Posts for Takarifreak

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I just finished watching the end...great job! In the original, it IS possible to skip the last owl speech before entering the egg. I've played the original at leats 30 times or so, and there has been a few times where I've been able to enter the egg just before the owl starts to speak (or just before he lands, its been a long time since I've done it). This was using my crappy game boy too, so it'll be easier to replicate on an emulator; its probably just a matter of finding the right frame or something. If it's possible to so in the DX version, I have no idea, I've only played it once or twice (since screwing around with the screen warp glitch in the original is so much more fun), but it's worth a shot if the run is ever going to be re-done and improved.
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Since the rod has already been obtained, curious, but is the mirror shield even needed now? Or can you manipulate the Eagle into being fried to s crisp before it can knock you off the tower? I haven't played the game in so long (probbaly when I made this topic so long ago), but whenever I cheated and finsihed 8 first, I went all the way up to the mirror shield in 7 first since I couldn't bypass the fire any other way on the way to 8 (since I'm an idiot). I've played this game so many times, but I usually always did 100% and everything in order, and half these tricks I'm seeing in the run I've never even seen before. Probably doesn't help I never looked at any sort of guide for this game since I beat it without one. There's 2 walls in level 8 I never knew you could bomb, so now I feel incredibly stupid for taking the long way all that time. Keep up the good work, and I hope level 7 isn't too much of a pain. I always hated that level...
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I'll have to admit, on a personal level, I'm not a huge fan of the backwalking either (even though I've played the game and know exactly where Link is going). But it's faster. And it is no more annoying than walking/rolling FORWARD the entire time; and doing it forward would be slower. What's wrong with seeing LESS transportation time between point A and B? Doesn't the backwalking give some new perspective on things too? Everyone usually plays games forward, and playing them moving backwards is a slight change of pace, is it not? You may be seeing the same things as you did moving forward, but you see them from a different point of view, so to speak. Besides, if you've never seen/played the game before, you wouldn't really know where Link was going even if he moved forward, wouldn't you? Disliking the backwalking is a matter of opinion; no one HAS to like it. But don't judge the run based on one thing you don't like about the run, when all the other tricks used are 10x cooler and more than make up for the "boring" backwalking. One of the goals for like every run on this site involves completing the game as fast as possible. Seeing how even WITH all these time saving glicthes, this game is still a bit long; so the backwads walking VS normal walking saves a SIGNIFICANT amount of time. So if you guys don't like the backwalking that much, then don't watch the run. You may not like it, but it is NOT going to make this or any future run omit the use of it.
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Is the L-2 Sword being gotten in this run, or not? I think it would be a good idea, since you can collect 20 seashells once you have the flippers (I myself always get it upon completion of level 4). I've never tried a short run of this game, ever. I've played it over 100 times, and done 100% each time. Although, sometimes, I completed the Trade Sequence and forgotten to read the book. I'm not sure there is a Default setting for the egg path or not, I don't recall getting the same one whenever I don't read the book, but I'm not 100% sure either. But there's a dilema here, you can either skip the bow or the book...not both. You NEED the Magnifying glass to have acess to the Boomerang. Since the Trading Sequence takes a bunch of time, I'd go for Stealing the Bow, as it is faster to do so, and I think it will save more time overall than trying to snag the boomerang. Yeah, you have to keep up the supply, but I've never run out of arrows before, and getting the upgrade will auto fill you up to 60 anyway.
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Well, I just watched Warp's New run...And I like it better than the the previous version. The boss battles go by SO much faster, and not slow and boring like before. I'm shocked that all teh mind points where skipped, however. I liked how Attack and Assail was taken advatage of for Ligar int eh previous version, since those projectiles are dang hard to dodge, so I'm curious as to why it was skipped this time. I dont think getting the Stars that were left behind would take up too much time, and I think it would cut down on the ligar battle a little, since the first 10 hits wouldn't require dancing around his projectiles. Nice work though.
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Wow, that movie was great! I've beaten the game a few times, and I never knew such glitches coudl occur, especially to warp you between bosses like that, that is REALLY odd!
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I have actually located the ROMs for KQ1 (for Sega) and KQ5 (for NES)...the only 2 to be made for console. Now, if you people are willing to see these, I'll gladly make them as I know these games like the back of my hand. I'm used to them only on PC though, so on console emulators it might take me some time. KQ1 would be more "entertaining", since you can go for speed. KQ5 is very linear and there is little you can skip.
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KQ5 for NES is a PAIN in the butt, since it requires the use of arrows to simulate the mvement of a mouse. I beat it once, when my version of KQ5 was currupted at the very end, and I couldn't see the ending movie. Although, KQ1 was ALSO released for Sega (and I just remembered that now). I have yet to see how that plays (as I dont have a sega), but I may be able to make a run of that. Assuming I get the emulator and the rom and figure out the whole recording stuff, making a run of that won't be very difficult. I've beaten every KQ game, have walkthroughs for all of them, have played them all to death (and in one game, I've even found a shorter complete path than the official walkthrough). But there are other factors too. With the exception of KQ5 which is VERY linear and almost nothing can be skipped, there's a short path through all teh game (where you focus on how fast, and not full points), OR go for full points within the fastest time
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Not sure...Stage one (the Giant Gel), is killed by poweder. Stage two cna be reflaected with the shovel. I know Stage 5 can be killed a bumber of ways, such as with the hookshot, and stage 6 (Dethel), can be killed the long way with bow and arrows, or the boomerang. It's Shadow Gannon and the Moldorm I'm not sure if the sword is required...i'll check that out.
