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Untrue, there were many great characters, and the rest were junk.
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Yeah I am familair with that artist. We both hang out at the "No Mutants Allowed" forum. He was a part of my inspiration.
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Agapo- No I didn't make Ian up. You can hire him for 100 caps (or 65% or better speech skill for free) from Shady Sands. He is pretty much necessity if your character isn't the fighting type (like a thief or a diplomat). Early in the game fighting Rad Scorpians with a weak character is near impossible, and Ian can do it for you. Vidar- It's based on Fallout 1. A fallout two comic would take... years to cmoplete.
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Post subject: Name Change
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Hey everyone, just so there is no confusion. This is 12Motion. I have asked Bisq to change my name to virtualalex and he was kind enough to do so. So I am now VirtualAlex.
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For sure. I already got the next few chapters storyboarded.
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The comic isn't complete yet, the Vault Dweller has just arrived at Junktown. It's a work in progress.
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I love SSBM! Peach 4-Ever
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I don't understand what you said at all.
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Post subject: Fallout Comic
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I have been working on a Fallout comic book for the last year or so. Well I took about 6 months off so I am just picking it back up. But I figured since this is a video game related forum some of you guys might have interest in it. It's made using all in-game screen shots, and following the plot pretty much exactly. It's more like a pictoral walkthrough of the game, however the there is original dialouge. I have been getting pretty good feedback about it in general. Check it out if your interested. The Water Chip
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Strike Gunner S.T.G. (SNES): A shooter, but tons of weapons and your ships can combine into a super ship. River City Ranson (NES): One of the funnest RPG/Adventure games I ever played! Turtles in Time (SNES): Bomb. Battle Toads/Super Battle Toads (NES/SNES): It's hard to call these "fun" though considering how frustratingly hard they are. Can someone talk a little more about Quarth? Like what system it's for would be nice. It's genre and style would be good to know also.
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Yuck I hate to run. But this sounds like a lot of fun. Wish you luck, it would be quite the story to succeed in such an event.
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Haha cool card. But Type 2 has always been like that, and power levels of seperate cards don't change that anyway. The most powerful cards will always be more expensive. If anything this is a case for a consistant power level. Because if card's power is increasing with time, so should card prices. Because all the type 1 players would be going crazy trying to get all the imbalanced powerhouses. Yet the most expensive cards have consitantly been 20-25 dollars. (No counter the power nine of course). Here is a card though, in honor of my new favorite game Gears of War. Marcus Fenix WW3 3/3 Marcus Fenix comes into play with either a Lancer(Assault rifle) token, or a Gnasher(Shotgun) token. If Marcus has a Lancer token, he gets 0/+1 and has "T: Marcus deals damage equal to his power to target attacking creature." If Marcus has a Gnasher token he gets +2/0 and any creature dealt damage by Marcus cannot be regenerated this turn. Flavor reasons. Because with an assault rifle's range, he is more able to defend behind cover and destroy attackers. The shotgun, because in the game, if you get hit by the shotty at close range your body totally gets mangled and you can't be revived. It is also a very powerful attacking weapon. Those who played this game will of course know this already. I have grown fond of my "Either this or that" mechanic. I think it would a pretty sweet thing to implement. I know R&D frowns on different kinds of tokens, but a coin has 2 sides. I think it would easy to keep track of just 2 options.
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All I want to say is JXQ is an artist. I loved the rant, and I love you defense of it. Both are spot on. I have never played prime, and generally never liked Metroid series much. But I can already see way to much stuff on the screen. I don't see why you need a weapon display ... also I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong with his TV. Obviously JXQ plays his fair share of video games probably on the same TV and the others don't require him to adjust the controls to play the game comfortably. If I had to adjust ther setting on the TV everytime I had to play the game, I would not play the game. Call my lazy. I would also like to chime in on the whole realism argument. Realism is great, unless it hinders game experience. I don't want to play sim real life. I don't want to wipe bird crap of my virtual car. Sure it's realistic but it's stupid to implement. A more realistic game does not equal a more fun game. Here is a fun example. Put in Grand Theft Auto, and obey the traffic laws. Check out how fun and realistic it is.
