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They are even talking about a possible 7 day completion. Maybe TAS could get that. Interesting. The question is would something like this even be worth it for real time or wold it be a seperate game time run?
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Warp wrote:
With a ROM cartdridge system the question is trivial: Just reset the system with the ROM cartridge in (all this emulated, of course), and it just starts in a second (and in a deterministic way at that) and that's it. However, what if the system only supports programs in cassettes? You can't just start up the system and make it load the game from a cassette because it would take at least 5 minutes to do so, 10 minutes at worst. (Yes, it really was like that back then with those systems. We had to wait at worst 10 minutes before we could start playing a game. Ah the times...) Many emulators of such systems support speed-loading: They detect when a game is being loaded (using the system's ROM routines) and switch to turbo mode in which they load the game as fast as the hosting computer allows (in modern PCs that means the game will load in a fraction of a second instead of 10 minutes). However, this is basically "non-standard" in that it's not doing what the original system is doing. (Also there exist a few games which bypass the loading routines in the system's ROM and use their own, in which case it's more difficult for the emulator to automatically do this.)
Sorry but I don't see the problem with this. Disc based system also don't emulate load times. They just load instantly. See GC and PSX TASes. I don't think it's a problem since TASes aren't meant to be compared to console runs. This should be clear from the different timing systems SDA and TASvideos use. So this is the best and faiest way to compare TASes with one another.
Post subject: Re: Looking forward to in 2011
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DarkKobold wrote:
Wind Waker any% (looks like it is already going to be close to the OoT level of glitching)
Well not OoT level. You still have to do most of the game and it will take a few hours. So more like MM level glitching (the skipped mandatory content, not the time it takes). Speaking of which, I really look foreward to the MM TAS being done. :D
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Here is a picture Klyde posted a while back on ZSR. Red is the damage "barrier":
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Well yeah and you will get hit, since the damage "barrier" has a ceiling, d'ah. Like I said it's more a field that fills out the entire map, save the little bubble the castle is in. Has nothing to do with how high zombie hover can go, however.
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MUGG wrote:
- You can't go above the barrier, zombie hovering just doesn't make it high enough.
What makes you say this? Afaik zombie hovering has no height restrction. The only problem is that you can't start a zombie hover inside the damage field (barrier is realy not the correct word for it), since it will spit you back out if you take damage in it.
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Yeah I suspected that you can morph them to something usefull and that's how the people got so strong. But it's really hard to make out in a youtube video. Thanks for the explaination. :)
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Forgive my total ignorance but why do you get the triple triade cards of the characters? Do they morph into something good?
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No easy way I'm afraid. Once both runs are done somebody has to time the text-scenes in both runs. Then you have the difference. It's not as bad as in OoT, since the light arrow cutscene is basically just text and the longest cutscene here has barely any, but it's still quite some time. I would guesstimate ~3 minutes...
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At the moment 2:13 ahead of abeshis TAS. Pretty damn impressive when you consider that abeshi has way faster text and one route choice Grunz made slowed him down initially and will only pay off towards the end. And no I'm not telling where the TAS is right now. It is for Grunz to decide if he wants to reveal it. But there is still quite some time for improvement left. :)
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First Rule: Daddy lies.
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Recent picture from the TAS: Link is Jebus!
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Kirkq wrote:
"Aims for in-game time" This may or may not be tagged on relevant movies. Most games don't even really have an explicit in-game timer, but many that do have an in-game run. Also see the Goldeneye and Perfect Dark TASes on the workbench.
Still not that many. But really that's besides the point. I really don't see the point in ingame time runs unlss they differ a lot from real time runs. And I can't see that for Mega Man. Or what would you do differently, besides chosing a lower difficulty?
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Kirkq wrote:
We have many runs on this site that aim for in-game time, and the normal mode category might be what is best suited for such.
Where do we have many? We have a few, but (generally) only if the gameplay the route is significantly different to real time. TASvideo is and has always be about realtime runs. Just because there is an ingame leader board doesn't change that fact.
