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And here's that update you've been waiting for! I've finished the fourth gym, finally. Movie file is at the usual place[/url], and the savestates[/url] .zip has been updated with a savestate for the end of the third gym. This update puts me timewise over the halfway point in the run, and I'm currently 108 seconds ahead of the test run at this point. I think someone mentioned somewhere that one of the trainers in the Rock Tunnel could be avoided.. I checked every trainer in the original run to see which could be avoided and which couldn't, but I double checked here and every trainer I run into is unavoidable. I noticed a couple rather large timesavers while making this segment, including noticing I've got the resources left in my Wartortle to make it all the way to the purified zone in Pokemon Tower, so I completely bypassed visiting the Pokemon Center in Lavender Town, and moved learning Ice Beam to right after teaching my Doduo how to Dig to avoid having to scroll all the way back to the top of the menu when using the Bicycle to get to the fourth Gym (which takes much longer than really necessary to do). Doing a bit of testing, walking up the stairs in the Celadon dept. store really is faster than taking the elevator (by about 100 frames), but it is slightly faster to take the elevator back down, and looks a bit cleaner too. I also unfortunately had to do a bit of moving around to luck manipulate a Doduo out of the bushes west of Celadon (catching it instead of a Spearow would save a good 10 seconds or so by avoiding the whole "X wants to learn Y! But, X can't learn more than 4 moves!" speech, as Doduo only knows 1 move at that point). As always, if you've got questions/comments, fire them away here.
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Just got back into the run yesterday, I'm currently midway through the Rock Tunnel. You should see another WIP posted here fairly soon.
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I was about to complain about the lack of zipping through the wall near the end of the Fireman level, but then searched through the thread and discovered why that wasn't feasible. Anyways, obvious Yes vote from me. You've ruined this game good. XD
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I was kinda worried this would happen.. Here's my own personal experience with the internal clock while playing GSC: The in game clock isn't immediately set to your own computer's clock, and you can set it to something different than what your computer's clock displays. However, from the moment you set that internal game clock, the in game clock will be synched relative to your computer's clock, and it will stay synched no matter what you do (change your computer's internal clock mid-game, save state and load state sometime else, etc). So yeah, it might very well be impossible to do a conventional GSC run using VBA.. ...unless it were possible somehow to disable the internal clock feature. You wouldn't be able to do things exactly the way you want to (except that you might have to Fly to the first town, change the clock, then Fly back if you wanted to do something time-based), but whatever it takes to fix the desynch problem, I guess..
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Any sort of turn lag won't matter because any time saved manipulating this lag down will be lost in the luck manipulation for battle. I'm pretty much disregarding any potential timesavers that would save less than 30 frames per instance for this very reason. As for Dig vs Earthquake, the reason I'm not using Earthquake is the same reason why I'm not using Body Slam - getting the Earthquake TM is out of the way, I need to face a trainer to get to it (I don't know how many Pokemon this trainer uses or how quickly I can take out these Pokemon), and the time saved using Earthquake isn't all that much, really.. actually, there's a bigger downside and a smaller upside to using Earthquake over Dig than there is to use Body Slam over Strength/Bite. Also, if you watch the WIP, you'll notice that I'm already aggressively looking for ways in which I can reduce the amount of times I use Dig.
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Bag of Magic Food: Nope - while talking to him on the left side might look a little bit cleaner, the path I took doesn't waste any time. I'm still going to have to take the same amount of steps using either path - it's just with your route, the extra step is vertical instead of horizontal. Kitsune: Yes, as the others said, I chose Squirtle because of its' versatility. It has excellent TM compatibility, allowing for the Blastoise to learn moves which affect a wide range of enemies (my eventual moveset will be Ice Beam/Dig/Strength/Surf, which in the later half of the game one hits just about everything besides Lorelei's (of the Elite 4) group, and scroll back a bit to see how I handle that). It also isn't weak during any other part of the run, so Squirtle is by far the best choice for a Pokemon R/B speed run.
