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Bisqwit wrote:
I watched the MPG. It's a pity this wasn't included in the submission. I think this would have been nice.
Umm, but to rescue them is clearly time-loss...
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Bisqwit wrote:
What is this rescue-thing about?
OK, I made MPEG-File. (8 MBytes) I think that maybe you can see MPEG... This File-size is too big for web-server-space. So, I'll delete this one(mpeg), after a few days,sorry. (Edit) Thanks for your explanation,BoltR; (Edit2) I fixed URL,sorry...
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ventuz wrote:
dont metroids near mother brain need to be froze up?
You can defeat them by 'PowerBomb(s)'. You don't need to be froze up.
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To Rick Thanks Rick; By the way, may I ask you what does 'bucks' mean? I tried to seach 'bucks' and 'buck', but I couldn't find this word,sorry. (But I think that 'bucks' means maybe a word of praise.) >The 14% route of SpeedBooster I want to see this one, Would anyone make it?(^_^;) (I don't want to make it, because I know that it will be crazy-hard-work.(^_^;))
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To BoltR Thanks for your impression(,and agreement)! :Present (Extra or gift?) Today, I rembered that someone said like this. (Sorry, I forgot that who said so.) "Please rescue them before you embark..." It is easy work, so I made it. (ClearTime is 00:27, in bare; and SMV-file only,sorry...) This is just extra-file, I'll not submit this one. (Edit) Now, Web-Server is maybe down.
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Mazzic wrote:
You see, Terimakashi, I think the key is , as WalkerBoh said, in route planing. I don't think the optimal route have been found yet. I'm working on it though.
First,thank you to your working of finding optimal-route. (I think that 'Optimal' means ... maybe, 'Optimum'.) Hm,If you have a great idea of the route, yes, I want to know.(^_^) But, before I made this movie, I examined that what is the optimum route... (Examples) :Take HiJumpBoots, before taking SpeedBooster. (Maybe Bad) (I need 'Many-Life', before going to MARIDIA.) :Take Wave-Beam, before taking SpeedBooster. (Bad) :Go to Phantoon, before going to a direction of SpazerBeam. (Bad) :Go to Ridley , after I take SpeedBooter&WaveBeam.(Bad) :Go to Ridley , after I take Hijump&SpeedBooter&WaveBeam.(Bad) :Go to NORFAIR, before defeating KRAID.(Bad) :Taking IceBeam, before going to MARIDIA.(Bad) :and another smalls... So, I'm sure that this route is best-route...I think so,still now.(^_^;) I think that If I use 'Space-Time-Beam-Glitch' somewhere, I can accomplish under 00:20, easier. (Because ,perhaps I can skip Ridley & MotherBrain.) But I think , that movie will be not entertainment.(^_^;) So, I don't want to use it, If I can use it. ([perhaps] means, "I don't know "howto",now.") To Jecy Thanks! But I know that you can produce some improvement points.(^_^) (Please don't misunderstanding, this is just my impression, not a request.) >Why there is a save in the third slot, maybe I can figure it out. ^_^ Hm, I think that perhaps you have a misunderstanding.(^_^;) 'A savedata in the third slot', I used it only for some examinations. Yeah, I have no plan to make 100%-run, still now. I think that perhaps you think like this. It is wrong, sorry.(^_^;) By the way, Did you make a run of GBA-Metroids...? If you have made it already, yes, I want to see it. To Boco Thank you very much for your trouble.(^_^) And, your Japanese-Language is very easy to understand. I tried to read your web-site(a little;),and I could understand that why you could write good-Japanese-Language. I think that if you come to Japan, you can speak with people,ordinary. Oh, but most of Japanese people are shy,please don't feel sad.We have no malices.(^_^;) To Feitclub I hope that you can enjoy your extended break!
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Thanks, MovieWatcher;
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feitclub wrote:
I apologize if I went too far, Teri-kun. すみませんでした。If you don't want to answer questions like this, I understand. On some message boards, I do not use my real name. Here, I am comfortable in doing so. That is why I include a link to my webpage, which is all about me.
