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I heard about that Ultimate Warrior thing. He sounded like a complete asshole from what I heard. But anyway, I've been watching wrestling for ten years in October of this year. Damn, can't believe it's been that long. o_o;
Post subject: Favorite Band/Singer
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I looked around for a topic for this, but didn't see one. If this has been done, then lock it. But anyway, what's your favorite band/singer? I'm personally a System of a Down fan.
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My original working NES from when I got it in 1990. As well as 165 games total.
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Yeah, it works like that at times, I know that it definitely works in the final level...but there's actually a trick that mentions actually tells how to finish beating the boss by killing the last cheerleader at the end of the level, but you have to have at least two victims or something to pull it off. It's in that big FAQ on GameFAQs. If you were going for a "just get the hell out of the levels ASAP" run, that might be a useful trick to think about. I would also consider stockpiling ammo somehow. I know that both bosses take an insane amount of shots to beat, and I'm always constantly running out of ammo when I fight them. o_O I've also just tried doing Left+Right and Up+Down at the same time. It doesn't appear to do anything, but I did, for some reason or another, while I was doing that, I was able to kill a zombie by hitting him just right from a trampoline jump. If that works, if you can manipulate it into working, that might be a neat idea to try and pull off in your run.
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Awesome! I've known about this game for a few years and I wondered if anyone else had heard about it. I know that when you get hit in the side-scrolling stages, if you hit an enemy, you're thrown back a little ways. Do you think that would be efficent enough for a little speeding up of things if you have to power up your character at all?
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I do know that there is one part of Gumshoe that can be skipped, and it's the desert part in the first level. I have no idea what triggers it, but that actually might speed up things a little. Good thing I just remembered that.
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I've played the game. Going for speed wouldn't be the best option, as most of the speed is set in stone. However, this game could be made up for in style. I see a lot of places where someone could pull off some jaw-dropping tricks. While I don't think I could do them, I bet there's others who could.
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Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy.
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Say, I'm wondering now, do any speed run videos even exist for Wolfenstein 3D? A few quick searches on Google have revealed nothing.
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
Oh yeah, that level in Episode 2...isn't that the one with the "Aardwolf" secret or whatever it was? Also, I think if you pushed the wrong walls you got rewarded with a face full of Hans -Josh
I believe that was the level I was referring to. There's literally over 100 pushwalls in that level, so getting all the secrets is a no-no. As for Catacombs 3D, I never even knew that game existed. Feel free to beat on me more for that fact. =P As for the SNES, I know that one has all the censored crap on it, but personally, I think that one's more speed run friendly, because any speed run of the PC version is better suited for single episode runs only, creating six different videos unless you wanna go through the menu screen about six times. That's just my personal opinion on it. And for FloEdit...I think the guy's site went down. Looks like no maps unless I get my super old PC hooked up.
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That's true with the runs for SNES. You could do both actually, since the SNES and PC versions are different enough from each other.
Post subject: Wolfenstein 3D!
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Now, I know that this was the original FPS, and granted, there's a lot less to the game than most, but what about some speed runs for this oldie, yet goodie? If anyone actually decides to do this, I'll re-download FloEdit and provide full maps to plan out routes with this for any episode that you want. I'm never steady enough with my fingers or mouse to actually do a good run. And another personal preference, I'd like to see how fast people can go with getting 100% of kills, treasure, and secrets, or as many secrets as can possibly be done (As there's a level in Episode 2, for example, that has about 100 push walls, and I doubt you could push all of them, that'd be a ridiculous waste of time anyway having to push a ridiculous amount of slow-moving walls.) I don't think there's many glitches to abuse in this game, so that might make for some interesting runs.
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I updated with a quick, non-tool-assisted video of how I would do the first level. I still need to get SNES9X for the tool-assisted-recording and figure out just how to both actually do this run and make it look so totally awesome, and how to get the patience to actually do these things. I dunno, maybe I'm just overthinking most of it, but it just seems like an incredible, incredible, incredible amount of work. o___o;;
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Wow, you're pretty good! Say, have you ever heard of deviantArt or SheezyArt?
Post subject: Wrong version?
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From what I've seen, FCEU is supposed to have movie recording and all that junk, but I really can't find it. I've downloaded the version from Zophar and I don't see any movie option at all. Is there something that my stupid self isn't seeing or something, or is it available at a different download place that I haven't seen, or what?
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Thanks for the advice. ^_^ Anyhoo, I did find that the three hardest places in the game are gonna be Level 4-1, Level 4-2, and the Dark Queen. Those are gonna probably take a lot of rerecords, and I haven't figured out how to do any of these without getting an ass-kicking and a half. >_O -EDIT- I took ZSNES and made a sort-of outline of how I'd plan to do the first level. It's not perfect by any means, and I didn't use any special features. You can download it here:
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I've downloaded the game, but whenever I run it, it basically sits there and does nothing in FCEU. Is there a way to make that thing go or something?
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I've been playin' run-throughs of this game quite a bit. I don't think I'll start one until I've memorized everything in every level. Isn't that what the speed run people do? o_O
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Hmm...well, I could always try a run, but I'd need a whole lot of help with it from you guys, especially using SNES9x to do the runs on, 'cause I'm not familiar with that emulator at all. Obviously, I use ZSNES. If someone's willing to work with me at it, I'll do the run of this game to hopefully get my feet wet in the world of speed runs.
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I did suggest Battletoads & Double Dragon earlier. I'm willing to help anyone out with game info on any game I'm knowledgable with.
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The running flying kick is the same way. However, it takes some enemies longer to kill. (See my above findings)
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I went and did a quick playthrough up to the middle of Level 5. Here's what I've found so far: (Note: I used Jimmy when I played through) Bosses are easily beaten with running attacks. They can be pulled off relatively quickly. In level 1, the move of choice should be running attacks. Any enemy except the hands are easily beaten in one or two attacks. The hands in level 1 are quickly beaten by waiting for the hands to miss while holding onto a ledge. Jump back up and elbow drop it. Abobo won't actually enter until you stand on the ground, so running up the ramp to wait for him will just make things take longer at the end. In level two, get a walking robot's leg ASAP. It's the quickest way to beat the guys in green. The second quickest was just doing the punch combo. They took four flying kicks each to beat, and they kept flying offscreen, making it even longer for them to be beaten. Surprisingly, in level three, there's only one very limited opportunity to knock enemies into a pit. However, two flying kicks each will kill the women with the whips. Level four is TOUGH. The quickest way to beat it is not to get hit by anything. Way, way easier said than done. The guys who throw stars in level 5 are easily defeated with one flying kick. That's about it for my quick run-through info.
Post subject: Battletoads & Double Dragon!
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Ahh, I think this is the game that marked the final appearance of the toads, if I guess right. Anyway, if I were to try and provide as much info as I could, would anyone be willing to try out a speed run of this game?
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Yeah, it was the TSA run, sorry. I thought it was still on that topic some. o_O That's what I get for reading posts when I'm about to fall out of my chair and onto the floor sleeping.
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Boy, that video was pretty sweet! I definitely can tell, however, that I think a tool-assisted run would definitely be around an hour and a half. There were a couple of major parts, such as toward the end of the final palace, that could be redone to save some time. I really look forward to this...