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Maur - only when they don't have Piece of Power...cuz they need to abuse having that...
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I guess...but seeing a "death" on your score looks stupid...especially for a TAS...
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My logical explanation is - you get a "games played" tallied onto your game if you save/quit. It's essentially the same as dying.
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That's the 1 thing about the TAS I don't like and wish was changed.
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It's a teleport trick banned by SDA because it was revealed post-no-teleport tricks in the SDA rulings. TG also recently banned it as well.
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Even though I met my goal of sub 1:40, I still felt I could have done more. I think I was just so burned out by this run...I made a lot of mental mistakes...slow Lanmolas battle...wrong Dark World order...wrong way into Lost Woods...wrong key in Misery Mire... I should have had a low 1:39 run, if not a sub 1:39 run.
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Did you watch my run? You can sequence break the dungeon, and in an even better way than I did.
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You will then need to get a key from the Dodongo's I think, which takes a long time.
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On Turtle Rock, an optimal key is in the statue in a room up 1, right 2, up 1, left 1, up 1, left 1 from start.
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I was mocking the term "TG Syndrome".
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Michael - Before video games existed, the trade of "keeping secrets" was around long before...I'm sure you already know, though. Magicians are big time practitioners of this. In fact, if you give away magical tricks, you're black balled. Imagine if we did that in the speed run community?
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Is this a 100% run or minimalist? Are you doing a TAS or regular run?
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Sleepz wrote:
So I've decided for now, the route and the times I’m not revealing. I might eventually change my mind though. As for everything else, strategies, other possible route ideas, I don’t mind sharing everything I know.
Eck...I'm having a shitty day, so pardon this crap I posted earlier. I did not see that you said you would discuss your stuff. But I'm confused? If you will discuss it, this means you will reveal some stuff. But is your goal to only reveal stuff to people who come around here or are involved, and not some people who just browse around and suddenly get better because they see the video or something? Also, if your run is as good as you say, it will be hard to replicate for somebody then? Also, have you seen sdkess said he has a faster route than the one you posted? You said it was the fastest human he says otherwise... I still think: Level 3 Up+A Gamble 1X Blue Candle Level 4 Up+A HC 100 rupees Level 2 HC White Sword Level 5 Up+A HC Level 1 Warp to Level 3 Arrows/Bait Level 7 Magical Sword Level 6 Warp to Level 2 Level 8 Warp to Level 1 Level 9 Is a good route.
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I hate that guy...him and Exrodus go around trolling and claiming they beat all these times. He said he got a 3:57 100% OoT run...better than that one guy who said he got sub 5 100%. Sleepz - do you plan to send any run to SDA? I understand if you want to keep it a secret, but in all honestly the TAS gives away so much...and just knowing the route...I'm just saying it's pointless not to put it up unless you have another reason not to (like SDA messing up your MM 2 run capture originally, which they fixed).
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1. It was done on the Famicom version, not the FDS version, so it should be running as fast as the NES version. 2. Pols Voices can't be killed with arrows in the Japanese version. 3. Japanese text is shorter in this game than English text. 4. He was on GameFAQs and said he did it, and he spoke very poor English and I don't think I got my point across for him to send a video to TG or to SDA. 5. He said he got a time of 33:07.
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That is a mistake, it should say WS before 5.
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But didn't you gamble 1x times in your run? I'm pretty sure the route I was told and believed was the fastest was: 3-Candle-4-1-HC-HC-5-White Sword-HC-2-7-Magical Sword-6-8-9 I'm pretty sure that's what I've believed was the route or about a year now, though the specifics of it (where to get items, what exact screens to go) I didn't. I'm pretty sure either Ramzi or Michael Fried told me this.
Post subject: ALttP New WR - 1:39:47 SDA/1:40:00 TG
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 186 I know it's not as entertaining as the TAS, but here it is.
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I'm confused. You got 32:56 - but it's only going to TG? And you're working on another, and you will send that into? You should read my SDA comments - I mention about the gamble and stuff. Michael Friend and Ramzi back then were telling me a route I should do if I redid this run...I don't even remember exactly what it was, but they did have a route...(wishes he could find it).
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As said, it was just an idea.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 186 It's on there. LA DX version. 1:45. Could be sub 1:40 if I did it again.
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Yeah - I assume that Maur. I tried numerous times and got the same path. However, I can't prove that is how it always works.
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I'm talking with Ramzi and an old friend who I'll reveal at a later time. The first idea brought up was using the Magical Rod vs ever getting the White Sword, enabling a different route. The other thing was just doing the TAS route...but getting the White Sword. The risky tactic was relying on all bombs. Bombs are superior to the sword in a human run...they take out more enemies quicker since no human has the reflexes to perform the masterful sword fighting found in the TAS. The high risk is you need bomb drops like crazy to keep up the strategy. Essentially you never use your sword except when it would be faster. Which is why I was supripsed the TAS didn' tuse more can be faster. I'm also not sure how many damage boosts are used in Sleepz video. Everytime there is a bubble or low-damage enemy, you need to try to "damage boost" the way you want to go if it is not too time costly to deviate into the enemy's trajectory. But honestly, I only see Level 9 being hard with the White Sword only. Level 8 is not so bad if you have good reflexes until the Gleeok battle. It's just that Wizzrobes are more random, so there is a higher chance of them doing something to your disadvantage, like cornering you into a "check mate" where you will get hit by something no matter what. I've always viewed the original Zelda as Pac-Man where you could fight back the entire time.
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It's not chosen when you read the book. I played till the end, pulled out my guide, and guessed the various paths until I got the right one...then I reset my game and did my run on it. I never read the book.
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SNES: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV, Super Mario RPG Systems not yet ready...hmm.. Nintendo 64: 70 Star Super Mario 64, High Score StarFox 64, F-Zero X time trials, Wave Race 64 high scores, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Paper Mario. Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, GCN: Tales of Symphonia, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, F-Zero GX, The Wind Waker PS1: Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid VR Missions PS2: Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Ys Arc of Napishtim (sp?), SSX High Scores (all versions), Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Devil May Cry 1-3, Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, GTA 3/VC/SA X-Box: Halo, Halo 2, Project Gotham Racing, Ninja Gaiden
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