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The only things I know of for single player competitions are: Broad Gaming PowerFest 1990-1995 Blockbuster Video Game Championships 1995-1998 Classic Gaming Expo (but it's all Atari and before) Microsoft's XBoX Challenge 2001 Game Specific G4TechTV "Arena" Console Matchup (but primarily multiplayer PC show) Ninja Gaiden Tournament 2004 F-Zero GX Global Championships 2003 I know at my college, we hold at least on Smash Bros tourney a semester, and the National SSBM tour comes there each year. I missed out on all but Fall 2003's Tourney, in which I advanced to the quarter finals before I was pissed at waiting 3 hours for my next matchup, so I left.
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sdkess - I didn't mean to put you in that group. I meant that at one time I saw you arguing here about this issue, but it wasn't anything near what the GameFAQs guys did. Not old school enough, huh? They guys probably weren't even old enough to have played the Atari/Arcade games of the late 70's/early 80's when competitive console gaming was at its pinnacle. I mean, that's when the greats competed in games like Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Pong to see who was the best. It was all score based. It was all done live. This whole "video" thing is like the Touch Typing For Kids edition of competitive gaming. You can try as many times as you want. I "see" a difference between tool-assited and "legit" runs, but in all honesty - the essence of video runs and emu runs is the same. Try as much as you can to get the best score/time. Why I tend to get offended when these new wave of competitive gamers say they can own my "times" and think I'm no good: I actually used to compete in Super Mario tournaments in my town against other schools in the early 90's in live tournaments. I won them all. I competed in a Nation wide Diddy Kong Racing tournament in 1997 - when NOBODY had ever played the game before entering - and won my area by lapping the next best competitor. I beat Super Mario 64 70 star collection in under 2 hours for the manager of Blockbuster in a bet one day after I was in there day after day just playing the N64 Station - not even owning the game - in October of 1996. Yes, many gamers can beat me in a "try as many time as you can" scenario - this "new age" of competing. But if you were to take me on in a new game, of if we had played it the same amount and then competed live, it's a different story. This is why I always thought of myself as a great gamer. But thanks to today, I feel my value has diminished. I try my best to do runs for everyone to put online. But no offense, after about 3 or 4 attempts, I feel like it's just cheating. Every "record" or "video" I have done - I did within 4 attempts. I did my ALttP record with just "beating" it by memory once, on the fly imagining improvements, and then took three more times to get sub 2 hours. My Ocarina of Time runs all took one try each. My LoZ video up now took three tries - because of a random bomb drop factor I couldn't control. My The Adventure of Link record, while not good to most, I achieved on my 4th time to EVER play the game. And it was 100% completion at 1:57. Boco tells me 1:36 is the true WR...and lord knows how many times they've played that game over and over. Alex Penev complained my Super Mario 64 time wasn't close to WR. No crap. I hadn't played the game in 3 years, had no strategy. I just up and picked up the damn controller and beat it. And it was less than 30 mins short of the "best" time ever. If I had the best route and practice... As for old school, those morons wouldn't know old school if it smacked them in the face. PC gaming and Arcade Tournaments are about all that remains fo the "old school" competition. So while times must change, I must insist a vast majority of gamers out there claiming to be the best...aren't. The best do it conistently, and can do it in front of a crowd. Sure, somebody can beat me in The Legend of Zelda speed run if they try hard enough on tape. But challenge me to a live competition. I'm not meaning to brag, I'm trying to drive home a point. What exists now is **** compared to what was. So while I sympathize with both sides, and have been very understanding - since the day TG contacted me about doing a Zelda run after seeing one my claims - I have regretted getting into this realm of speed running. However - somethings done nowadays are still damn impressive. Some people can do stuff that nobody thought could be done no matter how many tries they got. To me, that is still the sign of a great gamer. So thus ends my rant and you know where I am coming from. I truly am "neutral" as to competitive gaming now. Sometimes I care about doing a run. Sometimes I don't. In fact, I only do a run when I feel like it. I say I will do my AoL run this weekend...that may or may not happen. It's just whenever. But I do know when the time comes, I will beat my previous best. There you have it. I really, really don't care, this is just for fun. But I'll just tell you like it is as long as I am involved in this realm.