Oh, you don't need to say to me ,"sorry"! Because, I know that just you had not known about my policy. I knew that you had no malice.(^_^) And ,I see why you do so. To Walker Boh I think that your ability of understanding is very good... Thanks about your idea&supports, and sorry about those reasons.
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Ouzo wrote:
Wow, after seeing the previous version of your movie, I would not have imagined you could have been able to shave off another minute. I am glad to be wrong. Great job!
Thanks! When I started to make this movie, I have no confidence of 00:27.(^_^;) :Memo (This movie is about 80seconds faster than old one, in a result.)
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Thanks for your advise! and your anxiety; Umm, I could understand your meaning. But it is maybe impossible... I try to tell you the reason,as I possible. - 1st EnergyTank and 2nd EnergyTank I think that you didn't mean these EnergyTank,didn't you? If I didn't get 1st and 2nd one, I will die.(^_^;) -4th EnergyTank Like a my past post, I must 4th EnergyTank to speed-up. -3rd EnergyTank I think that your meaning is this tank. So, I tried to explain "why I must get 3rd-E-Tank." Yes, I can manipulate luck. But , it is not freely. "manipulation of luck" has some limitations. 1: Enemy's-item have decided already, when I get into a room. 2: Enemy's-item is,,, like a regular-roulette. (Example of No.2) If I defeat a enemy in fastest time, he give me "Big-Life". (This is a assumption.) If I defeat a enemy again(in re-recording), in perfectly same timing, he give me same item. In short a word, If I want to get a specific-item, I must change timing of defeating. This sentence means "I must wait sometimes. (In most of cases, I must loss the times.) 3:I can control, but not all No.3 is a biggest reason. I can control some enemies-items, but it is not all. I can control "Boss-Charactor's-Item"(and some small enemies), but not perfectly. Boss's-Item changes from,,, "Samus's Status". - Example (This is just example.) If Samus's life is only 1, Boss gives me "Many-Life-Items". If Samus's life is Max, and Samus have no Missiles, Boss gives me "Many-Missiles". Can you understand this meaning...?(^_^;) In short a word, "the bare-life is bad, because Boss does'nt give me Important-Items." For example of my movie: If I didn't get Power-Bombs from Phantoon,I must loss a lot times... If I didn't get Super-Missiles from Phantoon, I must loss a lot times,too. If I didn't get Best-quantity-Life, I'll be not able to control, some enemies's-item, after. I calculated all like these, and I choose best(maybe)-item-luck-pattern... Of cource, this is only one of a-factor-of-manipulating-item-luck. Another factor is exsist,too. I worry about , can you understand these not-good explanations.(^_^;) (Edit) (I fixed some type-miss and sentence.)
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feitclub wrote:
Unfortunately, people sometimes vote without explanation. We are trying to solve this problem.
Oh, yes, I could understand and know perfectly; So, I didn't say "Tell me". I said "May I ask you?". Umm, can you understand this meaning?(^_^;)
I wouldn't worry about it, since almost everyone else voted Yes.
I saw this thread, a few days ago. I tried to understand his(Kyrsimys) meaning. I could not understand this thread perfectly,but I think that he wanted to say "you(movie-makers) must aim 'Perfect'". This is a reason of my asking. As you know, "Almost" is not "Perfect".(^_^) Of cource, it is an ideal. I know that "Perfect" is very hard.(^_^;)
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First, I say 'Thank you!' to you! (Mazzic,Fihlvein,joy11) But, Fihlvein, "It's the best movie on this site." is too praise for me.(^_^;)
Mazzic wrote:
Great work Terimakasih! How on earth do you have the time to make these runs in such short time!? And you wanna know something? I think 26 minutes is possible ;)
I think that it was not short-time, for me... It is as for, yes, I want to know something. May I ask you about your ideas? I tell you this. This movie's Clear-Time is 27min 37sec 20. So, If I want to accomplish 00:26, I must shorten the time about 38seconds... Yes, I want to know the 'howto'.(^_^)
feitclub wrote:
I admit I was a little bold in using "-kun," but when I typed "Teri-san," it didn't look right. Judging by Teri-kun's response, I feel my choice worked out. Although, he didn't answer my question: どこに住んでいる?東京?大阪?何歳だ?
