Posts for Swedishmartin

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Titus Kwok wrote:
Didn't SMW2 have a level like that? Bunch of blocks falling from the top, and you have to avoid getting trapped and being crushed?
Yup. But that's a different game engine. :/
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Chamale wrote:
Yes, and I'm wondering if there is some sort of feature I should turn on to make it work.
You want blocks that scroll with the floor when the floor hits them? Like block bridge blocks? As far as I know there's nothing of this built in anywhere in Lunar Magic, nor in SMW. You'll need floor-block and block-block hit detection if you don't want to set some sort of timer for when the blocks are supposed to start moving upwards with the floor, and I don't know how to do any of these methods without a lot of work.
Chamale wrote:
WTF, rridgway? That made no sense. Let me restate what I said: There will be an upwards autoscroll, with non-moving blocks arranged like Tetris pieces, which will stop moving when they hit the floor. Yes, I know it's all possible. But what blocks should I use?
You make no sense. If you know for a fact that it's possible, give us a goddamn example (so that we can help you by studying the ROM/video)! Since if you're convinced that this absolutely works, and you're not lying there has to be something that convinced you in the first place! And what do you mean by blocks? Graphics or actual game object that behaves in a certain way? I over-reacted yesterday. Apologies, Chamale!
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Video games + Cal Band = Win
Nintendo Seal of Quality.
Post subject: Re: Drugged up nonsense.
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trezin wrote:
words words words
What the hell?
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Warp wrote:
A similar thing: Intel released its 80386 processor in 1986. They are not producing it anymore. Wanna guess when the stopped producing it?-)
I didn't know, so I checked Wikipedia...
Wikipedia wrote:
In May 2006 Intel announced that production of the 386 would cease at the end of September 2007. Although it had long been obsolete as a personal computer CPU, Intel, and others, had continued to manufacture the chip for embedded systems, including aerospace technology.
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mr_roberts_z wrote:
Nintendo to End Support for Original NES
I would never have thought that they even kept support during the 16- and 32-bit era. That they had it until now is mildly mind boggling.
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Fabian wrote:
Dear Bisqwit, If person A does something wrong, is person B justified in doing the same thing wrong, because A did it first? No need to go into specifics, a general answer will be fine thanks. Edit: If yes, some discussion/elaborating would be appreciated too.
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I don't believe in a god, and I can't, but I wish I could believe so that life wouldn't seem so pointless. Get born, have and raise children so that they can have children, and then die. Am I being overly negative?
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Actually, This one has narration in it as well. With curse words.
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These are all very good. I wish I had skill like this.
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Titus Kwok wrote:
tl;dr Nah, just kidding. Thanks a lot people, I now know how electricity flows! :) Edit: To quote text from the link: "If you push on one end of a column of putty, the far end moves almost instantly. Energy flows fast, yet an electric current is a very slow flow. " That's the word I was looking for. Merge of double post:
Baxter wrote:
I have no idea at what speed the information is sent... but it will not be faster than the speed of light.
I thought there were maybe some quantum mechanics wackiness that allowed the spaces between the electrons in the wire to be perfectly constant all the time.
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"Bouncing off each other" was easier to say than going into detail about how there's an imaginary sphere around the electron (the magnetic field). My question put into context: We have two processors: A and B. A sends the data "110000001111111111101110" to B. Will B receive each bit the instant A sends it, or will there be a small delay? Or put in yet another way: Say we have a piece of metal with 12648430 electrons holding it together. If you add an electron to the piece of metal, one that was in it earlier will pop out. But how quickly will that happen? Will it happen immediately, or will there be a short moment in where the metal contains 12648431 electrons? Or another: How fast does electricity travel? Near-light speed or infinitely fast? Above phrased in a different way: We have a space ship a light year away from Earth, connected to Earth with a cable. If we transmit information through it to the ship, will the crew get it immediately or have to wait a year or more?
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I got a question: When you lead electricity through a wire, will the electrons have a constant distance from each other at all times or will they bounce off each other? That is: Will there be a current at ground instantly, or will it take a few milliseconds to arrive? I thought of it when I read about processors recently. If the second "option" is true, you have to arrange circuit boards so that the circuit is as small as possible for the processor to work quickly.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Nice antialiased hand.
Thanks. Alright, I got tired of being a wacky idiot. I fixed that "really small writing" post in the YouTube thread, and I'll stop posting crap as if it were funny. [URL=][/URL]
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Chamale wrote:
I know...
Swedishmartin wrote:
Sorry, but that was staged. There isn't actually a real game like that.
Swedishmartin wrote:
Sorry, but that was staged. There isn't actually a real game like that.
Swedishmartin wrote:
Sorry, but that was staged. There isn't actually a real game like that.
What? Uuuh... this wasn't supposed to happen...
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Chamale wrote:
On an unrelated note, I want to see a TAS of stupid tetris.
Sorry, but that was staged. There isn't actually a real game like that.
