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I've tried it a little bit, and I find it almost impossible to even (at least somewhat efficiently) make a pixel-by-pixel reproduction of, well, anything. I doubt there is enough interest in this to get anything done before the deadline. Bummer.
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As I am not an atheist but an agnostic, switching to God-centric thinking isn't hard for me. But even from that point of view, I disagree. I cannot possibly imagine that a divine being that has created the entire universe (and, perhaps, more than one) has ideas that can be put in a book written by mere humans. In short, my problem lies not with your assumption of a god, but with your assumption of the bible being the word of god. Humans are easily deceived. I say this from experience with magic, pickpocketing and general con-artistry. Their minds prefer to remember things they expect, not things that actually happen. The only thing that, to me, sets the Bible aside from, say, Harry Potter is its age. Then again, there's probably a very old about elves as well which I am just as inclined to believe. Humans wrote the Bible. And humans are utterly incapable of objectivity. Everything in that book is in context of their environment, their culture, and their ideas. The ideas put forward by God (which is another assumption I dislike, I'll get back on this) have more likely than not been distorted, perhaps beyond recognition, before being written down. And then there's the whole point that the Bible has been created after Gods ideas. Satan might as well have been the one talking to Jesus. Satan might have, well, caused everything in the Bible to happen. Perhaps Judas was the one guided by the hand of God. We cannot judge which things are Gods will and which things are not. We must, as you have done as well, decide what is true and what is not. We, as humans, will fail in doing so and must therefor adapt our concepts as time goes on. We can only do our best, put on our most altruistic hat and make decisions. Without God coming down from the sky and telling me how to so, I will, and must, use my own judgment.
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Bisqwit, I don't think you really answered the question you were asked. Yes, rushed decisions are bad. How does this relate to the subject at hand?
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If no human is capable of judging what is good and what is not, then how can anyone judge whether anything is in correspondence with the will of God? You assume the bible to be his word, what if it is not? What if God does want you to decorate trees. He has feelings according to you (but how can you know?) and perhaps he likes pretty trees more than anything. But whoever wrote that bit in the Bible may have misjudged God's word (we silly humans do that all the time, apparently) and put down that God does not want you to dress up trees. Anyway, just to prove a point: Hitler used the alphabet to write "Mein Kampf". Now stop using it, cause God thinks you're evil for doing so.
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Perhaps I should have used some cynicism tags. I fully realize the bible doesn't say anywhere that you'll go to hell for it. Hence the "jumping to conclusions" bit, it's a crappy attempt at translating the dutch saying "kort door de bocht". Basically, in this context, it'd mean: I know that what I'm saying is exaggerated, but I say it anyway to prove my point. It's not so much the fact that the bible would send you to hell for it that makes me think the bible is silly, it's the fact that it prohibits anything that's not Christian. It just seems so intolerant to me. Before you judge me though, I've actually read the bible and my judgment is properly thought-through. I just lack the linguistic skills to express it.
Post subject: Re: Christmas tree + star
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Bisqwit wrote:
Also, the Bible actually does forbid decorating a christmas tree. (Deut. 16:21, Jer. 10:2-5, Isa. 66:17)
Now I'm probably jumping to conclusions, but going to hell because you decorated a tree? Honestly, to me this just proves the bible is silly.
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I think this should obsolete the other run that aims for in-game time. First and foremost I already think it's silly to aim for in-game time instead of real time. So having two in-game time categories seems way too arbitrary for me.
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AKheon wrote:
Yes, according to GameFAQs.
*facepalm* How did I managed not to check there? Anyway, nice WIP, but the police-station part takes really, really long. I hope iyou don't end up spending more time between the levels then actually in them.
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Is there a US version of this game?
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Guys, the encode subs say "p3wn3r" instead of "p4wn3r". Just sayin'.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
The movie listings are behaving slightly odd. It used to be that I could navigate while the page was loading, but nowadays I can't scroll anywhere until the page is done or I've hit the stop button.
This is the same for me. It's been a while like this now, I thought it was supposed to be like this. Using Firefox as well.
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Derakon wrote:
Mazzic wrote:
I've heard it ought to be possible "by walking into a wall a trillion times you will occasionally miss all the atoms and simply glide through".
You'd need more than trillions of times to quantum tunnel any remotely significant amount of mass through any remotely significant barrier.
We'll just let some Lua solve this problem.
