Posts for Slowking

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Sorry, you won't see any till it's done.
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and that Jiano so stole our route. XD And yeah there is still somebody working on it. Just slowly as ever. :D
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Afaik not really. That is pretty optimal. His MST could be improved by a lot, though. There have been loads of things discovered sinc then.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Yes, but the content isn't available right away when you first start the game, right?
Oh if that's the case my bad. I don't remember it very clearly anymore. Was some time ago I played 10.
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Mothrayas wrote:
diggidoyo wrote:
I see where you're going but the Ballade Cracker is more than capable of clearing any ice blocks because of its directional shooting.
Except Proto Man doesn't have Ballade Cracker, and I'd do the run from clear SRAM, so no DLC.
diggidoyo wrote:
I was pondering a little bit over running with Proto Man and I had a thought. Why exactly are you using Proto Man? His jet, slide, and charge shot help, sure... but if you're going for the absolute minimum possible time through the game, wouldn't this be with Bass's dash on easy mode?
You need DLC to play as Bass, and I want to start from a clean save. Proto Man is much, much faster than Mega Man, which is why I choose him.
Sorry but what dos DLC have to do with clean SRAM or a clean save? It's stuff that gets installed alongside the gam into the Wiis Nand. It has nothing to do with saves.
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So yeah. New method and old method take about the same time and old method isn't as hard to time. Bummer.
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Hmm it's 4:45am at the entrance of pinnacle rock. I think it looks quite good for skipping the turtle cutscene, doesn't it? At least I hope pinaccle doesn't take too long...
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Wren wrote:
How do I protect my idea? Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. You may express your ideas in writing or drawings and claim copyright in your description, but be aware that copyright will not protect the idea itself as revealed in your written or artistic work. Maybe I'm missing something?
Now you are grasping at straws here. It's not a method of doing something. It's an input file with very clear commands. It's like sheet music. And is it illegal to copy parts of another artists sheet music into your own sheet music and then sell it as your own song? You bet your ass it is.
Kirkq wrote:
Arguably, in the case of FCEUX, it is released under the GNU GPL. I assume Mupen is released under some similar license. The source code is available obviously. According to Wikipedia: The GPL is the first copyleft license for general use, which means that derived works can only be distributed under the same license terms. At least in the case of FCEUX, anyone else is entitled to freely use works (input files) produced on it. I assume the same is true of Mupen.
The emulator being open source has nothing to do with the copyright of the input file. It's like saying all documents created by Open Office have no copyright and thus I can sell the Harry Potter books and don't have to give J.K. Rowling a dime!
Sonikkustar wrote:
Grunz, Seriously. Stop being such an insensitinve racist prick.
How was he racist? o.O
Tub wrote:
No, I'm comparing the work that went into a few snippets of input that were reused (the thing abeshi did that's supposed to be bad) to the work that went into hundreds of tricks and routes that were developed by several people over the course of several years; tricks which every new zelda TAS uses and which is generally considered to be OK without asking for permission or giving credit. I didn't check which parts were reused (or how many), but the arguments I saw in this thread all revolved around the kind of work that was copied, not the amount of work. Many argued that input was copied, but noone argued that the route was copied, even though the combined amount of work that eventually lead to the creation of the route is pretty huge.
Well there is quite a difference. You can't argue that "oh he only stole snippets and those won't take that much longer than finding glitches". They are part of a way bigger work and when you rip parts from it you diminish the original. Otherwise it would be allowed to sample parts of famous songs without the original authors preission, which it's not for good reason. Btw. I really do think authors of TASes should list the glitches they used and credit the guy who originally discovered it but that's still something different than stealing input.
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Wren wrote:
You released something that you in no way have copyright to and he copied it and put out a TAS that isn't up to your standards. Put out one that shames him and we will all cheer you on. Or figure out a way to copyright the input used to control a video game and I'm sure Ubisoft or EA will pay you trillions... then you can whine all you want and have the law on your side.
