Posts for Unknown_User

Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
a tip for you cheez, to pull of the wall launch jump the precise moment you land from a slide need to toggle the controller repeatedly up and down, etc...and quickly jump again to get the glitch to occur...I am almost certain you can find an interesting place or two to utilize it...Glad to see someone was inspired enough to continue my dream...And, without the emu crashing either...Not sure how you got away with that one...:)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Goal accomplished...Cheez was able to do a time attack of this video without crashing...:) I was very thoroughly impressed with his work, and can only imagine what the final submission will be like...He did several optimizations I would not even have thought of...Basically leaving my time attack- only impressive for the final launch jump glitch...I no longer believe it should be published...I would much rather see the fruits of Cheez's labor...and, I definitely thank him for bringing my vision to life on my absolute favorite NES game of them all...Now, if only he could implement the wall launch jump trick at least once or twice in his attack, that would rock...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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well those 2 drawbacks mainly affect the game in the way of making it not very watchable...Obviously, if you were to do a ton of tricks and glitches similar to those that I did, then it would be more fun to watch...I realize I have nowhere near the patience and time to plan such excellent time attacks as I have seen Phil and Genisto do...The Mario 3 one would be pretty much of unheard of from me since I am not much into hop and strictly like my games to be pure actioners...It would rock if I at least enticed one of the better movie makers here, (who can figure out how to do this movie without it crashing constantly like it did for me) make the submission...24 minutes is pretty damned good considering the nature of the horrible play control...I figure around 18-19 the very best possible, and possibly even less if the wall launch glitch were used in the way of warping such as Josh states it has been done...It is definitely feasible...Just play the game yourself and watch in the Eqypt state how headache inducing the scrolling is as you move uphill...I don't know if Capcom was in a hurry or what...But, it is some of the worst scrolling I have ever seen in any videogame period... But for those who may try to do this time attack, or those familiar with keeping the movies from crashing during rerecords,,,I think the first stage should be done somewhat similar to mine, but to the point to where directly after you do that launch glitch, your energy points are low enough so that you can triangle jump directly above upon the end of the glitch and die immediately on the closest enemy...Where my movie ends, it is possible to do this...I've tried to resume movies, and found the previous version either corrupted or overwritten...I may be missing something, but then again...First time I ever attempted to rerecord at all has been less than 2 weeks ago...So, it is still all new to me...:) Again, thanks for all the criticism...I just hope my objective of inspiring more interest in this game has worked...Sort of interesting, as a final those who voted for the video did not those who voted negatively did...
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
nice work, did you happen to see my strider stage one time attack (the game I originally stated I thought you'd be great in running)...? If I can get past the stupid random crashes in the emulators, I may attempt to do a full run of it...But, so far, its proven quite fruitless...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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How is this movie comming along? Would realy like to see the ending of this one.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Gee, when I saw the topic I thought you were talking about the "JUSTIN BAILEY" (armorless Samus) ROMhack. I'd like to see someone do a speedrun with that; using the patched ROM doesn't seem to work for movies made with the regular ROM. (On ZSNES anyway) You can get the hack at Zophar's Domain.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
how abot balloon fight? maybe a oneplayer level 1 rush? could proabably be the excitebike thing
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Bisqwit wrote:
Downup wrote:
Think Finland has the same time as Sweden..
Nope, there's always 1 hour difference. I tried to access;stream.nsv at 21:30, but it didn't connect.
