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That's actually a derned good idea! I totally overlooked that TM! However, Fissure and the like only work if the Pokemon's speed is greater than the opponent's, but that's no problem as I can just use an in battle speed up item or two on my newly obtained Machoke before I start plunging Lorelei's Pokemon into the abyss. I shouldn't have any problem on anything thrown by Bruno (Surf), Agatha (Dig) or Lance (Ice Beam), either. Now, that leaves Rival, with his team of Lv60+ monsters.. but I shouldn't have much more of a problem with him either.
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That's also possible.. in the final run. However, it's not possible now, since Electrode shockingly learns no damaging Electric attacks in R/G/B. I can't use it on its' own, either - a quick lookup shows that a freshly caught Electrode at lv100 would know Selfdestruct, Light Screen, Swift, and Explosion, with Swift being the only useful move and it being very weak at that. Are there any Fighting Pokemon in that catchable list, however? They're also strong against Ice Pokemon, and may even be a better choice than Electrics due to Ice Pokemon having almost universally lower Defense ratings than Special ratings. ...Or actually, if I go that route, I might as well just pick up a second level Fighting Pokemon in Victory Road and see how well it fares against Lorelei's bunch..
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Jolteon is not an option, at least not in this version of the run. I unfortunately already sold my Thunderbolt TM at a shop in Celadon to shorten the amount of time I scroll through the item menus. I could in the final run pick it up immediately once I reach Celadon, immediately teach it Thunderbolt, and level it a bit off of all the Gyaradoses and Pidgeots and the like I have to fight after that, but that would decrease Blastoise's final level.. and since there's a good number of Pokemon I barely one hit from that point on (and the fact that picking up Eevee isn't exactly that quick either), I'm not sure if this is such a wise idea for the final run, either. For comparison, Zapdos only took about 3-4 minutes to obtain in the SDA run, and since by that time the author was extensively using Repels, I probably won't shave more than a few seconds off of that time. Zapdos won't help much against Bruno, however - the only one out of the bunch that Blastoise can't already one hit with Surf is the Machamp (and that one's two hit anyways). I'm going to pick up Zapdos in this current run, and once it's finished I'm probably going to start doing some calculations to see whether picking up Jolteon instead would help shave off some more time. (Edit: Possibility #2: The Missingno glitch. How long would it take to activate it and glitch up a bunch of Rare Candies and level Blastoise to lv100, or whatever it takes to one hit everything the Elite Four has? I may need to investigate this possibility, as well..)
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1) I'm not going to shorten my name nor shorten the name of any Pokemon I catch in order to reduce time on the speedrun. That's nitpicking to the extreme, and I don't believe that once the final run's put up and accepted that it'll be replaced solely by the names being shorter. (Heck, I'm seriously considering jumping back toward the American Blue version rather than sticking with Japanese Green for the final run, so as to allow the casual viewer to understand what's going on more easily.) 2) Ehh, not entirely sure whether talking to trainers is faster than just walking by them.. I'll have to test it out myself on one where I won't lose time positioning myself to talk to one. 3) That problem will mostly be solved by catching an Abra and abusing Teleport in locations where I'll be unable to Dig. Battles are VERY long, and my number one goal in the run is avoiding battles, or at least picking routes in which I spend the least amount of time battling. Going into a battle and letting myself faint on the SS Anne, especially against the rather generic lower level trainers present on the ship, will be extremely time consuming, and by that point in the final run I'll have more than one Pokemon (maybe as many as 4), so it's highly unlikely I'll be able to save more time than I would should I just walk out and Teleport once off the ship. Anyways, I've gotten back into this run, and have made some really good progress.. and I should have a BIG update ready soon, if not later tonight. --- EDIT: Okay, I lied. I very quickly discovered why Zapdos was picked up in the SDA run and in the speed walkthrough on GameFAQs - Lorelei's Pokemon are a HUGE annoyance if you try to face her with Blastoise alone. My strongest move against any of them is Dig - and it takes three Digs just to take out her first Dewgong, which has average defense. I don't even want to think about how many it takes to take out Cloyster, which has much much more defense.. I'll probably run through half my moves just to beat her, while the Zapdos is capable of one hitting her whole side. And then, I have to worry about the pair of Gyaradoses that Lance and Rival have (the ones I faced before take up to 3 hits to take out, when they're lower level than me.. these will be as many as 10-15 levels above me).. can't use too many Digs otherwise I wind up worrying about Agatha's Gengars.. yeah, I'm seriously doubting running through the Elite 4+1 is even possible with just Blastoise. So, I'm backing up to after I defeat the 8th Gym leader to pick up Zapdos as in the SDA run and continuing from there.
