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wow Thanks alot Gigafrost thats exactly what I need.
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I have a mac, and I am not familair with a sprite only feature, if it even exists on SNESx9. Now that I have done some more work on my project, I realize I also need a sprite of the feather. If anyone could get me those two sprites it would be greatly appreciated.
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Post subject: Mario World Sprites
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I am looking for a full archive of Super Mario World Sprites. All I need really, is a sprite of Mario riding Yoshi with wings. I have looked at many sprite websites, but none of them seem to have what I am looking for. Anyone got some good links?
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1. Secret of Mana 2. NBA Jam 3. FF III (6j) 4. MK II 5. Street Fighter II The New Challangers 6. Contra Alien Wars 7. Donkey Kong Country 1 8. Super Mario World (c'mon you know it's the best) 9. Super Punch out 10. Mario Kart
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Yeah, and ... I think. If I am wrong simply google Richard Bannistar. he makes all kinda of emulators. And Auido Overload the .rar music listening tool.
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Interesting to think about. Say there is a war, and both sides have a prediction machine. Both sides will need to try to do thier best to not do what they have been predicted to do.
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I am sorry, I simply skimmed most of this thread so if this has been brought up then... I am sorry again :D Have you ever read much of Isaac Asimov? He wrote a series of books called Foundation which talk about something very similar to this. The books the hero, Harry Seldon, is a brilliant mathmatician who invents a whole new branch of math called Psycohistory. It is the study of peoples reactions to events. What he can do is convert a bunch of events (involving humans) into numbers, write an equation for it. Then if a similar event occurs, he can simply change some variables and the equation will give him a prediction of what might occur. I didn't read the whole series, only the first book. But in order for Harry to get his project off the ground he needs to learn alot about human psychology. He needs to study history carefully and try to figure out how humans have acted in various situations. This story takes place in the distant distant future I beleive in the year 20,000 AE. A universe where the Earth is not only long gone, but long forgotton. In Harry's world even bringing up the idea that ALL humans came from only one planet is absurd. So there a few million, or maybe couple hundred million years of human history and psychology for Harry to study. What you are talking about is very interesting indeed. As for your question of where to get all this knowledge, I will say it might be possible but like Isaac predicts, not for a very long time. I don't think the human race has set enough precedence yet. Maybe when we are a much older and wiser species something like this will be possible. But it also brings up many questions of free will. if predicting what people will do becomes a part of culture then there will be people who will do things against what they are predicted to do...
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The software gap has all but closed. Every big new game comes out on PC and Mac now, and Mac has already had all the key software for years. And everything a Mac can do, a PC can not do better. Not to mention macs are all but immune to adware/spyware and viruses. And telling someone "tough crap, but a new computer" is pretty stupid anyway.
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I downloaded the latest version of Audio Overload and it works fine. So problem seems to be solved. Thanks to everyone that tried to help.
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I have a mac and I am using Audio Overload. It usually works, but this isn't the first time I have run into this problem. If there are any other mac programs that read these files I would love to hear about them.
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For some odd reason anytime I get anything from that site, I can never open it. I get some stupid error message, everytime. I tried it with metriod though, and got the message again.
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Post subject: Super Metriod .rar/.rsn/.spc
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You guys have helped me out with this before, so I am hoping you can again. I have been trying to get the soundtrack to super metriod and I downloaded an .rar from Zophars, and an rsn from OCremix and both don't work! All that happens for each track is a half second noise. LIke a beep, or a BOP and then nothing. Is it me? or is it broken files? My AIM is Alex Wins, if you think you can help me please IM me. Or reply here.
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Alright awesome, enjoy it.
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Marathon was the best shooter in it's time. It is better than doom by far. It's plot is still the best I ever experienced. Marathon was a fantastic game all the way through, with TONS of room to be stylish. And yes the reason I bring it up is because it is indeed open source, and you can download play, and save replays for free. I am not good enough to pull off any of the fancy stuff that some people used to back in the day, like Total Carnage (Highest difficulty) fists only and stuff like that. But you could make some killer vids of this game I tell you. If you have only "heard" of it. I urge you to download it and play it, Marathon 1 if you can get it. I promise once you get to level 2 the story will hook you right in. I have a Mac myself, and I actually owned the CDs so I had no trouble getting them, I just had to download an OS X updater, but I hear that with the Marathon II demo, and some other program all three marathon games are fully playable. I would be glad to research where to get the PC version if anyone is actually interested.
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Post subject: Anyone here play Marathon?
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It's a game made by Bungie a pretty long time ago. I was wondering if anyone here played it, because there is a lot of room for some stylish run through it, if PC games are acceptable speed/style run candidates.
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insult to injury!
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Yeah thanks to those links to classic gaming I got a bunch of titles. I am excited to play them. I LOVE Ikaruga but I have no means to play it :(
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I love you FODA, and I love your runs too ^_~
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NES huh? Well I will look into that next.
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Holy crap, Jikko Oberoen Paroduis is the ZANIEST game I have ever played! I wish I understood japanese...
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Post subject: Looking for good shooters
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I am looking for NES, SNES and Genisis shooters similar to R-Type or Axaley. I don't care if they are in japanese or something, since the story to these games are not very importiant. So tell me about all the one that are good. Gradius and R-Type I already know about.
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There is no ZSNES for mac even... Damn I really want the soundtrack.
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Haha sorry FODA those instruction are a little to vague for me to try something like that. Can I even do that on SNESx9 Custom on Mac OSX?
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Post subject: Secret of Evermore Soundtrack?
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I have used up all my sources... and Zaphar's domain and they both don't have the SOE spc, or rar or anything. Do any of you have this collection? I could go to vgmusic but I don't want remixes I want the originals... Can any of you guys help me out?
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Hey happy birthday. I just watched your kid chameleon run. It was one of the most entertaining runs yet! It ruled.
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