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I have beaten double dragon II plenty of times all the way through on NES with a friend of mine. The whole time only accidentally doing the knee, haha.
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wow really? I have never ever seen or heard of those before.
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haha you guys are great! Helping me pick up all the bits and peices from my childhood. Haha this is fun, it's kinda like playing 20 questions.
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ok ok, here is another one. This one is way hard because I remeber alot less from it. Here is what I got. it's NES It's ninja based, you are some kind of ninja. In one of the levels (the first one I think) you have to get accross a city avioding spot lights. You hide in shadows, and crouch as the lights go past you. On other parts of the game I vaguely remeber repelling down a buildings, over head views of indoor envirenments. Here is a list of games I am not talking about: Ninja Gaiden Shinibi Legend of Kage Otherwise, does anyone know what I am talking about?
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Has anyone talked about Ghosts'n'goblins and Super Ghouls'n'ghosts? I beat them on my emulator but I seriously ABUSED save states. I saved at every level, and it took me like 30 resets on each one! Then I beat the games just to find out I have to do it again!? OMFG.
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Well alright, I admit defeat. I didn't really think about PCs at all... I suppose I have heard of Marathon speedruns. Alright There has always been speed running. Where ever there was a game that could be run, someone ran it!
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Yeah do so, it is probably the most bizarre mascott ever. It's a man, in a strange red rabit suite O_o for domino's pizza... You would think AT LEAST it would ve something that has to do with dominos. But no.
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Well like I say, there were speed runs back when video games were made. But it really got big and popular with emulators.
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hahaha, I do beleive that is it!
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Hey new game I am looking for. It's for NES and it features this strage mascott Domino's Pizza used to have. You use a yo-yo you fight, you have big rabit ears, and between level there a pizza eating contests.
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I started downloading throngs of games in anticipation of my coming retro USB SNES controllers, and they bring on many questions.
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Post subject: Are the Bubble Bobble Dragons the same as Bust a Move?
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I have been real curious. I know they are made by the same company, and they are the same creatures. But is it really the SAME guys?
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Well in that case. The best way to search for games on that site, is simple. Click on advances search, pick your console, and make it rate by download count, and descending. That way you will get the comepletel list of games, with the most downloaded ones up top. This way you will see all the most popular games. This is largely how I buily my collection. It's like "ask the audience" and they tell you which games every is getting.
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Oh well I suppose people could have been doing speed runs forever. But I really think it got big with emulators, because it gives you a quick way to record and show off. Otherwise if I just TORE UP mario 2 one day at my house, no one would have known you know? So I still stand by my comment, it got big, when emulation got big. But I don't doubt that people did it. We all should know about the guy that played the perfect pacman games, and stuff. Video game competitions have been around since arcades, but speed runs seems like it's something you need to record you know?
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Ha, actually a pretty deep combat system for a 2 button game.
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They actually have more search options then meet the eye. They have an advances search that lets you search for a particular game by name. They also allow you to have the lists appear in different order, other then just by name, such as by country, by amount of dls. A pop up blocker helps also. (Can we even be talkig about this?)
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I think it probably really happened in the golden age of emulation, since you need emulator tools do make these things possible. But I am no expert, we need Bisqwit himself to come and talk about it.
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Oh my god does this ever bring me back... There they are Adhesive Mines. MAN what a game this is! It's so easy though! I wish your primary weapons didn't do so much damage! I don't remember after you beat it, can you go back through it on hard or something? because there isn't even a hard mode in the options!!! If I played this with me mom we would beat this game... But so much fun. This could make a pretty fancy skill run. Using nothing but secondary weapons or soemthing?
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Oh man! Thanks alot!!! As soon as edgeemu get off the fritz I will run and download it!!! OH MAN.
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Oh river city randsom. Well I have that, I will need to get all the rest of those. (yeah good call sorry)
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I love this video because it would have been impressive enough if he simply did the parry --> super but he went above and beyond with an air parry --> FK,, c.fp --> super. UNREAL
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-.- Thank you very much.
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So I am still in the dark here. Rockman 3 is the same as Megaman 3?
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Is that going to be turned into an .avi? I have a Mac so I can't watch those fancy FMV or whatevers, but I love this game. Is that run of the genises or the SNES by the way?
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What? So... if I wanted to download a Kunio game (is that a company?) right now, I would look up "Kunio or Nekketsu" on NES and SNES? Are they japanese games? Do I need to look for english tranlsations?
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