Posts for Tarzan

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I just tried it myself right now, works fine for me. and btw, no one has assumed anyone to be an idiot. It's pretty natural to assume someone else did something wrong if everything is right for you and no one else has complained.
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Michael Fried wrote:
Michael Fried wrote:
I'm just before the end of 8-3 now, trying to figure out a way to slow down to avoid the fireworks but still make it look cool.
So now that my video is on the page, did anyone like the way I ended 8-3?
I know how you feel, I had to think about alot of ways to look cool in my bubble bobble run, cause it consists of so much waiting. But this one looks pretty good, some trickjumping is never wrong. oh, and, nice movie too :D
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Warp, I can understand that. Bisqwit also said that when I first sent it in, the game is the same all the time, through all the 113 levels it's just the same bubble monsters. And around 20 minutes of the movie is waiting between levels, 13 minutes of playing, 20 minutes of waiting. Yeah, I agree it kinda sucks :/ I sent bisqwit my new improved version, with 2 players, In finish it in 27:20, around 7 minutes of playing, and 20 waiting. Still the same, but oh well, not much we can do about it, since that's how the game is. Even if using umbrellas it would be boring in the long run. I guess you gotta like to watch this game to enjoy the time attack.
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Letter appear if you pop more then one monster at the same time, or if you pick up a white bracelet. When I started, I did not realize how long you actually need to wait between the levels (10.75 seconds) so I thought extend (takes around 12 until you can play again on the next level) and umbrellas weren't worth it. Though, now I agree that extend can save time, if used correctly. And about umbrellas, yes, I believe they will save time too, since you can skip that 10.75 seconds wait and the level, even though you may have to wait in the levels for some water bubble popping. I made a 2 player run, but again, no umbrellas, cause I often clear the levels fast and few water bubbles appears, but same thing here, maybe it's worth waiting. And about a complete 226 level run, well, I don't know if anyone wanna watch that much, cause that would take like an hour, and there's not very much difference between super bubble bobble and the normal one, only different colors and different monsters, but the monsters spawn in the same places. It's basically going to be the same run with some little changes due to different monsters. There's a good site with some useful info about bubble bobble, it seems to be about the arcade version, but it seems like things are the same in the NES version.