Posts for Unknown_User

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Dan_ wrote:
Try looking under Turbo CD, my friend. Chi no Rondo wasn't released for the Turbografx-16.
Thanx :D Dan_ I found it.
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/*- wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
I dont see this on gamefaqs anywhere
WAS is the keyword. i left that place a LONG time ago after fully beating it and failed attempts (petitions) for getting the game re-released. to save you the trouble, the ethics was along the lines of obtaining the files off a site (long since dead i believe, i dont know) and then using an emulator to play it (either via ISO image or by using Nero or something else to burn the files to CD) which was deemed wrong and unethical by some and not by others for various reasons. yada, yada, yada... 100+ worthless posts and a massively redundant flamewar later, people were no further along than when they started.
oh, but I cant even find the game on gamefaqs you know where that might be ? I checked turbografx 16 platform thread but nothing. It must not exist there
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/*- wrote:
never played it on Magic Engine but used the ISO for HuGo (though the screen was messed up a little... it overlapped on the right hand side). and i didnt feel like trying the music either... though the game has some that comes with it... "Poison Mind" and a few others i cant remember. it was ok... maybe i would have liked it more if i'd have played it back in the day (it feels SO slow at times). and i hope no one tries to bring in the "ethics" argument that was at GameFAQs for so long (dunno if it still is). :)
I dont see this on gamefaqs anywhere
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and btw I think that forum has a low tolerance for flamming.
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Dan_ wrote:
Well, if you ask, that means you are a male reproductive organ. Maybe they really don't like you over there.
lol I just registered there about 10 minutes ago. Oh wait a second , I bet someone here went there and registered also because it says Join Date: Apr 2005 Posts: 1 like mine says to. Go ahead flame me there too like I care what someone I dont even know thinks about me.
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Very old game that I haved played a very long time ago. Faery Tales, anyone ever play this game ? Requesting a speed run if possible or something. Edit by Bisqwit: Changed the topic title so that it's more informative in the topic list of the forum.
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Looks like I'm not getting any good replys. someone replyed saying this "No You Are A Tool"
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Bisqwit wrote:
Ok I'll listen to you.
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Dan_ wrote:
Look at your username. If you still can't figure it out, it says SSVegetto. If you still can't figure it out, that's from Dragon Ball Z.
thats not mentioning dragonball z though.
Zurreco wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
FANBOYS: 7 words you never start a sentence with; For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.
Oh so in Dragonball Z they dont spell good either ? you hate me because I like dragonball Z, now thats just sad quit flamming me. WELL GUESS WHAT IM BREAKING THE RULES IM GOING TO START SENTENCES with FOR , AND, NOR, But, OR,YEt,So. What are you going to do about that ? And I'm not a fanboy, I never mentioned the show or gave refrences until now. Just because I dont have 100 percent good grammar that makes me a dbz fan boy that doesnt make sense.
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Zurreco wrote:
Oh snap. Let's keep it a clean fight. Ogre: Don't aggresively flame. I am revoking your ability to use Kamehamehas for 18 hours. SSV: Work on your grammar, prose, spelling, punctuation, FANBOYS, and overuse of 'shut it'.
Oh IM sorry I dont spend 30 mins on one reply so I can make you guys happy with my grammar and impress you. I do have good grammar its not like I'm writing a report to you guys or something. and I'm not a fanboy SINCE WHEN DID I EVER MENTION DRAGONBALL Z? Besides right now Edited by Bisqwit: Less eye-hurting font
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Halamantariel wrote:
Why would I? The link is from ...
alright I posted a thread there. ITs
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OgreSlayeR wrote:
Rather then spending time there you should be spending more time in school.
if you are talking to me one thing you are flamming me, another thing you are off topic and being very rude, and another thing its none of your business if I'm in school or not. But I am in school so shut it.
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you wont mind if I post this link at the CMGSCC forums for asking about that game genie code you want ?
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Halamantariel wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
Check the gameshark creators club or request the game genie code. I'll look into it too.
What I mean is that codes can be created. I don't like Snes9x's tool for that at all. I can't seem to be able to create a single cheat code with it. I am used to Zsnes' cheat finder. That's why I'm asking for help. There must be someone on Bisqwit's Nesvideos who is able to use that cheat search tool and find out what value allows to attack everywhere. It's always faster to do everything by ourselves...
There might be someone to help you, but that someone isn't me cause I'm not good at hexing or searching for cheats.
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Woah , talk about a cool room I wouldn't mind spending a few hours in there.