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Awwright! After a quick re-download everything works fine. :)
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I've got a question: What if the regular crystal structure of water ice were to appear black? (That is, water vapor and regular water wouldn't be affected.) The polar caps would maybe melt and reappear in a very strange cycle. Would this cause constant flooding? Or would there be a constant "simmering" where every little ice crystal would melt immediately? How would the climate behave, and how would this look? (This thought was inspired by the duality of diamond and graphite.)
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xebra wrote:
hate hate hate
Xebra, shut up. Bisqwit isn't "radically Christian", you are radically idiotic. I'm atheist as well, and I don't like Christianity myself, but I will respect anyone who believes in it.
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bkDJ wrote:
you suck at piracy fyi
I know.
Kles wrote:
As for your problem, Swedishmartin, redownload parts 04 and 25 and put them in the folder that the rest are in.
Doing that now...
mushroom wrote:
is there a file called "DC - Jet Gind Radio(self)(CDI).rar" in there? anything without a ".partxx"?
VANDAL wrote:
Is it possible to repair the archive with WinRar? There should be an option for that and if it doesn't work then something went wrong during either downloading or something on the uploader's side.
mmbossman wrote:
Check to make sure all of the download files are the same size (except the last one), you may have an error in downloading one of the parts fully.
Yes, they are.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Just put all the files in the same folder, then extract the first one.
moozooh wrote:
It's a usual multi-part RAR archive, extract it and it will fuse everything together.
YautjaElder wrote:
Try right-clicking on one of them and then choose "Extract to...", then just extract to an empty folder. It should fuse the files automatically.
! C:\Downloads\DC - Jet Grind Radio(self)(CDI)www.*****.org\DC - Jet Gind Radio(self)(CDI).part04.rar: Packed data CRC failed in DC - Jet Gind Radio(self)(CDI).cdi. The volume is corrupt ! C:\Downloads\DC - Jet Grind Radio(self)(CDI)www.*****.org\DC - Jet Gind Radio(self)(CDI).part25.rar: CRC failed in DC - Jet Gind Radio(self)(CDI).cdi. The file is corrupt Thanks for your help, but unfortunately, it seems that the archive was corrupt before the splitting. :/
Post subject: My Jet Grind Radio download came in 25 .part files...
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/26/2005
Posts: 285 do you fuse them? I downloaded it with Bittorrent. The folders are all .rar folders with a .cdi file in each of them. The .cdi files are named the same thing. Whenever I try to extract a .cdi I get an error during the extraction so that the file is corrupted. Could any of you please help?
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Fabian wrote:
Fabian sucks lol because you never know when he's serious and when he's not! Or do you?
Fabian sucks (lol) 'cause he's mysterious!
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Fabian wrote:
Hey I hear you. It is frustrating to feel limited in what you're able to express. I feel like that all the time when using English, everything feels so much smoother when you read a text a native speaker has written. Your English seems to be very good for a 15 year old though, so try not feeling too bad about it. You're certainly better than most of your peers. The key to getting better is simple, though it's a boring answer. You have to use your English, that's it. I bet you read a lot already, which is great, but if you start writing (or talking though that's trickier) more you will definitely see results, even though it can take a while for you to notice. What you should do is to really focus on getting better. This means forcing yourself to use difficult words or more advanced sentence construction. It means being conscious about using weird (non-intuitive) grammar just for the sake of learning to express yourself beyond the standard "I like cats. I am bad at English". It's tough. I try very hard to not screw up when it comes to grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes, and I also try very hard to choose more difficult ways of expressing myself, so as to not sound like a 7 year old. It pisses me off to no end when some douchebag native speaker goes on like "lol this guy can't tell the difference between is and are hahaha :) :) :)" when they couldn't write even the simplest sentence in ANY other language to save their life and have no idea what kind of effort it takes to not sound like a 4th grader when using a language you're not used to and don't know extremely well. I read and reread every single sentence I write in English to spot mistakes, even when talking casually on IRC or whatever. Everything gets a double (and triple) take because I want to learn and improve, and I also don't want to inconvenience the people I talk to by making them guess what the hell I'm trying to say. About the programming thing. I think it's great you're interested in something and want to learn and get better. I definitely think you should start right away if you have the motivation to, however I think you shouldn't set the bar too high. That is, you probably can't expect to become super awesome within a year or two, unless you're really driven and very enthusiastic about this stuff. But definitely give it a shot, then when you eventually reach university you'll have a head start on those who didn't think like you when they were 15. The knowledge you already possess at that time will also be a great help to get a deeper understanding of the things you'll be taught in class.
Whoa. When I came here in the first place I just thought of you as the "silly forum comedian", but it turns out that you're an awesome guy. Thanks, man. You're a great person, and that help you gave me... I'd be lying if I said it wasn't spot on. Also: "I read and reread every single sentence I write in English to spot mistakes, even when talking casually on IRC or whatever. Everything gets a double (and triple) take because I want to learn and improve, and I also don't want to inconvenience the people I talk to by making them guess what the hell I'm trying to say." Holy crap, are you me?
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