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I actually experimented with Leaf Green a few days ago. A run of that will be considerably slower, for the following reasons: 1) There's a very long unavoidable intro added on which takes a couple minutes to go through. 2) There's more NPCs, required events, etc to go through. 3) Luck is harder to manipulate in this game. I can still critical with every attack I use, but if I do so I can't manipulate the opponent's attacks nearly as easily anymore. In addition, monster fights are now step based (like in Final Fantasy games) rather than time-based (like in Dragon Warrior), so there would be a few battles I'd have to fight and run away from before I'm able to buy Repels. 4) They of course fixed the Pokedoll glitch, which adds about 7-8 minutes onto the run right there. This would almost certainly more than offset the number of timesavers I'd gain by switching versions (Running Shoes, being able to call up the Bicycle merely by pressing Select, slightly faster menu access/usage in parts, any sort of quick level up trick, etc)
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Bladegash wrote:
Can't you move to cancel the teleport animation anyway?
Nope.. if I remember correctly, changing direction doesn't cancel a teleport; in fact, you can switch directions in order to give yourself more running room to teleport. And, I'm not entirely certain that it saves time over, say, the bicycle. But that gives me another idea, maybe you could also manipulate this fact to be able to teleport from pretty much anywhere by just running around in circles really quickly?
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Yeah, I'm getting Body Slam, I just had forgotten that it's a TM... and after looking it up in a guide it seems I've already missed it! Argh >_< (It was back on the SS Anne..) Anyways, for this current run I'm probably actually going to go ahead and give Strength to Blastoise and run from Snorlax instead of capturing it, and see how well Strength works as an attack against most of the later Pokemon.
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Yay, more progress[/url]! I'm currently at Lavender Town, equivalent to the end of part 7 of the SDA run. In-game time is 52 minutes, which makes it a whopping 24 minutes faster than the SDA run at this point! My confidence in being able to pull out a sub-2 hour run is beginning to rise.. Most of the time saved between this WIP and the last one came from avoiding 6 trainer fights in the Rock Cave. Also, after watching a good bit more of the SDA run, it seems I've greatly underestimated the value of Dig. It does work in buildings as well - it seems anywhere that's not outdoors and has trainers in it can be Dug out of, and like Teleport it takes you all the way back to the last Pokemon center you visited. This will make Teleport not quite as valuable as I originally thought.. I'll have to think about it. Summing everything up, after looking everything through this appears to be the route I'll be taking in the final run (some parts will require testing though, correct me if there's something here that I can't do in this particular order): - Start the game, take Squirtle as starter - Take a mad dash through the first part of the game, not healing and surviving on just new abilities learnt naturally up until I reach Cerulean City. Either in Pewter or Cerulean I buy four Pokeballs (I'll need to determine which is closer). First (Pidgey/Spearow) and (Bellsprout/Paras) I meet after this point that's not out of the way I catch - these will be my Fly and Cut slaves, respectively. - Enter the Cerulean Pokemon center, healing and setting the Dig/Teleport point there - Go north and run through the massive gauntlet of trainers to get to Bill's house, catching an Abra along the way. After I pick up the SS Anne ticket and exit Bill's house, Teleport back to the Cerulean City Pokemart. - Fight the Rocket that stole the Dig TM, teach Dig to Wartortle (replaces Tail Whip), then head south toward Vermilion. - Pick up the Bike Voucher, then head to the SS Anne and fight Rival, then get Cut HM. Walk all the way off boat, watch unnecessarily long cutscene, then Teleport back to Cerulean. - Get the Bike, defeat Misty to get Badge 2 and Bubblebeam TM, then teach Cut to Cut slave, Bubblebeam to Wartortle (replaces Bubble), then head to Vermilion while cutting down tree in southern part of Cerulean. - Defeat Lt. Surge to get