Posts for Sticky

Post subject: Juggernaut Skipping
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I did a bit of testing, and was able to figure out how to skip the first Juggernaut fight. here is the gmv file I wont be working on this run seriously until the next gens comes out, where recording with a reset is possible without losing all the data recorded before the reset sequence.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Skychase: Excellent find on that Mojo skipping action. I played around with it and found that you have to come out of the teleport in the middle of the room, right behind that black-spikey-hangy thing (aka just above the mojo statue in the background). If you travel just past the left torch Mojo will spawn, and the battle will start. AceofShades: I will definately have to play around some more with the Iceman deal. Juggernaut, from my initial testing, could not be skipped unless you have 1/4 or less of health (credit to Jaysmad for that one)... Sabretooth would be a great boss to skip, however iirc the the top of the level is quite low... but that is said with no testing behind it :) EDIT: So, I successfully tested your theory on Sabretooth, he can be skipped! If only there was a way to skip Juggs... I did end up with under 1/4 health, but I didnt originally plan it this way. With some polishing up, would this type of damage take away from the movie experience, or be too time consuming, etc... comments please! here is the movie EDIT II: Can someone please explain to me wtf happened at 13495?! Crappy hit regestration (sp).
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Never in my life have I ever heard of or played this game... but I must admit, your TAS is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Good work, man!
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Post subject: Screenshot bug
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I just wanted to point out that in this bux-fix version of the emulator has a bug when taking screenshots. I press F12, and a message displays in the emulator saying "Failed to take screenshot." I also tried taking a screenshot with the non-bug-fix version of the emulator, and it was able to take a screenshot... so it appears it is only in this bug fixed version. I don't know if you have already found/fixed this bug, but figured you should know for future revisions of the emulator... keep up the good work!
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Here is a demo of another route that can be taken through savage land. The beginning of the "new" route starts once I enter the first cave (Frame 1800, if fastforwarding is desired [highly suggested, embarrassing gameplay]) Here is the .gmv I should also note that I have not found a way past the waterfall via the bottom rock without having to call iceman...
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Wow, talk about embarrassing. Ok, here is the gmv as the cheat list used. you will have to enable all the cheats on the list. I used megaupload because the other site doesnt allow the cheat file to be uploaded. .GMV file (confirmed this time!) cheat file (confirmed as well) Just put the cheat file in the same folder as the genesis emulator. I do feel that the movie itself sucks rediculous monkey balls, but if you are able to sit through my semi-experimenting long enough to witness the mojo fight, well, I think it may come in handy.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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The only thing that I can think of improving would be keeping the viewer entertained. There were many instances where the character just walked from point A to B without firing a single shot... if you were to use a weaker shot, you could hit the enemy more often, creating more "eye candy", while not slowing down the pace much, if at all.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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As I was running about at normal speed trying to figure out a way to record after reset I stumbled across a tactic for mojo... actually going frame by frame will look a ton better, but you get the jist of it.. I was using a bunch of cheats, simply so I could save my sanity when re-running the danger room/beginning of the crunch level.[url]
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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So far I have found no way around the whole restart thing. I tried both the Reset Z80 and the Reset 68000, both with the same results. The movie stops recording, and, as /*- has also found, there is no way around this... atleast as far as i can tell. Do you think it would be possible to start a second video at the very first frame of the restarted game? The problem, of course would be verifying that it was, infact, the same run... guess "my word" doesnt get me too far after all ;) Finally, I tested the "Gambit level skip", and it is BS as far as I can tell. I tried it on both the Savage Land and Lighthouse level, both instances freezing the game for good.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Well, if push comes to shove, and the glitch cannot be utilized, a quick defeat would be to summon arch angel so that jugg gets hit by all 3 of angel's passes.. leaving ~1-2 health bars remaining after that. However, there is little or no user input if you use archangel, so the video may be considered of lesser quality or a "sub-genre" (lack of a better term) due to use/possible abuse of computer controlled allies... BUT the fight lasts ~10 or less when using Angel... it should also be noted that I am able to do this on the genesis system, so it may not be considered "TAS-level-of-godly" Hopefully I explained well enough, but if not just tell me what to elaborate. :P
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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I see your point with MFC, this could be a very big problem... and dont be rediculous, any help is good help when it comes to TAS secrets for a game! ;)
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Post subject: Reset thing
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After defeating mojo in Mojo's future crunch you need to reset the system. Taken from : When you get to the end of the level, the screen will lock. Jump and hit the danger room screen (it's the big computer monitor-looking object). It will explode and disappear. Wait for a few seconds and...RESET YOU SYSTEM! It will then say something about system reloading, then start menu again, pick your xman, etc etc. nothing new, just different color scheme for the big X-MEN text on the title screen. Hope it clarifies the reset thing for ya, if not holler! EDIT:
/*- wrote:
you might wanna test the whole reset thing at Mojo's Future before trying to perfect this run then. unless Gens has undergone a heavy re-write, then it may end up just trapping you at the end of the Time Crunch.
Hmm, that is not joyous news... I will have to test that today
and Juggernauts got a glitch about running off screen.
Do you know how to initiate that glitch? Both myself and jaysmad are having difficulties replicating the glitch, which (if you watch the last, absolutely horrible, part of my run you will notice I inadvertantly trigger that sucker. Any help is appreciated![/quote]
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
Post subject: Reset deal
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Well, I dont know if this would be considered doing the same maneuver (spelling), but I had downloaded Kirby's DreamCourse or something like that, where they used reset after every 8th level (which signifies the end of the "world"). Whether or not the in-game reset for Xmen would be allowed is another matter, but I can't see why it would not be allowed.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Wow, dude, you put me to shame! It appears I have some catching up to do with learning the ins and outs of TAS!! I must admit, I will be exstatic (math major = bad spelling ;) ) to see a TAS on one of my favorite childhood games... may the best man win! On a side note, yeah, nightcrawler's teleport is not... (edit: the) easiest... power to control. Here is what I have thus far, however it should be noted that this is my first TAS and, honestly, looks rediculously weak compared to your run :P... I was attempting to get a feel for using TAS and such, so it is sloppy as anything.. dont butcher me too bad ;) Finally, I think the shorter (but not uuber short [see first tunnel in my movie]) jump and kick moves seem to speed nightcrawler up moreso than the longer ones, however you of course wont get the distance. Pz dude, and good luck... I will be un-sloppying like crazy to catch up to you!
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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I have begun work on this TAS, however due to lack of experience and lack of attention span I dont know how long it will take me to finish this sucker. Thus far I am at the beginning of the tree-fort in savage land playing as nightcrawler... my goals are: to take no damage abuse programming errors (the only one i can think of is horrible platform detection, as nightcrawler has a tendency to go through the floor after a jump for no real reason, if i am missing one, please post it or pm me!) to only use iceman as a backup (only when absolutely necessary, however i dont know if that would be considered "lame", so input is appreciated.) Thats all i have to say for now, so i will bid you all adeu.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.