You do not seem to understand how copyright works. Ofcourse it's his copyright as it's an inputfile he created. Just as savegames you create are your copyright. just ask a copyight laywer. (this stuff actually came up when the twiizers made the twilight hack) But even if it wasn't against the law it would certainly be against site rules. As it should be. Following your logic I can grab Grunzs last WIP, before he defeats majora, in a few months, deal the final blow to it and then submit the TAS as my own. @Tub You really compare the work that goes into an optimised TAS of this length to the work that goes into finding a trick? How long have you been on this site? Btw. the reason that nobody cedits ISG is that it's older than dirt and nobody really knows who found it anymore.
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p4wn3r wrote:
Come on, people, see the situation better. There's no law that says someone is prohibited to TAS a game that's being worked on. I really don't see what's the problem with him uploading his run to nicovideo. He showed no intention of submitting the movie to the site so far and he's already being accused of stealing input (without an emulator movie to prove afaik) and being called a thief who can't optimize a movie.
Well there is no law that you can't make a TAS while one is already being made, but there is a code of conduct. However since he didn't submit it here this code hasn't been broken, so that's really not the problem. However he did steal input, you can see it even without an input file. It's pretty clear when inputs change between stuff he did himself and stuff he hexed in from Grunzs WIP. That actually is against the rules and he should have at least credited Grunz.
abeshi helped the site by obsoleting an OoT movie that could be beaten by a kid with a controller, and instead of gratefulness, his movie was hated by almost everyone who's knowledgeable of the game. That's why I think he won't submit it this time.
Well let's be honest here. He didn't really help. His TAS was just sbumitted a few months before the current one was, that would have been made regardless and afaik his TAS contributed nothing new. I'm really not hating on abeshi. He seems to make these things for fun and to post on nico video, where TASes don't have to have a good quality. I'm rather hating on people here who would let anything get published, no matter how bad, as long as it's slightly faster than the current run.
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petrie911 wrote:
Also, I noticed he was using a really bad graphics plugin to make that encode. It concerns me that the video might not sync with Jabo's 1.6, should the need for us to encode it arrive.
it probably won't. Grunzs TAS only syncs with the grapics plugin it was made with. Mukkis run was kind of a special case, since he had quite some downtime in the run to make it sync at all...
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To put it somewhat calmer: Abeshi copied the first part of his run directly from Grunzs WIP, sometimes frame by frame, input by input, but still managed to make it worse. I could see improvements in every area he visited. There was never one area that was optimized. Grunz says he can at least improve it by 3 minutes and I believe he is somewhat modest. Plus that is without the text advantage abeshi has because he used the japanese GC version (GC version has text speed of te american version but shorter text of the japanese version). So that would be 10 minutes of improvement at least. I think it all comes down to this: If you guys want an unoptimized TAS that is in part stolen on this site, go ahead. Make im submit it and publish it. I always thought TASvideos was better than this, but I maybe I'm wrong.
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Yeah he's lazy as fuck. Plus he goes to school in Bavaria which means he has to learn a lot of useless crap which he won't ever need and forget in about a year. But that takes a lot of time.
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Sonikkustar wrote:
If someone is going to do this, then I would suggest that they use a clean version of the game since it has been reported that some versions of the game havent been downloaded properly and cause screen issues. However I suggest we wait a while before TASing this so that we dont get a lawsuit. >_<
well you can legaly dump the rom from your Wii if you purchased it in the shop channel.
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He actually does have one that is 1:53 SDA timing: It's just not on SDA yet. Ofcourse a big part of the improvement is simply VC running faster in some places than N64. The route he uses was made in this very thread btw. (ofcourse his route is somewhat worse to compensate for the imperfection of a human player) Grunz says this TAS is going to be under 1:30 TAS timing and he is shooting for ~1:24 now. If it's ever going to be finished that is... At the moment the TAS has about a 13 minute lead to Jianos newest run...
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NinG wrote:
Yes, it might be funny to see a TAS that completes GS1 first, and then GS2, using the password, but I'm not going to do it, simply because one run alone is 5 hours long, and I really don't want to make a TAS that's 10 hours, because it would just be too much for viewers and for the one who makes the TAS.