Badge 3, Dig back to Cerulean. - Head east out of Cerulean (Cut tree south of town then use eastern path, cut down second tree blocking path), then go through path and through Rock Tunnel to enter Lavender. Heal at Pokemon Center, also setting Teleport/Dig point to Lavender Town. - Continue along path to the west, going through underground tunnel to get to Celadon City. - Go immediately into department store, pick up a Pokedoll and two bottles of Fresh Water. Give one to the little girl to pick up Ice Beam TM (use on Wartortle, replaces Water Gun). - Go west of town and pick up Fly HM. Teach to Fly slave. Fly back to Celadon. - Head to western part of town and defeat Erika to pick up Badge 4. Dig out of Gym back to Lavender Town. - Go up Pokemon Tower (around here, Wartortle will probably evo to Blastoise), using Pokedoll on the Ghost to reveal it without needing Silph Scope, defeat/run from it to move it out of the way. Continue toward the top, saving the old man and picking up the Pokeflute. Fly back to Celadon City. - Head west again, play Pokeflute to awaken Snorlax blocking Cycling Road, capturing it with the final Pokeball (this will be my Strength slave). Continue on, going allllll the way down Cycling Road to Fuchsia City. - Here's where it gets a little tricky, the order of these next three actions may be shuffled around a bit.. First, go to Safari Zone and pick up the Gold Teeth and the Surf HM (teach to Blastoise, replaces Bubblebeam). Fly back to Fuchsia City. Second, go into the Gym and defeat Koga for Badge 5. Finally, go back out and go a bit to the east and give back the Gold Teeth to the Warden to get the Strength HM (goes onto Strength slave). Fly back to Celadon/Lavender (whichever one will get me to Silph Co tower fastest) and head into Saffron City by giving the guard the other water bottle. - Head up through the loooooooong Silph Co tower, getting the Master Ball (which I won't use anyways) and access to the Saffron Gym. Defeat Sabrina for Badge 6. Dig out of Gym, then Fly back to Pallet Town. - Surf downward to Cinnabar Island and enter the abandoned building to get the Secret Key, then straight into the Gym and defeat Blaine for Badge 7. Dig out of Gym, then Fly back to Viridian City. - Defeat Giovanni for Badge 8, Dig out of Gym, then Fly back to Viridian City. Head east toward Victory Road. - Travel through Victory Road, use any Rare Candies I may have obtained, heal for the final time at the Pokemon Center at Indigo Plateau, then go up to fight the Elite 4 + 1. - Sit back and enjoy the ending. Anyways, if there are any questions/comments, as always, fire away..
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You know what? After having my monitor go out for a few days and playing through my own hard copy of English Pokemon Red (before finally getting a new monitor about an hour ago), I came up with that very same bright idea. =P Unfortunately, it only seems Teleport works in the outdoors (in other words, it won't work in any buildings), just as Dig only works in caves, thus the only real usage for it would be to allow it to work as a quasi-Fly before I pick up the ability proper. Because of this, I don't see it taking off any more than a few minutes, and it probably won't be enough to push the run under the 2 hour mark. And no, Dig only takes you back to the entrance from where you entered the cave, from what I remember.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
The dead Marowak prevents you from going all the way through Pokemon Tower. So you can't get the Poke Flute. It's a forced encounter, and if you don't have the Scope and you run away it moves you back a space.
That's where the Pokedoll mentioned earlier in the thread comes in.. I heard about this glitch as well. What I understand of it is that if you throw a Pokedoll at it the Marowak'll reveal itself without needing to use the Silph Scope. Haven't tried it myself, but seeing it's so widespread it's likely true.
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Off the top of my head, that's not doable since you have to beat Misty first to be able to use Cut outside of battle, thus you can't beat Surge before her. I don't think there'll be all that much deviation from the run from SDA since so far every time I've tried to take a major path that deviates from it, it always winds up being either slower anyways or there's something that I need to get beforehand before I can pass (which the SDA run does).