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Yay, progress[/url]! Completed the third gym, and I'm now up to ~1min 10sec faster than the test run. I ended the run by Teleporting back to Cerulean, which should save another 45 seconds to a minute compared to the test run, as well. Also, here are some savestates[/url], saved after the completion of the first two gyms. I did struggle defeating a few trainers in this section of the game - I can tell already that the Squirtle I generated this time around has higher Special but lower Attack.. I noticed there were a few enemies I was able to one hit I suddenly can't anymore, and vice versa. Thankfully I'll be relying on Special more than Attack, so overall I should gain more ground than I lose with the tradeoff. There are also some potential timesavers I didn't use in this run, but they take too long to test out and save too little time to be of any practical use (chances are most of these possible bonuses would be lost in all the luck manipulation I do through the run anyways). Once the run's submitted I'll list some of these, in case any speedrunners with way too much free time on their hands would want to try them out. If you've got any questions about the run up to this point, feel free to fire away.
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It's not I get completely stuck, it's that the fact that the game keeps crashing on me every time I attempt to seriously play through it (I'm up to at least 10 attempts now) is so demoralizing -_-;
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I'm all for a speedrun of this game, if only that it seems as if I'm completely unable to complete it - every time I try the game eventually crashes (and I mean the game itself, not the emulator.. I heard Star Ocean was rushed, resulting in alot of crashing bugs in the game).
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I'm not going to be using the Trainer/Fly glitch in the run. It takes too long to execute for it to be worth anything. (If you're talking about catching Mew, though, I'll be making a separate movie to execute that glitch to catch Mew.) Meanwhile, just as it looked like I had gotten past all the annoying parts in the game (managed to catch my Abra on the first step in the grass patch on the way to the Hidden Bonus Dungeon with only a few frames luck manipulation delay after pulling my hair out trying to manipulate an Abra encounter in the grass patch on the way to Bill's house, and after much insanity finally managed to make the two lv13 Oddishes blocking the way to Bill's house miss with Absorb).. I begin to realize that the lv17 Machop the Rocket who stole the Dig TM uses only knows Karate Chop and is JUST high enough level to avoid being one hit with Water Gun. -_-; So yes, it does seem you get three opportunities to see me force an attack with "perfect" hit rate to miss. (It's a shame I won't be able to encounter an enemy who uses Swift and uses it before I one hit it.. I would've loved to sneak a manipulated Swift miss into the run even if it costs me 10 seconds to manipulate it..) Thankfully, though, after this that should be the last of the extremely difficult/boring parts of the run to make. Most of the rest of the run should go much more smoothly as most of the enemies I fight from this point on are one hit with powerful moves. And, for those that are wondering, I am now up to 24 seconds ahead of the test run at this point, up from about even at my last update. The gap should continue to widen, as well, as the three seconds saved every time the Shift prompt no longer appears will begin to add up from this point on. I'll post a new update once I finish off the next two Gyms, which won't take much longer.
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Gack~ I totally forgot about Sandshrew.. I knew there was one sitting in the back of my mind that I thought was pretty close, but could never find it.. Thankfully I'm not TOO far ahead at this point. Now, I have to go back to my hardcopy version, which is already at the SS Anne, and figure out where on that ship the Body Slam TM is.. if indeed I won't have to go through an additional trainer to get it, I'll definitely redo the Nugget Bridge Gauntlet to pick up a Sandshrew. (EDIT: Just found it. It is in a cabin on the optimal path through the SS Anne, however there is a trainer blocking it - but the trainer's only Pokemon is a lv21 Nidoran(M). It should go down in only two turns. As for whether I'll save time by picking it up, though.. that's another story. I'll have to think about it. I am getting a heck of a lot of mileage out of Bubble's speed reduction at the moment, so that plus the enemy Pokemon being unable to attack may swing my decision toward getting it.)
