Posts for Xerophyte

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xebra wrote:
I used Google on five questions, IMDB for one question, and knew the answers to four questions. For the curious, #5 took me the longest (probably close to 30 seconds), while #1 took virtually no time at all.
Not using google to find answers on a test of your ability to search with google will skew your score rather badly. 'course, it's hard to avoid "cheating" when you know the answers beforehand, but using that knowledge still invalidates the test. Also, isn't she perpetuating the myth, not perpetrating it? I'd have guessed perpetuate if asked on the test we all just took but, according to the same test, you're better at this than I.
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Feit, D'oh Zip, *laugh*, I did wonder briefly if it was teal-man-with-pipe Ziplock when I saw the author's name. I'll try be more reverential when referencing your FAQs here in the future :p Trunc, Troy was, for all intents and purposes, a run-of-the-mill greek city state, with the same gods and so on. It just happened to be on the coast of modern day Turkey. The Illiad had the invading greeks sack the temple of Apollo, rape the high priestess of Athena and commit other assorted acts of hubris that landed them in a heap of trouble with various parts of the pantheon and made coming home alive rather challenging for most of them.
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Ooo! Tests! Google: 80% accuracy and 80% speed English: 93% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 66% Expert Bits of the last one has me curious. For example, I thought toward/towards and while/whilst were completely dialectal with no semantic difference. even seems to agree with me.
Post subject: Mmm ... Unprocessed fish sticks
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Back o' the Box says, according to some random FAQ: "Prepare yourself for the exciting confrontation with the ancient evil army. You are at the controls. The fate of throngs of suffering people held hostage by the brutal king's troops await freedom by Trojan! Release your imagination. Grab hold of the controls. For you are Trojan. Happy. Light-hearted. Spirited. Yet, often considered irresponsible. But are a superb physical being who's mastered the martial arts. Fated with relentless energy and determination, you muster courage, embarking on the challenge of invading the enemy's territory to rescue the captives from the army of the evil empire. You manipulate the controls, creating movement of Trojan's protective armored shield and the wielding of his shining sword. As Trojan, you battle knife throwing enemy troops. But watch out, for if you are hit with your opponent's weapons, you would lose your shield and sword, and would fight with your bare hands. Can Trojan and you successfully defeat the enemy and rescue the people of the world? You control their destiny!" I'm guessing Ouzo is referring to the fact that Paris was the trojan who killed Achilles in Homer's Illiad. 'course, Paris did have his arrow guided by Apollo, but about every other spear throw or sword thrust in the Illiad was guided or deflected by some deity or other so I suppose that's still fair play. Certainly no worse than being dunked in the Styx for invulnerability-sans-heel ... but, I digress. EDIT by feitclub: You cannot link directly to documents on GameFAQs. Link redirected to Trojan page.
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Spezzafer wrote:
Check the 1st, 2nd, and 4th boxes under emulator sync settings for correct playback.
Also, this is a game you very much need nitsuja's improved version for viewing. If none of that works, try to find a couple of different rom versions as that's a common culprit. Try to find a place of obtainment that uses proper GoodSNES names, so you can tell the rom versions in the first place. The .smv definitely should work...
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Very well done, 10% shaved off the old time and that run was one of the best on the site in the first place. Double-plus yes. Also, I second Truncated's comments on sound quality & need for more commentary.
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He does have an eye for tricks; provided it's the same person, which seems probable since I remember old posts about a Metroid run on the snes9x forums. Also, if he's at phantoon in 15 mins, I'd guess there's some fancy sequence breaking involved. The movie, or lack of one, will tell.
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Duke: Mathieu Pronovost tried [URL=]that[/URL] already. 's an enjoyable run, but certainly improvable.
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1) This is a very good run. I can understand that you as author think there are too many strategy misses to warrant publishing, but the entertainment value of the result is definitely not lacking. Proper job! 2) One could concievably use submitation to usurp a meaning of submission or two, for example to differentiate between the event of submitting and the material submitted (i.e. "A submitation has occured, the submission is a Super Mario RPG run") ... but I suggest not :p
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Random language lesson: The "correct spelling" is either 雷電 (thunder & lightning) or ライデン (japanese phonetisation of 雷電), unless I miss my guess, and both Raiden & Rayden are acceptable romanisations of these. However, the name would be written as Raiden under all three common romanisation systems.
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Eh, 's your video to play as you please. I'm just grumpy by nature :p Still a good run when 20 seconds shorter, so voting yes again.
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Yes vote from me. I played this game through a few times, back in the day, and could spot no mistakes at all. It also looked generally fast & impressive. The visiting of extra spots in city level 2 was for gathering necessary flutes. The Gen's press-buttons-randomly-at-movie-end bug got you killed before the end of the game was reached. It's a problem with gens and my button configuration, not the game or your playing of it, but I find it amusing. Wobbling, in contrast, is not something I find the least bit amusing. Wobbling not only makes an otherwise good movie look like it was played by a five-year-old with attention deficiency, it's also downright ugly. That people insist on doing it in every single movie amazes me to no end.