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Alright then, here's WIP 1[/url]. Movie stops in front of Vermilion Gym (yes, the real Vermilion.. I need to refresh my memory of the English location names), at 0:43 in-game time, which makes it 16 minutes faster than the SDA run at that location. Is a sub 2 hour run possible? Probably not. I'd probably have to keep this pace and find some pretty big timesavers on top of that in order to accomplish it.. and after thinking about it the really big timesaver (skipping the Silph Co. tower to avoid picking up the Silph Scope) probably isn't possible because I don't think I can access the Gym in that city without chasing out the Rockets in the tower. Besides the one mistake mentioned above, I made one other change from the SDA run's route which may or may not have lost me time, and that was defeating the Cerulean Gym immediately after visiting Bill and picking up the Dig TM. Though, after thinking about it, stalling it until after I get Cut likely won't help me - without the levels I get from the Gym I doubt I'd be able to one hit 2 or 3 Pokemon I manage to do so afterwards, and seeing that I only lost maybe 15 seconds at most by doing so and seeing that each attack takes quite a bit of in game time to do, it may be just enough to offset those 15 seconds. Besides that, any improvements to the run will probably come from better resource management and probably also inducing other Pokemon to miss more often. (I've long ago given up the idea of letting this be a final version, and thus am not testing beyond 20-30 frames for this.) I also may not go and beat the Vermilion Gym right away.. I'm currently looking over the possibility of skipping it and just going right at Cerulean instead and progressing on until I pick up Fly, then when I get a chance, Flying back to Vermilion and defeating the Gym then, and also looking into other possible timesavers as well. And, to answer the Strength slave question, I do have an idea for that - Snorlax. Catching it will almost certainly be faster than trying to defeat it, since it has loads of HP and will likely be impossible to one hit once I reach it.. and I just toss Strength onto it instead of Blastoise. (Marowak, on the other hand, is weak to Water and should be quite easy to one hit once I get that far.) Anyways, if anyone has any questions, fire away.
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Actually, everything in the game is abuseable. It's abuseable on Dragon Warrior levels. You can choose when you fight wild Pokemon, you can manipulate the path of NPCs, you can manipulate your accuracy (and whether you get a critical or not), you can manipulate what moves your opponent makes, you can manipulate your opponent's accuracy (in fact, like with FF1 there is a 1/256 chance that any given attack will miss, no matter how accurate - yes this includes Swift), you can manipulate how often additional effects/ailments occur (I planned on abusing Bite early to mid game to make opponents always flinch).. the sky's the limit with this game. All you really have to worry about is what route you plan and effective management of your attacks, and you should be able to win the entire game with a single Pokemon. With the versatility you'll have later on I don't see a time saving use for either the Missingno glitch (either for catching high level Pokemon or glitching myself rare candies to bump my Pokemon to lv100), or the Trainer/Fly glitch. The EXP you'll get from required battles will be more than enough to get the levels you need to rampage through the game. And, for those who are curious, my current WIP is almost at Bill's house, a good 12-13 ingame minutes faster than the SDA run.. and this includes a massive timewaster which resulted in a good 30 seconds tacked onto the time (I thought I could make it all the way to Bill's house from the start of the game without needing to visit a Pokecenter, but ran out of PP two required trainers away, so I needed to go all the way back and heal.. and didn't want to redo ALL those trainers in Vermillion again). Also, I was speed running the Japanese Pocket Monsters Green, to let everyone be able to see the horrible, horrible original monster graphics of the game XD If you want to see the WIP, I'll be more than happy to post it here.
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Argh! Secret project foiled! =P Then again, this is probably what I get for trying to stray away from Chrono Trigger XD
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I think the better question is, "Does Super Scope input get recorded during recording movies?" It didn't work in WIP 1 when I put up a topic for Super Scope 6, and while I haven't read the readme.txt or whatsnew.txt in depth for either 1.43 Final, any of the Improved versions, or zsnes since it got rerecording capability, I've got no reason to believe that Super Scope capability has been added to movie recording in any of those emulators. If I'm wrong, though, please tell me - I'd love to get back to seeing how well some of the Super Scope 6 games do with timeattacking..
