Posts for System_Error

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Voting no, you sick bastard. I loathe you for this run. It's a great improvement to the current run, and is completely awesome in that regard, but my problem with it is what it does. I'm fine with the drunken spousal abuse, killing Heath Ledger, and jumping into pits for no real reason, but when you win the blue ribbon county fair victory dance contest, you've got to be fucked up in the head. If it didn't do that, this would be a definite yes. Also, in the event that it didn't do any of those things, and the movie does get published, an optional version with a speedometer would be fairly interesting.
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Well, since we're here, I might as well mention this for future TASes of this game. One time, I was playing through normally, and was on Venom 2. I forgot what I did beforehand, but when Star Wolf showed up, I shot wildly into the air, and somehow managed to hit Pigma, killing him instantly. I haven't been able to reproduce it. Maybe you guys can?
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Geez, can't you people handle a little sarcasm? Okay, maybe it was a lot of sarcasm. Okay, it may have little over the top, but still, I thought most people would've realized that. Guess I was wrong. >_> I do like this movie, and do want it to be published. Like others said though, it's best that it not replace the current one, and have it be put into a "glitched" category..
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Gonna have to say no to this one. This movie is too big a mindfuck to exist, let alone be published. In fact, I move that we publicly execute the creator of this movie in Times Square just to prove we mean business about this sort of thing. Mindfucking people is not something that should be tolerated! Death to the infidel! DEATH TO THE INFIDEL!
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I find the lack of random, funny deaths is...disturbing. I don't know. Now it just seems like SMW played with style, rather than just pissing around mindlessly to get through the game. There were definitely improvements though, such as the tripping out keyhole in VD1, and the stylish finish in VS1. Keep trying, though. Some advice on what to add... - There's some glitch in DS2, that involves being on a Yoshi, having a cap, and spitting out a yellow shell near the goal, turning it into something glitchy, making the tape (temporarily) vanish in the process). - The odd color changing pipes in DS1, except show them only partially changed - The glitch where Mario spazzes out in the ending. It takes more input time, but that's not what we're aiming for here, is it? - Going to the Star World and Special World in VS1. Do stuff there, and when you've done them, continue on through the normal VD route. Why? Because the upper part of the mountain sucks for entertainment. - That weird glitch in Cheese Bridge Area where you mess up Yoshi's graphics. - Invisible Yoshi glitches (use the item duplication trick on a Yoshi; one will show up, the other will be invisible. And if you kill the visible one, the invisible one becomes visible) - Anything else entertaining you can think of
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
I'm kinda curious how that glitch in Forest 1 is done to pump the score up.. [and is it doable on a console?]
Bounce repeatedly off Wigglers, as you would when bouncing off enemies for extra lives. Instead of capping your bonuses at 1UPs, you'll get 2UPs, 3UPs, 5UPs, and then everything just hits the fan, as you get glitched symbols as bonuses that earn you extra coins. It is quite easily doable on a console once you get the hang of it - in fact, I did it when I was five or six years old; the information for it was in some strategy book I found at the library. If five (or six) year old me can do it, so old are you? Well, you can do it too, however old you are. Also, you can still bounce off the Koopas and keep your bonuses going, and make things easier too. As for the run itself, I would vote Meh if I could vote. Which I can't. Because I don't post enough. Because I'm not here often. There were amusing parts, but I found myself fast forwarding through a lot of gameplay. If you could streamline it a bit, and work out some of the rough edges, I'm sure it'll be very good.
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Tool Assisted Superplay Not... Tool Assisted Speedrun Hell, you can even read the sign in the top left there, see? Of course, "superplay" is somewhat vague in its definition. But nevertheless, the purpose of these videos on this site is to entertain, not satisfy the urges of tachophiles. If the River City Ransom run can be accepted, why not this? Well, apart from the autoscrollers, but that's an issue we have to deal with with every single playthrough with autoscrollers. Besides, it shows of a variety of glitches, stunts and tricks in a unique way, and has its advantages over places like YouTube and single demonstration movies in several ways... 1. Unexpectedness. 2. No stupid music played over the gameplay. 3. No stupid music played over the gameplay (I'm listing it again just to be clear). 4. Higher quality video. 5. Has more variety. 6. Precision in what goes on. 7. It's different. 8. etc. etc. etc. Some explanation of these 1. Just as it says. Seeing something you did not expect gives a different and much more satisfying effect than being told what you are going to see before you see what you're going to see, which is often the case, at least in my experience. 2. You get to hear the sounds of the game, instead of the movie-maker's favorite music from their favorite band. 3. You get to hear the sounds and music that naturally occur during the game, giving an element of depth to it. A number of YouTube videos seem to carry music not from the game within them, which you may or may not like, but at any rate, doesn't give the same feeling as hearing what goes on within the game itself. Of course, this isn't always the case, but that leads us to... 4. With this, you get high-quality playback! Also, you don't need to wait for the entire video to s-l-o-w-l-y l-o-a-d. 5. The entire game is played through and a variety of situations that you would not normally see and glitches are shown off, instead of just one level or something. 6. It tries to keep a good speed throughout all the chaos going on, and the glitches and stuff are pulled off well. 7. It's more amusing than frame wars in which people compete to see who can reduce lag the most, as the fastest possible strategies have already been developed. At least in my opinion. I'm sure others share it. While to some people, three frames that the human eye will not even notice will make enough of a difference to worship the runner as their new god for at least a brief period of time, others get bored of such things after a while, and want something different. This is something different, I am an other, and there are others. 8. Lots of other things too. If I could vote, which I cannot, due to general inactivity around here, mostly contributed due to activity on other forums, and basically having little to nothing to say most of the times, but mostly due to activity on other forums and not checking this one all that often, it would be Yes. But, as I do want to contribute something, I'll suggest a screenshot to use. Either NVA's fifth, depicting red shell rape, or the part in 3-3 where it appears Mario is running across the water. Also, as a closing comment, my mind was blown at the bonus area in 3-7. I was not aware of that place until I watched the playthrough.
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Damn log. Always getting in our way. If I had some napalm, I'd incinerate them ALL to cinders. Nice movie, by the way.
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See, what you should've done instead of the double babality, is have one of the fighters do a friendship, and have the other kill the first one in response. I suspect (although I'm really basing it on nothing at all) that there's a way to screw up Cage's Friendship in this way. Nice movie by the way. I've enjoyed watching the series of them.