Don't worry, I didn't feel that you were a little bold. Please remember, I said "I felt happy".(^_^) And sorry about my forgetting answer... Umm, In NewYork, Do people not worry about their own privacy...? In Japan, people want to hide their own privacy... Especially, in 'Internet', they think so strongly. Yes, me too. So, I can't answer your question, sorry.(^_^;) But, I can tell you about only this. I live in "IBARAKI, Kanto, Japan." (It is in northeast from TOKYO.) In Japanese-Language, "日本、関東地方、茨城県". (It is little bad for us, asking like "where do you live?" or "how years old?" "are you man or woman?" etc... Especially in Internet.) (^_^;) Oh, but don't worry, my initial is true,of cource. (Edit) To Boco Please take care of yourself.(^_^) (Edit2) To feitclub Please don't misunderstanding, like this. I can't tell you about my privacy, but it does not mean "I can't trust you."
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:Explanation of 'BlueSuit'. I could find GameFAQs-web-site, and These description not coincidence my blue-suit-glitch. I don't need Draygon's puffer or gunk. I can Boost without puffer or gunk. And I can Boost , not from the end of wall. In GameFAQs-web-site,this glitch descrive in here. >Super Metroid -> In-Depth FAQs -> Glitch FAQ >VI. Exploitable Glitches (met.exploit) >D. Blue Suit Glitch (met.exploit.bluesuit)
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Truncated wrote:
>(Now I have no plan about improved-version). You always say that, but then you make one anyway in secrecy. :) (It's a joke.)
Yeah,you are right, and sorry.(^_^;) (of cource I can understand your joke.) But, this time is true. When I was making my new(00:27)movie, I was worrying about my mental(and my finger;), seriously... So, I think that it is better stopping to make a movie, for a while...
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Truncated wrote:
I think he got confused because he was talking about a Japanese person (so he should add -san) but in English (so he should not add -san).
I can understand truely, sorry my discrepancy.(^_^;) Hm, surely, it was hesitattion; :useless supplement We don't add "-san", to Famous-Person, I said. It is not relation with 'Japannese or not'. And, it is not relation with age. Do you know George Lucas?(a director of Movie-Star Wars) We call him "Mr.Jeorge Lucas", "Jeorge Lucas-san", "Jeorge Lucas". All is OK.
Heh, I understand what you mean. It's very strange for me to say -san all the time too, even to people of my own age which I know well. I make mistakes sometimes. Good luck with the eikaiwa. :)
Heh, I understand what you mean,too; Thanks for explanations, and I'll try omit "Mr."!
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I noticed that someone voted to "Meh". May I ask you, why did you vote "Meh".? Please don't worry, I have no dissatisfaction, and,of cource not angry. I just want to know the reasons.(^_^;) If you tell me that points,when I make a improved-version,I can modify that points. (Now I have no plan about improved-version).
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Boco wrote:
I think Bisquit was surprised that feitclub would be so familiar with you and speak so plainly.
I see, thank you! (and, some people teach me about "Mr." , in other thread.) Hmm, I think that it is "difference of cultule". In Japan, "to omit titles from names" is bad-manners. But, in Western countries, "to omit titles from names" is not bad-manners. So, I have been added "Mr." to everyone.(^_^;) Adding "-kun" is ,yes, it is familiar, but not bad-manners, in this case.(^_^) Friendly-conduct makes me happy.
It was a wrong guess. There is no slowdown (that I know) from having existing savedata.
Thank you, I'm feeling easy, now.
By the way, you really are an amazing artist! It's very hard to make videos of this quality, much less this quickly.
Thanks a lot.(^_^;) Hm, but in this time, I have been making slowly,I think... I started to make this movie, when,,,about Jecy gave me his great-Ceres-Stasion-Record-Movie.(In SuperMetroid-Thread, his record is 47'29)
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Bisqwit wrote:
Hehe, sounds the same as for "lol"! ;)
Oh, really? Hm, I refrain from useing a "lol". I use "(^_^)".