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Kirkq wrote:
Yeah this is a bit of an issue. Since the leaderboard only keeps track of Megaman Normal times, I think it may be allowable to have that as a category. To my understanding DLC has a really minimal impact on the game, so maybe that is something better reserved for youtube demonstrations. IMO there are multiple valid categories. I think these are the best 4 personally: Megaman Normal (Is hard mode actually much different for speed purposes? -- maybe this isn't a great category.) Megaman Hard Proto Man Hard Bass Hard
Since when has TASvideos ever given a crap about what other sites do? I think there should only the 3 hard categorys. If you want to make a megaman normal TAS, to compare it to the leader board, you can ofcourse do so, but it shouldn't be published here.
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Imo it's actually often better to have the files seperate. That way yo can encode them in specialized apps and when you are done you just mux them with virtutal dub or mkvtoolnix or something.
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That's not exactly new. PC dumpers for Wii and GC games have been around since the Wii has modchips. So early 2007. Before the Wii got homebrew they were the only way to dump Wii games. Edit: Oh I remember there was a gamecube homebrew around the same time that could dump Wii games on a Wii in GC mode. So rawdump wasn't the only way. Still, the fact remains that it has been around since early 07.
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I retimed abeshis MM TAS and it turns out, he timed till the last hit to Majora, not the end of the movie file. His TAS is more like 1:33:12 (maybe even a few seconds longer, there seem to be a few black seconds missing in the beginning and where he switches videos). So you might want to change that.
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I watched abeshis run again and I began to doubt that he could have gotten sub 1:30 with that play quality, even on the japanese version. So I retimed it and it turns out, he timed till the last hit to Majora, not the end of the movie file. His TAS is more like 1:33:12 (maybe even a few seconds longer, there seem to be a few black frames missing in the beginning and where he switches videos). Just fyi.
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Yeah that is a modified version of mupen. It's the same I uploaded to megaupload. It was made back in the day to prevent the MANY desynchs MM had. While it didn't succeed it made it consideribly better.
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Well anti-ds mupens reset works really really badly. I know the MM tasers couldn't get the TAS to sync after a reset wich is why they opted not to use it. But you can try: Edit: Well desynchs for me after the first reset with anit-ds mupen.
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Well that one won't help for the Zeldas, since OoT needs one with the pause bug fixed and MM needs one with the deynch issues fixed. (the anti-desynch mupen actually has reset recording in it but it always desynchs the movie. ironic, isn't it?) Afaik there is no unified version and I don't even know if the sources for all these versions are available. Btw. wasn't there a problem with that version of mupen resetting the emulator and not the rom and thus not being accepted by this site? Or did they losen up a little on that rule? And I guess there may even be other problems why this version wasn't used. - Bloob, can you tell us what the poblems are? Edit: The synch issue the Perfect Dark TAS seems to have may have been one of the problems. It's really not good if only the TASer can get it to synch.
Synx wrote:
ya true that, whoever got our hopes up for mupen pluss deserves some serious spanking
"Fun" thing about this is that Dolphin got TAS capabilitys before mupen+ even got to a nearly working state.
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Bloobiebla wrote:
There are a few known time savers for the any% run. I started an improvement at one point but I haven't worked on it for a while--I may finish it eventually, we'll see. If I do decide to complete it it wouldn't be too long from now.
Hmm any plans on improving your MST TAS? Conservatively speaking you could shave off 30 minutes of that one. Maybe a lot more... MST has loads more tricks than 3 years ago. Only problem is that there is still no mupen with reset and so death warp is still the only way in a few situations. But I don't think that will ever change, so holding off because of that wouldn't make sense...
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petrie911 wrote:
And I had kind of forgotten about Wii TASing entirely. Yeah, that one's probably going to need some sort of TAS input plugin, and also sounds hideously complicated.
Since the gyroskope can sense how the wiimote is positioned compared to the ground without restrictions, yeah that control will be tricky. First you need to put in how much it's pointed up/down, left/right but then also how much the wiimote itself is tiltet to the left or right. So that's 4 controls right there. two 360-degree arrows (for the position in space) and 2 sliders (for the tilt of the wiimote) But ofcourse those two tilt controls can be doubled with the controls for the wiimotes tilt sensors, that older games use. The pointer could be done with a field with coordinates that represents the screen, where you click where the pointer should be. The two accelerometers can be done with two sliders. Man that would be a big input "plugin" and it would probably be best to make two seperate ones for Wii and gamecube, to not fill the whole screen with it. Is there anybody here in the position to tell me if something like this might be implemented in dolphin in the future?
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I know there is no external plugin support but will there be an internal TAS input plugin eventually? Without optimized TASes won't be possible...