Posts for Sketchie

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Mukki wrote:
It would be very impressive, however, at the beggining of the game the players stats are poor and so the shots draw (they move a little to the right) which makes trying to get a hole-in-one on the three pars near impossible (extremely difficult even with slowdown).
Actually, there's one golfer that has a straight when you start - Sherry. Kid has a slight draw, Joe has medicore draw while Azalea has slight fade. Of course, Sherry starts off with the lowest drive at 200 yards. The ideal canadite for this would be Azalea, since she can hit 204 yards and only has a slight fade. Else, use Sherry if you wish to use straight shots.
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If the course is a par 3, try going for a Hole-In-One. If the course is a par 4, try going for a Eagle. If the course is a par 5, try going for an Albatross. Also, when you level up, it's probably a good idea to put points into Drive, so you can get to the hole quicker. Don't worry about the other stats - you can just reset and retry when it doesn't go the way you want. I like the idea of finishing a hole without needing to putt, too. I wouldn't mind watching a run, personally. Go for it!
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Silent_Slayers wrote:
Hello everyone Im new (usually on gamefaqs though)
You know, you should've introduced yourself in the General section of TASVideos. Don't spam up this topic, as it has nothing to do with introductions.
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Guys, cut it out. Let's get back to the topic. Because we all know what happens to topics when they get off-topic. *sigh*
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I don't think TASVideos will accept anymore Metroid hacks. But, hey, I'd just say to hold it off 'till you get the official word from Bisqwit. But personally, I've never heard of Metroid Limits, so the chance of it to be allowed, let alone be accepted for publishing, would be extremely low.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Well, we'll need some camhack here pronto.
Seconded, thirded and fourthed.
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That was... Wow. Do a run of it. PLEASE. I beg you. And I thought it was just so awesome how the second lap didn't even register. :o
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The red gem is not out of your way at all and is almost completely easy to do! Don't hit the ! box yet, but follow a minute wumpa trail down onto an iron platform (once you stand on the NITRO ! Platform, run to the right and you'll land on it if you're not sure). Continue moving to the right, timing over the security disks to collect the red gem! Then just use a bit more skill to backtrack back, climb the spring boxes back to ground.
This is what I found on GameFAQs. It's past the fourth or fifth checkpoint, past the high wall. I couldn't get over the wall to the platform above, so I couldn't check it out for myself. I hope this helps a bit. EDIT: I was somehow able to jump up there by sheer dumb luck. Further on, past several Nitro boxes, you will see a grey and green ! blocks. Hit ONLY the green ! block, jump down the pit and follow the path. The red gem is at the end. If you didn't hit the green ! block, a wall of nitros will be blocking your way.
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Even that, it's done on a ROM. I don't think it'll even be accepted on SDA.
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minglw wrote:
JXQ, thank you for uploading the file. Fabian, the SDW rom is protected. When I try to open it in Lunar Magic, I get a pop-up window: ======================================= Lunar Magic: Access Denied! The author of this hack has chosen to restrict level access. Please contact the author for further information. ======================================= Is there a way to open it with Lunar Magic to just look at the level layout? (I don't need to modify it) Or is there already a complete level-map available somewhere? Thanks!
FuSoYa, the creator of Super Demo World, has locked the ROM so it cannot be opened at all in Lunar Magic for security reasons. There WAS a program that allowed you to unlock locked ROMs, but it was promptly deleted. At least there are still the level maps on the web, so it's not a total loss. :P
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Too bad the teddy bear had to perish rather early in the game. It would be rather cool and amusing to see the teddy bear survive the entire game - even if it's an inanimate object. Was it completely unaviodable? I mean, could you mainuplate Mini Barf to do aboustely nothing or was that not possible?
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Bob A wrote:
Of course! I was surprised by this getting done so quickly. (or so it seemed.) By the way, why didn't you smash the pogo punk?
I'm guessing that he's just a wee bit too weak to kill the pogo punk with a single SMAAAAAASH attack, as a SMAAAAAASH and a regular attack would take a bit longer than three regular attacks in this case. He levelled up after the pogo punk, and was able to SMAAAAAASH the hoop punk. Again, that's what I am guessing. EDIT: Viewed the run again. He took three hits to kill the pogo punk, levelled up, and then SMAAAAASH'ed the hoop punk. So I corrected my post a bit.