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The function sqrt(r^2 - x^1) gives you a nice half circle. So, if you want to draw a circle at point (x,y) with a radius of r, you could do so using something like:
for (i == x - r + 1; i < x + r; i++)
    draw_point(y - sqrt(r^2 - (i - x)^2));
    draw_point(y + sqrt(r^2 - (i - x)^2));
Now, I'm not sure how well you can approximate square roots in 6502, but this should be a lot more useful than sine/cosine stuff.
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I'm quite sure I didn't contradict myself as far as the "we don't need rules for this" bit goes. And yes, you stated you weren't talking about the legal and/or ethical implications of copying input. However, you're still talking about copying input. I would simply prefer your opinion about the kind of copying the rest of the thread is about rather then the ctrl-c ctrl-v function. Reading it again however, I must admit my post does seem a bit like a silly attack on yours. But in fact, I agree with it, although I'd like to put some more emphasis on the fact that there are quite a few cases (autoscrollers, very specific improvements, new tricks, lack of time and, HERP-DERP, collaborations) in which copying input can be justified.
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Nitsuja, you're only using "copy" as in literally using the copy-paste function. However, when talking about copyright, copying means any method that results in the same result. Whether you copy a book by using a copy machine or by hand doesn't matter. Even if you decide to write your own book and you accidentally make an exact copy (for the sake of argument, in court, a rough copy will usually do) of a book you've never even heard of, it's still copyright infringement. Imagine I attempt to do a level myself, and I do so to the best of my abilities, but still end up with exactly the same input as someone else did. That's copying. And even if I use the same input (say, a crouch-jump trick) in a completely different place, it's still identical input and therefore copying.
Post subject: Re: DemonStrate - Portal Done Pro - Completes Portal in under 10
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Warp wrote:
The end song was not the original. Maybe you just overdubbed it in the video (rather than modifying the game itself), but it wasn't clear from the video.
Dunno if you noticed, but the "Portal Done Pro" intro also isn't part of the actual game, and he skips the menu! I call hacks. Anyone with common sense will know it's just a texture mod and that it's DemonStrate himself singing the song. And if I were him, I couldn't care less about comments from people without common sense.
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We're trying to play games in the most optimal way. As there is only one optimal way, the input files will start to look more and more alike with each optimization. It just seems silly to, rather than copy someones work, do it all yourself and then end up with exactly the same input file. We don't need rules for this. And if we are gonna get some, I suggest that any TAS submitted here goes into the public domain.
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Sonikkustar wrote:
Anyone else here play Minecraft?
*raises hand* It's a miracle that this is the first time I read about it here. What about a TASVideos server? =P
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He was trying to draw information about the character at the characters position. However, the characters position is stored in the RAM as his position in the level, not on screen. To get, say, the characters x-position on the screen, you'd need to get the characters absolute x-position and subtract from that the screens x-position.
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The method I told you will result in only a single movie file. You might be able to save your current movies by splicing them together into one movie file (back them up first!). You can find programs you can splice with via the linkies in this thread.
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Get to the point where you want to resume recording (either by loading a savestate or playing the movie up until that point), check that it's still playing the movie, then toggle read only mode (probably shift + 8) so you can record over the movie. Then simply continue recording.
Post subject: Thyssen Museum Art Academy Contest
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I just received a mail from Nintendo, notifying me that the Spanish Thyssen Museum is hosting a competition for the Art Academy game for the Nintendo DS. Alright, enough linkage. Anyway, although I've no idea whether this is allowed, this seems like an awesome idea for a TAS. I lack any artistic skill, but I think it'd be awesome to submit a movie (perhaps a collaberation?) that draws, in one "session", several famous paintings. Just an idea, really.
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It's probably a signed value that you're reading as an unsigned value, or the other way around.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
I guess we better recall 7 of Michael Phelps gold medals, or 10 of the academy awards that Return of the King took. As they were only entited to win one award. To clarify, a TAS that wins multiple awards is usually the sign of something trully special.
There's a difference; each of those medals (or awards) were awarded for something different. One could very well win the best male actor, without winning best female actor (or the other way around) but it's currently impossible for, say, a NES TAS to win TAS of the Year without winning NES TAS of the Year. On TASVideos, getting any of the Best TAS awards is done by making a good TAS. Getting two awards for being a good TAS seems redundant. Getting one for being incredibly glitchy and getting one for best luck manipulation is something completely different. Honestly, I think klmz's suggestion (no general TAS of the Year award) is the best one so far.
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Agreed with both. Especially the first one. Right now, TAS of the Year is a double award that makes the Platform TAS of the Year in on it's platform redundant.
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