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Halamantariel wrote:
Nobody knows about this! Not Nintendo, not Gamefaqs people (???), and mostly not the people at Enix ... Who would remember such a small detail about a game that old? Not even the level designers would remember since it's really old. The best way to find out is to make a cheat called "Attack everywhere" for the game. I don't know how to find that value and isolate it, but I'm sure someone can, somewhere. Don't ask people that made the game... it's useless.
Settle down there buddy. Then if no one knows about this then that means its probably nothing.The fact that you cant ever perform the move in that area, and even if you do get the move you cant go back there to do it, its probably part of the background, the level designors didn't make the psycho slide move yet so it probably means that its nothing. Check the gameshark creators club or request the game genie code. I'll look into it too.
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Viewer wrote:
Why ask Nintendo, though--wouldn't it be better (though as ineffective, no doubt) to ask Enix, since they were the ones who produced the game? Or, if you really want to be pedantic, find out the names of the level designers for IOG/T, find out which companies they work for, and send an e-mail to the company, asking them for a response. (Likely answer; "Wh...that was over a decade ago!"
Yeah ask the company that made the game. That would be better off. Maybe I should address this issue at gamefaqs maybe someone there knows about it. Dont assume just because its an old game that they might not care, I'm sure if you ask them nicely about it they would tell you but dont expect a fast response. Otherwise maybe there is a game genie code that you can walk through walls or something.
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Yeah I'm curious about this too, but I doubt there is anything in there. But it would be nice to get a confirmation of this from nintendo or something.
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suraimu wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
BoltR wrote:
Don't worry, you will always be my Skip Rogers.
yeah whatever you mean by that . The people that beat this game under 10 minutes really need to do the glitch on the real console otherwise I'm not really impressed by this. Because they are using a special feature on the emulator that makes them do this glitch which is really cheap.
Don't you have something better to do than to troll around here? Like maybe do your homework for your phonics class?
Im not trolling around here. I havent posted a reply in a long time until now. And you took one of my old replys and didn't read the rest of them, and if you would of read all my replys you would of saw that I was not trolling, dont you got something better to do then make an reply for something that happen like 24 hours ago. Furthermore that quote isnt trolling in anyway. And if you think thats trolling then cry me a river cause I dont care what you think or say to me. EDIT by feitclub: Name calling is not allowed here.
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TNSe wrote: Go there for 'footage in video format using vcr'.
yeah I have one of these, this was very impressive
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I dont know I just get through a game that was really hard and then watching someone using a glitch and beating the game under 10 minutes, that doesnt really impress me. Its kind of like wow whats the point of that. The other guy on here that did the zelda 2 speed run now that was very good watching it. Most of all the other stuff on here is awesome I have to give you guys a lot of credit, but this time run is a little bit screwy in my opinion. Dont get me wrong It still should be published but it isnt something I would watch for my entertainment. It should be considered almost the fastest time possible to get through the game time run. Then there should be another time run that doesnt use the glitch and gets through the game the right way(which there is). So I guess this doesnt really bother me a lot.
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Zurreco wrote:
SSVegetto wrote:
The people that beat this game under 10 minutes really need to do the glitch on the real console otherwise I'm not really impressed by this. Because they are using a special feature on the emulator that makes them do this glitch which is really cheap.
Well, SOMEONE hasn't read the FAQ lately... No, there is nothing done here that can't be done on a console. It is just using left/right and up/down for input. You yourself legitimized this idea in Omni's quick ALttP movie.
thats very true. But I have to proove to myself that is true so I'll probably have to take a part my nintendo controller or something. I guess emulators are legit, but I could actually record console stuff with my vcr really easy.Then I could get the footage in video format using a tv card. I was making a 3 hour movie of Zelda Ocarina of Time glitches. Some of the glitches are really funny . Sorry for going off topic there. I think console recorded speed runs would be 100 percent legit.
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BoltR wrote:
Don't worry, you will always be my Skip Rogers.
yeah whatever you mean by that . The people that beat this game under 10 minutes really need to do the glitch on the real console otherwise I'm not really impressed by this. Because they are using a special feature on the emulator that makes them do this glitch which is really cheap.
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BoltR wrote:
Wow, thanks for the update champ.
Yeah I guess you dont care unless I do a speed run game for this and that would mean spending 24/7 playing the game and quick saving and running it through slow motion. BTW I didn't beat it on a stupid emulator I beat a game that was very challeging and what do I get for it ? sarcasm ,so what,etc
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Minor spoilers I just beat this game tonight. very challeging game, especially the great palace. That flying bird at the end was very tough and I barely defeated it.