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So are you going for a 100% speedrun then?
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When I viewed the dual-screen avi, the camhack one was much more interesting. The regular one was just really boring right off the bat. I mean... the level just zooms from one end to other, and you don't even see Sonic 'till the very end. With the camhack one, you can clearly see what exactly Sonic is doing, and you can see all the nifty tricks used. I vote for #2, but #3 is good too.
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Yay, nice to hear that you're going to be working on this run once again. =3 I'll be looking forward to it.
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KDR_11k wrote:
Hm, a potential issue with 100% is that you'll have to play the bonus games so often. That might get boring over time. Of course the presents will force you to go through more interesting routes but on the downside you might be able to pull off some much more amazing pathes with fewer restrictions...
Can you mainuplate the bonus games so it will always be the present-swapping game AND mainpulate DK to punch down the presents right away?
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Let's see... this topic began early in Janurary '05. It's now July '06. That is 19 months. This is the 64th page, and it took 19 months to get this far. So, theorically, to get to the 120th page, it would take about 17 to 18 more months at this rate. And in 64 pages, only 58 out of 120 stars has been obtained. That is almost half the total stars. Again, at this rate it will take 19 to 20 months at this rate. Gee, more than a year to go 'till the 120-star run is fully completed. Sigh... (Of course, I'm just being sacrastic. But I'd be surprised if it actually came true...)
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Mario VS Donkey Kong is a very good game to be TAS'd, so you have my support on this. From what I'm seeing in your run is that you're getting all the presents and stars in each level - going for a 100% run. Personally, in my book, anyone that does a 100% run of a game ranks high on my list. So I am looking forward to the finished product. ^_^ However, you could save quite a few frames in the bonus area by purposely obtaining the 0-Up prize. After all, for each 1-Up you get, it costs time and frames. Remember, this is a TAS'd run, so you should not need to use up lives at all, so it's moot point to get 1-Ups, especially in the bonus areas at the end of each level. Also, you should at least list the ROM name you are using for this run. I was able to run the video just fine with the Mario Vs Donkey Kong (U) ROM. Otherwise it looks great. Keep up the great work!
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nitsuja wrote:
Sketchie wrote:
As of right now, when you reach a certain point in M&L, the game freezes. There hasn't been a fix for that yet. So that is why nobody is doing a run of M&L at the moment.
Hasn't the fix (use a BIOS) been repeated several times already? I've already gotten past that point in the game on this emulator so I don't think it's impossible.
Durr, I guess I'm just too lazy to look back a single page in this thread. Please bonk me on the head with a rubber mallet whenever you can. And I'm surprised nobody has worked on the M&L run. I mean... doesn't Mario games usually end up really high on the TAS'ers "to-do" list?
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As of right now, when you reach a certain point in M&L, the game freezes. There hasn't been a fix for that yet. So that is why nobody is doing a run of M&L at the moment.
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Any update on this run?
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What is this? A debate on whether we should use the translation patch or not? WHY are we talking about this when the messages are just scrolled through so fast you can't really understand what's going on anyway? A speedrun is to go through the game as fast as you can while trying to meet the main objective. It's not a walkthrough. Anyway, let's get back to the topic. The speedrun looks good so far. Keep up the great work.
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Yeah. It's just that nobody stepped forward and said, "Hey, I'll do this run!". They're probably just too busy with more well-known games (or less-known) to think about Mario Party for now.
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Wow. The game looks more interesting when all three characters are controlled. And even though I've only seen one "boss" being pwned (the Werewolves before you get the Girl) it seems much faster. Also, how you levelled the Boy to lv 3 before the plant boss in Gaia Navel looks much more smooth. For some reason, I was able to play the file just fine using a (U) [!] ROM, even though the person who made the TAS used a (U) ROM. Keep up the great work. I am looking forward to future WIPs, and eventually the finished product!
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I don't think ANYONE is even doing a Mario Party run.