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That minority is also pissing off the majority of "legit" gamers as well. Honestly, legit gamers do it for the spirit of the game and fun. I have an ulterior motive - promote Zelda and keep Zelda popular. I up-play everything I do/see related to Zelda to make it a spectacle - so that fans want stay interested. To the point - I don't do this for fame or fortune. It does give me a sense of pride, though, when I do something I thought I couldn't. When I did that 35:50 LoZ video on VHS in 3 tries, compared to last summer where it took me 2 weeks to get 37:50 - it showed how much of a better gamer I have become in such little time. To me, speed runs measure how much I improve as a gamer. I don't like to compare myself to other gamers - I never thought speed running was a viable way to prove your "skills" in comparison to another. If you want to show you're a great gamer, go into Fighting Game tournaments or join the PC FPS ranks. That is where true competition lies. I don't get why they get so mad. I don't recall anyone claiming any video made by an emulator was some sort of record or an amazing personal feat. I just remember people saying it was either "cool looking" or "this is impossible to do, it's fake". They act like the world is going mad and that "legit" gaming is going to hell. Additionally, if you even hint that videos from this site and others are "good", they brand you a traitor and make up viscious lies - like that my videos are all fake. Honestly, their tactics ar just to bash you into the ground until you feel worthless or frustrate you into doing something stupid. Their conduct, however, is very unbecoming. They're quite arrogant and ignorant, and I really don't care much for them. They remind me of drunken frat guys who's life depends upon a fragile balance that if shattered, they fall into oblivion. On top of all this, except for sdkess, I don't know any of these other guys yelling. sdkess is one of the more reserved arguers, but these other more ignorant guys are relative nobody's. I've asked on several occasions for them to provide me with links to stuff they've done, even just a forum where they claim stuff, and I've gotten no response. One of them sent me Super Mario World videos, but they were audio-less (suspicious to me) and better than anything I've seen (ex: a 10:48 SMW run). Yet this video was sent in secrecy and is not onlne for public viewing. They champion people like SnapDragon and players, but when I chatted with them and asked The-Elite crew if they knew ANY of the people who were bashing Emu Assited Runs, they were all like "who's that?". I think in one of the chats I saw, Jason Whalls was there. But he didn't speak at all. I tried Googling these names, and all I could find was a LoZ emulator run...done a few years ago. Anyway, I am just going to ignore them from now on. I think if anymore of this crap heads this way, ban the user and lock the thread up. It's not necessary, it's just trolling. I go to and I see a HUGE disclaimer before all Emu Assited Runs which makes it very clear they weren't done in the same was as other runs. And will outlast any "competitive" site in the end. Nobody claims these runs are records, and nobody thinks they are. I seriously have like...this urge to want to bash their heads against a wall for being so stupid and ignorant. And they also act like they rule the world, when they have no credentials. I believe the name for these type of people is "posers". That's what we used to call wannabe aggressive skaters in 6th grade who wore the clothing and talked the talk, but had an excuse for every occassion when asked to back it up. That's what these guys are. And they're not TG. Twin Galaxies is about to improve. They're database will be updated, and they will update in the future quickly. It seriously will gain back respect. In fact, all The Elite times, as well as the times, are going to be logged there. It's going to reflect the best of the best. The-Elite and other niche sites will continue to focus on specific games for competitions, but TG is eventually going to emerge as the dominant verification site. And their rules and refs are stricters and more adept to the technological threats to legit runs. So from where I am standing - anyone who continues to insist "Tool-Assisted Runs" destroy legit gaming needs to wake up. I'm willing to bet (as sad as it is) that all of the people whining about this are American...figures. And as I proposed to you guys awhile back - challenge these fools. Beat them at their own game and make them respect you. I challenged that Mister Dan guy to anything Zelda related. I bet his excuse will be "You're a nobody, you can't challenge me!" or something. Anyway, I think it's time to just ignore this and let the issue die. Things are in motion that will end this all and render the "posers" obsolete.
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I for the life of me could not defeat Ganon in the way you guys did in the Emulator...I still thought my fight was fast, but not perfect.
