Posts for Sir_VG

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Let me say this because it needs to be said. YOU SUCK. YOU LUCKY DUCK. WTF. Yes vote.
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One thing I wonder. Can the lag at the beginning of Stage 5 be reduced/eliminated? There isn't much, but if you pay attention you'll see it.
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Personally, I wouldn't go the route you did in Bloodpool. I would go for the E lair first, then back up to the NW one, since those two improve civilization growth. The route made your population growth seem inhibited.
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So in other words, it would be best NOT to connect the road from Bloodpool to Filmoa to avoid the extra text.
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True, but once you seal a lair, the soul count goes up, so it, in a sense, does affect the soul count (as does the Act II score). True that the count starts at 500 which that x 4 areas = 2000, more than enough to get to Northwall (which requires 1900 to get to Lv 10). But I was thinking on the idea that we don't get to 500, but that it helps boost growth potential, allowing for more population/round of development. It was just an idea I was throwing out. Looking at scoring I gathered, here's what the minimum Filmoa Act I score count be: 500 (the Tree) + 500 (Boss) + 10xTIME + 1000xLIVES So technically, if you killed all the lives you could, and finished the boss with 1 sec left, your minimum score would be 2010, adding 10 monsters to each lair (making the minimum total 135/lair).
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I was wondering how to avoid that for my own run and never could figure out exactly. Great discovery! The one big question though is this...score. If you remember the guide, score makes a difference in the soul counter as well (50 pts = 1 life). The fastest jump would be to find a quick 1UP, as extra lives at the end are 1000 points (20 points to the soul counter). I've been working on a chart of this, but haven't gotten it fully completed yet. If there's one that's not far out of the way in a couple spots, it could cut out a round of construction. Filmoa Act I has one just after the full apple at the mid point at the bottom of that cliff that's not far out of the way. Bloodpool Act I has one shortly after its midpoint, guarded by the green lizardman. I'm not sure of any others offhand that aren't far out of the way. The one in Northwall temple is too late to be beneficial. Question it worth it to focus a bit more on points?
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You're one crazy bloke.
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Aitos is more limited in its area than Casandra. While I could build more roads, the growth seemed inhibited more while I was in Aitos. While in Casandra, I was almost always doing 40+, while Aitos I only got like 32. From what I recall anyways.
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All victory dances should be the same length, as it's in tune to the music.
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The wait time in Casandra was so that there was no wait time in Aitos after clearing Act II so I could get to Marhana, as it was better to wait in Casandra than Aitos. Depending on growth in Filmoa, it could cut down waiting time in Casandra, I just don't know how much difference it would make. BTW, if you get tired of sim strategies, go work on Professional! (You can get a SRM at I'd love to see that, as I'm sure tons of other people would.
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Post subject: Forum Index Errors
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I'm running across a strange error on the forum index. Gruefood is not properly updating. No, it's not my cache, since other stuff is updating fine (see Submissions forum). The index is displaying the "newest" post to be from 2 threads (and 3 days) prior. See attached images. [URL=][/URL] [URL=][/URL]
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It seems you're a few frames late entering the door in 4-4 after the autoscroll section.
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Spoony_Bard wrote:
Also, what was the point of switching to Spark Shock at the end of Wily 4? It's true you use it on the next boss, but that's in Wily 5, and you only need to switch to it again when you start that stage.
At first I wondered about that and almost asked myself. But it's to avoid time having to collect all those weapons capsules, refilling Shadow Blade.
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I personally don't think it's necessary. In my last speedrun, my Filmoa population grew 128 people after I left. So it made 3 growths after I left (likely during Bloodpool, Casandra, and Aitos before running out of ability to grow). Plus I didn't spend too much time waiting around. However doing the math (based upon the max pop FAQ), I could have gotten 780 population based upon my score (my population at the end of the game was 386). So it's kinda a toss up...I guess. The other thing I should mention I thought of is this: given that you have to wait somewhere anyways (Casandra I usually wait a couple of rounds), you would still likely have to wait, so you could use that wait time in Filmoa instead of Casandra, justifying getting that scroll. Just a thought.
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I'm also voting no. The "cheat" (as you put it) isn't used enough to really make things entertaining. If it made a big difference that would be one thing, but it's not used very often at all.
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I don't know about AAC, but AC3 and AVI go together fine. I just don't know about mixing 4 channels.
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NES is mono. There is no left-right sound. So technically, it would be such if you want it done the way you're thinking (one example, based upon screenshots): MM3: Front-Left MM4: Front-Right MM5: Back-Left MM6: Back-Right I believe AC3 supports surround sound, but I wouldn't know how to mix 4 channels...I can only do 2.
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The Northwall Dragon can be wasted MUCH faster than OgreSlayer's run. Even on a console with scrolls I did it much faster. However there is a spot near the center of the tree that if you get him to dive left-right, you can get at least 4 hits off of him. Yes, OS gets 4 hits his way, but mine you hardly have to move, just change directions partway through. However this does cause you to get hit every time. But diving that way and using a scroll instead will do a ton of damage. (Speedrun was 183 for DH-Northwall compared to OS's 179.)
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Careful guys, Sakura is getting mad. She might slam her foot down on yours, or grow as big as a telephone poll and squash you! *pulls out The Big*
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Personally, I don't see your "mildly humorous" attempt in v1. If v2 is faster, use it.
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upthorn wrote:
Wow! A 76 minute 30 second improvement on the starred run! I'll vote for it. (yes I know this is an improvement to the other alttp run. I was trying to be funny.)
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It's Zelda. It's fast. Need I say more? Besides YES, of course.
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Kirby 2 deserves to be done in SGB mode given how beautiful it looks in that.
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RT-55J wrote:
SirVG, the link was to the download page, not the movie file itself. That should solve your problem.
Sorry, but I'm not THAT dumb. If I downloaded the link, I'd have an HTML file, not an SMV vile. Edit: Works now. When I got it earlier, the connection must have been a bit faulty, so the download wasn't 100% complete (that's what I get for downloading at work on a crappy IBM). Works now. Slick battling. As for your other question, no I don't. There may be something in the RAM, but I couldn't tell you that.
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Improvement 9 (the one without any of the bells and whistles).
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