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Ok, I added the alts.
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I use Dreamweaver, and actually I remeber seeing an Alt blank when I was making the images. What do I put in alt? A smaller picture?
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Well thank you very much Bisqwit! I don't know much about alt paramaters, how did you know I don't have any? you have one of those browsers? Is there an easy way to fix it?
JXQ's biggest fan.
Post subject: I have a website now gentlemen!
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it's about time I went virtual! it's mostly haiku and goofy poems, but there will be video game stuff in there also. tell me what you think.
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on OCremix I just figured out how to listen to the whole soundtracks of games. They are in rsn format so you need some special player to listen to them. Whats kinda wierd is that all the original tracks are REALLY long. I am talking like 400-600 min sometimes!!! Thats pretty crazy... When you export them you can clip them though.
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Haha cool! I wish I could have gone to that.
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Nice one, i'll actually keep it. is my favorite because they have the remixes, and they also have the originals. The originals is really what I am after. They are awesome.
JXQ's biggest fan.
Post subject: Video Game Music
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Do any of you guys collect and listen to VG music? I have a huge collection of video game mp3s and I always enjoy them. Alot of great songs exist in games that I have never played. So if you have any favorite tracks from any game please tell me about them.
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So is giving or recieving oral sex in the state of MN... No one is going to jail for it. But if the debate is over the legality of ROMS then they are indeed illigal. Nintendo is actually re-releasing alot of thier games on gameboy now. You know what I think, Sega and Nintendo both should release and emulation pack. Official nintendo/sega made emulators of NES/SNES/Master System/Genesis including a bunch of roms and USB original controllers. Who wouldn't buy that eh? I would be all over it. Then they could sell more games off thier website for 1-3$ a download... They can easily make money off this.
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Post subject: Final Fantasy Confusion
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This whole Final Fantasy thing is killing me. Someone correct me when i'm wrong. FF (J) = FF (US) FF2 (J) FF3 (J) FF4 (J) = FF2 (US) FF5 (J) FF6 (J) = FF3 (US) FF7 ect...
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i'm confused... What about 6?
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You hate FF7? It's just like a much better version of FF3 with better graphics. The esper system was changed to the materia system. It is still very similar, but better and easier to understand. Game is awesome.
JXQ's biggest fan.
Post subject: Anyone here play much FF3?
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This game is bested only by FF7! It's excellent!
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Oh no no please don't stop, this is fascinating. You guys like chess prodigies or seomthing? High school champians? Something like that?
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I read chess for dummies a couple of months ago... I know what tempo means! :)
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Any format will do, wmv, quicktime, whatever.
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Well... How about people come back and answer the questions that they left? Because I am still curious.
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Post subject: Omnislash video!?
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I have been looking for days all over the net for a video of Clouds omnislash from FF7... can anyone help?
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Hmm thanks alot for that. I will go download Lufia right away. Is secret of mana 2 on SNES? and is it in english? I really didn't like breath of fire, but maybe I had BOF 1? I have played and LOVE mario RPG.
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Heh wow you don't waste any time. Just for the sake of thouroughness can you tell me what makes Lufia 2 stand out? What are some cool parts or mechanics?
JXQ's biggest fan.
Post subject: Final Fantasy question (Unrelated to the Q&A)
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I am asking for opinions here. I have recently discovered the world of emulation and I am going back and picking up the peices I never had. Starting with RPGS. I already enjoyed Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana. I am currently on FF3 for SNES. What is the next great RPG I should play? I hear good things about FF1 for NES.
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Hey fighter guy! Can you tell me the home city of all the SF2Turbo Characters? (Turbo is the one with Fei Long and Dee-Jay right? If not, then that is the one I mean.)
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Wow Arc and Xebra thanks alot those are very interesting and useful stats.
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I have a few questions that just came in. I really need these answered or WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ME REPUTATION!? 1. What is the best selling video game so far? I have been thinking about it alot, and I am thinking Starcraft, but thats a total guess. Counter-Strike (PC) maybe? I need help on this one. 2. What is the home city of all of the fighters in street fighter 2 turbo? Here is what I got. Guile (New York) Vega (Madrid) Zangief (Mascow) Balrog (Vegas) Cammy (London) Ryu Ken (USA ??) Chun-li (China ??) Fei-long Hawk (USA ??) Sagat (Thailand ??) Bison (Thailand ??) Blanka (Brazil ??) Dhalsim (India ??) Honda (Japan ??) Dee Jay (Jamaca ??)
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Who is Mario named after?
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