Posts for Unknown_User

Joined: 1/1/2022
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I've been lurking anonymously for almost a year now, and finally I have the motivation to say something: On occasion, I go for the AVI torrents for non-NES stuff on the site and I do think it's odd to use codecs beyond DivX and XviD. I mean, if you install DivX, XviD and AC3, you are able to play what seems about 95% of all movies, TV shows, porn, and what not that is currently being shared via p2p of all types. I understand the desire to conserve bandwidth and maximize quality, but come on... installing some oddball codec seems a bit much. Is XviD alone really that bad? Exactly how large would a plain 'ol XviD of the file need to be to maintain similar quality???
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+1 for Gradius. First movie I watched from this site, and thats what got me into these movies.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Bisquit, please don't forget that only around 20% of the people who download the avi will bother to download a codec for it. and since WMP doesnt download it automatically, I hope that you will choose to stop using this codec even if it gives better quality and smaller size.
Post subject: Shinobi 3 Time Attack
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I saw a Shinobi 3 time attack in this site submissions and I really love this game. But, I didn't like it at all, so I'm trying to make a time attack myself... Since this is my first time attack, I don't know how should somethings to make it enjoyable. I don't know even if I should wait like a stupid or make useless movements when the Round don't let me move foward. So I made until 3th stage 2 time attacks, and would like someone to comment and say what should I modify in both of then. So I will know how should I do in my definitive version. there are the links of both versions: If it's difficult to read what i've wrote, it's because english is not my mother language and i'm not used to it...
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I just think this game wouldn't be that entertaining to time attack. I can't really see any part of it keeping me interested in watching a whole run.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Record for a speedrun through just the sacred grounds is 2'28'5 (ingame clock timer). That is INSANE. If someone can direct me to a site where I can upload videos (its really small and not very good quality, but you can see whats going on), I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance. And also, a single-segment run through the game without saving would be really cool, but I think that's too hard. Imagine going through the game only to fall into an insta-death spike? >_< And the run should be for the normal ending, not the secret best one or the one where you escape with Kasumi.
Post subject: Manipulates luck
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Incidentally, this movie should have the Manipulates luck flag. It's obvious that the player is manipulating luck in the first battle with Agahnim, to make sure all of his shots are the sort you can bounce back at him, rather than the sort that just explode when you hit them. This is why they move so strangely between hits. I'm not sure if luck is manipulated elsewhere.
Post subject: Major time loss on flute boy
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I only really noticed this because I saw it in a speedrun, but this video could save a good chunk of time as follows: 1. When you dig up the flute, place the magic mirror portal such that you will be transported back to the Dark World *before* you are frozen by the Flute Boy's disappearance. (it can be done) 2. Go up to the town square in the Dark World. Use the magic mirror, free the bird, then return and enter Blind's lair. This is considerably faster than going up to the portal in the Lost Woods. I'd estimate you could save as much as 20 seconds in all this way, unless I'm missing something important.
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we did agree on that but.. quite frankly. Even if they accused us.. so what? heh. Plus we have proof that we don't cheat. (megazpeed 2 was recorded before vba re-record existed, my mm1 run) and you have a crapload of single-segmented legit runs on sda. It's just that for some reasons, I've always had trouble in the 2-3 seconds of a stage. I know it's weird lol. My stage 1 run (32 seconds hah!) was re-recorded 120 times. 90 out of those 120 were in the first 4 seconds and I don't even know why. It's like I start daydreaming heh. the wolf stage I only restarted like 60 times (which is still a lot but he was not so nice with me. But it's ok since I annihilated him in 3 seconds in my run hah)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Hi Me and Mike Uyaman (sp? heh sorry) from SDA are currently running through the game. I did half of MegaZpeed 2 (the zero 3 run) with McBain. It's not going to be a re-recorded run but.. while having a zero 4 topic, I'd like to ask some questions to people around here. We plan on using the galakuta armor (200% dmg but you get hit 200% more too.). It's harder to run but it's also a LOT faster on normal difficulty. I personally don't like perfect runs (as in, a billion of re-records) because it doesn't show the real skills of the guy running it.. Only his knowledge about the game. I like to show off both sides, knowledge AND skills. My question here is: Knowing our (me and mike's) past record of Zero games running. How would our run be seen.. IF: We used a save state at the beginning of a stage and reloaded each time we make a mistake. Because that is what we usually do. We start a movie, run through the stage with minimal mistakes (well we're not perfect.). If we save at the beginning of the stage, it saves us the very long and boring action of clicking on "stop record", "start record" "write file name (and sometimes accidentally delete it)". On the other hand, if the user opens the file, he'll see that it takes us approx 30+ tries to run a stage the way we want to.. That may lead him to think we cheated. But like I said, Mike and I have both did runs in the past that didn't involve re-records (I have a VERY VERY old megaman 1 run (maybe the first?) single-segmented run on (as Flyingman) and I worked on MegaZpeed. So that's why I'm a bit concerned about this issue. As for the galakuta armor, the run would be on new game+ because there's NOTHING more boring than seeing a guy gather crap to make an armor. That run would be a pure speed run with human mistakes and nothing else. thank you for your time people.
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actually, it's slower. I'm sure once one of the site admins get here he will solve the problem by reencoding the movie. Plus complaining about it ups the chance of the management noticing and fixing it for everyone, while installing the codec only helps me and no one else. and no, not everyone who checks the site comes to the forums or even cares to download a codec for two movies he doesn't know about. Hard to believe, eh?
