Posts for Unknown_User

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Oh I thought it had to be a specific monster. Thanks. I might try to reproduce it on a cart to see how much experience is gained.
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Than why dont you improve upon it.
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Can anyone explain the glitch more indepth? :p
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Possibly a name change in a different version of the game. If I'm not mistaken, some of the games levels were pretty big, which is why I think that planning would be crucial (such as the pyramid level I think, where Shadow has to go through floors multiple times). Not that they aren't in other games as well.
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There is no point unless you plan on completing the secret dungeon (worthless I might add, since you gain nothing but the chance to fight a new boss who I didnt even find difficult).
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I doubt it would be 3-6 hours, especially if well planned. Maybe I'm just not remembering the game good enough, although I do know that there is a lot of dialogue. I believe the levels would need an extreme amount of planning if one wants to do well in this run. Unfortunately, I don't remember much about the game besides the awesome fight w/ the two vampires.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Could also someone explain the glitch that ventuz made a movie of? Never got to see the video. I do think I know what he's talking about however, but I don't remember exactly what to do. I know you have to cast wall/reflect on an enemy so it bounces off and kills the girl, but that's about it :o
Post subject: Genisto & Phil
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You guys rock! me <3 Phil & Genisto Its like if only one of you play when you play.. its its beautiful :*) I really enjoyed battletoads! but if I would I would like to see an battletoads whitout any warping to other lvls.. I know its speedruns but Its still entertainment :) sorry for my english.. Love you guys!
Joined: 1/1/2022
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I just watched the run, it's looking very good so far. This is still the testing version, correct? Anyways, I remember when I use to play this as a kid there was always a "pyramid" (such as the one you got the Swallow from) in Zeal that I could never get (it was on its own island). Is it there for show, or is there actually a way to get to it? It just brought back memories when I was watching the run.
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Hey guys, Just to clarify, this run (the route, level strategies, etc) was pretty much thought entirely up by me. Reciprocal gave me a better Morton Koopa's Castle strategy than the one I was using, but that was it. I can assure you that none of the tricks in this run were "inspired" from the tool assisted video (including Tubular without p-balloons). I didn't even know one was being worked on until recently, though I can't say I'm surprised. I haven't watched that video and don't intend to. Nothing personal against you guys, but I don't feel like watching something that makes a run I put hundreds of hours into look like crap. Something about that just isn't right in my opinion. Sorry if that means I'm "incapable of enlightenment", but it's just my thoughts. I am curious as to what the faster route is though. Are you sure it is faster? Just because I have 6 extra overworld movements doesn't necessarily make it any faster or slower than your route. I guess I'm just glad I got a decent run online before the FCVE is finished. At least now I can have some satisfaction in knowing that it is the fastest 96 exit time before it gets smashed to pieces. *sigh* Kelly, good luck if you decide to beat my time. Looks like you'll have all the help you can get here, whereas I had none whatsoever.
Post subject: Treasure Master
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Anyone ever heard of this game? There was a contest with a 10,000 dollar prize if you could find and pass the secret "Prize World". I think this would be a really fun movie to see a time attack on, because of the rarity and history behind the game, and the fact that almost no one ever saw the secret "prize world". The URL below has the history and more on the game.
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Now that I think about it, Startropics 2 might be interesting.
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Brain Lord Secret of Mana Seiken Densetsu 3 Super Mario World 100% Kirby's Dream Land 3 (with all Heartstars) Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinestrals
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Yeah, I figured tossing the bottle is actually a few frames faster. 2-5 or something. However, this doesn't matter outdoors as long as I get the timing right (again the towns). Where it does matter is inside the first 2 mansions because there the enemies are still vulnerable to bottles. Thus I try to kill them with bottles as much as possible. Jumping skeletons is hard though.
The whip sequence is 20 frames (usually), and the holy water sequence is 14 frames, so you save 6 frames by using the holy water.
Next is the eye in the cave. The next one after that is the first swamp, which I personally like because of the levelup at the right place ;) Next again should be in Mansion 3, before falling into oblivion. This was the only way I found to make the glitch work there and with no delay as in my first version.