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1) Wolf3D, though old, is definitely not the original FPS. ID's own [URL=]Catacomb 3D[/URL] and [URL=]Hovertank 3D[/URL] predate it and before them we've got things like Lucasfilm's [URL=]The Eidolon[/URL] and the original Battlezone in the 80's. They're all pretty recent titles if you compare to the first real FPS; [URL=]Maze War[/URL], which first ran on NASA computers in '73. 2) I vaguely remember seeing speedruns of wolf3d before, though a quick search failed to uncover any. It'd certainly be interesting, anyhow, the game's a definite classic.
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The ambitious yet hard-to-control solution is inviting user reviews/comments/etc for all runs. I imagine it shouldn't be too difficult to implement with a wiki. The easy solution is adding some more trusted users to the site staff to take up some site running duties.
Post subject: Hate to say it, but . . .
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I voted no. Now, I mean no in the nicest possible way I can ever reject a run. It's fast, well-played and all-around excellent under the conditions set. Problem is I don't think this is a completion of the game by any meaningful definition of completion and I don't find it at all entertaining to watch. There's no impressive plays, displays of faux skill, etc; just a rather absurd glitch. To me, that's not enough merit. *Crosses fingers, hopes to avoid attracting too much ire*
Post subject: Good pick, though I'd prefer zero mission. Ah, well
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O.o - you've shortened the equivalent speedrun by 1/3rd in just a trial attempt? That's ... unbad. Very unbad. Off to watch! Edit: Ah, but Metroid games are pretty when run and even Fusion is no exception. Proper job! I don't know much about the specifics of running this one, but things looked smooth. Maybe not long-days-of-sweat, frame- and pixel perfect smooth, but still smooth. The only glaring issue was wasting a few seconds of vulnerability on some boss or other (#2 or #3, I think) due to the need to dodge for a bit, but I'm assuming that can be ironed out in a final version. Also, most impressively, you're capable of standing still! I was beginning to fear I'd never again see a run on this site that doesn't look like it's played by a hyperactive nine-year-old :)
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*Slaps forehead* I fail at reading comprehension.
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I believe virtualdub could do that for you, provided you skip the emulator input field. What do you need it for, anyhow? A frame is a frame, regardless of emulator.
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By definition, you're a pro when you do it for a living. Since there's probably not enough money in the speed running & time attack hobby to live on, I'd say there's no professional runners; amateur is as good as it gets. *Considers ranting about the irony in websites & other services charging extra for a "pro" membership, but decides not to*
Post subject: Re: Sound settings and frame precision
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FODA wrote:
i wondered... sometimes when making a run we try to make something, like a jump and we cant because of 1 frame or 1 pixel... i wonder if playing at a different sound setting would somehow enable us to succeed, since the game is "working" differently? what exactly happens at different sound rates?
I don't know much about the snes sound cpu, but I can tell you that the emulator definitely shouldn't work that way. Its sound settings have nothing to do with an actual snes and should not have an impact on game logic, anything else is a bug. As for what exactly happens when you alter the rate; the short explanation is that your computer generates sound signals in the form of sine waves and must use sums of sine waves to approximate any complicated sounds (complicated = anything other than a tuning fork). The sound rate determines how good an approximation you get, with higher including sine waves of higher frequencies in the sum. Humans can't conciously hear tones over 20 kHz and can't at all detect tones over 40 kHz (both figures are usually lower, due to age/noise abuse), so most speakers & sound systems don't offer any ranges above that.
Post subject: Been there...
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You might want to switch to using Snes9x 1.43 WIP 1, instead of final. Should fix desynchs with this and most other snes runs on the site. Edit: Everyone likes links!
Post subject: Proper job!
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Watched up until the end of time, good stuff. I assume that some fights can be optimised further, but you likely know how better than I do. Only real question mark I noticed is running around Spekkio for getting magic - isn't it possible to meet the conditions required while keeping a tighter circle? Would save you a bit of running, if so.
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Voting no, like most everyone else will soon enough. This site publishes frame perfect time attacks. Not movies of casual play, no matter how good or entertaining they may be. If you just want to show your recording to the community, please find webspace elsewhere instead of clogging up the submissions queue.
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mazzeneko wrote:
1: Well.. it really doesn't waste any time :P I just do that ..I dunno why. Better than just standing around ..perhaps?
Far as I can tell, it does waste time. Unless you time it to start as the screen allows movement, the first sprint will take Percie a shorter distance than normal. That, in turn, can make you need an extra sprint to reach the next "spawn-point", delaying you by the few frames starting a new sprint takes. It's not a big issue by any means, probably not more then a second or two over the course of the run, but I'm rather certain it costs you.
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Ah, yes, the famed mad tigers & samurai magicians of early Arthurian lore, repressed in later years by conservatives among the Vatican illuminati ... As for the game, though I'm not an expert at KoR, I have played it and I am impressed with the fighting in this run, very fluid & efficient. Bosses are manipulated very well and excess health is put to good use. However, I've a few (well, two) questions before I go vote. 1: You appear to start a sprint before you are allowed to move forward sometimes, why not wait until the screen is ready to move? 2: The outro apparently requires controller input, yet you stopped the movie right after the boss. That's going to mess up any movie encoding somewhat, so why do it? Also, it's a well known truth that the attack power of a fighting game character is inversely proportional to the amount of head hair and directly proportional to the amount of chest and facial hair. Percie's baldness at higher level should be welcomed with open arms! :p