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After a bit of a lull, I'm back in action, and this run is continuing on. After annoying me thoroughly, the Pewter City trainers blocking the road to Mt. Moon have finally been conquered, and I've also shortened the trip by what I hope is quite some time through much more aggressive timesaver searching. I'm currently through Mt. Moon on the way to Cerulean City. The most annoying part of the run is about to come up though (aka the Nugget Bridge gauntlet + friends on the way to Bill's house), but thankfully after that most of the enemies I face will go down in two turns or less, making battle optimization much much easier. I've also determined that I'm NOT going to pick up Body Slam.. for it to be useful throughout the remainder of the run I'll have to pick up a dedicated Strength slave (as no Pokemon in R/B that's not well out of the way can learn both Cut and Strength), which adds a few more seconds, not to mention I'll have to hexedit/redo the run to purchase a fifth Pokeball, and while I still don't know where on the SS Anne the TM is located, I figure in the very best case scenario it'll still take about 4-5 seconds to pick up.. and Body Slam will most definitely not shave off 5-6 turns on its' own. ..And as for catching a Mew, I'll see what I can do. XD
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Giving things to your wife and having her sell them in your shop is much much faster than hopping between towns selling armor. Despite saying she'll sell your stuff for 1.5x, you should be able to manipulate it up such that you get 2x the value for it back! (By comparison, you'll probably only get about 1.2x to 1.3x selling armor back to Bonmalmo). Not to mention that the weapon shop is only a short distance from your own shop, so it's not a long walk between places. Whether it's faster than manipulating 13 Slime battles (you have enough cash to buy one half plate armor) to drop broad swords/half plate armors is another story, though.. (Edit: Better yet: Wing to the first town. Fight slimes (or any other battle you can end in one turn) and manipulate 6 broad swords off them. Wing back to Endor and sell them at your shop. Maybe even try 5 if you can somehow manipulate more cash out of the shop. This SHOULD give you enough money to buy back 7 more broad swords and all 7 half plates.)
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Not to rain on your parade so far, but wouldn't it be faster in Chapter 3 to buy Wings of Wyvern from one of those "random battle shops" you come across in the field every so often? I'm sure it'd be quite a bit less walking than going off to the right in Brynmaer (whatever that town's called) and buying the Wings there.
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The movie desynchs during the last battle of the chapter, causing you to die midway through the battle. (The checksum of the movie and the ROM match, so that's not the problem.)
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Using the Missingno glitch and the Trainer/Fly glitch, you can indeed catch every single Pokemon (including Mew) in the game on one cartridge. I have considered it before, but it would be considerably longer, not to mention much of the run would consist of basically the current run I'm working on right now, with a LOT of additional Pokemon catches to fill up the Pokedex (as there's very little even the Legendaries/Mewtwo/Pokemon caught from Missingno would do to shorten the amount of time I spend in battle). I'd have to agree that it simply wouldn't be impressive or different enough to be worth yet another run through the game.
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Yes, the Rattata in the beginning gives me just enough EXP to level up to 8 in the last trainer battle before the first Gym (and also lets me learn Bubble). Without it I'm stuck at level 7 and poking away with 2 damage critical Tackles, which are definitely not fun. =P
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I redid the run from the battle in Viridian Forest up to Pewter Gym, making sure to talk to the one forced trainer there instead of walking past him, and looking more aggressively for timesavers, and took off something like 201 frames in the process. (And here I was, thinking that I wasn't going to nitpick about frames in this run..) Currently I'm going through the long stretch of trainers down the path to Mt. Moon.