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Not only is this one a definite yes, I'll honestly be shocked if this isn't published the second Bisqwit gets his hands on this movie. It's that good.
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I knew there was one choice I forgot XD Still, the Wall Ring suffers from the same downsides as picking up the Flea Vest - it takes away Robo's status immunity. (I wouldn't use the Dash Ring anyways - I've already got the Blue Rock on Magus and a Gold Stud on Lucca, and losing status immunity for a second character and +10 M.Def for +3 speed is not at all worth it.) The Safe Helm is not possible, since I already took the Swallow way back before travelling to 12000 BC the second time. Sure I didn't use it long, but it made Falcon Hit very, very powerful (and definitely saved more time than would ever be possible with the Safe Helm).
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I was using barrier items during the final battle with Lavos (both physical barriers and magical barriers). The Geno Dome robots dropped a few dozen barriers on me when I powerleveled there, so running out is not a concern. That "two of the above" comment above does take into consideration magic barriers - to do so without barriers I'll probably need to do all three and maybe even gain a few more levels on top of what I've got now. Trying to manipulate magic onto one character can't be done, simply because nearly all of Lavos's magic attacks (and ALL the painful ones) target the entire party. Tomorrow I'm probably going to go ahead and back up to the end of the Black Omen, buy some items off the Nu merchant right before I warp back out, then take another shot at Lavos, and see if I fare better this time, knowing that I won't be in too much trouble if it floors Robo with a spell of mass destruction. I believe the Lavos 2 battle will actually be the more difficult of the two - the Lavos Core battle only has one offensive attacker bit, and it's fairly easily dispatched (only 10000 HP), and once both the left and center bits are down I have all day to go about spamming OmegaFlare on the Core.
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Well, I have three reasonable options to get more M.Def for Robo, and they are as follows: 1) Defeating Atropos in Geno Dome - Pros: +10 M.Def and +3 Speed applied to base stats, no need for equipment changes, if I finish the Geno Dome sidequest, I can also pick up the Crisis Arm, which if anything helps me kill the left bit of Lavos 3 faster. I also visit the Geno Dome anyways, so I don't need to visit any extra locations and flows with the run fairly well. - Cons: This quest is VERY SLOW. I'll probably spend at least 10 minutes out of my way to get to Atropos (you must have obtained both dolls in order to trigger the encounter), more if I go ahead and defeat MotherBrain to pick up the Crisis Arm. 2) Obtaining the Moon Armor in the Northern Ruins - Pros: Not too far out of the way, lots of enemies to defeat (which helps break the monotony of the infernal Geno Dome conveyor belt), pretty short quest otherwise, also gives Robo much better physical defense than the wussy Dark Mail I have on him now - Cons: Only +5 magic defense more over the Dark Mail, need to do a bit of running back and forth which may be just as annoying as the conveyor belt 3) Charm the Flea Vest off of Flea Plus - Pros: An incredible +12 M.Def bonus, is already very close to my planned route and shouldn't take more than a couple minutes over what I'm taking now - Cons: Flea Vest is an accessory, which means it'll replace the Amulet I have on Robo now - meaning I have at least two people unprotected against statuses. Should Lavos disable status protection on Magus, and I'm unable to luck manipulate out of it, I'll be in for a world of pain on the final battle. I also have to wonder if any of the above three options will save any time than if I just decide to go ahead and spend my cash on more Revives and the like at a shop just before I take the time trip to 1999 AD. I'll probably have to do at least two of the above, as well, if I'm to expect to be able to take hits from Lavos's more powerful magic with Robo, so that's something for me to consider as well.. this is why I decided against going on these sidequests in the first place, and why I likely won't do so on the final run either.
