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Woah, this game looks just crazy. I was smiling the whole time. Perfect game to TAS, and it looks like you really broke it, even. Awesome job, yes!
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Yeah, we'll just take your word for it and accept it. Why not.
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I decided to make this for an April Fool's Day submission about 20 months ago. Yeah, I missed an AFD, I guess I April Fools'd myself. I remember being frustrated when making this because of emulator differences. Playing around on my Wii, I could easily walk under all of the bats in the basement cave, but on Dega, they would kill me no matter what. Bah! Looking back, I missed a great opportunity. What I should've done in this run is bought the Alf Book or whatever it's called. It's an item that you have to spend nearly everything you can make on. All it does is tell you a cute story about Alf's history according to the video game, and then makes a cute comment about how the programmers are going to laugh about resetting your game. And then it resets your game and you have to start over. April Fools!
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As much as I trust Nitrogenesis's skills, when watching it I just felt like it looked too much like a speedrun. I understand that this is because of luck manipulation and restrictions in the gameplay itself, but when watching it, I just didn't get the feeling that it was a TAS. Missed shots and clunky jumps/movements are still missed shots and clunky jumps/movements even if provided for a good, unavoidable reason. For this run, I feel "Meh." I'm sure you did the best you could, and that this is the result of just a bad game choice for a TAS.
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Personally, I'm all for allowing it--and if it is abused in such a way that it removes the difficulty (and thus entertainment) from the run, then that run will get the 'Meh' and 'No' votes it deserves, and it won't be published. Then we can discuss that situation briefly for the game in question, and either a new, less coin-usage run will be made or another game to TAS will be found. I don't like the 'rare exceptions' option for the reason that I'd rather the Coin input be a tool to be used freely without the fear of, "Will this fit as that one exception for good?" I rather believe the bad examples will be the exception. So, "Yes" with a helping of "case by case as appropriate" on the side.
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I thought it was interesting, having never played a Monkey Ball before. A little boring, but for being under 8 minutes I'm not too put-off. There was just a lot of waiting around, though. The only ones the were particularly interesting to watch (besides the two where you clearly skip ahead by falling off the track) were the ones were you never/rarely have to slow down. Stage 30 was fun to watch precisely because it was the only time I felt you were really in any danger of falling off--particularly those "chompy bits" that collide into you. That was a good way to make a forced wait interesting--risk falling off. Otherwise, I believe my favorite was Stage 22 due to its speed and straightforwardness, and if ALL of the stages were more akin to that one, then this would easily be a yes. I have to give it a meh, though. It's just too slow-paced and unvaried. It also seemed visually improvable, but it's hard to say.
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I don't know much about the game or any other glitches, so I don't know if a 'better' one could be made. What I saw actually kept me entertained the whole way through, so I voted yes.
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First watch, I didn't have sound on. When you finished level 1, and it revealed that level 2 was the same events again, I said man how long is this what it's 17 minutes no WAY this is worth watching through! Glad I came back to the thread and realized it was worth a shot. With the sound on, and the noticeable added difficulty in the later levels (wow, is this actually POSSIBLE to beat in realtime??), I knew I was wrong to judge so quickly. Nice run! Oh and nice password at the end there, too
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Oh I used to love playing this game and actually beat it twice, it really, really is as hard as it looks. That was one of the joys behind watching the old 2P run--so much great stuff with two snakes working together to get through these stages faster despite how unbelievably hard it is. Cutting back to 1P, I'm not sure if it'll be as fun, but dang you actually beat the 2P run's time, that's impressive! Wiki told me that there was 'a' sequel put out for game boy that straight horizontal/vertical platformer...not very fun upon playing either. But meh the more you know- anyway Watching the run: I---whoaa. Wow, I was so wrong about if it'll be as fun, that was great! Great manipulation of gold Nibbleys to gain weight faster, use of that wind-up key, great jumping and bouncing skips around the terrain...Nice, awesome, yes!
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Wow, just absolutely incredible. Amazing glitching, fine entertainment and manipulation, really just another perfect example of what a Megaman TAS should be!
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Whoa, this game seems like a heavy mash-up of Megaman and Pulseman, pretty awesome. The game's text is kinda hilariously bad, hahaha. Good luck with it, judging by your vid in the WIP thread it looks like you're going to make a great run!