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Unfortunately I can't help you out here much - I don't own a physical cart of G/S/C (only Red) and am fairly unfamiliar with the game (well, at least not nearly as familiar with it as I am with R/B/G). I do remember that all three starters pretty much sucked, though =P But yes, you may want to look around on other sites (such as for movelists and the like to help you plan out your starter and its' moveset. Bisqwit's battling bot could also help you, because it is updated to G/S/C and you should be able to plan out your fights with it (look in the R/B topic for the link). Using Krabby as a slave could help, but if I remember correctly it can't learn Waterfall, so you can't rely on it entirely (and you'll likely have to catch a second "slave" such as Goldeen/Poliwag/Marill anyways for that purpose). It will allow you not to have to give Cut/Strength/Surf/Dive/maybe even Rock Smash to your starter or some other combination of slaves, though.
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Spacecow wrote:
Use STRENGTH on the truck near the S.S. Anne and you can get Mew!!!!!! No, really, my friend's brother's cousin's manicurist says it works!
Apparently, that actually DOES work in the Japanese version. (Haven't personally tried it, but I read about it in a Japanese version FAQ by an author that knows Japanese prior to the game's release here and believe that's where the rumor originated from. I believe in a later update the same author said it was taken out of Japanese Blue and in all American versions)
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Begun my final run a few days ago. Here's the progress up to Gym 1[/url]. You may notice that I'm now using English Pokemon Blue rather than Japanese Green. However, despite the battle optimizations I've made so far (not a single enemy attack hits/affects me now, which saved a good bit of time), I'm currently 1097 frames (~18 1/2 seconds) slower than the Green run. I guess I wasn't quite expecting this much additional text in the English version of the game, I dunno.. Still, I'll be staying with the English Blue version for the final run, as it makes the game a heck of a lot more readable for the average viewer. I've also solved one of my questions - Escape Rope = Dig, so I won't be using any Escape Ropes in the run. Anyways, any questions/comments before I trudge on any further?
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Dig and Earthquake are both power 100 in R/B/G, according to a pair of very valuable resources I've found (including one which, ironically to my advantage, hasn't been updated since Yellow came out), and in-game tests seem to back up that fact, so maybe Dig was reduced in power in G/S/C, which that battle simulator seems to be updated to.
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I had the same desynchs as the others, but enabling Perfect Synchro seemed to fix that problem. Maybe it'll fix it for you as well..
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With my current path, neither Earthquake nor the Missingno glitch in any fashion will be faster than what I'm doing now. I currently don't go more than a couple seconds out of my way for anything I don't need to complete the game, and the Missingno glitch will take too much time to execute to obtain any timesavers out of it. Now that I think about it, it's possible Body Slam will be too far out of my way as well - I'll need to look at where it is on the SS Anne and see how far out of the way it is. If it's too long, or if I need to fight a trainer for it, then it'll almost definitely not be worth it. If I need pure damage, Dig is stronger against anything that's not Flying, Grass, or Bug, and there's very few Pokemon under that category that I can't one hit before getting Ice Beam or Strength. I'll mostly be using Body Slam for its' paralysis attribute instead - on Pokemon I can't one hit and are faster than me, paralyzing them will make them much slower (and thus unable to counterattack before the killing blow), making the battle a half a turn faster. I will also need to investigate the Escape Rope item - whether or not it functions differently than Dig (in where I can use it and where it will take me), and if so when I can use it to speed up the run somehow. (Oh, and in R/B/G Psychic attacks *are* super effective against Psychic Pokemon. Because of this Mewtwo actually was an unbeatable monster in the original games, since Psychic did at least normal damage to all the Pokemon in the game, and was super effective against a good number of them as well.)
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Complete![/url] (1:54:52 realtime, 1:54 gametime at Hall of Fame screen) Also, here's a collection of savestates[/url]. Each savestate takes you to just after defeating the corresponding Gym. I seriously doubt this is publishable material; there's a few (very) minor mistakes made after the last version was posted here, and I forgot to set the game battle mode to Set instead of Shift, adding a couple seconds every time I KO a trainer Pokemon besides the first. Also, I'm sure there's a few opportunities where I can use less attacks to take out a Pokemon than I do, and I need better resource usage in places.. but here's a complete movie, and I don't believe it'll be that much slower than the final version.
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