I think it was full or something.. I only got 5slots in my station.. Becouse my UploadSpeed is only 1mbit.. And 125Kbit/user =/ It is Online now.. But i think it is full.. can't check it right now.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I have attempted the entire game, but kept having the movie crash when trying to rerecord at various points (as per my topic in the NES videos section, no matter which emulator I used...consistent crash points...From that topic alone, you might notice not many people showed interest in even seeing the game done, basically sealing my decision to avoid wasting time on something noone really wanted to see anyways)...I do, however, apologize for the high attitude about it...But, this is meant mostly as a playaround (with the movements I make within that playaround optimized to look as neat as I can), whereas I spend more time goofing off...Jumping to slash enemies doesnt look very kewl, that is why I avoid it...Also notice how I duck underneath one enemy...The way the game's programming is, you can sometimes be almost a half an inch away from an enemy and still have them damage you on their way down...In the past, topics i've seen of strider have had general consensus stating that noone really wanted to see the entire game beaten due to the repeat nature...same with metal gear...And, I guess noone noticed that Excitebike submission is also not the entire game...That was my standard for this movie, just like courts have precedence...I merely wanted to showoff things that made Strider a cooler game than most people have thought it to be...And, I know I did a very good job in that...It does take precision to do a majority of the jumps I pulled off...especially the very last slide jump...As a final note...the only thing you should truly take into account when judging this submission is if it is enjoyable...Like the Excitebike one when the bike jumps through the top of the screen, I might add...:) So, please try to see the attack in that light...They both have the same exact glitch...persay...If this one makes it into the groove, I see many other great time attacks in the future...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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You obviously did not read my explanation of the game being not very fun to watch due to the same bosses reappearing over and over again in the same stages over and over again...And, also that this is one of the games that is harder to make a time attack of due to all the nes emulators randomly crashing while making the movies... I did plan out the level well in advance, since various tricks work best in certain places...Guess we shall have to see what others think, I will definitely not be offput by one individual...:) But, thanks for the critique...
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I did a perfect rendition of the first stage of Strider, showcasing the many glitches and tricks...including the wonderful, and truly astounding to behold launch through the ceiling over and over and over again trick...I felt this movie impressive enough to submit to Bisqwit as is...I genuinely believe this will be very enjoyable movie to all who take the few minutes to watch it...So, to end this topic...Hope you like the movie...And, thanks for the patience you have all had in me making this time attack-playaround...especially with the emulator crash problems that kept recurring:)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Bisqwit wrote:
Downup wrote:
There.. the page will upload 20:00 :)
Of which time zone?
Think Finland has the same time as Sweden..
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I still seem to be encountering crash issues, even when attempting this run via other emulators...Again, it all seems fairly random...And, it most often occurs after I reload from save states...Is this a common issue I am unaware of? There are so many interesting and kewl tricks you can do in this game...Sort of sad that it seems so difficult to pull off movie wise, simply due to random crashes...Another pretty fun looking stunt I pull off is letting enemies go to jump over me...Normally, they always hit you on their way down...But, I found if you duck at the precise moment, they will miss you just barely and no damage will occur...I also love jumping midair after falling out of tubes...If anyone is interested in seeing me playing around in the first stage, pulling off a few of these tricks...just email me at and I will send the movie file so that you can check it out..Be sure to post what you think of what I've done here...And, if you see any other opportunities for tricks to pull off...I try to do triple jumps in the most inopportune of places, as well...Well, here is to hoping a few of you still have interest in this very fun game...
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
There.. the page will upload 20:00 :)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Ahh it lookes good.. But the green text is little hard to read :)
Post subject: Banner BisQwit
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Do u BisQWIT have a banner like h: 35 L: 75 Becouse i am doing a DoneQuick Stream with all kind of DoneQuick Creators.. from QDQ and yours and other places.. i uploaded the page yesterday and i already have 330views So if u can make a Banner in 35x75 Gif(animated) OR jpg soo post it here so i can add u to the banner list :) For the page and;stream.nsv For the stream Only open 20:00-08:00
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Ayé caramba! Then we're in big trouble. But... are you able too answer my questions, maybe?
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Hello out there! A friend and me are planning to make a run of the SNES game Sunset riders, but during the planning we encountered a few problems, which I hope you can help us with. 1. Does the rifle do more damage then de revolver? 2. When firing the rifle you shoot 6 bullets (but only two units). If I shoot at one enemy one of the units will hit and disappear but the other one will continue. Would it then look better to use the revolver so we don't miss any shoots? 3. When upgrading to two weapons (revolver or rifle) the same thin as in number two is inevitable. Does that mean that we shouldn't upgrade our weapons thus this results in a longer time killing the bosses. Thanks too the ones that help us!
