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The chewing gum may also be a good stress reliever. I've used this from time to time when speed running. I'm sure I'm not doing it to keep a straight face!
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With the Kid Dracula one, I did it on the Japanese version anyways. So Yeah.
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xenos' movie is 44021 frames. TheAxeMan's is 44095, thus 74 frames were saved.
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Seems like you really did miss the B key, even in your submission text.
Thanks for Lampshading the obvious.
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Mario! Oh Daisy! YES vote! DAISY!!
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I am running Vista.
There's your problem. Dual-core shouldn't be a problem, since I have one and run XP. Do you have a dual-boot setup with another OS?
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I too think that getting neither bat to appear (or at least appear higher so you can slide under them) would save more time then it loses. But even with the minor criticisms I have, this run is still very well performed. And if I want to steal strategies, something obviously was done right. Unlike the Richter one, I'm giving this a YES vote. Good work.
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Her "Dark Maria" attack
Guardian Fist. And just like Satoryu, I'm glad the audio appears to be in sync. You wouldn't believe how annoying it is when it's not. Watching it now, will add my comments/criticisms later. Edit 1: I'm stealing your Dogether strategy for whenever I get back to any% for RoB. HOLY SHIT. Minor criticism in 4': At one point in the first section, you thud Maria on the ground. Might it be faster to jump just before you do so you don't? Minor criticism in 6: Might it be faster to double jump up to the top at the beginning (via the stairs, if necessary), then continuously roll to the door, instead of crossing all those gaps?
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Dooty wrote:
Can you provide an encode, since we can't watch your movie?
It's a troll. There's no point in asking for an encode. You won't get it, just like we're not getting the save state.
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Dooty wrote:
An encode please.
You can't get one because nobody can even watch this, since it runs from a save state (which was never given).
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mmbossman, I don't think from a coder's standpoint it should be that hard. I mean, the rest of the stuff done with the submission is more complicated then this, so I don't think this will be an issue.
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What happens if they try to submit another video when the first is still hidden? Denial page?
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Dromiceius wrote:
I suggest something slightly different: for users with a postcount of less than 50, or submissions with a rerecord ratio less than a certain fraction of the mean, the submission is initially only visible to core users. It would be a kind of probation; if the sub is deemed not-junk, then it becomes visible to everyone else for actual judging. If not, then it never happened. This way, trolls will think they're being ignored, and valid submissions may not even be delayed to any noticeable degree. Edit: and we can't expect that people will read instructions, even if they can read them.
You make a good point and have good idea going. How about if somebody never posts, but is continually making good submissions? Maybe include a hidden option for staff that will allow them to turn on that their submissions are visible from the get-go? Edit: One thing I must say about the rerecord limitation, I think that shouldn't be used, since it's easy to have a screwed up rerecord count by cut/paste or hexediting.
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I have a better question. Is it feasible for a non-TAS runner to beat the game with Richter using the key? Hmmm.....
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Captain Forehead wrote:
I hope it's not another troll.
Between this and the other submission, your hopes have been crushed.
M64 file does not begin from power-on (flags=1)
Yeah, begins from a save state. This is our loser once again.
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"This is another Speedrun With Re-record and Outi Mupen 64 From Bon Visionage" Yippee. I'm already thrilled just looking at your submission notes. What's the purpose of "6 star"? Get 0, or get 120. I'm not even gonna look at this, and hope that somebody comes by and shuts the door on your ability to submit, between seeing this and the other "wonderful" submission.
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Satoryu wrote:
there are a lot of reasons why Richter is not awesome. and the Chuck Norris joke stopped being funny a LONG time ago. that's very surprising to hear Richter is faster than Maria. before this run was made, it was a definite that Maria was faster. she still is when not TASing, i would assume, but the backflip cancelling threw a wrench into that for TAS, i guess. the rescue Maria cutscene probably doesn't help either.
That and that Richter can kill everything WITH A FRICKEN KEY. Seriously, who'da thunk that was the best special weapon?
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@cpadolf: You can play her shortly after you rescue her. When you save her in Stage 2, you need to either: a - Suicide until game over. b - get through the door leading to the pre-boss room and then reset (soft reset is Select + Run). (PSP version you just need to save her then reset via the menu, as it has immediate save) After that, the game data is saved, and you can play as her.
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Let's put the horse back in front of the carriage here. Let's get PS1 down pat before working on PS2. ^^;;
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The other issue we're gonna have is that there still seems to be issues with disc swapping. Hopefully it'll be figured out soon.
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Thanks for posting the Stage 4' route.
do you think Stages 2 and 3 are more entertaining than 2' and 3'? if not, why didn't you use them?
Well, obviously he can't take 2' since that prevents getting the key, which has higher attack power. Jumping to Stage 3' instead of Stage 3 might be shorter, then continuing on to Stage 4'. Though we both know how much Bone Golem sucks (especially since he won't have a high attacking weapon, like axe/seiryu). ^^;;
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Warp wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
I've never seen this much coverage on anybody's memorial service, like, ever.
Princess Diana?
Yeah, but did streaming internet video exist back then? I think not! Princess Diana got a lot, but since the internet has exploded since 97, MJ got much more coverage due to that.
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Yeah, but like all good things there are ways around that. ^^;; But the fact that it's non-free and closed source is why it isn't used for TASing.
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Glad to see I'm not the only one having issues with this emulator. I don't thing an emulator should be this complicated. Getting the basics - loading a game, starting a movie - should be very easy for the end user. Every other emulator I've used I've picked up very quickly. This emulator is the one exception, which to me tells me this isn't ready for primetime yet. And I'm not speaking as some brainless gamer. I'm also a programmer, so I understand the aspects of making a good UI and about simplicity. I'd help, but I'm sure you're programming in C++ or something like that, which I'm not a good coder at. I've just done some very basic stuff with it.
Magic Engine is very friendly but is the least accurate, relying on hacks to get many games to work correctly.
Funny, because since 1.0 it's acted nearly identical to the original. The hacks must be really good, huh?
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Well, the memorial service is going on today. Not like you couldn't know, because it's on almost EVERY FRICKEN CHANNEL. I've never seen this much coverage on anybody's memorial service, like, ever. or two channels, fine. On 90% of my channel lineup? That's overkill, thank you.
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