Joined: 1/1/2022
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and reencode the latest "short SNES zelda" run. it's also bad.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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is there a reason those movies are still being made out of time attacks? it's not fun to have to download some random codec just to play a single movie! you really should change the movie of this submission to something the average computer can handle, as well as the movie for the quick GBA castlevania game which also suffers from the same issue (unless you already fixed it)
Post subject: Cavestory/Doukutsu
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I haven't enjoyed a game like this in a long time. It can be found here. It is possible to speedrun the whole game in a predicted hour and a half. But the main purpose of this topic is speedrunning the sacred grounds (a secret level after you defeat the four 'final' bosses) which comes included with an in-game timer. It is one of the most difficult levels I've experienced in my whole career of gaming, but the ending is rewarding. I can finish the sacred grounds in about 8-9 minutes, but there was a video of someone which I cannot find now doing it in under 6 minutes. Besides speedrunning, this is a great game overall. You may be turned away by the graphics at first, but I recommend giving the game a chance before judging it. It really is fun. Incase you get stuck or want to find out how to access the secret level and the other secrets included in the game, just refer here. To get maximum enjoyment out of the game, you should go through the game once without checking the guide first :]
Joined: 1/1/2022
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(ill put this here too, in case nitsuja doesnt read the forum itself) BUG CRUSH report: In Wario Ware Inc (CRC 2e (2e), gamecode AZWE): Load this sram save : (has the needed level unlocked) choose GRID choose second guy from top in vertically middle row choose first from left, second from top (or bottom). CRASH'D This does not happen with the regular VBA 1.7.2 and only with your (nitsuja) rerecording VBA. (version 9b) Please investigate, thanks!
Post subject: (BUG CRUSH report) VBA movie (recent one) crashes!
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In Wario Ware Inc (CRC 2e (2e), gamecode AZWE): Load this sram save : (has the needed level unlocked) choose GRID choose second guy from top in vertically middle row choose first from left, second from top (or bottom). CRASH'D This does not happen with the regular VBA 1.7.2 and only with your (nitsuja) rerecording VBA. (version 9b) Please investigate, thanks!
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Someone already posted that video about 4 posts up.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Thanks a bunch, that clears things up.
Post subject: Differences between Famicom and NES sound
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
After reading the Castlevania 3 video's blurb (about vastly superior audio hardware in Famicom systems as opposed to the NES), I agreed that there was no question that the japanese sound was better. However, I noticed some -- the two I picked up right away were Doki Doki Panic (Super Mario Bros. 2) and Legend of Zelda 2. In both cases, the American version seemed "richer" and focused more on strengthening the music to make a tune. The japanese versions tend to be focused more on ambience. I suppose it could be that I'm just used to *my* version, and would naturally lean towards it, but the famicom audio emulation just seems to lack a certain... pizzaz! Does anyone know the background on this? I always assumed that NES games (especially given the way they were pumped out from developers) were simply translated. Going in and tweaking music for an audience who would have never noticed would seem to be a waste of time.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Hey Josh, this is SSJHibiki from SRK. Where have you been? Haven't seen you on AIM :p By the way, nice time attacks!
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Hey if you ever get this started again, here's some improvements you can make. Rather than going into the menu when you get kaeli to change it to manual, you can change it to manual in battle by simply hitting a button (can't remember which one off the top of my head.) Cure potions are useless. Life will work on yourself, even if you're not dead. (all party members have it, and there really aren't any points where you don't have one) You can haggle Tristam down to 15 gp on those bombs. Your choice. Don't be afraid to use those seeds. Fireburg, the next town sells seeds. I generally use 1 seed in the ice cave, and then the other 2 in the pyramid. Use Thunder on those Lamias. Makes things go much faster. (well, use it on the first battle, I guess you fixed it after that one)
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Quietust, that was an awesome flash.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Well, I think of it as sorta a mix between Lain, with it's convoluted plotline and contemplative motives, and Hellsing, with lots of kickass action. I could almost bring myself to do a Real Ultimate Power parody of it. EDIT: You know, reading back on that it sounds like an absolutely stupid way to describe it. You probably shouldn't listen to me, just go download it.
feitclub wrote:
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Heh, forgot to mention Shingetsutan Tsukihime. It's the Hellsing of 2004, only cooler.
According to my elementary research, that came out in 2003. But please, say more.
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Heh, forgot to mention Shingetsutan Tsukihime. It's the Hellsing of 2004, only cooler.
Off topic
Post subject: I need to learn on how to use a proxy ( one that works ) fo
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I need to learn on how to use a proxy ( one that works ) for mozilla firefox proxy. IF you have any information about this , post a weblink, or just explain about it. No bull crap please only facts, no opinions, no flamming,etc. Just please keep it clean. I recentlly tried a proxy on mozilla, but it doesnt seem to work. Because I go to a what is my ip webpage and instead of posting the proxy ip it posts mine. So obviously its not working. I have used proxys in the past, never did work though I dont know if the ips were bad or if something else. The objective is to get websites to reconize my proxy ip and never revealing my ip. That is the objective. If this is possible or you guys know any programs or anything or have done this please reply. I would appreciate this greatly.
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feitclub wrote:
If that's not about you then it's got to be one of the largest coincidences in Internet history. And since when did it become our responsibility to ignore you? This isn't "your topic" any more than this is your website. .
Rant not quoted Since when did it become my repsonsiblitly to care what you think about me ? If you dont want to ignore me then dont, what are you saying its someone elses responsiblity ? This isn't my topic lol ? Then who made this topic ? Yeah well try to stop me, I'm in my boundaries to make this topic, thats why it wasn't locked. As for your rant, I dont care what you think about me.
Viewer wrote:
Well, you might want to save up your money, because Funimation is apparently redubbing Seasons 1 and 2 and they'll be out soon.
Yeah I have already seen the first 3 episodes, its cool.