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Looks good so far Saturn! I have the latest version, though I thought something was wrong when SNES9x gave me 'mismatch' when I tried to play the movie. It still worked without desyncing though. I'm looking forward to seeing how fast you can finish it. I remember the original walkthrough movie being pretty long. How much do you think you can cut down from it?
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This looks pretty sweet. I'm wondering about the glitches you're pulling off, though. How do you do all that zipping and floating around? I'm guessing it must be something that's only possible while playing with two players.
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This is one of the times where I wish that 'Very Yes' was an option. Voting yes. This run surprised me a few times and left me wondering quite a bit 'just HOW will he get through this next part?' I was also damn surprised to see you Shinespark past the baby metroid. I must not be keeping up with new Super Metroid tricks, I didn't even know that could be done. Bravo.
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I've finished watching the walkthrough movie, and it looks pretty good. A few things surprised me, particularly using Yae to glitch around certain obstacles in the Factory stage and the School stage. I think with a bit of polish it could be quite a nice TAS indeed. The only real thing against a run of this game is the length, and the loads of text most people won't be familair with. The game is meant to have a pretty funny script and that just gets lost when the audience can't read it. But I think the game is entertaining enough on its own merits to warrent a TAS. This was the game where the Ganbare Goemon series really made the transition from the first SNES game which North America got, to the N64 one which came after it many years later on this side of the pond. I especially liked the Impact fights. You certainly made short work of the Dam, and against all the other bosses you were using moves I didn't even know EXISTED. I really wish this game had gotten a serious translation effort behind it. It would have been an awesome game to play in english, but I can imagine that translating a script like this (with all the jokes and puns that would probably be very hard to translate and still be funny) would be a nightmare. I kinda wish you didn't skip out on the boarding Impact sequences, I understand WHY you did since they were skippable, but being a fan of the series I just like seeing them. ;) I don't really have much in the way of criticism about what to change or do differently, since you seem to know the game better than I do. If you're going to make a TAS of it, though, you certainly have my support.
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I've played through this game a few times, I'm a bit of a Goemon fan myself. Actually, I completely missed this post a month ago, I must have missed it during all the Christmas stuff. I'll take a look at the movies and see if I can offer any comments.
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Yes vote from me, it's always nice to see long RPGs done quick. Relatively speaking. It's a pity that the game seemed incomplete. The infamous Duel Blade Shrine, for example, with its glitchy graphics. It seems very odd something like that would be overlooked. (Let's not forget '3y Kingdom, but that's more an oversight in the script translation, I'd think) The game was QUITE buggy, if I recall, I remember the Lv 0 glitch myself. One question, though, would it have been worth it to pick up one of the Capsule monsters? Perhaps they could have helped with randomization in battles, or absorbed a few hits? Or are they totally not worth it in a run?
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Dragoon X Omega II is pretty impressive. Aside from some sound effects it barely feels like Final Fantasy at all. Some of the BGM is kind of painful to listen to, but it's rare to see a hack that goes THAT far. I dunno if it's TAS-worthy. I'd say it's at least worth an attempt. Since no one's familiar with the game, and so much of it has been rewritten I'd say a lot of the tricks and strategies used in the current FF run aren't applicable.
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A 100 percent run would be complicated. Do-able, but complicated. I went over the specifics in the other Wario Land II post, but basically, you would have to finish the game several times in one movie. There are several branches and several final bosses (and one final time attack level with the 'real' ending after all that). One of the trickiest aspects, and the one that stopped me from working on my run, is getting the coins necessary in each level to do the mini games to get the treasure piece, and map piece. I found the quickest way to do that would be to causes a 'glowing' coin to spawn, which gives you 100 coins when you snag one. The problem I faced was forcing one to spawn, I just couldn't figure out the pattern to it, and couldn't get one to appear at will. Since running around levels getting coins in every level would add a LOT of time onto the run, glowing coin spawning is really the most feasible way to get the cash necessary, but since I couldn't get them to spawn when I wanted to, I stopped the run. If anyone can figure this out, then that'll make the run very, very do-able. All that you'd need to do then is figure out which order to do all the levels. You cannot get access to a level select until you finish the game once. Considering that going to the map screen and selecting a level takes time, it would be wise to do the longest route first, so you get as many levels as possible done without having a map screen inbetween them. The other issue is the endings. Watching the credits each time you finish the game would get very, very repetitive. I believe the best way to avoid this would be to soft reset the game as soon as the data is saved (right before the credits sequence) as to avoid watching Wario run home every time. Then when you finish the FINAL level ( the extra time attack stage ) you'll see one final credits sequence, and the video should let THAT one run. On the other hand, the credits sequence varies a little each time, and since it's a 100 percent run, and not a quick-as-possible run, perhaps they could be left in anyway? Up to the discretion of the runner, I suppose. Anyways, that's my bit of advice to anyone who takes up a 100 percent Wario Land II run. It's a good game. The first secret chapter, though the quickest, isn't the best set of stages to judge a run on.