Truncated&Bisqwit wrote:
>Mr. Thanks,I see. I used "Mr." , because I think it means "-san". (I didn't know it means "-dono".) Yes, it seems very strange, not adding "Mr." ,for me. "Internet" is common to the world, I think. The difference of civilization makes misunderstanding,sometimes... I think that it is good, you were kindly man.(^_^) >An episode of Naoki Takahashi I think this case is difficult, because Japanese people don't add "-san" about "Famous-Person". But, sometimes we add "-san" about "Famous-Person.". I can't explain the reason.(^_^;) I think that it is difficult to explain 'a matter of course for us(own)'. >In Rome, do as the romans do Maybe, in Japanese "郷に入れば郷に従え", I think. I can understand this. But , here(this site) is a common to the world. Where is 'Rome'? (Please don't think seriously, I want to mean a joke.(^_^;))
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Plus it's almost always silly to add "Mister" in front of a fake Internet name.
Yes, I can understand your meaning ,now. But, Japanese people add "-san" too, in front of a fake Internet name.(^_^;) :Example People call me "Terimakashi-san" or "Terima-san" or "Teri-san",in Japan. I(We) call Sippu(My Japanese Internet-Frined) at "Sippu-san". We don't call a person by his(she's) first name.(and fake name.) The case 'a term of respect' is very friendly, each other. Or about 'Famous-Person'. Ok, I'll don't add "Mr.", from now. Thank you Bisqwit,Truncated,Bag of Magic Food,feitclub! Hmm, But it seems strange for me,still now.(^_^;)
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First, I say thanks to all people, who saw my movie!
Frenom wrote:
I would really see a 100% run from you. It has to be a Japanese to make something this wonderful. I tried to do one by myself.. but I cancelled it and now I dont have the time, Im to busy with Tales of Symphonia =)
Thank you , but I can't make a 100% run,for a while. In this run, I'll go mad ,almost. Because, "The things which I must think" was a lot. (I think that you can understand my meaning...) route, item-luck,best-Life,best-items-stock,glitch,defeatable(can defeat) enemies,what I choice, where I change my wepons,and more(too many...) So, Sorry but I don't want to make a 100%-Run.(^_^;) If I make a 100% in same-pace, I'll be a Real-Crazy man,surely...(not joke.)
TNSe wrote:
Questions: >- in v2 you got 3 E tanks. in this you get 4, but you do not need 4 ? I need 4th-Tank, for 'to up my speed.' >- at the second heat room (around frame count 49000), you wait for a life pickup from a killed enemy? No, I waited for a SuperMissile.(not Life.) >- around frame 114000 you get energy refill, do you need it? When I arrived refill-room , My life is 153. If I didn't refill-energy, I couldn't go "Twins-Zebes-Man".(I don't know his name.) Two enemies whose body-color are,,, dark-green and change-gold. Near the Ridley's room. 3rooms before Ridley. >(remove ice beam), could you have done that while refilling energy instead? No,I couldn't. Because, If I remove Ice-Beam then, I couldn't defeat some emenies.
Bisqwit wrote:
Hmm... I actually meant "I can't decide - neither 'yes' or 'no'".
I have not understood 'Meh', like Mr.Frenom.(^_^;) Because, some dictionarys don't have this word. (Of cource, Now I can understand 'Meh'.)
-kun?? :o
'kun' means ... like "Mr.", I think. In Kanji, 'kun' is '君'. It means friendly or familiar.(^_^) By the way, could you know who is 'Draygon'...? If you can't know still now, please see this. (Oh, I must notice Mr.TNSe's capture,before I made this.(^_^;)
Bladegash wrote:
I had merely noticed the save slot was present so a savestate had been used. There was nothing wrong with it regarding the finished product. Sorry to cause any confusion!
