and hit the Nukem button. ---TIBERUS STATION--- Super shortcut time! =D 1. Shoot out the vent, being wary of the slimes, and hop out. Shoot the switch ahead of you with the pistol, and jump out towards the door. 2. Follow the path to the next room. 3. Take out the explosive homing droids and use the jetpack to fly up to the bridge. Take the door on your right first. 4. You'll end up seeing a balcony on your left overlooking a pool of toxic water. Jump onto the ledge, then crawl through the opening and into the pool. 5. Immediately after you go underwater, turn right a little and grab the red keycard. Switch to your jetpack, activate it, and fly out of the water facing where you got the keycard. 6. Fly up over the columns of computers and follow the patch back to the door on the other side. Use the red keycard on it. 7. Big fightin' time! Yeah, these shortcuts so far suck with a big battle, don't they? You have one Battlelord and some Octobrains and various misc. things to fight. If you feel bold, just blow up the gas canisters and go through the vent. 8. In the vent is those slimes. The easiest way to get past slimes in the vent is to just hold down the kick button as you crawl through. When you g get to the end, jump up and follow the vent out. The Nukem button is on your right. Try to ignore the enemies there, knock off the glass, and hit it. ---LUNAR REACTOR--- I actually have two routes for this level, which go around the mid-point. I don't know if one saves more time than the other, though. I'll include them both. 1. Leave the starting room and go out to the "Crossroads" of the level. Take a left and go to the bathroom. 2. There will be four stalls when you first take a right. I'll number them 1234, from left to right. Go into stall 3 and grab the blue keycard, then exit. 3. Go across the hall and to the Crew Quarters door. Not too far you'll have to fight yet ANOTHER Battlelord (3D Realms hates us, yes?). Fight it/them off and go into the crew quarters. 4. Once inside the crew quarters, you'll have to make a choice to go left or right. Go right, and when you walk into the crew's sleeping quarters, you'll see a strange red shaft. Hop in. 5. Hit the switch on your immedate right and run through. Take out the vent grate and for entertainment, make a huge running leap across that gap. Get the red keycard and turn around. Here's where the path splits to where you can do things. You'll end up with the same result whatever path you take. 6A. Turn left and fly up to the vent via the hole. Deactivate the jetpack and follow it to the end. 7A. You'll end up in a river of sludge. Follow it all the way down to the orange cog, and go through with the turning of it, much like you did in the Launch Facility level. Follow it to the back and get the red keycard. 8A. Once you've done that, leave and go up the stairs you'll see after riding the cog out on your left. Use the red keycard on that area and you'll be right beside the Yellow Keycard door. 6B. Fly back to the ledge you lept from, and hit the switch. Run like mad to the opposite side again before the walls squish you. Fly back up the shaft and back into the crew quarters. 7B. Make your way back out to the crossroads. 8B. At the crossroads, take a right and use the yellow keycard on the door. 9. Be careful after going into the yellow keycard door. Battlelords are always happy to see you. Try to skip him and run down the stairs as fast as you can go. Open the door at the end. 10. You'll end up at a room with a core thingy in it. Run across the sludge and be wary of the enemies inside some hard-to-see alcoves in the wall. Turn around and press the switch on the right. A core will descent, and you'll have a few moments to quickly clear out baddies if you need it. 11. Destroy the core with an explosive weapon, then turn around and go through the newly-opened door. Watch out for Assualt Captains, and follow the path to the end of the level. Smash that Nukem button behind the door!
