Posts for Sketchie

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... This is going to end up badly. >_> Let's get back to the ACTUAL topic. X3
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
What's the difference between desynchronous and asynchronous, then?
desynch: lack of synch - music and gameplay doesn't go together properly, for example. Such as when you take a hit, you hear the hit a few seconds later/earlier, when you're supposed to hear the hit right when you get hit. asynch: absence of synch - you see the gameplay, but you don't hear the music even though it is SUPPOSED to be there. Such as when you take a hit, you don't even hear the hit sound. Well, that's what I found by using I could be wrong though.
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Wouter Jansen wrote:
maybe Yoshi can be made to give 120 stars instead of 100 lives ;) how'd you find Yoshi? first get 100 lives and then he'd be there of course ;)
There's no way to mainuplate Yoshi to give you 120 stars instead of 100 lives. O_o
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Here's a FAQ on GameFAQs called, ironically, "How To Lose". Basically, you have to place 4th in all courses, AND somehow mainuplate the CPU to gain just enough points overall to place you in 8th at the end. The author of the FAQ claims that getting 6th overall might be impossible, so trying to get 8th overall? Think about it. XD
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
I'll steal images if I darn well want to!!! You can't stop me!!!!! I am invincible!!!!!!!!!
Uh, no, you're not. You forgot to input the cheat code to become invincible. =O
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theenglishman wrote:
Sketchie wrote:
By the way, I am curious - are you considering about doing Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage after this? After all, it IS a GBA Crash Bandicoot game...
NO. The series went downhill after they combined it w/ Spyro. I'm doing N-Tranced after this. Oh and pirate, I was going to make it a joint TAS with your base and myself. Just telling you now :)
Good call. I just looked up Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage, and yeah, it just went downhill. A game that is mainly mini-games? YUK. In fact, I will personally bonk the person is planning to do that run with a huge rubber mallet. A game that crappy doesn't derseve a TAS. ._o ...yeah, another off-topic post. YAY! =D
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Quick question. Are you going to include Apocalypse in your run? It would be amusing and add a bit of entrainment value, even if it takes a minute or so. If you're already planning to do that, then bonk me with a mallet, 'kay? A rubber one, perferbly. =P You know, sometimes you have to sacrifice speed for entrainment, and Apocalypse is a good canadite for that. ;) If not, then no biggie!
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Is anyone here planning a run for this game? It's been about a month now. A hard VS CPU game would be fun to watch.
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The run looks MUCH better from what I've seen in your latest WIP. Keep up the great work. By the way - you don't actually end at the end of the first warp room. You died in the bonus area in the first level of the second warp room, but meh XD By the way, I am curious - are you considering about doing Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage after this? After all, it IS a GBA Crash Bandicoot game...
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'kay. *prods you with a sharp, pointy stick* Get to work, slave! X3;
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Jeff might be very weak at earlier levels and can't do much, but once he gets to use all the high-damaging gadgets at later levels, he can make bosses go much faster. You'd have to buy him the gadgets, but towards the end you should've gotten enough money from your father to be able to afford a few rockets for essential battles. And some things are only made once Jeff reaches a certain IQ number, so that means you'd have to either abuse the Rock Candy trick or level him up. And I agree with several posters - the game would look much better without being "red" all the time with Jeff dead. That, in addition with him being able to damage enemies very heavily in later levels, leads me to believe it is worth keeping Jeff alive. You could just have him defend or use items. But, hey, it's your TAS. You decide.
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Games on the N64 is somewhat glitchy as the developers hasn't grasped the concept on how exactly a 3D-ish game would work - or something like that. So, it MIGHT be possible to find several glitches in Conker's Bad Fur Day.
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JXQ wrote:
Holy hell Vatchern, just read some fucking text for once. Or at least check the first couple posts, or author. There's information available, there's no need to ask everyone restate it for the sake of your laziness.
No, no. Let the lazy people become even lazier until they forget how to breathe. You have to do that by answering and doing every single thing they ask for. That way we'd be rid of the world of lazy people forever. Mwahahahaha. On-topic: Wow, doing Mega Man 3, 4, 5 AND 6 all at once? I certainly hope my monitor is big enough to effectively show all of them playing at once! If you can pull this off, then props to you.
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erokky wrote:
It's just a little joke we were playing as I was running this game. At the time he was doing a solo Umaro challenge, and I asked if I could improve my game plan somehow and he said "get Umaro" which made me laffing so hard :P. I actually thought of releasing a joke WIP where I go to get Umaro right after Mog, but I didn't have time(well I did) and wanted to finish this for the people who were looking forward to it.
Ahh, that would explain it. :P
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flagitious wrote:
Awesome job. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but I am so throughly impressed by how well you use Umaro to take out some of the bosses at the end.
Uh, are you thinking of someone else? Because erokky hasn't picked up Umaro at all in his run. At the end, he only had Edgar, Setzer, Celes, Mog, Gau and Terra. Nobody else. If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me.
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Oh, yes, I am definitely voting YES. The gun is just beautifully done, and there were several things I have never seen happen before, and/or would have never thought of. And you've ultized Gau a lot in the run - I would normally leave him out every single time, but I'm starting to think otherwise. Yay for Gau! Now someone needs to finish a FF2/FF4, FF3 and FF5 run, and we're all set for now! Heheheh.
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spineshark wrote:
no. sorry. and nothing all week. orchestra makes me very unhappy. in fact, there will probably be no more to see until june. at this rate i'll be done in...what...2026?
It's June. Or do we have to wait 'till July? :(
Post subject: Re: Pirate's Summary
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theenglishman wrote:
pirate_sephiroth wrote:
I think that sums it up too ;) Anyway I'm about to make a slight change to it. Turns out the slidespin doesn't work as well as I had imagined it to, so I'm basing it more on the sample now. My surgery is tomorrow. IS ANYBODY GONNA FEEL SORRY FOR ME??? *hears nothing* Ah well. Maybe next time.
I'd feel sorry for you, but this is off-topic and I'd get modded, beaten up and then fed to starving, rabid dogs, and have my bones delievered to hungry people in Africa. ... Crap, this is off-topic. O_o
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Yes, I do agree that loading the status screen is somewhat slow. Slower than if you played the game on a platform. Another way is not to enter the status screen one too many times - only swapping things out when deemed aboustely necessarcy. That should minimize the "lag" you get when you enter the status screen. Eh, that's just me.
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Going back up the slide would be really tedious and hard, as one misstep would cause you to slide back down or fall into the abyss. But then again, this is a TAS'd run...
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Complete, 100% runs are regarded higher in my book than any other (ie: Any% Yoshi's Island run is deleted and replaced with 100% Yoshi's Island run) and I bet it's true for several other people, so it's probably better to go for a 100% run.
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Any update on this run? I'd just like to see this get published, that's all. I <3 this game. =P
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
.m64 files are huge!
They shouldn't be huge. I believe .m64 files are just simply data on what button to press and when. But I think it's more complicated than that, but I'll let the pros here explain. XP
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If you're just basically going to use the same pokemon and the same attack over and over and over again for 100 battles, then it would be REALLY boring. Sorry.
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dtm wrote:
Hey, it's hard to get attention if your thread is not about Mario, Metroid, Zelda or Megaman...
Don't worry! It'll get plenty of attention pretty soon due to being dumb enough to link to illegally distributed materials! (hint... hit 'edit')
Yep, the link to the ROM download got removed, even if it's rare. Toldja. :P