Ok, thanks. I promise, I didn't any cheat,any "bad-savestate" in this movie. (of cource,except for slow-down,re-record,continuous-shoot,show-frame) I used 'Cheat' menu of Snes9x, but it is just to know my present game-time. I have a pride. It is maybe a little pride.(^_^;) But, pride is pride... If someone can verify, please verify this movie...
Truncated wrote:
First, Thanks for your good explanation! (And sorry my poor...) >I just think it is very impressive that you can make videos of high quality in very short time. Sorry, of cource I could understand. I wanted to this. - Mr.Truncated thought it is too fast. - I didn't thought it is too fast. I think that we are wondering ,each other.(^_^;)
"Save slot present" does not necessarily mean "played from save state". An SMV can also start from SRAM, which could include a save slot even when the game is played from reset. I don't know if this movie runs from SRAM or from savestate, though. Some hexing hacker can probably tell us.
OK, I wait for some 'hexing hacker' man. > I think that it is hard to understand this page, for some people.(^_^;) I can't understand this page,eigher. (I could read this,but I have no knowledge of "File-Format".) :other By the way, what is "influence" or "effect", by exsisting a save slot? Why did say "it was slow-dosn".? (Edit) Sorry, I fixed this part. >When I arrived refill-room , My life is 153. When I arrived refill-room , My life is 193.
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Walker Boh wrote:
Ah ok. Thanks for the fast respons anyways Mr. Teri.
You're welcome. and not using "Mr." is OK.(^_^;)
feitclub wrote:
I believe the extra item collected was the Energy Tank after Ridley. This was, if I may offer a guess, to refill the tanks and allow for a faster escape of Ridley's lair using Speed Booster/Shine Spark.
Yes, thanks for good explanation. and thanks for "スゲ"!
[1] Why did you turn off Hi-Jump Boots? [2] Why did you turn off some beams before boss battles? [3] What happened after you defeated Draygon? Samus turned blue?
[1]If I didn't turn off it, I(Samus) hit she's head at ceiling(roof). [2]Which boss did you mean...? Phantoon - I wanted to hit charge-beam to his all-blue-fires. If I use Wave-Spazer-Charge, I can't hit all-blue-fires, (I'm not sure.) in 2nd-turn and 3rd-turn. Botwoon - I wanted to use ...'Wave-Powerbomb-Beam'(I don't know this name). (MotherBrain - It is a glitch called 'Murder-Beam'.) [3](Edited) I want to explain , but it is difficult... "blue-suit" or "draygon-suit" is this glitch's name,perhaps... :Tried to explain When Samus defeat Draygon, she boost and attack Draygon,(and Draygon dead)then,Samus will become ...special status. She can boost anywhere. (But she can't dash.) If she dashes, the special status will be gone.(She become normal status.) Sorry, May I ask anyone to explain this glitch? (Edit) I noticed that "Dush" is wrong... "Dash" is correct,sorry.
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To Mr.Walker Boh I checked up. Mr.Frenom got 'Missile-tank' 1 frequent. Mr.Frenom didn't get 'SuperMissile-tank' about 1. Mr.Frenom didn't get 'Energy-Tank' about 1. Totally, his item% is 1% less than my movie. I can't answer whick way is the best, sorry.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I am not accusing. Just worried. :) I can be wrong, but I want to know, if you have optimized the menu access.
I understand. I didn't know how-to,but sorry. >Backslash Thanks! Now I can use it. (I have not known this part. [When snes9x is at pause])
Terimakasih wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Terimakasih wrote:
What does "savestate" mean? I think that it is "Savedata", it is not "Savestate".
Same thing.
I don't think so. "Savedata of game(*.srm)" is just exsist, it have no influence. What did effect to this movie? I didn't any 'Cheat-Code' etc. And I couldn't 'Cheat', because I started from riset, and started blank-slot. I know that if I made the movie with 'Cheat-Code', nobody can see the movie. (Everybody can't see the movie.) "Savestate"(Shift+F1-F9) is 'a State of game-scene'. If someone use 'Cheat-Code', and after , he made 'Savestate', it is dishonesty. Because, only this case, 'Cheat-Code' can work normal in movie-files. Do you know the game "Actraiser"? This game has "Special-Mode". "Special-Mode" need "Completed Savedata", doesn't it? If 'Savedata' and 'Savestate' are same,and If these are bad, nobody can make(and submit) Special-Mode-Movie,I think. Because they can't have "savedata". I'm wrong...? To Mr.Bladegash If you have some dissatisfactions, tell me directly...