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---INCUBATOR--- 1. You'll have to wait a moment for the car thing to go connect to the beginning. When the forcefield goes away, go straight for the next two rooms until you get to a dark room. 2. In the dark room, straight ahead is a switch. Watch out for the enemies and press the switch, and turn right and run into the next room. 3. You'll come to a bit of a split in the path. Ignore the left route for now. Go right and wait for the wall to come down. As soon as you can, jump into the lowering wall, and turn right. 4. Turn right again in this room and you'll see a switch. Press it and go back to the path split. 5. Take the left path and go through the deactivated forcefield, and take the left path. You'll walk a ways and find a door on the right. Go inside, grab the yellow keycard, and leave. 6. Now run around to the other side of where you were and use the yellow keycard. Go in the room, take out your pistol, and shoot the switch. 7. Leave the room and turn left. The wall beside you will be lowering. Jump on top of it, and jump off. Turn right. 8. You'll be in a big room full of babes and odd green stuff...and egg things. Go to the left side where there's a babe and a strange circle on the wall. That would be a switch. Open it, and in the center of this whole wall thing, there's a door that opens up. 9. Go into the door hidden by the wall and clear out the Octobrains as best you can, and hit the Nukem button. --- Starting in a couple of levels, I'm going to have my super shortcuts coming up. I'd also like to mention in a demonstration I did with a friend, with the Flood Zone Invincibility Squish shortcut...I was able to beat Flood Zone, L.A. Rumble, and Movie Set all in under two minutes. I'm getting really excited to show off the routes of this one. n_n
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Bisqwit, I know that you're trying to garner some interest in your speed run there, but by voting "No" for your own movie, doesn't that sorta defeat the purpose of what you're trying to do?
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I'll keep up to date with the route planning! Sadly, I don't plan to be the one TASing this game. I just love planning routes. That's my fun. n_n I've finally gone through and found a reliable and fairly fast way through The Abyss! The rest of these routes are going to be a piece of cake now. ---THE ABYSS--- 1. Exit out the tunnel area and jump straight out. Turn right. The moment you fall, hold the left strafe button, and you'll wind up on a ledge. 2. Follow the cliff path until you reach a cactus. At this point, instead of getting the blue keycard, fly up a little ways and land on the broken bridge. Go through that, taking the left path when the path splits. 3. You'll arrive at the end where there's a cliff, and on the other side is a platform with two cacti, one big, and one small. Jump over the cliff and go over to the monument that says "San Andreas Fault". The cliffs will explode. 4. During this time, fly straight ahead and downwards some. You'll arrive at a funny opening in the cliff. It looks like it's maid out of some kind of stone brick. Go in there. 5. Turn left and you'll see a very small passageway with stairs going up it. Follow this path. If you went the right way, you'll arrive at a circular room with a gap in it, there'll be some odd chanting voices, and Duke will say "Cool!" 6. Hop in the gap and if you turn slightly to the right, you'll see what looks like a circular bulls-eye painted above a rock, and a red handprint on the side. Use the handprint like you would a switch and go into the passageway. Follow it. 7. Fall into the big room, turn around, and strafe left until you see a handprint. Activate it, and stairs will appear. Quickly get up onto the stairs. Now, on top of the stairs, go over to the corner closest to the left wall and you should hear an explosion. 8. Turn to the right and you'll see another handprint across the room. Activate it, and wait to be shrunk down. Once shrunk, fall to the ground and turn right, and go through the hole. 9. Once you go through the hole, turn left and fly as far out as you can toward the back wall. During this time, you'll become big again. It would be in your best interests to move downwards some while you're moving toward the back wall. Land on the ledge with the Atomic Health on it. 10. Turn left and follow the long passageway. Using Night Vision Goggles here is optional, as if you're TASing this, you won't lose any time pressing the buttons to activate them. 11. Basically follow the path. It's very linear from here. Just scale the cliffs until you get to a big door at the end. 12. Open the door and follow it to the end. A door will open up, and there's a switch on the right just as you walk in. Press it, go forward, and drop down the hole. That's it! ---BATTLELORD--- Boss #1 time. Basically, the strategy for him is to circle around him, preferably using your jetpack, and fire away at him with Dum Dum bullets. I don't know if those are actually accessable, or if they can easily be made accessable (Though I do know that there can be a quick detour made in Hollywood Holocaust to grab a round in the convenience store secret area) but the next best bet would be the newly-acquired missile launcher from on the path of step 11 in the Abyss guide. Don't get too close, though, this Battlelord can actually kill you by squishing you, unlike the clones. ---SPACEPORT--- 1. Follow the path ahead, but go around the right side when you come across a force field blocking your path. Hit the switch near where the broken monitors are and go through it. (Note: Activating he broken monitor column reveals a secret area with an enemy inside, but it has an atomic health. If health is a factor in this run, not much time will be lost by grabbing this) 2. Follow the path into the next room. Instead of going through the door, actually jump into the sign that says "Authorized Personnel" above and to the right of the next hallway. Turn left, and follow the vent down into the blue keycard room. 3. Grab the keycard, but watch out for the spawning enemies. Leave the room and go into the main force field core room. Go around the forcefield and to the end of the room on the right side. Activate your jetpack quickly, turn left, and get on the ledge above and deactivate it. Use your blue keycard here. 4. Hop off the ledge and go into the elevator. Follow it up. 5. When you arrive at the top, go straight and blow up the gas canisters. Go into the hole and hit the switch. Turn around and go up the ramp and fight off the baddies. 