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Same happened to me. I heard of the original Dragoon Omega whatsit hack years ago. It seemed pretty decent, though I never progressed in it. It did what it claimed to do, though, aside from some bits of the interface it really didn't feel like a Dragon Warrior game at all. Never heard of the sequel though, should be neat. If we can get the site working.
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Sounds interesting. A speedrun of this version would be fascinating, and I plan on picking the cart up myself when it comes out. Are there any plans for a run?
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If you do the GBA run, will you be waiting for the NA release of it? I think it's due out March 1st, unless it's leaked early.
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Kaitou, every time I try to download your maps I just get a second window popped up which reloads this forum page. O_o
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Voting Very Yes on this, except that Very Yes isn't an option, so regular Yes will have to do.
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If you've just completed the Factory/Mecha Ruins then there's still a bit more than half-way to go. After some messing around in Toronto (seriously, Toronto? That's a bit too obvious, why not create a medieval city named New York?) the next dungeon is the Desert, followed by the Ice Palace. Then you'll have Droog Valley and the Droog Volcano (no boss in this one), and finally the Demon's Tunnel, and the Demon Castle Platinum. I wish I could give you some strategies, but I honestly don't remember enough about it. Though I do remember the slow-ass menus, so I think you'd be better off trying to avoid damage where possible. Perhaps you could calculate how many frames it takes from menu open to healing animation conclusion, and then judge what damage to avoid, and what to take.
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Naw Wolf, you can get that path the first time you start the game. Same with all the 'branches' along the way, it's just that when you play the game normally the chance of coming across one without searching for it is slim. As for a 100% run, I'd love to see that too, despite how long it would be. You would need to route each level differently to take into account the treasure, and you'd need to be grabbing coins all the time. If you ever figure out a way to manipulate the drop of a glowing coin that's worth 100 then that would make it a lot easier. Back when I was trying to work on a 100% run I got stuck there, since I could not force those coins to drop. You would also finish the game five or six times as well in a 100% run, so watching the ending credits over and over would get annoying.
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This is about 34 seconds faster than a test run I made of this route a while ago, which is about what I figured it could be improved by. Good job. Yes vote.
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I used to know this game pretty well, but it's been YEARS since I played it. I'm very interested in a TAS of it though, partially for nostalgia. Good luck with it.
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Yeah, I just didn't have the right codec. My CPU is 2.5 Ghz so that was no issue. ;) It's looking great, though I imagine the sounds of four seperate NES games at once will will become annoying. It's not possible to just play the sound from one game at a time, or would that be MORE distracting?
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The AVI has some major video slowness and desyncs with the audio for me. What codec does it use?
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Dropping yet another vote in the ocean of 'yes'es. Just when you thought a game couldn't get any more owned, oy...
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It's looking good. And the rom you used seems to be the standard (U) version, which is great. I'm also wondering about the lag reduction, is there any way to kill those bats and save some time? Or would killing them negate any time saved on lag reduction?
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Sounds good! If the start-up text is white and the checksum is good then there shouldn't be any problems. We'll be able to see for sure what crc you're using when you post the next WIP. The settings sound good too. So go for it. :)
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I'm honestly not sure how well it would work. :\ Perhaps someone more experienced with rom variations and movie recording can say something? Save a back-up copy of your other smv till now if you do this. Though the absolute sure-fire way to know that you won't have problems is to restart from scratch on the good rom. I feel your pain there, having to restart something from the first frame sucks, but at least you're close to the beginning....
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Your best bet is to find the standard US rom, which would probably be titled something like Demon's Crest (U) [!].smc or something, its crc is E8236AD2 so once you find the rom with that crc then you got the right one. EDIT: Just to test it, I ran your smv with the clean version of the US rom, and it didn't desync. That doesn't necessarily mean that it never will, since it's just a short smv. I don't know if you could take that smv and continue it on a different rom, though...
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The run is looking good so far, though I have a question. Do you know what version of the rom you are using? None of the dumps I had matched your smv, I only found the rom by going to the site listed in its header. It seems to be a bad dump, or otherwise edited in some way, so you might want to make sure a run using this rom would be accepted before going any further. If you do have to start over with a clean rom, much better it be now than near the end of the game. Unless this is just a WIP, then you can probably continue with it.
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