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You guys are very strong O_O
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Thanks for the tips. Not sure how you get the crashman rockets back by killing megaman off. You don't respawn your weapons when you die. But I will try it.
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wow how the hell did I never thing of X+Y+1 = X+Y I feel so stupid.
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Post subject: Math question
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This isn't a riddle, but it's a question I have been trying to figure out for a long time but sadly I am not that good at math so I have never been able too. it's totally possible that what I am asking for is impossible also. But here it is. Is it possible to write an equation that contains 2 variables, that cannot be true? You can use numbers and variables, but exactly two variables (X and Y) must be used in this equation, they can be used multiple times each if you wish. So for example something like this: X + Y = X (Of course this can easily be true, if either X or Y are 0) It seems like making one or the other 0 will always tend to make an eqaution possible but like I said, I am bad at math.
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I hate YouTube also but I agree that something must be done. The author should be given credit, and if the best way to do that is to do the job yourself than maybe thats the path we should take.
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I am stuck on MM2. I am on the third Wily stage where the boss is a series of hemicircle guns seperated by barriers that only crashman rockets can get through. But nothing seems to work on the guns themselves. The guns slowly charge and all fire on you super fast bullets making it almost impossible to dodge! How do I beat this? Needleman is my favorite MM3 tune. I actually have a MM3 soundtrack in my car :D
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Yeah I was just about to say, doesn't the SNES game let you change the controls? I have been playing MM2 like you guys said. The only MM game I really ever played was MM3, and I loved it. But in 2 you can't slide, super annoying that is, but the game is fun. I really love the megaman series. I am pretty pissed megaman hasn't made it into Smash Brothers yet...
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No slang me or my parents have ever heard. But I suppose I can stand to be corrected.
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You know there is a gamecube game what is like the ultimate megaman collection. Any of you guys seen/tried this? is it ok to play megaman on the Cube controller?
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My name is from Myth the Fallen Lords by Bungie. One of the journymen had the name "Twelve Motion Pouncing Jaguar" and I always loved that name is just sounds so mystical. It's kinda long though, so I just made it Twelve Motion. Also Bablo doens't mean money in Russian, as a native russian speaker. Dengi is money, Ruble is dollar, Kopeki is pennies or change, Bobki is kinda slang for money like saying cash thats kinda close.
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Asimov's Foundation series is pretty interesting if you are a sci-fi kinda guy. I also second Hitchhikers Guide.
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Rockman, megaman... What was the answer to that by the way? I forget, is it just the japanese name? MM2 huh? I will give that a try. Please tell me what consoles the MM you are talking about are on. Megaman zero?
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Post subject: Best Megaman game
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The only megaman game i every really played was MM3 for NES. But I want to play anotherone and I am overwhlemed with how many there are! Which is the best? NES and SNES only please. I know it's a matter of opinion and all, but if there is a particular reason you like one over others please let me know. A new mechanic or something?
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I got a good one. Last boss from Prince of Persia 2. You fight him in this cool surreal realm full of impossible angles and platforms to chase him on. Last boss of prince of persia the two throwns is also good.
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They will more than likely do a secarian birth. I doubt a baby would fit out any other wholes a man has. I don't reallly see why this is sick or gross. Not any more gross than anyone giving birth, like it matters if it's a man or a woman that gives birth. With science all things are possible I guess. I am with you highness, now we CAN live without them :D
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New problem, the demo world patch seems to have an exe file in it that needs to be run called lunar expander. Darn exe files! Looks like plan B is in order.
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Post subject: Super Demo World?!
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I just saw the run of it, I must have it. Anyone have any idea how I could get the ISO patch or whatever to apply if I am on a Mac?
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But it looks terribly cumbersom to play games we are used to... For example, how could you play a fighting game on that?
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I downloaded my files from Zophars, they don't contain track names. Everything is just 5/57 and 2/49 stuff. I didn't know the SNES site has NES games... I will check them out. Looks like I might have to just cross reference with vgmusic.
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Hey um... can you send me a similar link for mega man games? I tried looking for it, but I couldn't seem to find it. If it's not to much trouble.
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I must admit, the SB3 Morimoto was the video that got me interested in this. It's amazing to everyone. Mostly because nearly every person 16-30 has played SMB3 and understands all the tricky plays Mori pulls off.
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Cool thanks a lot.
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Post subject: Castlevania Music Titles?
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I got an RSN from OCremix, Zophars, and SNES music archive. Every RSN I got always has the tracks titles 5/28 and stuff. But I really want some track titles. Maybe even just the level number like Stage II level 4 like ninja gaiden. Can anyone help me out with this? I haven't actually ever beaten any of the Castlvania games so I can't just remember where everything is. I suppose I could download the speed runs and do it that way, but some levels might be skipped and stuff I am going to keep that as a last resot.
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After downloading some Super Battle Toads music, I realized I can easily record music off my xbox games. Halo, Ninja Gaiden, and Tenchu have truly excellent soundtracks. And they are on the new gen consoles, so the music out of context doesn't even sound like video games music. I am double impressed with Tenchu. The music is an excellent mix of ambient oriental sounds with some modern techno beats mixed in. I say FF6 and Secret of Mana have the best sountracks ever. I love almost everything from SOM. FF7 and FFX also have alot of good tracks. I think Chocobo Theme in all it's millions of forms is the most memerable video game song I have heard.
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Well lets just say regardless of which grade of math you used, I would never be able to write mathimatic forumlas that make sense, or apply math in any prectical purpose whatsoever. So my hat is off to you guys. Sorry I missed how high you got. I was under the impression the program was still in beta testing. I don't know anything about math so reading ever post here doesn't interest me, just the overall progress.
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