6. When you're facing where the forcefield core is, you'll see a set of four buttons set in this pattern: OXOO. You need to set it to this pattern: OOXO Pretty simple, yes? 7. Go down the force field core and into the water. Get the red keycard, then fly back up to the level you were at. 8. Go back up the ramp and enter the door on your left (the door behind you when you were pressing the switches) Head inside. 9. Follow the corridor to the end, using the red keycard at the first door. Watch out for the exploding homing drone! Just get to the end and hit the Nukem button. ---
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SprintGod wrote:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy wrote:
You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it would be if you could see it which you can't. It is pitch black. > slap self Done. **** You have died **** We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now. (Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) > Your score is 0 of a possible 400, in 0 turns. Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):
XD!!! That's just awesome. XD
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Watch it, or I'll throw Spinys at you from the heavens. XD
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I can be an egotistical little bugger. XD "Rick" is my real name, and I've always used it online. Other incantations you may see around are Rick Cressen (online alias last name), Rick L, or...back in middle school, Rick (Lickichu) You may have seen me around other spots. =D
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---LAUNCH FACILITY--- 1. Go down the ramp and into the muck where the rotating thing is. There's a little hole in the wall where there's a switch. Hit it. 2. Go back up the way you came, but up the toxic waterfall and take the passage on your left. 3. Follow the passage until you get in a tall room. Jetpack up and move about 90 degrees to the right and you'll see an opening. 4. In the opening, collect the blue keycard, press the button, and exit out of the room the same way you came in. 5. Turn another 90 degrees and go into the room now that the forcefield there has been deactivated. 6. Jump or fly across the center of the room and pick up the grenade launcher. Turn right and go into the control room, but take your immediate left and use the blue keycard. 7. Exit the room completely and go back the way you came, but this time fall down to the bottom and exit to your left. Go into the open area straight ahead instead of turning right. 8. Follow this very short corridor and open the door in front of you. There will be Pig Cops in here. Get the red keycard and hit the switch in the window to open up the door in front of you. Dash through. 9. Go over to the elevator and fly up. You can actually go into the room above without taking the elevator up, which saves time. Go through the teleporter and use the red keycard and immediately exit. 10. Fall down (but just before you fall, quickly turn the jetpack on and off to save from taking damage if need-be) and go into the small alcove on the left. There's two Pig Cops there, so shoot a grenade inside. Once there, press the switch. 11. Fall down the hole the rocket falls into and follow the path. You'll arrive in another room. Hit the switch near the computers. 12. The switch will open up a panel in the wall. Just follow the path and you'll arrive at the Nukem button. ------- I'm still trying to work out the level plan for "The Abyss". In all my years of playing the game, I have yet to find some kind of a path to follow to get through the level. I usually end up just mindlessly beating the level without really knowing what I actually did to beat it. Sometimes I can arrive at different points without doing certain things to activate other things. Man, I hate that level. >_< I've found some interesting little tricks for the other levels, and I'm finding that some of the later levels can be beaten in seconds flat. Lately, I've just been doing the strategies with invincibility on, and monsters off, just so I can easily find a quicker path through the level, and I'm hoping it can be modified later on to suit the needs of monsters and damage and ammo and other stuff like that. I think my secret areas FAQ could come in handy since it could be used to find quick and easy secrets to fill up on ammo and health. My only wish too is that Invincibility in this game could be allowed, even though I know cheats are disallowed in a TAS. I've known of a mega secret in Flood Zone that requires a "squish" death...AND living to do. There's also a trick I found in Rabid Transit with the revolving doors at the beginning. Using Invincibility, go through the left one and try to go the opposite way of it. When you get squished, you'll live and for some reason, end up on the middle of the track where the train car thing goes, at the hallway of the red keycard door. When used, it guess, about five seconds total. Just out of curiousity too, is there any interest at all for this run? If not, I'll just update the strategies I've found a bit less frequently or something. I'm not actually going to be doing the run, since I've still been trying to find time to do a run just on my SMB idea alone. I've just been putting these up in case anyone wants to take on this run for a less-popular FPS (But my own personal favorite. n_n).
