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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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Lex wrote:
The real question here is, why would anyone want to TAS an emulated game (by virtual console, an emulator with many game-specific compatibility hacks) inside another emulator (Dolphin) when they could just TAS the game directly in a superior emulator?
The best answer to this is Ocarina of time, which have a glitch in VC thzt is impossible on a real N64. And I think it's not the only game in this case
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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Is it possible, without or without specified softwares, to convert the movie file from .M6 to .BK2 ? and If so, would it correct the actual problem and allow runs done on Mupen be imported in bizhawk ?
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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long is the size of the variable that contains the value, generally, the size of long is 4-bytes (32 bits) and can contain a value from -2 147 483 648 to +2 147 483 647 or from 0 to +4 294 967 295. unsigned means that the value doesn't have a sign, and cannot be under 0. So the value at this address will always be between 0 and +4 294 967 295.
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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Tu as donc mal pris ce que j'ai dit... D'abord, le fais qu'il y ai un "Kappa" a la fin d'une phrase signifie que c'est une blague, et n'est pas a prendre au sérieux. Et que, par conséquent, ma remarque était une simple blague. Ensuite, je suis au courant du travail que demande un TAS, étant moi même en train d'en faire un plutôt long, et jamais il ne me viendrais à l'idée de critiquer en mal une personne sur son travail, d'autant plus que tes runs sont toutes de qualités. Ma langue travail souvent plus vite que mon cerveau, et je n'ai pas remarqué que ma phrase aurais pu être mal prise, je ferais plus attention. Je comprend ton mécontentement et te présentes mes excuses sur cette blague qui n'avais pas pour vocation de blesser quelqu'un. Cordialement, Stovent
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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zoboner wrote:
Alors honnêtement je trouve la manière qu'a Stovent de l'expliquer bien plus simple que le lien en question!
Le lien te donne juste le fonctionnement du Player rank et l'équation qui le calcule, le fait que tu gagnes ou perde des points par tes runs est juste une conséquence de l'équation. Et puis si t'optimisais tes runs dès la première fois, t'aurais pas besoin de les refaire et tu ne perdrais pas de points Kappa
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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Ce qui est bizarre, c'est que les player points sont calculés en faisant la somme des points de chaque run, et que par conséquent, tu ne peux pas perdre des points en faisant de plus en plus de runs. C'est normal : si tu regarde la formule, tu constates que une run obsolete vaut 10^-6 points, et que les ratings sont le truc le plus important. Du coup, en obsoletant ta propre run de chakan, qui avait des bon votes et donc te donnais plein de points, tu a passer sa valeur a 10^-6 et donc ne te raporte plus rien. Comme ta nouvelle run n'a pas encore reçu de votes, elle te raporte 5 points, alors que l'ancienne (en 11:11.29) te rapportais 78 points (cette valeur est fort probablement fausse, c'est juste pour que tu comprennes le principe), tu as donc perdu 73 points (dans l'idée). Pareil pour GAW, elle n'a qu'un vote et je crois qu'une run avec 1 vote vaut 5 points. J'espère que tu as compris, sinon je peux mieux réexpliquer
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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The TAS is going quite slowly, but seems pretty optimized to me. WIP available in the userfile storage I'm having a ROM Problem : when entering tower of spirits (near frame 50'000), I have a weird sound glitch and I would like to know if you also have it or is it just me ? Also, is it bothering for the run ? Here is a save-state you can load to go to the specific frame
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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Use DeSmuME 0.9.9 to TAS
Dashjump wrote:
The movie also didn't play from a power-on state, and I can't delete the battery file to start from nothing while the ROM is active
Weird, DeSmuME is supposed to record and playback from beginning. You should close DeSmuME before delete the battery file. I'm pretty sure it's only because you used DeSmuME 0.9.10 or 0.9.11
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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encoded with the new file from the submission Link to video
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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Publisher, everything is ready : Youtube HD encode Archive item Torrents + screenshot
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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Note to publisher, encode is done : Youtube HD encode Archive collection Torrents + screenshot
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
Post subject: Move RAM watch window
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My RAM watch is stuck like that : How can I move it without having to uninstall-reinstall DeSmuME ?
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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natt wrote:
Did you make sure to give it a 64 bit version of lua51.dll?
I didn't know there was 32 and 64 bits DLL. It works now, thanks
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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When watching, I forget that my sound was a bit high on my headphones, so if someone can sell me ears for a low price... :D This glitch makes me think about a pokemon green one, maybe both works the same way. Yes vote
[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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[17:37:00]<TheCoreyBurton> It's N64 - it's ALWAYS bad news.
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