Posts for Spriteless

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I got a similar error on 2-5. My time was 2 seconds faster too. Because I noticed turning takes time.
Post subject: Re: What is this?
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supermegavkoy wrote:
What is this? Do/did Nintendo use this system to make SMB3? Can I get this program? *snip image*
I think I remember seeing it on an Animal Crossing site. perhaps? The program is just paint, using a template anyways. (You'd have to draw him twice. 3 times if you copy him to the game.)
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I get some topics that stay highlighted even after I have read them.
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So it's an infinite array of Sonics, running across an infinite array of grids of spheres, to take the Chaos Emerald from a negatively curved universe (with more space above the flat surface than below, causing the appearance of a curved horison), which only exists because of the emerald's chaos magic. I guess those are the same curved universes with a bit of an interior decoration in Sonic Advanced 2. And that Chaos was sealed in a similar universe made by the Master Emerald for Sonic Adventure. Well, I'm glad that's cleared up. Math is fun.
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It looks like it's for the advanced games, now that I think of it. And also involves using a TM in battle. Which is impossible.
Post subject: Told to post this here
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Luck Manipulation outside TAS wrote:
[Jamming the a buttun to boost attack] at least works in the american versions of red and blue. Also, the way high level monsters disobey you is somewhat predictible, depending on what move you choose. And what monster you encounter is on a timer, so if you want to catch a rare one, wait a minute after entering an area before you take a step. And if you miss with a move, and use it again, you will most likely miss again due to the results not being deleted from memory. Those games have horrible programming.
Also, I heard in the japanese versions their is a level up button code. Hmm, I'll look for it and edit this post. Edit: well, I remember reading it in a magazine, but online I can't find any level up cheat on a page that doesn't also have a Mew hoax. But, anyways, just in case this works... Go to the seventh item in "Tools" and press Select. Get into a fight, then press Select on the attack you dislike to change it. Note: The monster must have all four attack spaces filled. Win the fight. Then your monster will become level 100 and will enter the next stage of its life, if available. Oh, yeah, good luck on keeping through on this.
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It at least works in the american versions of red and blue. Also, the way high level monsters disobey you is somewhat predictible, depending on what move you choose. And what monster you encounter is on a timer, so if you want to catch a rare one, wait a minute after entering an area before you take a step. And if you miss with a move, and use it again, you will most likely miss again due to the results not being deleted from memory. Those games have horrible programming.
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In the first generation of pokemon games, jamming the A button caused your moves to deal more attack, and your Pokeballs to succeed more often. It was reversed in Gold and Silver, so I'd jam it when my enemy attacked. I miss that, now I have to level up more.
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Ultima: Exodus for the NES. With author's comments on how to manipulate luck. 3 wizards, 1 druid fight a few battles killing 8 goblins in the first round, buy items with the 99 gold per battle, level up, warp to evil castle, steal boat next to bridge at evil castle, never hit by enemies. Siloette Mirage would be nice too, but disk based systems don't record well.
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Plok, Boogerman, and Earthworm Jim come to mind. I might just have a warped sence of 'classic' though.
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Space itself bends around the emeralds. Wait, that shape is still impossible... It is actually an infinite plain, but the blue spheres are linked every 32 squares... oh wait, the horizon... I cut corners as a shortcut when flying around FFVI and StarFox 64. It's fun to sneak up on people in multiplayer like that.
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Body slam is slightly more powerful and has a chance of paralizing your foe. You'd probably want to avoid that anyways since that would take a precious 1/2 second as the game says "Enemy something is paralized!"
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You might want to teach strength to Blastoise, too/instead, if he doesn't get a better normal type attack by the time this is done. But it would be neat to see Snorlax caught first try at full health. :)
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It's used by US Militairy. And you don't want this job, the assembler is all spagetti. Which means undocumented and hard to read, for those of you who aren't english speaking geeks. Windows XP running MochaSoft to emulate IBM Mainframe, emulating several Virtual Machines (with two distinctly different behaving operating systems) at once, in which Assembler programs emulate SACCS, the Strategic Automated Command Control System. SACCS is in the movie War Games. It doesn't really play Chess though. I'd better stop before I say something classified. Oh, yeah, any opinions expressed by me are not necisarily those of the United States Militairy. You want that, go find a public relations person.
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At work there is 4 layers of emulation, each with a few formatting qwerks to work around, with IBM Series 1 assembly code being the final product, on a Win XP box. This is necisary because noone uses Series 1 but us, and we have a contract with the devil I mean microsoft. It is actually used for stuff. Like, work stuff, not game stuff or fun stuff or let's see the computer's limits of extraction.
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Well, if their is a Link's Awakening DX run too, you can see the game beaten without warping. In more color.
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One neat trick is you don't have to actually beat the wizard to beat the first level. Although, I doubt it will save time since you kill him so quick, and his shots tend to cause lag. ... I played this game when I was little...
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I think the non-linked run should be done first. It will be easier to plan, anyways. The linked run would be easier to plan once this is done, too. Edit: actually, I think the 'linked' run should just be one game started with an optimal password for each game. Use it to get rings you didn't bother to get in the original run and such.
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I'm interested! I just don't have much to add.
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If passwords are allowed, you can get all the rings in one password to save time. I'm pretty sure you can do that without starting a second game. It'd be a royal pain to do fast though, since noone has cracked the passwords (that I know of). Their are more changes if you do Seasons first, mabey a run where you play through Seasons, get the ring that doubles offense, and use it (and any upgrades that are time effective) through Ages to see the true ending... Wow, that'd be alot of work. 8)
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It just uses it as normal, so yes. It won't be usefull, but it might look good if you switch to another item, like the power knuckle, instead.
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Right after the start of the item getting sound effect, before the world starts spinning when you touch a crown, there's a frame or two when you can pause to switch items, for example, to the warp item.
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a nice little glitch is that you can use the warp home item after getting a crown and before facing a boss... but since you beat all the bosses quickly, they warp you home afterwards anyways, and you already use your warp item and all your gold to good effect I doubt this would be cost effective.
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Any luck manipulation would have to be before/during the start of the round, I'd think. On the NES I figured out that each round, all the enemies make 1 'saving throw' (pardon my D&D speak) that they use, and the Caster makes one roll to overcome it. So, you will either kill none or most of the undead in one spell, depending on the roll you make at the beginning of the round. And one neat trick to avoid the level 5 monsters, you dump the level 5 dude soon after geting a ship and make a new character. It will make it easier to avoid enemies, and since all chests hold between 1 and 99 golds anyways, it will only hurt xp gains. I usually give this fighter/barbarian/thief/something equally disposabe the mark of pain and anything else that isn't necissary to reach the end.. Either way, I'd like to see this game beat, even if it is nearly impossible to do fast.