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I thought it was great. It's amazing how much you have to have memorized. I'm sure most people who watch won't even realize the amount of money, bomb, and key management. - Yeah, it's mainly about bomb management after you have all your items. You will also notice - I screwed up on Manhandla. Had I not, I would have had 8 bombs...and would have been in excellent condtion. This run proves to me I can get bombs fairly easily if I kill enemies at certain "drop" spots along routes - just for back up purposes. You had many unneeded item changes. Reducing those could probably save some time. Also, setting the bomb further from the wall. - I had some mess ups, and yes, some aren't necessary, but since I just knew I can do this run easily, I did what I had to. Think of this run as the same as a newbie playing - Whereas I had to change items a bunch, they have to get the Red Ring and potion to survive. Not necessary, but they gaurantee success (almost). I had this idea that touching the triforce piece with many hearts missing was a bad thing because it takes longer to refill. From what I observed in your video, however, the time doesn't change. There's a little song that needs to play, and the hearts are filled before that song is over. I think after you defeated the Manhandla you got a fairy thinking it would save time, but it doesn't. - Partially true. Time how long it takes for Link to appear outside with hearts filled, then with only 1 half heart (and losts of HCs, though). It's a second or two difference usually. I believe you once told me that you only use bombs in Level 6. In this video, it was quite the contrary. You also didn't use many bombs on the blue darknuts. Why is this? In one fight with the blue darknuts, you switched from bombs to the boomerang, which I thought was silly. Keep the bombs, just in case you get lucky and they all get close together. - Again, this was a safety run. No serious gambles of any sort. In a record run, I would use bombs on: Vires in Level 4, Blue Darknuts in Level 5, No need on Wizzrobes in 6 as fighting with sword is fast and not worth the possibility of no replenishment, and Level 9. And you did get the boomerang. I see why... Freezing baddies and walking through them. Do you think this is a necessary time saver though? You probably lose more time switching to it than you save by having it. - You don't need it. You can just "stab" enemies with your sword and run through them. You killed a poor keese in level 9 with a diagonal boomerang throw. How heartless of you you cruel sick bastard. He wasn't even near the stairs. HE WASN'T EVEN NEAR THE STAIRS. - Instinct...I had precog he would come after me. After you purchased everything that was necessary, it still seemed that you went out of your way to collect rupee drops. Is that just a bad habit, or did you have a reason. I saw that you used the arrows more than required, but not enough to warrant that kind of rupee collection. I think you had like 7 rupees after you bought the bait, which is more than enough to complete the game. When you beat the game though, you had forty-some rupees. Also, you spent a lot of time walking across the screen to get a heart and walk back. I understand the necessity for hearts in getting the third sword, but after that, they're only for convenience. You had several remaining hearts when you finished. Is life a worry for you, particularly in dealing with the final patras and Ganon? - The rupee thing...I want at least 30 rupees for Level 9 in terms of arrows. I think I might try just beating the red moldorms with the lazer shot technique (double hit trick). If that's so, I need 8 shots for the final room before the last Patra, but it's not so easy to hit everything on first shot, so I'd prefer 15. As for the hearts - it's mainly for Patras and Ganon. I mean, now that I am back in the habbit of Ganon's pattern, I think I can beat him without getting hit now. But Patras are unstable and random. They take off 2 hearts per hit, and it is quick. Lastly, Ganon. You were the one who told me about the techique to kill Ganon quickly for the emulator run. When I played through Zelda 1 a few days ago, I noticed it didn't work for me. So I wanted to see your video to see how you do it. And you didn't do it. Is it hard to pull off, or what? - The potion trick. Yeah, that's banned around the books, so if you do get it to work, it will be scorned at. But I'll try to make a video of doing it again so you can see it. I like your route choice. I liked this video. There was a certain thrill of watching a real video as opposed to the emulated one. For me, the planning that went into our 27 minute video was the real accomplishment. But in a real video, I get to see your fighting techniques, and split second decisions. And it made me feel that maybe I could play the game. - Well, the last alternation is the 50 rupee gamble, and making Level 2 after 5, and putting item collection spots in closer proxomity to levels. That should save at least 1 minute. Couple that with risking better tactics, and I think I at least will savea nother minute. That will put me below 34 mins. Now if I have a super run, I could get low 33.
Post subject: My first LoZ Speed
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Because OoT is a far longer and more complex game than any 2D Zelda, I'm going to have to say it takes a long time to get so good you could speed run it. I mean, most of the best players for OoT played it for years on end. If you're a newbie, you can do pretty well, but I'd be shocked to see a sub 5:30 run by anyone who hadn't played the game for at least a considerable amount of time.
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OoT - 4:55 ALttP - 1:38 Thought I'd give my two cents on those two.