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There were only 8 KQ games...9, if you cound the remake of #1. I think the other ones you mean are like Space Quest, Police Quest, Quest for Glory, etc., those were from the same you mean those too? If there IS a way to make runs of these games, can someone let me know? I'm an avid fan of these games (especially, Kings Quest), and I'd be HAPPY to make one, if it's even possible, since they are all PC games.
Post subject: Re: GB/GBC Wishlist
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BombAHead wrote:
I didn't include any Pokemon games, as I figure that even with rerecording, it'd take way too long to beat one to prove interesting. Not that I figure it'll stop someone set on doing it.
In my opinion, they wouldn't be worth the trouble. Since without any sort of cheating, it takes oh, 20 + hours to even get to the Elite Four and be strong enough to defeat them. No one would want to spend That much time watching a run! Even if you had a REALLY good team at the start and skipped many of the wild battles, I'd still estomate that it take at least 15 hours.
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Slow to play? Geez, you scrolled it so fast I had NO chance to read 90% of the text! :P Alter today, I'm gonna play the fmv at a slower speed, so MAYBE I can follow what's going on!
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Okay, call me stupid, but I get NO video output At ALL when i try to play the winamp (which sometimes DOES do that), OR in Windows Media player. The sound plays fine, but the video doesn't. I havent tried the FMV yet, but i will now...i pick the AVI over teh FMV because AVI lets you rewind, and it's a pain to find the roms!
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I dont think it's possible to go swordless, but I've never tried it. But since it's a pretty decently long game, even if it IS possible to do it swordless, it'd take a LONG time...the length of the movie would be pretty long, since a LOT of the stuff in the game can't be avoided (you need every dungeon treasure, for instane, though in level 6 the trip to the lv2 bracelet can be cut short by getting it early on via the screenwarp glitch in a certain spot). As Soon As I finish Seasons agin though, I'll look into seeing if it can be done swordless at all...I've playes that game often enough that I know literally EVERYTHING about the gameplay, and i do a pretty much 100% run though each time too.
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Dang. Oh well, it was worth a shot! But I'd still love to see it with the screenwarp glitch in action, since that would be a rather quick game run to execute...or is a file of this out there already somewhere? Google can't search for crap, and everytime i search, 90% of them are for online stores and such, many whom don't even CLOSELY match the terms I was looking for!
Post subject: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
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Is there even an emulator out there such that a speedrun of this game could be made? It's one of the VERY few games I beat by myself (though in level 2 and 7 i got stuck for a LONG time, not realizing the powder can light lanturns and how to knock down the pilars in level 7) with everything (though it took me a few times through to get everything). I've beaten this game with very little damage taken a bajillion times, but I do the game completely everytime (because I'm obsessive like that), so I'd LOVE a speedrun to be made...both with and without abusing the screen warp glitch. I know the game CAN be finished in like 5 minutes with the glitch, but I can NEVER get it to go more than once screen...I cant warp two screens down or whatever if I'm stuck in a wall or tree and cant even MOVE! The only time I DID get it to work was to enter no-clipping mode (was that was it was called? it involes a LOT of glitched graphics, and you can enter via warping twice down to the BACK of the wicthes hut). Sorry if this is a weird request, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the process for making these movies. I just think they're cool to watch.
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Ya know, I'd actualyl WATCH of speedrun of this game! I got it from a collection of NES games my friend bought at a yardsale for $5, and a few she gave to me, that being one of them...played it once, was cluless and had to use a walkthough (yes, im a big cheater when it comes to games)! I don't really watch the movies unless I've played the game, and a few, that I found the decription to be interesting.
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Ah, I think I understand now! Now, only to FIND the correct ROM! (I know I'm not allowed to ask here, so I won't). Thanks for your help guys. You people here are nice. And talented. I SUCK at video games.
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Yeah, I though possibly I might have the wrong ROM...but how do I know if I have the "right" or "wrong" one? What's the difference? I am by no means very "informed" about all the techie stuff...pretty much all I know is to get the movies to run! The only difference I know about ROM's is the "version", since often times, besides language, the American version differs from the Japanese, and the European and that kind of stuff. It's the only place it the movie it desyncs though. If I indeed have the "wrong" wrong, wouldn't it happen more than just near the very end?
Post subject: Question Regarding SMB1 Warpless run
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I recently downloaded this, and I noticed a problem. The game NEVER finishes! All 3 times I have watched it, in 8-4, A Beetle (can't think of the "proper" name right now) suddenly turns around without warning at exactly the wrong second, and Kills Mario, and starts the level over. He then dies another 2 or 3 times by falling into the water, and the movie stops when he has 1 life left. At first I thought maybe it was just one of those random bugs or something with the emulator or something else, but it happens every time. But could It possible be something wrong on my end? I've got no patches installed onto I NEED any to run this .fmv properly? I'm sort of cluless when it comes to all the technical stuff involed in making speedruns, I just watch them for fun. Thanks!