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Bisqwit wrote:
– making the level impossible to complete unless the player chose earlier an action that seemed completely irrelevant
I played a Portal map where someone did that. You needed a box up until a certain point, and then you could progress down a hallway to the next area without needing the box. Once in the next area, there was a large room with two turrets behind forcefields you couldn't reach, you couldn't kill, and they could see the whole room and would kill you if you tried to reach any of the switches, platforms, etc. You also couldn't go backwards into the previous area. I ended up getting through the room by using noclip, but it always bothered me that I couldn't figure it out. Finally one day I was replaying it, and I went looking for a walkthrough on Youtube. The player got to the aforementioned hallway, but he brought the box with him, and near the end, pushed the box into a wall, which opened up and revealed a gun ( from Half-Life 2. ) You had to bring the gun into the next area with you, and use it to shoot the turrets through the forcefields. There was absolutely no indication of the hidden alcove, and if you didn't catch it before entering the next area, you were screwed.
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It's not even just speed that turned me off of Vista. Take the camera wizard. In XP, it asks you what pictures you want to copy, where you want to save them, what you want to name a group of pictures ( <name>###.jpg ), and a few other things. In Vista, you don't get to choose which pictures you want. It's all of them, or none of them. They took a perfectly good tool and ruined the hell out of it. I ended up having to move and name all my pictures manually.
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ElectroSpecter wrote:
Probably should avoid: - Xenogears (even though this game rules)
As much as I like that game, I have to agree... the combination of slow combat, slow skill grinding and unskippable dialogues that make MGS4 look like MTV would make a speedrun long, slow and boring.
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I was in the beta for Vista, so I ran Beta2 and RC1. I also ran a copy of Ultimate 64-bit they sent me. In my opinion, Vista has a few neat features more than offset by a few new annoyances, with all the glitchiness you expect from Microsoft.
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I once saw an XBox controller where they moved the face buttons onto triggers on the back of the controller, so there were 4 triggers on each side; you could hit all the buttons without taking your thumbs off the analog sticks.
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Intelligent Qube would be interesting.
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Would it be possible to display the image in a separate application, set that application to be transparent (Aero Glass?), and position that window over snes9x so that the images line up?
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Randil wrote:
My guess is that SNES Super Smash TV will have the highest body count. :)
I tried to think of another game that has more kills than that, and I couldn't. A run of Diablo II probably wouldn't have as many kills.
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Apparently, I was wrong. Opossums can be mistaken for lots of things.
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One of the two samples of DNA said to prove the existence of the Bigfoot came from a human and the other was 96 percent from an opossum, according to Curt Nelson, a scientist at the University of Minnesota who performed the DNA analysis. Bigfoot creatures are said to live in the forests of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. An opossum is a marsupial about the size of a house cat.
Not sure how you could confuse the two.
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holy CRAP what a terrible game. I love how the developers didn't even bother adding a parallax effect to the background. Yes vote for beating it to death.
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I just got back from the Gaspé Peninsula. The parts of Canada I've been to really aren't that different from the US. The signs look different, and you hear a lot of French instead of Spanish, but really it may as well be the same thing.
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It's not just Japanese people that love that song.
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I've been to Dragon*Con in Atlanta a few times. Friend of mine moved down there a few years ago, so I go hang out with him for a few days each year. I've seen some crazy stuff down there, especially since Turner Networks (and therefore Cartoon Network and Adult Swim) is right across town, so they send a ton of people each year. I even had a few drinks with Kari and Grant from the Mythbusters one time.
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The only boardgame I really like is Shogun/Samurai Swords. When I was in college, once a week a few of my friends and I would get together, play that, and watch Celebrity Deathmatch and anime. We called it Otaku no Shogun night.
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There ought to be some kind of Emmy for smarmiest character ever.
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wow damn that's awesome
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Well, energy drinks like Red Bull are pretty expensive, couple bucks for like a 10oz can.
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There's always Time Trial mode.
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moozooh wrote:
P.JBoy wrote:
Yeah but those are mini-bosses!!! I meant all the maxi-bosses!!!
You'll have hard time explaining the difference to those not too familiar with the game. :)
well, see, you can't get into Tourian without... aw, hell.
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I was in NYC a few years ago, visiting an aunt and we took the subway all over town. It's mindblowing how big the system is... it makes Boston's look like a toy train set. I swear I walked a good half-mile through a single underground station.
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They're not bad games, but honestly, the plot belongs on the Sci-Fi channel.
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That last boss fight was way better than before.
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Make sure you're logged in as the administrator.
Post subject: Re: A small lecture on English grammar
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nfq wrote:
A more mundane example would be, for example "auton ovi", which means "the door of the car". Two vs. five words, and the expression is shorter.
nah... you can just say "car door". maybe not so grammatically correct but... it's short.
Car door is generally accepted, and it's only two syllables.
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