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1. Ocarina of Time 2. A Link to the Past 3. Legend of Zelda 4. Super Mario 64 5. Metal Gear Solid 6. StarFox 64 7. Final Fantasy X 8. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits 9. Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition (Arcade) 10. Super Smash Bros Melee
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That would be it.
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It isn't a glitch, it's the Quick Spin Attack (told to you by the Great Fairy on top of Death Mountain). Also, I don't get what you mean by "major shortcuts". I took all but 2 - one in the Fire Temple and one in the Forest, which involve Farore's Wind. If you mean glitches - I can't use those for my runs, against the rules.
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A Link to the Past established some pretty standard concepts for Action RPGs in the 16-bit genre, which can actually be seen a bit in Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger. Traditional RPGs tend to be longer and more story intensive, but I think ALttP is a fundamentally more sound game than either Square outing. And of all the games left, Super Mario Bros 3 should win. But remember, it's not only a popularity contest - GameFAQ's users have "stakes" in it - via that contest. That really upsets me, makes peopl want to cheat even more.
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Hey, author of the speed run here: It was a single run, no re-records. If I ever did another, it would be segmented in accordance with SDA's rules (to just get the fastest time possible). I also authored the Deku Tree video with commentary, but it was so bad in terms of what I can do now (sub 6 mins), I removed it.
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Yep. Good catch.
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Yeah, getting the Mushroom is on the way, and the Witch's Hut is like RIGHT AT Warp 2 - BUT here is the thing. Activating the Magic Powder... I forget how, but I always was in the Dark World, and warped ot Light - gave mushroom, warped back to Dark, warped to Light, got Powder. This way - you must figure out how to make the powder come without warping. Maybe Bird Warping again to 2 will do the trick?
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You'd have to compare this: Time it takes to go from Warp Point 1 until entering Turtle Rock Time it takes to get Magic Mushroom, Get Magic Powder, and go from Ether Tablet to Turtle Rock Let me know. If you can get magic Powder as its faster, then getting the double Magic, which is on the Tempered Sword route, is very beneficial.
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So was my time...but he has a very impressive route for the Dark World...
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You can jump down in the middle and sometimes the big ball doesn't roll. But I guess you got unlucky. You tried the Dark World yet?
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Ok, mistake: Get Bird before Thieve's Town, sorry.
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This is the fastest route possible. Hyrule Castle Save Zelda Sanctuary HC East Palace (100 rupees) Pegasus Boots + 100 rupees Book of Mudora Desert Palace Tower of Hera Master Sword Hyrule Castle 2 Palace of Darkness Get Flute Thieves’ Town 300 rupee house Tempered Sword Get Bird Warp Warp to Link’s House and go to Hyrule Castle Get Quake Warp to Light World Get Zora’s Flippers Warp to Death Mountain to get Ether Warp to Ice Cave to get Ice Rod Warp to Spot 6 Misery Mire (After getting two keys in that room, magic mirror back to start – go to big key room). Warp to Light World Bird Warp to 3 Skull Woods (Use Cane of Somaria tricks) Light World Warp Bird Warp to Link’s House Dark World Warp Swamp Palace Light World Warp Bird Warp Lake Hylia Dark World warp Ice Palace Super Bombs Silver Arrows/Golden Sword Bird Warp Death Mountain Turtle Rock Ganon’s Tower I should note: Switching Skull Woods and Swamp Ruins is a possibility. Having the hookshot in Skull Woods could result in some more trick exploitations.
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It's got the best "puzzles" of any Zelda game. It's more puzzle-solving based.
Post subject: Hyrule Adventure Speed Run
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Speed Run: Videos of amazing achievements by humans on a continous, real-time attempt ('run' implies continuity/flow.) No saves states, etc. are used. They are based on minimizing the amount of time needed to complete the game. [/i] Time Attack: Videos that are made for entertainment purposes. They attempt to be theoretically perfect (often meaning as quickly as possible.) They are created by any means that the game allows (but there is no cheating or video editing.) More. [/i] Aesthetic Form: Videos that are not focused on time. They are games that have automatic scrolling or require certain actions by the player for a set amount of time. They focus on doing amazing actions in the game. Bouncing to get 1-Ups on the ships in SMB3 is an example of an Aesthetic Form within a Time Attack. [/i] A human player, playing Super Mario Bros 3, who demonstrates the amazing achievement of a theoretically perfect run, which also happens to do amazing actions in the game. Where does that go?
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