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Okay, I think I've teased you all long enough. XD Over the past few days I've been experimenting with the Lavos battle again, and the more I do so the more I realize that I'm not going to win with the setup I've got now, without quite a bit of backtracking. First off, I'm going to go ahead and post WIP 05 for you all to analyze and laugh at. (Yeah, it's pretty bad. I've lost count of how many mistakes I've made in this part of the run.) Part 2 is also included for whoever wants to join the whole thing into one massive 5 hour long SMV (part 1 is the same as last time). Run stops midway through the Lavos 2 battle, with both arms defeated (somehow). As you can see, bringing 3 Revives and 5 Megalixirs won't cut it against this thing, so I'm probably going to have to resort to picking up more, or maybe even *shudder* going ahead and picking up yet more M.Def for Robo. Anyways, if you have any questions about what I did, or how to improve something that's not really obvious, feel free to tell me (as long as I can figure out just why I did what I did).
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I believe Leon/Lionheart/whatever they named the fourth guy you named, once he rejoins your party, will have pretty high sword weapon levels.. You probably won't be able to get much out of Blood Swords until he joins anyways, so you may want to stick with bare hands with everyone except him and then let him use the blood sword.
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While this is indeed a spectacular run of the game, and I was impressed with alot of the tricks used, I think the fact that this movie used an early version of the VBA rerecording hurts it quite a bit, with so much lag slowing Samus's movements down. And, as annoying as it'd be to have to rerecord the whole movie from scratch using the newer versions (which have much better lag control), I think it's necessary, since the lag makes this movie painful to watch in parts. Meh vote from me.
Post subject: Kirby's Dream Course
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For those who don't check the Chrono Trigger topic, or were successfully fooled by my prank, yes, I'm working on this game as well, mostly as a distraction to prevent Chrono Trigger from sucking the life out of me. =P My goal is to shoot for lowest score, then go as fast as possible. Anyways, here's the work-in-progress, which has finished up to Course 2-4, located right here[/url]. This was recorded with SNES9x 1.43 final, non-improved version. Notes on this: 1-1: I considered putting in a tight circle to hit all three enemies, however it seems that as you lose speed that the radius of the circle expands outward, thus by the time you reach the final enemy you're way off and you'll miss the hole. 1-2: I hadn't considered attempting the "regular" way of hitting a hole in one on this hole (which is just putting straight ahead at around 50%-75% power), however since Kirby has a lot more ground to cover going that way I seriously doubt it's faster. 1-3: I'm pretty sure this is the optimal route on this hole, getting a Hole in One without using Hi-Jump, but I've got this feeling there's a better way of going about this hole.. 1-4: I could've sworn I missed a bounce somewhere along the line.. 1-8: Nope, I don't Hole in One this hole. I can't get any further forward velocity on my initial putt (or else I'll fall off the course entirely!), and aiming down-right at the enemy below me for some reason won't allow me to curve Kirby back toward the other enemies nearly enough to be able to get back up to the upper level. 2-2: No Hole in One here either. It looks like such an easy hole to Hole in One, but it's not! I tried about a couple hundred ways of making a jump shot, hitting the spark near the top of the hole then avoiding the two trees about midway down, but every trajectory winds up throwing me smack dab into the first tree! Unfortunately, the Spark powerup also weighs Kirby down heavily and prevents him from being able to bounce higher/further, preventing him from being able to defeat all three enemies after the trees if I use Spark to plow through the trees. So, I went for the quickest way to make this hole in 2 shots instead. Anyways, any questions/comments? Fire away!
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Alright, I think that's enough of that.. Happy April First to you all, too. ;) Anyways, as for real progress (no, I'm not really starting over yet!), nothing at the moment, besides occasionally working on the distraction posted above in order to get me interested in this game again. (I'll throw up another topic for that shortly.) And yes, I'm sure I can beat Lavos at this point in the game, save for possibly buying more Revives and/or charming more Megalixirs in the Black Omen, which actually won't set me back more than a few minutes.. though I'm going to try to win with the number of items I've got now.
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Alright, after thinking things over for a very long time, I decided that since I was close enough to winning the game, and that there were just too many errors and things I did wrong with the movie to continue, I just dropped the current version of the movie and started from scratch. (This version was recorded with SNES9x 1.43 Final, non-improved version). Hope you like the new things I did with the movie!
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