You can get past the eye without taking damage. This requires you moving backwards to kill the eyes that fly towards you.
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Walker Boh wrote :
Nice idea but unfortunately it won't work. This is because it's impossible to reach blue crystal time within the first day, even if you skip everything and just run for it. I have tested it. Thus it doesn't really matter what you with your free time during the night. Same goes for red crystal town. It's impossible to run all the way from blue crystal town to red crystal town within a day. Therefor I must "waste" some time.
As far as I can tell, it is impossible to get the blue crystal on day 0. I proposed this as a way of getting more hearts when you reach the town with the blue crystal, allowing you to buy more laurels. I didn't realize the clock stops in houses, though, so it is doubtful this would save you time. My reason for suggesting this is because laurels help you traverse swamps faster and they allow you to avoid damage, and damage eats up time when you level up. I don't remember if you reach level 3 in this run, but avoiding level-ups would save time. Another thing you can do with this extra time is get the sacred flame. I've never found a way to make the sacred flame a useful time-saver, though.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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I've been working on a time attack for this game for a few months, but after seeing your updates, I think I'm going to stop, because you are so much better at it. In this current run, would you save time if you skip the morning star and flame whip, but get the golden knife? Killing the grim reaper would slow you down, but the mask would die faster, and it should be faster killing creeps. Also, you get the morning star on day 2, so you save all of that time. (In contrast, to reply to the previous post, saving frames at the river doesn't actually save you time, since you still have to wait for daylight.) Also, I use the floor glitch at the very beginning to collect the 50 hearts by killing the purple lizards on the left. You get the hearts faster, with the only penalty being that you take damage. If anyone wants to try it, the floor glitch works here by making two jumps with a whip while moving to your left. When making these jumps, hold down the jump button for three frames, and then press the whip button in the next frame. Visually, you press the whip button in the frame after Simon begins the jump. The second jump should land you on the ledge, and now, if you time the glitch correctly, you will fall through the floor. Finally, you don't lose any time by buying laurels in the town with the blue crystal, and there are a few places where having laurels saves you time. The fastest way I've found to earn money is in the screen to the right of the first bridge. On top of the hill, if you go back and forth, you can get two skeletons to appear together, allowing you to earn 12 hearts in about 17 minutes of game time. Nicely done!
Joined: 1/1/2022
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How do you manipulate the luck in these games, Dragon Warrior especially... I beat DW when I was like 10, and every so often i get nostalgic.... looking for new and innovative ways to do it.
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hm, i never knew it was on any other system than the nes...pretty cool...furthest i've ever gotten was about halfway through the third level...i believe there are 7 i never got too far either
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i didn't see any threads on this, but i fondly remember this game, as a fairly difficult strategy game, and would love to see it made into a speedrun, it is very similar to Solstice, but less cartoony...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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OK I finished the game and rewatched your run. Besides the well thing, it looked great. I voted yes.
Post subject: Old Movie (Oscar winner)
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Does any one know the movie called 'A Double Life'? It's a very old movie, i have to watch it for my assingment. So if anyone have any idea where can i download that movie, Please let me know. Your response will be highly appreciated. Movie Discription>> DIRECTOR: GEORGE CUKOR (OSCAR WINNER) ACTOR>> RONALD COLMAN: ANTHONY (TONY) JOHN (OSCAR WINNER) SIGNE HASSO: BRITA EDMOND O'BRIEN: BILL FRIEND SHELLEY WINTERS: PAT KROLL
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Any progress?
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I watched the link earlier in this thread, it had somewhere around 800 rerecords, and I think the levels he played could be improved upon a bit so maybe I would just start from scratch.
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Someone needs to finish this, and Ecco 2 as well. I might try to make the time if nobody steps up but i'd really rather just watch someone elses hard work :)
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In the first screen of the Well, why do you fall to the bottom to touch the glove? I'm playing through this game for the first time right now and I can get through the left passage without shrinking.