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Try. That's the only advice I can give.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Shinobi III – Return of the Ninja Master -> Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master
There's a crapload of movies that use – instead of -. Even within the same series. If the latter is preferred, I could list (at least a few of) them. Also, does it help to list the obsoleted versions of movies? Didn't do so last time, but I got way to much time on my hands anyway, so I might as well list those too.
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Note that I am not entirely entirely not sure of these, but I thought I'd just notify you of them: [1313] Saturn Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "Maria mode" by arukAdo in 06:51.22 should be: Saturn Castlevania - Nocturne in the Moonlight [1437] DS Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin by arukAdo & gocha in 10:14.85 should be: Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin [1663] GBA Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced "N. Tropy" by wwmarx in 34:19.83 contradicts it's title in the movie description. The title lacks a colon. Also, these two do have the colon. [1433] PCECD Double Dragon II: The Revenge "2 players" by arukAdo in 11:57.73 should be: Double Dragon II - The Revenge [411] NES The Goonies II by Randil in 16:45.85 should be: Goonies II, The (see here for reference) [429] SNES Prince of Persia by SprintGod in 34:01.65 should be: Prince of Persia [1041] Genesis Robocop vs. the Terminator by Cardboard in 14:06.92 should be: Robocop vs. the Terminator Also, if this isn't the place to post this, please let me know. Then I'll stop doing stupid things. Also, how do you get those lists? Because on this page your changes have not yet showed up. Also, I like saying also.
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Warp wrote:
Accepting a run to encourage the creators to become active members of the site and keep making TASes may be a well-intentioned goal, but I wouldn't say it's a valid reason to accept the submission.
That is also not what I meant. If anything, it would set a bad precedent.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Your mileage may vary, but I think theenglishman's car humping avatar is one that distracts from the post content with its "hey lookey here, I'm moving a lot around here to catch your attention" style.
Varying mileage indeed, I don't really mind his avatar. And if it even has the "move around to be fancy" style, I'm pretty sure that wasn't done on purpose. Also, while we're at it, could we change the topic title to: "theenglishman's car humping discussion"?
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I really like that people are trying out new things, but if a WIP of this had been posted in the game's thread, I think it would have become clear pretty early on that there are enough people that dislike this. Then the authors could have done the run using the normal camera viewpoints and this whole issue would have been avoided. Of course, something else would probably have popped up, but they would at least have had my vote in that case. We really need to do something to get these great Japanese TASers to the site... I understand there's a language barrier, but I'm pretty sure that the majority of the active people here do not have English as their first language. So if we manage to get that to work, we should be capable of bringing the two TASing communities together. And to further clarify my point; I really do miss at least somewhat being capable of seeing where Mario is going, but I mostly dislike the camera work because I too find it a little nauseating. When I vote I mainly think about whether I want a movie to represent the game on this site. And, well, unfortunately I don't think this is a good movie to show to the general audience (and somewhat represent TAS Videos itself, SM64 is one of the biggest and most popular games on here) due to the aforementioned reasons.
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These camera angles are really annoying. It's a real shame considering the effort put into this movie (55k rerecords is still a lot) but I simply can't vote yes on this. Also, to certain people in this thread; stop thinking your opinion is an absolute truth and that anyone disagreeing with you is stupid. Yes, this is directed to a bunch of the people who want to see the movie published (not everyone, but I just read 6 pages of boo-frigging-hoo and I can't be bothered to go back and figure out names). You like the movie, that's alright. The reason it's probably not going to be accepted is not - I repeat: not - because we think you are worthless (somebody said this - I believe it was true) but because you are a minority. That's simply how voting systems work. And to people who dislike the argument of "the improvement isn't big enough": it's not about the number of frames this movie has not being sufficiently lower than the number of frames the previous movie has. It's about the improvement not being big enough to warrant the (arguably, but the majority agrees) significant decrease in entertainment. To the authors: I really think it's a shame the camera angles don't work. I get what you were trying to do, and to some extend I agree that SM64 movies are all looking the same, but this simply isn't a good way to change that. If you ever decide to redo this movie without these camera angles, it would be greatly appreciated and I'm pretty sure it would be accepted without argument (then again, it's SM64, "no argument" is rather relative here). But great work on the improvement guys, keep up the good work.
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That not-dealing with the problem happens in way too many stories (not just books, TV as well) and it almost always ruins it. Somehow, in the land of fiction, any problem causes loss of common sense. Anyway, nice writing. I simply love paragraphs of well-founded complaining.
