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Nach wrote:
If that's your only source, then yes, the Bible nowhere says to stone a drunkard.
I said "unruly drunkard".
Meaning, the person has to be these 3 things, and to the extent that the parents feel the child is completely out of control and deserves this punishment.
Oh, well, if it's all three of those things, then it's morally acceptable to punish him with death by stoning.
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Nach wrote:
Where does the Bible say one should be stoned for being a drunkard?
Deuteronomy 21:18-21: "If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid." (Notice who makes the judgment. Not judges, not priests. The parents, and the elders of the town.)
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Spikestuff wrote:
grassini wrote:
automatic no vote. i don't support any categories besides any and 100%,nice tas though,just believe it doesn't belong here.
Spikestuff wrote:
Did you find this movie entertaining?
I'm a broken record.
No matter how much the site admins would wish otherwise, the poll question will always be interpreted by most people as "should this be published?" I have been trying to rally them to change it to reflect what users want it to mean, to no avail. (My suggestions are: "I found it entertaining." "I did not find it entertaining, but have no objection to publication." "This shouldn't be published (describe reasons in the thread.)")
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You throw insults at people, they get upset, and now you complain about them getting upset about it. Makes complete sense.
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Nach wrote:
Indeed the Bible is violent, whoever thinks otherwise hasn't read it. However, nearly every violent section provides moral justification for doing so.
Bisqwit wrote:
Who decides morals?
Need I say more? Extremist Muslims also believe that imposing sharia law, forcing dhimmis to pay jizya, stoning adulterers, and so on, is morally right. The point is still: It's a bit hypocritical to accuse the Islam (or any other religion for that matter) of immoral atrocities, when Christianity has such atrocities in its holy book as well. All religions defend their own holy book in the same way, and condemn other religions in the same way. One thing that makes modern Christians better than extremist Muslims is that they filter the Bible's commands through a secular morality filter, and thus they don't eg. stone people to death for being unruly drunkards, or think that slavery is acceptable. Extremist Muslims do not, which is why they still keep stoning and killing people even today.
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Nach wrote:
To counter your above point, did you ever notice how the first few books of the Bible (the most significant part of the old testament) limit those extermination laws to the land of Canaan and its surroundings?
Extermination of people (and in some cases even taking people as spoils of war) doesn't become somehow more morally acceptable if it happens only within a region. The point is: Christians who point accusingly at the Quran for being violent are whitewashing or even ignoring atrocities in the Bible. There's a passage in Matthew that talks about not pointing flaws in others, when you have such flaws yourself. Maybe some self-awareness ought to be in place.
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ars4326 wrote:
But if anyone has any questions about the Bible, maybe I could assist and help add some clarity?
If Jesus was supposed to be Jewish, then why did he have a Mexican name?
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Dark Noob wrote:
I understand your point about this, but think about TASes in the site (not fighting games) that have to die or take damage to pass more fastest possible or do a glitch, isn't the same?
In a normal speed-oriented TAS damage ought to be taken only if it makes the run faster. Otherwise it just looks sloppy. If a fighting game is TASed for maximum speed, then if taking damage at some point allows completing the game faster, it's obviously completely ok. However, since this is not a speed-oriented but an entertainment-oriented TAS... it's not that straightforward.
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I'm not sure I fully agree with the goal of this TAS. In a fighting game it's, of course, very heavily a question of opinion whether the player (who ought to be an absolutely perfect god-like being, in terms of gameplay) should get a "perfect" end result in each round or not. When the player does not, it reeks of imperfection (even if it's completely intentional). I understand differing opinions, but I'm perhaps slightly leaned towards the side that in a TAS you should never get hit, and thus always get "perfect" in each round. After all, you are supposed to be a perfect player, so...
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You must admit that there is what can be rather reasonably classified as hypocrisy and double standards among some Christians, in the subject of the Bible vs. the Quran. These Christians will point to the violent parts of the Quran, where its followers committed atrocities against (what they consider) infidels, and condemn it as barbaric, inhumane and unjustified. But then when someone points to the Bible, eg. to the passages were God orders the extermination of entire infidel nations by his chosen people, sometimes even so egregiously that God orders them to exterminate all men, but leave the young women as spoils of war, these Christians will defend those passages and consider them justified, and even good. You ought to see how from an external point of view there isn't really all much difference between the two things. Both religions are defending their own holy book.
