Posts for Unknown_User

Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Frame by frame eh? That sounds like it'd be required in the vertical levels of the Super C movie I'm working on perfecting...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Why didn't you get the first Magic Container before going to Parapa? Actually, you should have gotten the Fairy spell and Downstab already, but..
i dont think that your faster when getting the hammer and downstab and fairy before castle 1. missing the attack level ups of castle makes you slower in getting the hammer.
Why did you get the Candle?
we talked abouth that already.
Why didn't you kill an extra enemy so that the statue levels your attack to 3? Why did you talk to Error in Ruto? In Death Mountain, there's a point where you fight but don't kill a Goriya, then fight and kill a Daira that drops a P-bag. Why didn't you kill the Goriya so it would drop the P-bag instead? When you're about to get the hammer, why do you level Magic to 3? ..and maybe this is a style issue, but why do you kill all the Octoroks and other small enemies but not the Myu?
perhaps that was very late night once more... :-D
Why didn't you switch to the Fairy spell when you got it, so you didn't ahve to open the menu later?
dont know how it works in yuor version but i had to open the menu always before being able to use any magic, so
Why get the red bottle in Midoro Swamp?
if i had not i would have been hit by those on map monsters. tried every other way :(
Why visit the King's Tomb?
same again
Why get the Child & Reflex spell before getting the Boots?
unfortunately i mentioned this after i finished the run. if i make a new one i will improve this.
You did not use the fastest route in the Great Temple.
i did ...
You are not very aggressive against Dark Link, and you miss shots.
here it desynchedbout 20 times. i lost my motivation and made it that way. up+a is faster but it looks not very entertaining. if you would use virtuanes you could make a new one. i think the disc version it not that entertaining cause noone ever played it for real :-/ i know i made several mistakes in this run. but its a very long run and you know that the motivation is not that high after a while of playing. so please understand my faults ;o)
Joined: 1/1/2022
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I've gotten it working on windows now also, but unfortunently, have no where to host it and it's still not at all polished. Anyway, if anyone wants either the windows executable or a copy of the patch, let me know.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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well here is what i have found so far, although i only got to play with it for about an hour. i was playing with epsxe. so far what i have found is that it runs much slower then realtime (proly at about .7 speed or so) but the recording looks really nice. i am also haveing trouble with sound (on the emulation) it gets the standard sounds, but isnt playing any of the background music (this is for c:sotn so the music is kinda important). this is proly just cause i dont have the right sound plugins and whatnot. i assume when people refer to re-recording that is something that allows you to go back to your savestate and record from there, and i cant find a way to do this so far. so if anyone else has more free time then me, here are some thing i would like help figureing out: 1: how to get my sound working 2: how to get it to play, or at least re-play at 100% speed 3: how to get the record process to cut out the video for when you go back to save state(as in the section of video that I messed up on and dont want on my recording :) just for some background here are the basic specs on my pc (nothing great wich is proly most of my speed/sound problems): athelon 1800+ gforce4mx soundblasterlive 768 mg ram thanks in advance for the help, and ill keep you guys updated when i get to work on this more
Post subject: Fester's Quest
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Any one Dare time attack this game? The game is so complex with such a bad storyline ....I dont think anyone would take the time to master this game.
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stx-Vile wrote:
Yeah, that's the only place where it is needed. Ether is required to open up Misery Mire (dungeon 6) and Bombos aren't needed at all.