Well GS1 would be far faster than the 5 hours you need for GS2. But I get where you are coming from. But what about using a fun code with super weapons and crap? The maximum password of this guide comes to mind:
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Are yo starting this game from scratch? Imo that's kinda a missed oportunity. Either making a GS1 TAS first and starting from that password or using a made up passowrd with fun characters in it would make a way more fun TAS, imo. So maybe reconsider... or ask the people what they'd like to see? Other than that nice that somebody takes on these games, finally. Will watch the WIP as soon as I find time...
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Kirkq wrote:
I think the GS1 data would actually have worse characters than the GS2 default.
Which would lead to some fun strategies. The GS1 TAS could manipulate a few powerfull items around the end of the game and transfare them. Also GS1 and GS2 are basically one game that was split in two. So it would be nice to see them TASed as one. But I guess a really overpowered team with nice items from a gold password could also be fun. Either way I would be happy. But starting a game from scratch is a missed oportunity, imo...
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Kirkq wrote:
Honestly, I think TASing Golden Sun 1 is a much simpler run than The Lost Age. I think it makes more sense to learn things while TASing a shorter game before investing 6 hours in doing The Lost Age optimally. We should move discussion to here:
What would be even more fun would be to see a Golden Sun 1 run and then a Lost Age run that uses that runs End Data. Oh and imo the retreat glitch should be used for future runs. Dungeons are jsut not interesting enough to watch, to warrent te added time.
Sir VG wrote:
You can enter passwords (or link) to transfer data from the 1st game to the 2nd. Doing a password would be obnoxious, since the best password (Gold) is 260 characters. there are Silver and Bronze passwords that don't transfer as much, but are much shorter (61 and 16 characters, respectively).
Can't VBA emulate a Link between GS and GS-TLA?
mklip2001 wrote:
I tried watching this (it did sync, at least the parts I saw). I haven't played this game before, and I just couldn't follow any of the story even at 1x speed. This kept me from really getting into the game. It's a shame, because it seems like this game has a lot of good elements for an RPG. The graphics are pretty clean. The fights seem pretty interesting. The puzzles I saw are runarounds but were fairly cool (sort of like the Lufia II run). However, I just couldn't stay through to watch the whole thing without any idea of what was going on. As such, I will refrain from voting.
You haven't played Golden Sun? Well then get to it. It's the best damn RPG on the GBA.
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Sonikkustar wrote:
Those tricks are going to be used in the 'non-existent' 100% run which will never be made.
Well there may be another 100% run down the line. However I also doubt that there is ever going to be a 100% TAS. Unless mupen+ comes out in 2020 and is amazing. Then it might happen.
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Well the game should be able to use these inputs or the action replay code wouldn't work. The only thing the code does is simulate rapidely pressing B.
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Post subject: Re: Breakthrough on rerecording! (Plus a question for TASers)
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Toad King wrote:
It turns out that the Gamecube (and probably Wii) can poll the controller for button/joystick states multiple times per frame
Hm that is interesting. I wonder how Wind Wakers zombie hover would behave with multiple B presses per frame. Could be that it works as good as with the action replay cheat or maybe it's still limited to turbo controller standarts. Could somebody test this? Sadly dolphin doesn't run on my crappy old computer, so I can't do it myself...
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MrGrunz wrote:
slowi, come back to the irc. no need to talk to the others, but at least be there to talk to me, so we can discuss this bombchu thing a bit more ;)
Yeah I guess I'll clear the air there sooner or later and then we'll see if I go bac there. But I really don't want to at the moment. I have better things to do. I guess jap MM BA doesn't evolve because nobody with RAM monitoring skills is interested. Same goes for infinite bombchus.
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Yeah I tested those myself. That's why my suggestions were to try some things with BA. Maybe even hot spring water that expires could do the trick, similar like forest water does a few neat glitches in WW. But it would be nice to know where the bytes for infinite chus are set in RAM. There were still a few bytes we couldn't assign to any function within BA reach and jap BA opens up a whole new part of the RAM.