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So, if I understood correctly, and extremely roughly speaking and simplifying, the state in which the particles are unbounded (ie. far apart from each other) has more energy in it than the state where they are bound to form a single nucleus, and it's this extra energy that causes the system to have more mass. Btw, I have two additional, somewhat related questions: 1) If I understand correctly, nuclear fusion happens, essentially, because of the heat. The enormous heat causes the atoms to move very rapidly, so rapidly in fact, that they start colliding with enough force to fuse. The heat, in turn, is caused in stars because gravity compresses the hydrogen gas with an enormous amount of force, and this compression heats the gas up. My question is: Why does compressing gas heat it up? (This may be a trivial and fundamental question, but I actually don't know why it happens.) 2) The proton-proton chain reaction, where hydrogen fuses into helium, consists of three distinct steps. (First two hydrogen atoms fuse into deuterium. Then a deuterium and a hydrogen atom fuse into Helium-3. Then two such Helium-3 atoms fuse to form a "normal" Helium-4 atom (and two protons.)) But what happens in a hydrogen bomb? Does it involve only some of those steps, or all of them? Is actual Helium-4 produced in a hydrogen thermonuclear explosion?
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Aqfaq wrote:
This is a valid concern, but I wonder whether the effect would actually be significant even if there was no limit at all. I think people mostly ignore bad hacks and mods. It seems that very few highly optimized TASes are ever made for such things.
I think that the major concern about accepting all possible mods is that if people start making TASes for extremely simplistic mods that do not add anything of particular significance to the original game. Or even mods that are more akin to cheats than actual original content. As an extreme example, assume someone modded SMB3 so that the playable character is invincible, and nothing more. Or could walk through walls. And then submitted a TAS of it. This kind of mod would be trivial, akin to a cheat code, and not very interesting. Another extreme example would be a reskin mod. In other words, the game remains otherwise identical, except that the graphics are changed to something else. This wouldn't make a good TAS compared to the TAS of the original game. Thus the requirement for notability and quality of the mod.
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My understanding is that debug menus and debug codes are in the same league as cheat codes. Not in the spirit of TASing. It would be like using the debugger console in an unassisted run. (It's generally not considered a valid.)
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When hydrogen fuses to form helium, this process releases energy. Wikipedia explains the reason: "Comparing the mass of the final helium-4 atom with the masses of the four protons reveals that 0.007 or 0.7% of the mass of the original protons has been lost. This mass has been converted into energy, in the form of gamma rays and neutrinos released during each of the individual reactions. The total energy yield of one whole chain is 26.73 MeV." That made me think: "Ah, so neutrons are lighter than protons (because in the fusion process two protons become neutrons, losing stuff along the way). How else could it lose mass?" But then I go and check the mass of a proton, and it's approximately 1.6726×10−27 kg, while the mass or a neutron is approximately 1.6749×10−27 kg. What gives? How can neutrons be more massive than protons, yet Helium-4 be lighter than the four original protons?
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
You guys are acting like this run was terrible.
You can make a great run of a mod, but the question remains whether the mod should be accepted for a TAS publication. After all, we ought to put a limit to how many unofficial mods we accept, or else the site could be littered with TASes for them. Although, admittedly, if the TAS is enjoyable and of high quality, in my books that's a plus for accepting the mod. Not the only criterion, but one nevertheless.
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As a game, it looks like Sonic.
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There's the famous problem of placing 8 queens on a chessboard so that they don't attack each other. But how about this: How many knights can you place on a chessboard so that they don't attack each other?
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That music was absolutely hideous (except, perhaps, for the levels that used original Doom music.) It felt more appropriate for some wacky SNES platformer than Doom.
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The cat is not amused. Link to video
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Or it could be an in-universe story, where a character has seemingly a supernatural ability to predict exactly what will happen, and always act in the perfect way to achieve the desired outcome, no matter how difficult the situation might be. Bonus points for lots of fourth-wall breaking. (Although that's not a new idea. The movie Next is essentially exactly that, sans the fourth-wall breaking. The movie Funny Games also has hints of that, including fourth-wall breaking. I recommend both.)
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Has there ever been a mid-season two-parter? AFAIR there hasn't. (Could be a nice change of pace, though.)
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Would there be nudity involved?
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MUGG wrote:
I recognize that pose, but damned if I remember where it's from.
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I live under an even deeper rock because I don't know what "Friendship Games" refers to. (I know that I can find with two seconds of googling, but before doing that, I have no idea...) Edit: After the 2 seconds of googling, I now know. What I'm left wondering is why they think the EG movie series is so popular that they need to make so many of them. I might check it at some point, but let's just say that I wouldn't be very stressed if I skipped it. I don't find them all that interesting. They are just your average run-of-the-mill saturday cartoons for girls, which lack that something that the series proper has.
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But a MLP game can't have plot without graphics...