guess the 3 minute glitch speed run does not count? :P Bri
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thanks Xerophyte, thats the sort of thing i was lookin for, ill play around with it when i get home from work. if anyone has any experiance with this program or things i should look for a heads up would be nice. and yes i do have access to a computer with rca input, but honestly i want somethign that will be enjoyable to watch, not to show off my skills, so not only would that give poorer quality video to play it on the psx, but you would have to sit through lots of un-nessisary mistakes and whatnot. ill do some testing to see what i can do as far as recording and video editing to a decent format (avi or divx) thanks for the input though :)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
yes that thread is what prompted me to want to create a speedrun for the game. but the information I am lookin for is on the technical process of makeing a recording, and i assume that topic is more relavent in this forum (the game making forum)
Post subject: want to make a speedrun, need some tips, c:sotn, psx
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
just wondering if anyone knows any good programs for making a speedrun video for a playstation game (castlevania symphony of the night is waht im after). i would prefer to do it with emulation, im currently at work so ill play with whats out there when i get home, but if someone already knows of a good psx emulator with recording capabilities and whatnot that would help me out lots. im guessing there isnt any easy way to do psx as i havnt seen much of any vids out there. otherwise what is the best way to do this without emulation. i could prolybly manage to plug my psx into a pc and record it that way if need be, but if anyone could give me some hints on where to start i would appreciat it
Post subject: what would be the best way to do this anyway
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
is there any good way to create a good speedrun with psx. im honestly thinking about trying to make one, but id rather do it on emulation or something as it would look much better and i could do it faster probably. but i havnt ever played around with psx emulation so not sure what is out there for it. if anyone could give me a basic rundown of how to record a good run would be id proly be willing to take the time to make one. the best way i can think atm would be to just hook my psx up to my pc and run it that way, but honestly i dont have the skills to sit down and beat it strait though. i would need to iether edit the video, or find do it via emulation and save state. any help would be appreciated as i know there has to be a good amount of demand for a c:sotn speedrun and maybe if i make one, someone out there will try to outdo me :)
Post subject: id like to see a speedrun of this as well
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
this has always been one of my favorite games, i managed to get it in under n hour as well, but id like to see someone elses run to see if i missed anythign. i through togeather a guide a few years ago, here is a link to it: its vary brief and somewhat hard to follow. but if anyone knows anythign i can do better or anything i may go back and try to improve my run, this run was done based primarily on my own experimentations of runs, so i could of easily missed something
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Nach wrote:
As a Linux user, you should be using CVS just like ipher is.
I am, it's just that it isn't, or at least doesn't seem, to be as upto date and sparkly as the WIPs. :) Still, I've waited this long since the last stable release, I'm sure I can wait a little while longer.
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I'm not using Famtasia - I'm using VirtuaNES.
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i know. your site works great! its more more famous than mine so i have to do so ;o) due to bittorrent you got nearly none traffic. and by the way its not possible to post in forums without registration as well here.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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thanks a lot for all of your words. that is very important for me cause only with opinions i know what i can improve at all. so at first i removed the music (couldnt hear it myself any longer :D) and the no-right-click. the site was made for 1024*768. of course it looks a bit strange when you use other resolutions. i will try to get this error message away. do not know why it occurs yet. registration: if i would allow everybody to just download would make no sense. deep links are dangerous for me because traffic is really expensive in germany. so i think its not too much to registrate, and it does not even takes a minute. dont know your experiences but the downloads are really fast, i get 512 kbyte/sec in several tests. think about how much traffic could it be in a month if there would be many traffic thieves... :-/ every webmaster wants as much satisfied visitors as possible and as many as possible. registration makes people coming back. if you got more critics or suggestion please tell me. you are always welcome.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
@valawhatever 1.if you want a speedrun with the english version -> do your own 2.if you want them to be done quicker -> do your own 3.if you want to read the text in the game -> play yourself 4.if you think my run is not good -> make arguments, critics are ok but tey have to be real arguments. else its no discussion. 5.i just posted my link with my zelda 2 run here cause i know that here are some people who would like to see an avi. it should be no advertising at all. so if you think that you only want to see movies with bisqwits rules why you downloaded it though you could see that it was not bisqwits site where you downloaded it from? the way check out castlevania 3 run and read the ingame text...nice english isnt it?
Post subject: Solomon's Key 2 / Fire 'n Ice
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I believe this is meant to be a sequel to Solomon's Key - the style of puzzling is similar. I'm looking for a game to timeattack - it will be my first - and this game is challenging enough for me to want to try. Would there be any interest?
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At least you apologise your words about my work :) It would be great if you could give me some suggestions perhaps how to improve it or what you do not like exactly so i could change that perhaps. saying that the design is crappy may be your opinion but it does not include any arguments.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Bladegash wrote:
For a run such as this, you may want to contact the webmaster of SDA, the Speed Demos Archive. They accept runs for nearly all games. Check it out.
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Post subject: Ninja Gaiden 3
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Started to try some speedrunning in this game, seems abit harder then NG2 but I have a pretty nice time comin' up! Patience, maybe 1 more week and it's done and ready to be posted.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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I remember trying to play Final Fantasy 5 and I finally realized I could disable the water layer so it was actually possible to get through the ship graveyard. :P
Post subject: Snes9x Linux/Unix rerecording patch (expirimental)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I've written a patch (currently for unix/linux only) to support rerecording with snes9x. If anyone wants it let me know and I'll post it in the thread. I haven't tested it a whole bunch but it seems to be working for me.
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wooooaa!!! cool cool man... been waiting for that game .. as i recall the game was pretty hard to beat ... how long is the run and so on?
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Bisqwit wrote: Specifically:
I don't redistribute video files (avi, asf, mpg and so on) for various reasons.
Aw, I see, well thats that.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
The only real problem with the WIPs is if you are a linux user as they don't always compile :/