Post subject: Permission to use your vids
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Hi, um, was just wondering if I could use some of the vids on the site for my speedrun section? Full credit will be given to the person (you) who made the vid (of course). If it's a yes, I'll be uploading them to fileplanet, so hopefully you can use them as mirrors if there's anything wrong with the torrents (which I doubt). Oh ya, here's the site: Hope most of you vid makers are still around. :P
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Glad you enjoyed the run. :P It was actually done a long time ago but I didn't have the time to update the site I was on. As for the Richter battle, it was in the trailer so I didn't bother putting it in the castle 1 vid. If time also counts for my starting stats, I defeated Dracula in around 52 seconds. And ya, I didn't know about that technique. I lose around 1-3 secs after each wingsmash but the upside to it is that I actually gain some mana so I can do a few more. Maybe I could've gotten a better time from the route but I can't really think of a better route than this. And like what Josh said, I won't be going back to SOTN for awhile mainly cuz: 1. It really wasn't easy pulling this run off. 2. Not knowing about the technique really turned me off. 3. Even though I'm a CV fan, I'm not much of a SOTN fan (easy to say is, I "usually" do runs for games I enjoy) As for a Richter run, I won't be keeping anything that's over 7 mins, and since my Richter motion skills have become rusty, looks like it won't be anytime soon. :P If you want other speedcrud from me, this is what I have so far: Fatal Frame Fatal Frame 2 Castlevania Legacy of Darkness Silent Hill 3 (not really sure if I still have it or not) Final Fantasy 4 (uncomplete) Rockman X4 (uncomplete) Sonic Advance 3 I'm thinking of a AOS full castle run, but I'll look into that later. Ah ya, almost forgot, who do I have to contact if I want to use some of the timeattacks on this site onto mine? Bisqwit? :o
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
the game crashes in all versions of the rom on the famtasia emulator...and corrupts the movies in the process...but never crashes in virtuanes or fceu...but, the preferred emulator for time attacks for submissions is famtasia..that is where my predicament lies...This is my personal favorite NES game for some odd reason or another, so I would very much like to be able to pass this one onto you guys sometime in the near future...just don't want to make a time attack that won't be seen if I happen to use the wrong emulator...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Ok, I ran into a serious dilemma with this one...I keep getting Op Code Errors randomly which completely screw up the continuity of a complete run of the game...I realize I can't really do segments, so I sort of have no option but to not use Famtasia emulator to do it...Unless someone else has a better suggestion...Any comments would be appreciated...I'd keep getting perfect runs of the first few stages in a row..then blam, OP CODE ruiner extreme...:(
Post subject: i can not download any movies... why?!?!
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
i get only a file named. superpunchout-timeattack-philandgenisto.avi.torrent when i download superpunch movie. it happen with all the other movies too. have i done something wrong?
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
the slide glitch i accidentally found about after I was backtracking through the first stage , upon gaining the slide powerup...Directly after the small tunnel where the screen flashes for a few seconds, there is a little area where you can take an elevator up, and basically go around in a little circle again and again...I slided to the left after going up the elevator...then while in midair, tapped jump at a precise moment...and it just scrambled me directly to the top of the screen...and then back up through the bottom..about 5 or so times before settling on the ledge above...Someone else has to have seen this trick before...Try it out and see how easy you guys can get it to work...I appreciate the advice on the game, and if any of you decide to take on the time attack yourself, I won't mind a bit at all...I am just taking my time on it, and am not quite sure when I can completely finish it...But, I may try to do at least level 1 and 2 to showcase the glitches I found in those stages...then try to find some way of letting those interested check my progress out...Post here if you can also do the warp through wall trick...
Post subject: Karate Kid - Yay or Nay...
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I was trying to find some NES games that were not done time attack fashion, as of yet..and I think Karate Kid is one of them...with its parallels to Kung Fu, this one might be a fun video to view...just in playing around, some pretty kewl things can be taking a jump downwards and having an enemy come onscreen while in the course of that jump and wiping out that enemy as well as the one coming after him with one swift kick before ever landing...some funny backwards attacks could probably be utilized as as the subject header says...Yay if you think it would be a good idea to try...or Nay if not...If I get enough Yays, I will try this one...I am also working on Strider, but since its more time consuming, I would like to toss this one into the mix for some variety since its a more linear game...:)