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My plan was to bury the heavy weapons guy and just manipulate, say, grenades from one of the on-screen agents and the rapid gun from a building using the new life's three grenades. Sounds like it really would be faster in a perfect world, but that's a dang lot of manipulating. Why would flame/ice be better than spread? Did I miss something when I was checking their damage output? --Yeah, sometimes it does an extra one, even two damage every 8 frames, I never noticed. This makes your final battle, starting with fire switching to ice, much more impressive than I first thought. I'd like to hear why 2-4's boss fight (the second spaceship stage) came out how it did. Was turning away from him better for controlling his movements or some such? I never got to the point of trying to TAS him, so I'm only going on a feeling of it seeming counter-intuitive. I can't think of anything else in particular strategy-wise that could possibly help Team 5's run, just awesome TASing on display there!
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Amazing work, Team 5! The final run looks fantastic. No idea you could eat the 1-2 boss's head like that, stellar manipulation throughout, great stuff. (About being out of contact: My modem went kaput last week, so I've been away from the internet. I had no run to give anyway, and I haven't talked to either of my teammates in a couple weeks. This explains the lack of team 6 entry.)
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This was actually fun to watch. The playaround areas at this point were more entertaining than the 'usual' TAS stages. "Time's running out! Better wall jump on this pole for 15 seconds!" You found a lot of fun ways to pass the time. I give this a yes, but only as a playaround entry.
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Ahh yes, the clone player accepts the evil clone princess as a prize, a delightful ending! Great run! A lot of really fun strategies, and I can see why my thought of "occasionally dying would reduce the repetitiveness!" could slow it down, too, with the idea of killing off the farthest-away-doll with P2 for example. A yes for you, and another etched off of the wishlist!
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In the Youtube at least, it doesn't look like rapid fire, but just elbow sticking out! Hilarious, watching your twin fall down, get uAH BONKED AGAINST THE ELBOW fall over So I was entertained for five minutes, good!
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Did you check if there was a thread on this game? There was: a zero-reply thread I made a year and a half ago: I posted a WIP of the first few levels in 2-player mode. I got no responses, and my interest soon waned. It's a fantastic game, though, one of the few I still play over and over, and it deserves a good two player run. A direct link to my old WIP for comparison. Your run is a good start, but this isn't publishable.
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I love Sonic ending logic. "Oh gosh! Sonic is falling to his death! *suddenly Tails and airplane!* Oh! Saved by a cushy, not-at-all-like-the-ground, rock-hard metallic surface moving towards him at high speed!" Watching Flygon's encode was great, because I hadn't watched with the Camhack one before, very nice. The run was just as awesome as I was expecting, good stuff Mukki!
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Link to video fm2: I believe that Blaster Master deserves a 100% run, using the (U) rom and defeating all of the bosses, so I put an ending on a two-year old Area 1 WIP of mine I found. It made little effort to reduce lag, so a whole new start is required. Better movements and techniques coupled with some glitches that I found a use for--dying at just the right frame after defeating a boss allows the boss to stay dead, while shifting the very long player death animation into the boss death animation which you have to wait for anyway. The walk back to grab the tank upgrade makes it so that the new Area 1 will almost be as slow as the '05 published run--all of the savings from this boss-death tactic (doing it in Area 2 as well) shift to after getting the tank upgrade in Area 3. Dying only once to reach the Continue? screen will save several seconds. I explain more in the Youtube vid's description. to type a lot. Anyway, I'm not saying that I'm working on this run right now, and if anyone wants to take these ideas and run with them, mission accomplished. This is just about drumming up interest and discussion.
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haha, aww, all the new submission accomplished is get the older one grued.
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Man that game has awesome music. Just awesome. Looking awesome so far! I look forward to seeing your progress
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I've been tossing around the idea of joining, so yes I'll make the jump. I'd like to have some more TASers to chat with, and a common TAS is a good start. Sign me up for a random team!
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From a TAS viewing perspective, though, it doesn't LOOK like there have been many changes on the gameplay front, so it doesn't FEEL like anything other than a recoloring of the original Punch-Out!! TAS. If anything, actually, it feels like an easier version, because of the two gift stars to start every fight and the lack of three-star limit. Sure the graphics changes are nice (Soda Popinski is a robot, Tiger is now Zelda, Hippo is Doc, haha) and this probably is fun to play, but I don't see how publishable the TAS is. Also, the hack likes to say 'bitch' a lot. "Bitches, show respect! The legendary F.A.S!" Do we really want that on this site?
Post subject: Re: WIP Thread: Post WIPs here.
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GBC - The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Completed: First dungeon Author: Twisted Eye Link to video Discussion: Thread #883: Zelda, Oracle of Ages / Seasons
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I'd already say the thread was a success for me--I had no idea that there was a Jazz Jackrabbit run out there! And of course, the SMW2 WIP is just amazing. I like this idea.
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