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---DUKE BURGER--- 1. Blast the crack in the wall near the canisters with an explosive weapon and go through it. 2. Leave the alley and turn left, then go around the building until you see the Drive Thru speaker menu thing. 3. Go up to the menu speaker thing and activate it. You'll hear Butthead say "Go away. We're like, closed." At this time, behind the sign, a small place will open up. Get the blue keycard inside. 4. Run around to the "front" of the building and go in the keycard door. 5. Head straight for the men's bathroom, which will explode in front of you. 6. In the bathroom, go through the vent and onto the other side. Turn right and walk into the small corridor. 7. Take a left in the corridor and grab the keycard. Exit and use the card on the other side, and go in the door. 8. Follow the conveyor belt to the very end and jump on the left platform. 9. Go into the big meat room, and look around on the right side of where you enter, at the end of the room, for a passageway. Look around there for an office room. 10. Go behind the desk in the office, crouch, and activate the switch. Go into the newly-opened door. 11. Bee-Line toward the Nukem button and you'll get captured! Since you have to wait to exit the level, save the babe for fun since it won't cost you any time. ---TOXIC DUMP--- 1. Immediately go underwater and open the hatch by shooting the following switches with your pistol: X O X 2. Turn around and exit out the hatch as soon as possible. Surface. 3. Activate the jetpack, turn around and fly up to get the blue keycard. 4. Fly back to the entrance and unlock the door, go inside. 5. Take your first left. Jetpack again to a small narrow passageway about at your current level, provided you don't fall. Fly into it and take your immediate right. 6. Open the door and grab the keycard inside. 7. Fall down, then run over to the red keycard place. Allow yourself to get shrunk. 8. Run through the right-most passageway and into the room. When you're big again, kill the aliens and shrink yourself again. 9. Exit the passageway and go through the door. Go underwater. 10. Surface as soon as you can and look for an opening across a pit that goes into another computer-ish area. Hit the switch and go back underwater. 11. Go through the newly-opened door. Go into the only computer monitor area and hit the switch in there to open the door on the left. Go inside it. 12. Go through the gears via a break in the gears. Surface as soon as you get to the other side. 13. Go down the water pathway, but at the end, activate your jetpack. 14. Turn right and fly over to where there's a green area a little below you. Go into that. 15. Follow the path through to the end of the level.
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And look at me! I'm not helping any! Though I'm not sure what can be helped right now, I'll wait 'till the AVI comes.
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Entertainment definitely. I'd rather see a run filled to the brim with glitches rather than a speed run if given the choice.
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-DEATH ROW- 1. Run out of the electric chair and into the next room. 2. Kill the pig cop and hit the left switch. 3. Shoot open the window and run through. Take a right into the hallway. 4. Follow the hallway until you get to the door. There will be an explosion. 5. Enter the newly-opened place and get the blue keycard after jumping on the gear platforms. 6. Go through the door, and take your first left. 7. Fly up onto the small catwalk while firing something explosive at the door to get rid of the tripbombs. Go in. 8. Deactivate the Cell Block 2 force field only. 9. Go back out the way you entered for the first room, then the second room. 10. Go up into the Cell Block 2 area and press the switch until the third red light is lit up. 11. Go into the farthest room and go through the poster. Blow up the cracks in the wall. 12. Follow the pipe out, and immediately dive into the water to get into the submarine. 13. Shoot out the glass and hit th button to end the level. The next few levels I hate because I'm not as familiar with those ones as I am the rest of the game, especially The Abyss. I've been playing through the game again, so more shall follow.
