Posts for Warp

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All memes are allowed... except this particular one. I'll perhaps never understand.
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Guga wrote:
...why specifically MLP...?
Because it appeals the fanbase and irritates the rest. It's a win-win situation.
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Perhaps the most unintentionally amusing comment I have seen in the twitch chat: "dig out or commit sudoku"
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Where/why do they keep getting pokeballs? Their situation was pretty nice. They had Pidgeot and one free spot for Lapras (to learn surf.) Then they f***ed it up by getting pokeballs. Now the free spot is gone, and they'll have to go to the pc again. High probability of "bye Pidgeot!" Well, I suppose it just can't last forever. It'll mean they'll have to grind for days to get another tank, if they end up releasing the bird. (Btw, how do they end up renaming some of the pokemon?)
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Marx wrote:
How does gravity on black hole exist ?
Why wouldn't it? It has mass. The mass isn't going anywhere. Mass causes gravity.
Does it have a core inside it?
Most of the matter of the original star is still there (and often gathering more of it as more matter fall into it over time.) What's the form of this core? Nobody knows for sure. General relativity predicts that it's a singularity. It's theoretically possible that some weird quantum effects are affecting it so that it's not a singularity but something else (like a probability cloud or whatever weird quantum mechanical concept.)
But if a person is compressed and in the state of "stopping time" will he be able to move?
The time of an object falling into a black hole stops only from the perspective of an outside observer. The falling object itself experiences time passing just normally. (The outside observer will also see the object redshift to black, so it will not be able to observe it forever.)
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Democracy mode does make the gameplay more boring, but we would probably still be at the TR HQ in the same maze if not because of it. Also, it will become necessary later in the game as well (eg. as was noted by most people, Safari Zone is basically impossible in anarchy mode.) Of course democracy is now being slightly "abused" for things that wouldn't really need it. On the other hand it's nice that eg. the TR HQ lift can be solved with it relatively quickly because watching it being attempted three times in the anarchy mode would have been pretty boring in itself. I think the anarchy vs. democracy tug war is a relatively good compromise. It gives the chance to pass those spots that would take days (or even longer) otherwise, but still allows the old mode to be used most of the time. (One could also argue that ledges that took a full day to bypass had their place in the beginning, but no more.) It also has produced memes of its own.
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Anarchy mode = 25 hours in Rocket Team HQ with no progress. Democracy mode = Got the lift key, and thus allowed progress. It has its place.
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Now with 100% more tvtropes: And btw, if you want a recent history of the most notable events, try
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I think this is a rather apt interpretation of the whole experiment:
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I think "dig rat" is the major problem. Countless hours could go completely to waste with a simple random 'dig' command. The problem is that the majority of people are too afraid to deposit it. The only way to make the game progress would be if the admin were to remove the rat from the party. Or disable the start button for the duration of the maze.
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Spikestuff wrote:
The Rattata was originally placed there by mod.
Really? When and why?
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Ironically, at this moment it would be a good idea to go to the PC (Dig Rat is messing up progress) but most people are too afraid of going there because of Abby and Jay Leno...
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Scepheo wrote:
This is mostly giving me the idea that applying random input to pokémon will, eventually, beat the game.
You mean like this?
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So the problem is not the naming scheme (ie. the unnamed branch is the official WR, named branches are everything else), but how to name the named branches in a way that doesn't cause future conflicts?
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Apparently there is now a significant portion of participants who are outright trying to sabotage the project. They basically cannot go to a pokecenter to heal (and so that they will appear in that center if they faint) because whenever they go there, the vandals will do their hardest to go to the PC to release all the pokemon. Whenever they enter the pokecenter, the fighting immediately ensues...
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It's interesting how the "hive mind" works. Everybody was saying that getting Eevee is a bad idea. They go it anyway. Now they are spending countless hours trying to get rid of it... (with too many people sabotaging the plan.)
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IronSlayer wrote:
Scepheo wrote:
You keep using that word...
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Truncated wrote:
1) If virtual photons (or other virtual particles) cannot be observed directly or indirectly, is there any reason at all to assume that they exist?
Electromagnetic force is quantized, and it propagates at c in vacuum.
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marzojr wrote:
Finally: yes, moving in a more "curved" time axis changes how "far" you travel — how much proper time elapses between the endpoints. The hyperbolic nature of space-time means that, contrary to Euclidean expectations, you travel less in more curved paths through space-time than if you travel along the shortest (geodesic) path.
Would it be possible to graphically visualize this with a picture?
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"Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you: they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
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Ilari wrote:
As to why, consider if the response would just be identical to that page. If the answer was sent directly, then browsers would record that page as being received from POST, which breaks e.g. page refresh.
Does, for example, use this technique?
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In theory this should be an extremely boring movie. It's the exact same move again and again, in each round of each single fight. Every fight is almost identical. It should feel repetitive and boring. Yet in practice, very surprisingly, and like with the previous submission, it's quite entertaining. (It helps that the movie is so short.) I didn't get even close to bored or annoyed by the repetitiveness. It was surprisingly fun to watch each opponent defeated so rapidly. (Btw, what's with the screen glitches in the video? Is it a problem with the emulation?)
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So the idea is that a program can make a POST request, and then the server can tell it "ok, I got it, now go to this other URL for the results" (which it should retrieve with a GET method)? (Although one could think that why the original POST request couldn't have returned the results directly...)
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What? Lyra on a date? No, I won't accept this! Not my Lyra!
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Ilari wrote:
Warp wrote:
Could someone explain to the initiated what it means for a POST request to be changed to a GET request on HTTP redirection?
Basically, POST is form submission, and GET is fetch page. So the form data is lost (if the server didn't act on it already, and if it did, it should use 303 code).
Ok, I suppose it's good to explain what POST and GET themselves mean, but it was not what I was asking. (I know what they mean.) I expressed myself poorly. If a program (such as a browser) makes a POST request to a server, and the server returns a redirection response to another URL, why would the program make a new request to that other URL as a GET instead of the original POST? What sense does that make? (Or is it, perhaps, something else along the line that's changing the POST to a GET?) What is the purpose of the change? Why do we need to types of redirection responses, one to make the change and another to not make it? And, more importantly, why does changing the meaning of the response code break the WWW?
FractalFusion wrote:
Not hard to explain to the initiated. More like we need an explanation for the uninitiated, which most of us are.
I meant to write "uninitiated" but mistyped...