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Truncated wrote:
I was thinking of rewriting that sentence, because I thought maybe it was hard to understand. But I didn't, sorry.
No problem, you don't need to say 'sorry' to me.(^_^) >it is strange that you can do a new movie in such short time, with so many rerecords. Oh, I see. I misunderstood about "short"... Umm,is it so strange...? For me, I strange that why you(many people) feel 'strange'... Another Words : I wonder that why you think so.
Bisqwit wrote:
Maybe too quickly... I haven't watched the movie yet, but I think not all the menu switches are necessary
Why you can judge the movie, when you haven't watched the movie...? And which menu switches are not necessary?
and/or they could be played faster. Even if they don't affect the "completion time", the player should aim playing the menu control perfectly.
I can understand this meaning. But, I said in SuperMetroid-Thread "I can't understand about 'BackSlush-Key's meaning.' " I don't know it ,still now. So, I can't improve menu-speed...
Also, Bladegash mentioned that a savestate was used again. So actually the 'movie length' in this movie is slower than the currently published version. (But this isn't a reason to reject it, because it is still a more impressive result.)
Where is Mr.Bladegash's comments...? (Is it Private Massage?) What does "savestate" mean? I think that it is "Savedata", it is not "Savestate". Is "Savedata" bad? If it is bad, please tell me why it is bad... And, I can't understand that why "slower" by savestate(savedata)? Sorry about my many questions.
Walker Boh wrote:
That makes me feel kinda dumb since I never use "Mr" or "Mrs". I apologize for that Mr. Terimakasih. I hve one question though.
Oh, I have never thought about myself! (^_^;) I saw some thread-boards of this site, but people didn't use "Mr." or "Mrs.". So, I think that not using "Mr." is no problem. So, you have no need to say 'sorry' to me, and you have no need to add "Mr." to me. "Terimakasih" or "Terima" or "Teri" or... All OK.(^_^)
I haven't compared your run with Frenoms that much but someone just brought it to my attention (and it might have been discussed already?). You collect 24% of the items while Frenom only takes 23%. What extra item do you collect? Is it skipable?
Ok, I check up it. But please give me a time. You said to me many happy impressions, thank you! (Edit) Sorry my mistake... I forgot , I wanted to say thank you to Mr.schneelocke!
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Oh, sorry about my check-miss... It is too late, but I reply... To Mr.-Tempest Thank you! (I thought that it ment "movie-length", so I couldn't find this number.)
Dark Mana wrote:
Mr.Dark Mana... never been called that before lol. i played Final Fantasy XI for 11 months, so i picked up a few things such as w = lol or joke
I think that "drop a Mr." is bad manners. >w = lol Oh, I see. In Onlile-Game, some people use "lol", so I wondered that. Mr.Dark Mana and Mr.Bisqwit, Thank you for giving knowledge! To Mr.Fihlvein Oh, 5times! Thanks! I hope that you can enjoy my latest movie of SuperMetroid-Any%-TimeAttack.(^_^) :a supplement of "w" (in Japan) I was surprised that some people knew the meaning of "w". The birthplace of "w" is immoral(Bad)-BBS(Threads)... So, some people hate this word "w"... It is no problem, you use it to me. (^_^) But, please be careful ,if you use "w" to some Japanese-people... Someone who hating this word "w", will drive out you ,unconditionally...
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To Mr.ventuz Sorry my late reply more than you... And thank you! To Mr.MovieWatcher Mr.Bladegash and Mr.Truncated' explanations are YES. If I used SuperMissiles in those sneces, I could'nt defeat MotherBrain's-Case. And thank you for seeing my movie! (Of cource, I say thank you to Mr.Bladegash and Mr.Trucated.)
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