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I played around with some route planning for the first two levels. I'm gonna do this for all the levels, but for now, I'm only talking about the first two, and I"ll add more as this goes on. In this route plan, I currently ignore all enemies and disregarding ammo pickups unless highly necessary, with few exceptions (i.e. Boss Levels and wherever I see fit that I can add them in surely.) Basically, I'm more concerned about getting the basic gist of the level planning done. We can fine-tune this stuff later. For switch combinations, O means to leave it unpressed, and X means to press it. ---HOLLYWOOD HOLOCAUST--- 1. Shoot the fan off the vent and fall down. 2. Run to the other side of the street area. 3. Turn the corner, then turn on your jetpack. 4. Fly onto the catwalk and deactivate the jetpack. 5. Snake by the Pig Cop or kill it, and shoot the glass off the button. End the level. ---GUN CRAZY--- 1. Immediately exit the elevator and turn the first corner. 2. Activate the jetpack and fly up into the open window on the left. Get the blue keycard. 3. Leap out of the window and run to the end where the back of the Duke Burger is. (Where you need the yellow keycard.) There's a small hallway there that leads to a Blue Key thing. Kill the enemy inside and use the keycard. A switch panel will pop up. The combination is OX---XO. 4. As soon as possible, run to the building rubble and snag the yellow keycard. 5. Fly out of the rubble with the jetpack, and use the keycard on the yellow door. 6. Take the first right hallway that goes down after you pass by the pool table. Go down and grab the red keycard there. Just watch out for the ambush. 7. Go to the second right hallway (this one goes up) and use the red keycard on the door. 8. Go in the door, immedately turn right and head into the office place. Bust open the vent and jump in. 9. Go through the vent, and when you get out, turn left. Use your jetpack to get to the higher ledge. Now at this point, this is what dictates the All Levels run from the non-all levels run. I'll post both paths. 10A. Immediately after landing on the ledge, turn right and jump on top of the crate. Run backwards or turn around and run into the newly-opened area. You've found the secret level to Duke Burger! 11A. Hit the button. 10B. Continue down the hallway until you see the button. Run into it. 11B. "Gotcha now! And we're gonna fry your ass!" Play around with the time you got left, 'cause you'll automatically move onto Death Row.
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I wouldn't mind seeing that movie, tool, like I wouldn't mind seeing this movie published. =D I think it'd blow everyone's mind on how fast this game is beaten in, even with that other six-minute long one around.
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We can't forget Perfect Dark either. ^_^
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Location: Maine More crappy Flash, this time NES-based. =D
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What about Dudes With Attitude/Trolls on Treasure Island? Same game, different characters and different levels. Seriously though, some of those levels are TOUGH, especially on the later levels. I haven't even beaten either game yet, though I've come close.
Post subject: Duke Nukem 64
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Well, here I am with my topic. If someone actually wants to do the run, I can pretty much plan everything else from route, tricks, secrets, glitches, etc. For now, I can provide the following: Secrets FAQ on GameFAQs Glitches and stuff on David Wonn's site It's in the N64 section, and aside from the few at the top, all the glitches are mine. --- A personal thing with me is that I wish that using cheats was an acceptable part of play. The Invincibility code is the only one I'd ask about, because its use opens up some very, very good shortcuts, Flood Zone comes to mind here. However, the only time I'd say I'd allow it is to be switched on right before, and switched off right after the shortcut. Unless that is, we can find a way to survive a "Squish". Should we go for speed first or all the secrets in the game first?
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No, but from what I've seen, the game seems to be on some kind of "Auto-Run" mode. You do seem to go really fast through the levels. I do have a few old tricks too on David Wonn's site, but only one is actually of any use. I do have a Secrets FAQ on GameFAQs, so that may be of some slight good use of route planning too. OK, getting off topic now! I should go make a topic somewhere about this game. XD
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*Snicker* Someone obviously didn't like that boss.
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Duke Nukem 64. I am an absolute bottomless pit of information on this game. There's very little that I don't know about this game.
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I'm also voting yes, due to the fact that it can also show newbies how not to do things in a speed run.
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You are using Phil's patched FCEU to watch it, Yes indeed, nothing but the best. using 100% speed, Indeed. not using fast-forward, Haven't touched it. using a not-too-old computer, Laptop's only about a couple years old. playing the right movie file, Downloaded it right from the submission base. and not assuming that he doesn't die, right? He's supposed to "use death as shortcut" a few times in the movie.
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