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Don't forget that 11/11 has trample :D I am not sure what your saying Lag. It is indeed stilll called type two, and the Dragonstorm, Gaze, and Urzatron archtypes are the big hitters. None of them are totally imba, and it's not like we are talking about 3rd turn kills or anything. I am not sure how you are defining these power levels.
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Well, obviously thing will vary from set to set. Thats what keeps it fun and different. Some sets are faster, some slower, some more control heavy ect... But, the power level is still held constant. They have released some imba cards, but they are doing thier best to not make "older" decks totally inferior to newer ones, and it's been true.
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Lag, I don't understand your post. Are you implying that suntail hawk is broken? Eager Cadet? Or are you comparing suntail hawk to spirit monger? Here is how I define a broken card. It's a card, that if you play it's colors, you would be stupid not to play. For example, if you have a deck thats mostly red, you should play Lightning Bolts. They are simply the best red card, and therefore broken. Spirit Monger, although is a good creature, doesn't go into every green/black deck. Or another definition of a broken card, is a card that totally changes and dominates the gaming envirenment. None of the cards you listed did that. And I still say the game isn't any more broken than it used to be: not that broken at all. Even in the times of Timewalk and Recall the game was still fun. Even during Necropotence the game was fun. And ... what about eager cadet?
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They nerfed trample? I didn't even know that. Also intturputs aren't quite the same as split seconds, because NOTHING can respond to split seconds, but interupts can be responded too. But yes, Mark Rosewater says they have very strict rules about keeping the power level of cards constant, and the game isn't any more broken than it used to be.
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Fantastic work. I love M64 runs they are the most entertaining to watch! How come AKA has been so silent on this thread? Probably trying to get his record back! I hope so. Something strange I noticed. The entrance puddle to Hazy Cave Maze was all black instead of it's usual metallic silver. Whats the deal with that? Some kind of rom difference?
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Yes, you guys are right, escpecially since i made him RRR to cast, pretty much demanding he be in a one color deck. I suppose his casting cost would go up to R4 and that might make him decent. For the record, any X spell that is played without paying it's casting cost counts the X as a 0. So you could only do a 0 damage fireball with chrono's ability. Good work on the new megaman. The spike like would be really funny.
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Chrono RRR 2/3 Legendary Human Fighter Whenever Chrono deals combat damage to a player reveal the top card of your library. If the card is red, you may play it without paying it's mana cost.
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OH! Ha, that scorpian. I would make him R/B, give him regenerate and make him a legendary ninja demon.
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Being able to kill all attackers and blockers for 1 - 1 mana/damage is far from average. Who or what is Scorpion? Heh, looking at my post I just remembered something! Eggplant Wizard BU1 1/1 Creature Eggplant Wizard Eggplant Wizard comes into play with 3 magic tokens on him. 2,T, Remove a magic token from Eggplant Wizard: Put an eggplant token on target creature. That creature loses all abilities and becomes 0/2 with 5: remove and eggplant token from this creature. Oh yeah, P.S. not that it's a big deal or anything, but in standard magic card notation here is what mana symbols are: G, R, U (blue),B (black), and W. So like UUU is threel blue mana, and UUB is blue blue black. But like I said, it's no big deal I am just saying so every can choose to use them.
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That actually would be kinda cool. Is multiple Samus's are printed, but she still retains legendary status, so you can only have one of the three samus versions out at a time.
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Well I would argue that inventing a new mechanic isn't out of bounds at all. I mean everything we are making up is totally fake anyway. As long as the mechanic is reasonable I see no reason to get upset after seeing them. I appreciate the work Boco went through (reading the 9th ed manual) to participate in this little fantasy. I like what you are doing with the FF spells. Thats an awesome idea for the Video Game block :D Samus 6 Legendary Artifact Creature 3/2 1: Samus deals 1 damage to blocking or attacking creature. Fairly simple, but I don't know how to include the ball ability. I am thinking Morph, but I don't know how that would help, if anything it wouild make this card better than it is, and it's hella good now. Being able to kill everything that attacks or blocks is pretty huge. But it captures the futuristic gun suit well I think?
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Haha encouraging kids to play with fire, and cardboard seems like a hilarious idea in theory.
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