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Runs abusing emulator bugs are generally frowned upon. And if you're looking for a bug in the game you're TASing you don't need the emulator's source code, just the emulator itself. I suggest you read and perhaps even the other pages you can find under "Movie Making" over at
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Hah. Awesome work. Easy yes vote!
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I'll just pop in to say that despite the wall of text, it's not at all a bother to read. I like your style of writing, so I'm gonna read the next one too.
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ais523 wrote:
I'm still waiting for an encode of the actual submission so that I can vote no. Wait, the watch-before-vote rule doesn't work like that?
Although I can't really tell whether you're being serious (it's way to late and I've had copious amounts of alcohol) I'll just assume you are, so I don't end up being a dickhead for ignoring you. Here goes: The actual submission is just a slightly more optimized version of p4wn3r's old movie. The move list and everything is still the exact same. Hence, just think the old encode to be 0.21 seconds faster and you're done.
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WTF. How are these questions not all the exact same? Are you glad to be a man? Are you happy that you're a man? Do you feel good about belonging to your gender group? Do you dislike being a man? I mean, different wording, sure, but they boil down to one of the following: "Are you happy being <gender>?", "Are you contributing to your gender group?" or "Do others think you're contributing to your gender group?".
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I knew shiftboosting was fast, but this? This is simply insane. Then again, it could probably be faster if you didn't come to a full stop when you hit 9999 km/h. Unfortunately there aren't many other story mode chapters where shiftboosting is possible, but looking at the shortcuts that are taken, chapter 9 will also make an awesome TAS. Anyway, I'm even more looking forward to a full run now.
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3D effects have never worked for me either. I've only been to two movies were it actually worked (whereas I've been to at least 10 movies which were "3D"), and both gave me horrible headaches. I've tried some of the 3D tv demo's in hardware stores, but no ball. I really need to see this work (and not give me a headache) before I even might start to consider buying one. And as Warp said, I doubt it could be anything more than a gimmick. After all, you don't see more, you just see it differently.
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Derakon wrote:
Surely he wanted to use "utilization" instead. That has many more letters, so it must be right! ("Use" is just fine there)
Abuse is way more awesome. And I'm aware both are fine, I just wanted to confuse him.
Post subject: Re: Ask Brushy
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Dear Brushy, In the following sentence:
Brushy wrote:
as my skills are quite rusty from lack of proper use.
Are you sure it's "use" and not "usage"?
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local x = 0
local xprev = 0

while true do
    xprev = x
    x = memory.readword(0x7E0522)
    gui.text(200, 150, "Distance: " .. x - xprev)

Is how I would've done it. I have never used registerbefore and registerafter, so I couldn't say for the life of me what is wrong with your code.
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kaizoman666 wrote:
Also, if anyone is curious, Panga, Bahamete, and I are thinking about doing a redo of this TAS together.
DJSecret didn't forget you. You simply aren't in the list.
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registerbefore and registerafter shouldn't even be necessary. Also, what does your code look like, for what emulator and for what game? People need specifics to help you.
Post subject: Re: Looking forward to in 2011
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DarkKobold wrote:
    Touchme's Secret of Mana (U) PCSX2 with rerecording Wind Waker any% (looks like it is already going to be close to the OoT level of glitching) Mega Man 1, the new version that starts with Bomb Man
And oddly only one thing to add: F-Zero GX story mode. Might even take to this myself if nobody else does and I get something that can run Dolphin fairly well.
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I suggest you make available some console default settings. The settings that, on average, are best for the given console. This way, someone who doesn't know to much about what each encoding parameter does can simply select PSX (of course, only if they are encoding a PSX movie) and press go. Although this will clearly often result in sub-optimal encodes, these will do just fine for submissions that still need judging. Then the more experienced encoders can create highly compressed movies for the actual publications.
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Patryk1023, the problem is that you don't really seem to try. Remember, TASing is about perfection. Don't be content with ANYTHING you've done unless you're convinced it's perfect. You've clearly not done so. I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but it just seems to me like you don't really understand what TASing is.
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If you manage to get a hold of him, I suggest contacting Raiscan. He's been working on somewhat of a web-based automated version of the program you're trying to make. Perhaps he could inform you about the progress he's been making and give you some tips. If I'm not mistaking there is a google code page for the project, if I remember the name I could let you know. Also, if you need any help, I'd be glad to help. I completely lack the patience to finish any TAS longer than 5 minutes, but I enjoy programming and, depending on what language you are going to use, might be able to finally make a proper contribution to the site.
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Whoah. That was actually an amazing WIP. As tough as this game might be to TAS, I'd really like to see it done.
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